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Suthep, 24 other PDRC leaders released on bail


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And, as I said, I can't stand liars calling others hypocrites. Now god and look at my response to your 'nothing to do with Suthep' crap.

Such a pleasant chap. Go and be bitter somewhere else.

Bitter - no. Just giving you back the accusations that you posted. No effort to keep on topic, no effort to post anything except vitriol. You need to calm down and actually try and post opinion that at least has some truth in it.

9 of the 24 UDD leaders were bailed once on terrorism charges after spending 9 months in jail. Korkaew Pikulthong was sent back to jail in November 2012 as the Criminal Court ruled he had breached his bail conditions. Arisman was denied bail then granted it after posting a bond of 6 Million baht (not 100, 000 baht) in December 2012.

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And, as I said, I can't stand liars calling others hypocrites. Now god and look at my response to your 'nothing to do with Suthep' crap.

Such a pleasant chap. Go and be bitter somewhere else.

Bitter - no. Just giving you back the accusations that you posted. No effort to keep on topic, no effort to post anything except vitriol. You need to calm down and actually try and post opinion that at least has some truth in it.

9 of the 24 UDD leaders were bailed once on terrorism charges after spending 9 months in jail. Korkaew Pikulthong was sent back to jail in November 2012 as the Criminal Court ruled he had breached his bail conditions. Arisman was denied bail then granted it after posting a bond of 6 Million baht (not 100, 000 baht) in December 2012.

If you say so. I'm just surprised that a mod didn't step in and remove the vitriol only posts - yes including mine. Now where were we on the Suthep crap?

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No no no only the reds get paid to vote,

The yellows are pure pure pure!

It's only the reds the that have been charged with insurrection and terrorism,

The yellows are pure pure pure.!

That report about all those yellows getting charged was a beat up a misprint it never happened.

Welcome to yellow lala land where all the people are as pure as the driven snow and there is no corruption or violence or guns or bombs and if there are don't worry they were planted by those evil Red Devils .

Oh what a wonderful yellow world!

Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!,,,

Time for your owner to put your hood back on.

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It took forever to arrest him,

so since it attracts so much attention,

it only seems fit to set him free again. blink.png

Hard to believe...TIT

Why is that,they released red shirts who advocated burning down Bangkok

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Anger - no. I just can't stand dishonest people.

Check out Al Jazeera, the WSJ and others. Suthep's protests actually started just after Nov 1st when the PTP bulldozed the bill through parliament. The senate rejected the bill on Nov 11th. Yes I added my opinion on what the senate was likely to do.

The truth is that Suthep did make a big difference - if you don't like it, too bad.

Must be hard dealing with yourself then, khunken. I'm not too fond of hypocritical people calling others liars, myself.

And, as I said, I can't stand liars calling others hypocrites. Now go and look at my response to your 'nothing to do with Suthep' crap.

Don't let him get you riled up. He's lost, he's bitter, he's not worthy of consideration. Ignore his prevarications and you'll feel better.

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And, as I said, I can't stand liars calling others hypocrites. Now god and look at my response to your 'nothing to do with Suthep' crap.

Such a pleasant chap. Go and be bitter somewhere else.

Bitter - no. Just giving you back the accusations that you posted. No effort to keep on topic, no effort to post anything except vitriol. You need to calm down and actually try and post opinion that at least has some truth in it.

9 of the 24 UDD leaders were bailed once on terrorism charges after spending 9 months in jail. Korkaew Pikulthong was sent back to jail in November 2012 as the Criminal Court ruled he had breached his bail conditions. Arisman was denied bail then granted it after posting a bond of 6 Million baht (not 100, 000 baht) in December 2012.

You may want to getwith reality, bail is usually determined by how violet a crime you have committed, I do not believe any part of Bangkok or the provincial capitals have been burned in the last few months

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Oh so you were actually meaning that it was just the "reds" who were paid to vote??

People, would that include those who were paid by the yellows to vote too then?

You're like a stuck record on this vote buying issue, when it's been proven time and time and time and time and time and ....am I boring you yet? and time and time and time again that it doesn't make the slightest difference to the outcome.. The issue is simple really, to win an election, you need to have more votes than the other guy, which the side you cheer lead for has never been able to do.. think about that for a little moment, and again, you keep using this word "we" you don't have a vote, nor a say in Thai politics, your wife does, you don't, so it's "they" have a say.. wink.png

Whilst you're on a morale crusade about the saving of innocent lives being lost, especially the children, perhaps you could take a moment out to reflect that not once have you ever mentioned the almost daily loss of life happening at the hands of Insurgents/extremist down in the South..thank you!! You've been so fixated in your disdain for the Reds, that you've forgotten about the war that's been ongoing for 10 years in the South wink.png

and since that war got off to a rousing start by the actions of Big T I guess you will want to blame that on Suthep as well. Have not noticed under the elected governments with affiliation to Big T not much has been done to stop that war, that not really something you want to bring up as a PTP supporter and to put a smiley face on it says a lot about you.

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Don't let him get you riled up. He's lost, he's bitter, he's not worthy of consideration. Ignore his prevarications and you'll feel better.

Sorry, who are you?

Maybe this will help. The Who - Who are you?

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Lovely lovely coup.

It is obvious that Suthep should be exonerated from any and every charge that has been made against him.

I might mention that a while ago someone even denied that Suthep can walk on water. What!!! Next thing you know, one of these commies is going to come along and say that this isn't a lovely lovely coup.

Bless the coup-makers for they will be rewarded in the afterlife.

Lovely lovely coup.

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Glad to hear he was released to the Attorney General for indictment. I think the General showed a very good move there!

I'm not so sure they were indicted, but rather just processed, in which the AG didn't have much choice but to do so.

Before the AG actually goes to court, he'll weigh the evidence to determine if any laws were broken, and then he'll consider if he has enough evidence to convict. He will certainly not pursue the case just because it was initiated by Chalerm and Tarit; in fact, considering how much the political landscape has changed in the last few days, Thaksin himself couldn't force it to happen.

Additionally, considering the legal definitions of the crimes, one should think it'll be an uphill battle. And considering how the CC have already ruled on the peaceful protesters, if the AG gets the ball rolling at all, one should think the CC will overrule or overturn it.

Thinking about it, there's a decent chance the AG might drop all the bogus DSI cases.

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Suthep planted the seed of reform in the minds of Thai's.

Those seeds are bearing fruit.

Well done guys.

Yes, well done indeed!!

Bear the fruits, bare the bottoms.

Lovely, lovely coup!!

Rejoice ye people! Thailand is safe again.

There's little doubt Thailand is more safe than it was just a few days ago.

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Many of you chaps on here are missing the point.

Bail is usually set on the basis of how likely the accused is to abscond not on how much they can afford. It is supposed to be a deterrent but in practice it is often a nonsense. Thai criminal penalties of three years in jail and/or a five thousand baht fine for example make as much sense as the British courts sentencing you to a ten shilling fine or deportation to Australia.

The punishments are simply unfair and cruel on those who can't fight back. Can you even imagine it in this day and age.... deportation to Australia. w00t.gif

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That's too bad. 100,000 baht is a drop in the bucket to these guys.

Why? It's just a token anyway, because there's no doubt that Khun Suthep will appear, .. unlike Thaksin, who worth billions, shot through and remains in hiding.

Remember what sparked the anti government protests? Or were you born yesterday. His sister tried to push through an amnesty bill that would allow him to return to Thailand and avoid the corruption charges.

His sister? Do you mean Yingluk?

Yingluk is actually Thaksin's niece. Thaksin's older sister gave birth to Yingluk and her father is not known. To save loss of face and to cover up these events, they called her a daughter and therefore she is now known as Thaksin's sister.

Another piece of deviousness from Thaksin and the Shins.

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When you look at the current state of affairs you can say only one thing -

Thanks Suthep for killing Thailand!

well thats the opinion who thinks they glass is half empty

But those who think the glass is half full

Thanks Suthep for saving Thailand!

Sure you are retired.... any business man or company can not agree with Suthep, as he did not save the economy, but killed tourism and economy !

Reading your crap posts I hope as a result of your choice, they get rid of all farangs on "O" visas.

I like to think of myself as a businessman, and I agree with Suthep.

CAPO and their bogus Emergency Decree did much more to harm tourism that Suthep ever did.

Regarding the economy: Rice sales down due to Yingluck, rice prices down due to Yingluck, can't sell new cars due to Yingluck, inflation on the rise because of a poorly implemented minimum raise increase due to Yingluck, one could go on and on...

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Thailand even got a little safer today as a combined team of marines and rangers captured 2 of 3 suspects in the killing of children in Trat a while ago - Bangkok Post are reporting.

The third one escaped with a shotgun and apparently shot dead one of the rangers. There is a large manhunt out to apprehend the alleged killer.

A red shirt 'cell' for sure with no weapons found but some red paraphernalia. The 2 arrested have been taken to an undisclosed location to 'prevent any mastermind(s) from silencing them'.

The military can teach the police a thing or two in finding and arresting dangerous criminals.

Edited by khunken
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Oh so you were actually meaning that it was just the "reds" who were paid to vote??

People, would that include those who were paid by the yellows to vote too then?

You're like a stuck record on this vote buying issue, when it's been proven time and time and time and time and time and ....am I boring you yet? and time and time and time again that it doesn't make the slightest difference to the outcome.. The issue is simple really, to win an election, you need to have more votes than the other guy, which the side you cheer lead for has never been able to do.. think about that for a little moment, and again, you keep using this word "we" you don't have a vote, nor a say in Thai politics, your wife does, you don't, so it's "they" have a say.. wink.png

Whilst you're on a morale crusade about the saving of innocent lives being lost, especially the children, perhaps you could take a moment out to reflect that not once have you ever mentioned the almost daily loss of life happening at the hands of Insurgents/extremist down in the South..thank you!! You've been so fixated in your disdain for the Reds, that you've forgotten about the war that's been ongoing for 10 years in the South wink.png

and since that war got off to a rousing start by the actions of Big T I guess you will want to blame that on Suthep as well. Have not noticed under the elected governments with affiliation to Big T not much has been done to stop that war, that not really something you want to bring up as a PTP supporter and to put a smiley face on it says a lot about you.

On the contrary, why would I want to blame Suthep for the war in the South? Kind of silly really don't you think? If anything I'd say that the reason the war in the South has dragged on and had so many casualties, civilian and military is that the RTA are unable to control the region, and that they're not suited to counter insurgency engagements, and that the Military hasn't done enough... but that's just me, and you're another one that seems to think I'm a PTP supporter, I'm not, I'll repeat what I've said countless times, IF I was a Thai, and had a vote, I'd vote for Abhisit and the democrats, you're inability to comprehend that just because people don't like Suthep doesn't equate to being a PTP supporter either, they, the PTP never did anything to impress me to say "yep, I like what they're saying and standing for, they'd get my vote...if I was a Thai" ;) just because I don't like Turkey doesn't make me a vegetarian !!!!

I guess seeing as you seem to know me so well, I guess you have never read the posts that said I was a supporter of the protests right up to the point when they decided to block the polling stations and infringe on the rights of those who wanted to vote...nope, you're just another ill informed member who makes "assumptions" and seem to know my own train of though better than I do, any chance you can let me know when I need to go for a dump then seeing as you know so much about how my mind works??

Oh and the smiley thing, reference the war going on in the South is my way of saying to the poster ,you chose to highlight a 7 month protest where sadly there has been a number of casualties, whilst failing to acknowledge that there has been a considerable larger number killed, who were only going about their daily business. It's called denail..and that isn't just a river in Egypt.

The fact that I'm highlighting there is a civil war already ongoing in the South, where people are dying constantly, not because they're choosing to express their dislike for the establishment, but they're dying because they're in a war zone.. and are every bit as innocent, and no less important that those souls who lost their lives in Bangkok who were exercising their right to protest.. so please spare me the lecture of using a smiley to highlight that some people can't see the wood for the trees, and understand that people are being killed by acts of aggression by a minority outside of Bangkok, and have been for the last 10 years.

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That's too bad. 100,000 baht is a drop in the bucket to these guys.

Why? It's just a token anyway, because there's no doubt that Khun Suthep will appear, .. unlike Thaksin, who worth billions, shot through and remains in hiding.

Remember what sparked the anti government protests? Or were you born yesterday. His sister tried to push through an amnesty bill that would allow him to return to Thailand and avoid the corruption charges.

His sister? Do you mean Yingluk?

Yingluk is actually Thaksin's niece. Thaksin's older sister gave birth to Yingluk and her father is not known. To save loss of face and to cover up these events, they called her a daughter and therefore she is now known as Thaksin's sister.

Another piece of deviousness from Thaksin and the Shins.

Good grief, you scape the bottom of the barrel in your hatred don't you! Just lies - where did you get that gem from, the little yellow book of bile or was it cartalucchi?

She is one of 10 children - her father was Lert Shinawatra, her mother was Yindee Ramingwong, as indeed were Thaksins mother and father.


You really are one unpleasant individual.

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Oh so you were actually meaning that it was just the "reds" who were paid to vote??

People, would that include those who were paid by the yellows to vote too then?

You're like a stuck record on this vote buying issue, when it's been proven time and time and time and time and time and ....am I boring you yet? and time and time and time again that it doesn't make the slightest difference to the outcome.. The issue is simple really, to win an election, you need to have more votes than the other guy, which the side you cheer lead for has never been able to do.. think about that for a little moment, and again, you keep using this word "we" you don't have a vote, nor a say in Thai politics, your wife does, you don't, so it's "they" have a say.. wink.png

Whilst you're on a morale crusade about the saving of innocent lives being lost, especially the children, perhaps you could take a moment out to reflect that not once have you ever mentioned the almost daily loss of life happening at the hands of Insurgents/extremist down in the South..thank you!! You've been so fixated in your disdain for the Reds, that you've forgotten about the war that's been ongoing for 10 years in the South wink.png

and since that war got off to a rousing start by the actions of Big T I guess you will want to blame that on Suthep as well. Have not noticed under the elected governments with affiliation to Big T not much has been done to stop that war, that not really something you want to bring up as a PTP supporter and to put a smiley face on it says a lot about you.

On the contrary, why would I want to blame Suthep for the war in the South? Kind of silly really don't you think? If anything I'd say that the reason the war in the South has dragged on and had so many casualties, civilian and military is that the RTA are unable to control the region, and that they're not suited to counter insurgency engagements, and that the Military hasn't done enough... but that's just me, and you're another one that seems to think I'm a PTP supporter, I'm not, I'll repeat what I've said countless times, IF I was a Thai, and had a vote, I'd vote for Abhisit and the democrats, you're inability to comprehend that just because people don't like Suthep doesn't equate to being a PTP supporter either, they, the PTP never did anything to impress me to say "yep, I like what they're saying and standing for, they'd get my vote...if I was a Thai" wink.png just because I don't like Turkey doesn't make me a vegetarian !!!!

I guess seeing as you seem to know me so well, I guess you have never read the posts that said I was a supporter of the protests right up to the point when they decided to block the polling stations and infringe on the rights of those who wanted to vote...nope, you're just another ill informed member who makes "assumptions" and seem to know my own train of though better than I do, any chance you can let me know when I need to go for a dump then seeing as you know so much about how my mind works??

Oh and the smiley thing, reference the war going on in the South is my way of saying to the poster ,you chose to highlight a 7 month protest where sadly there has been a number of casualties, whilst failing to acknowledge that there has been a considerable larger number killed, who were only going about their daily business. It's called denail..and that isn't just a river in Egypt.

The fact that I'm highlighting there is a civil war already ongoing in the South, where people are dying constantly, not because they're choosing to express their dislike for the establishment, but they're dying because they're in a war zone.. and are every bit as innocent, and no less important that those souls who lost their lives in Bangkok who were exercising their right to protest.. so please spare me the lecture of using a smiley to highlight that some people can't see the wood for the trees, and understand that people are being killed by acts of aggression by a minority outside of Bangkok, and have been for the last 10 years.

The insurgency in the south is not really on topic in this thread. But as you've dragged it up as an attempted means of deflection to the 28 deaths linked to the just finished protests - a few corrections.

The Military are not in charge of security in the deep south. That is ISOC a joint army, police and various ranger groups effort to control and stem the violence there. There have been atrocities on both sides - Tak Bai, Krue Se and many successful and unsuccessful to kill teachers, local authorities and ISOC personnel. There also have been a number of torture allegations usually silenced through intimidation or cash.

The violence flared up around 2004 when Thaksin dismantled the peace keeping organisation that included locals as well as army and police. He basically put the police in charge and proceeded to launch his 'war on drugs' which killed many innocent people (c2,5oo in all) and included many in the south allegedly dealing in drugs. The combined authoritarian & ignorant interference & allowed extra-judicial killing led to a raid on a military camp where many weapons were stolen and a number of personnel killed.

So the insurgents had reasons to fight as well as the weapons. More recent moves by PTP - putting Chalerm in charge, transferring the ISOC head to aid putting a clan member as police chief has not helped but no government since 2004 has had the guts to allow a degree of autonomy in the deep south which would very likely take the wind out of the insurgent's sails.

Changing the subject somewhat, the 1997 constitution had a number of clauses (maintained in the 2007 version AFAIK) suggesting devolution. It never happened and oddly enough Suthep made some interesting suggestions along those lines - suggestions ignored in the fog of hatred against him. It's needed in the south and probably Chiang Mai too - along the lines of Bangkok.

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I thought he was on charges of sedition and terrorism... apparently not, sadly.

The sedition charges are for his activities over the last six months. The terrorism (and murder) charges are from 2010 and are really pretty bogus. They were really just retaliation for the bogus charges against the Red Shirt leaders.

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I think that Khun Suthep and the other Anti-Demonstration leaders should get a metal for sticking their necks out and peacefully leading demonstrations for six month, even so fellow demonstrators kept getting attacked, injured and killed.

If it was not for Khun Suthep and all the faithful demonstrators out there, Thaksin would be back with full Amnesty and the would continue raping the Country. wai2.gif

Correct, without Suthep et al, the camel herder would have ended up with all charges dropped and forgotten, however I doubt if he has the necessary b_alls to ever step foot back on Thai soil in the near future - too many big guns pointing in his direction.

Not correct at all. The Amnesty Bill was blocked by the Senate and thrown out. Nothing to do with suthep at all.

sorry to burst your bubble

But you are wrong big time

The Amnesty Bill was blocked by the Senate and sent back to the house of Reps

who could rule the act as law after 180 days had elapsed

that was stopped not by Suthep, he could not do this alone

It was the Thai people who protested

Sutheo was only a figure head

True. Thanks for clarifying that. Suthep also managed to keep the protests going for another six month, which was amazing and most people did not think he would succeed in doing what he accomplished.

He put his head and his a** on the line and accomplished what he wanted...

I know, there are a lot of people unhappy with the end result (I am not), but it does not take away from the amazing job Suthep and his team did.

By amazing job, I mean accomplishing what they tried to do, for the most part by peaceful means and always advocating non-violence, throughout the six months of protests.

End result so far...

1. Thaksins influence has shrunk a lot in Thailand

2. The rice farmers are getting paid promptly

3. The amnesty law got stopped

4. It is now possible to have reforms before elections

What the military does with this, is not quite clear yet, but so far, things seem to be going good. The military so far....

1. Got rid of the demonstrations from both sides

2. Made money available to pay the rice farmers right away

3. Got most people from both sides to show up, when summoned

4. Got Suthep and some other people to court to face their charges

5. Effectively shut down propaganda radio and TV stations from both sides

I think, they will need to rule with an "iron fist", for a while, to discourage any more insurrections and talk of splitting up this beautiful Nation. If they do a good job, people will be happy and most of them will go along with whatever happens, as long as they see some benefits for themselves.

Of course, you will see the "West", trying to undermine them and they will try to starve out Thailand economically, in order to get what they want. Only the rallying cry of Nationalism will hold things together now, I would think. It will unite Thai people against Nations that would do them harm, economically or otherwise.

I know, a lot of expats are unhappy that their playgrounds close early every night now, but that should not last too long. I have a feeling, that the curfew will be lifted soon. For the sake of Thai tourism, I am hoping that it will be real soon, because many tourists book quite a few months in advance and if they don't see Thailand as the best alternative, they might spend this winter somewhere else.

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9 of the 24 UDD leaders were bailed once on terrorism charges after spending 9 months in jail. Korkaew Pikulthong was sent back to jail in November 2012 as the Criminal Court ruled he had breached his bail conditions. Arisman was denied bail then granted it after posting a bond of 6 Million baht (not 100, 000 baht) in December 2012.

Regarding Arisman: wasn't the unusual (for Thailand) bail amount set after he ran away?

The bail amounts themselves are meaningless when it comes to most Thai politicians and wealthy businessmen, not like

it would make a huge obstacle one way or another.

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9 of the 24 UDD leaders were bailed once on terrorism charges after spending 9 months in jail. Korkaew Pikulthong was sent back to jail in November 2012 as the Criminal Court ruled he had breached his bail conditions. Arisman was denied bail then granted it after posting a bond of 6 Million baht (not 100, 000 baht) in December 2012.

Regarding Arisman: wasn't the unusual (for Thailand) bail amount set after he ran away?

The bail amounts themselves are meaningless when it comes to most Thai politicians and wealthy businessmen, not like

it would make a huge obstacle one way or another.

Arisman left the country as he feared for his life - 5 UDD local leaders were killed in the days and weeks after the 19th May. He surrendered to the authorities when he deemed the political climate was safe to do so. He was hardly likely to be a flight risk after the he had surrended himself was he?

The bail amounts are significant when you compare sutheps bail with the bail amounts set for UDD supporters who were jailed for breaking the emergency decree in 2010. These amounts were not achievable for them and resulted in them remaining in jail. Others were refused bail repeatedly. Then we Sondhi for example - bailed 6 times, the last time for lese majeste, the charge before that 20 years for corruption. He hasn't seen the inside of a jail once. That is what is wrong with the judicial system - well there are others things wrong but it would not be prudent to mention them in the current climate

Edited by fab4
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Ha! There was another recent threat in which many here were asserting that the new regime was being even-handed in its treatment of all sides while others said in reply, 'wait and see'. Looks like those 'others' were right. Abhisit has been out for a while and now sometime-friends, the PDRC, are also enjoying their freedom. Not so for the other side. The mask is falling quickly...

YL is free too.

But anyone not understanding that keeping the reds a bit longer to make sure there are no terrorist attacks or uprisings v.s no risk from the anti government side is not thinking clear.

The army wants to prevent a red uprising that could cost countless lives if it happens. Now without leaders and finances those chances are less. There is no risk from the anti government to do such a thing.

Logic dear friend logic.

Do not be smug, there will always be a leader where there is a just cause. Another will come forward for sure.

Where's Robin Hood when you need him

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9 of the 24 UDD leaders were bailed once on terrorism charges after spending 9 months in jail. Korkaew Pikulthong was sent back to jail in November 2012 as the Criminal Court ruled he had breached his bail conditions. Arisman was denied bail then granted it after posting a bond of 6 Million baht (not 100, 000 baht) in December 2012.

Regarding Arisman: wasn't the unusual (for Thailand) bail amount set after he ran away?

The bail amounts themselves are meaningless when it comes to most Thai politicians and wealthy businessmen, not like

it would make a huge obstacle one way or another.

Arisman left the country as he feared for his life - 4 UDD members were killed in the days and weeks after the 19th May. He surrendered to the authorities when he deemed the political climate was safe to do so. He was hardly likely to be a flight risk after the he had surrended himself was he?

The bail amounts are significant when you compare sutheps bail with the bail amounts set for UDD supporters who were jailed for breaking the emergency decree in 2010. These amounts were not achievable for them and resulted in them remaining in jail. Others were refused bail repeatedly. Then we Sondhi for example - bailed 6 times, the last time for lese majeste, the charge before that 20 years for corruption. He hasn't seen the inside of a jail once. That is what is wrong with the judicial system - well there are others things wrong but it would not be prudent to mention them in the current climate

"These amounts were not achievable for them and resulted in them remaining in jail."

You fail to mention the amount. Also you might remember that only some of the UDD leaders were helped by Pheu Thai MPs guaranteeing bail whereas the poor cannon fodder was left to rot and garnish symphaty fro the 'cause'.

Anyway, here we had Suthep brought to court by the Army to hear the formal charge of 'premediatated murder as private person'. Let the court case proceed thumbsup.gif

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