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I can see a pattern as well and the pattern is in your inconsistent thought processes.

#1 you have never dated a anyone from the internet so how can you possibly even partake in this thread SP and bash the site along with HD?

#2 You obviously have some big big money to spend on dating. You ask her where she wants to go, and then you just go there? Doesnt matter how much? You are not in the average if you can afford to take women out for 3000 or more when dating a few times a week. This you say after you agree with HD's post that Thaifriendly is "full of hideous and desperate sad losers."

#3 Please read your post #49 again. In it, you discourage "lonely old men from cashing in their chips" and "its better to get into something with their eyes open and not become a mug." In my opinion, a mug is a man who spends lavishly on a first meeting only to find the woman is not interested in him when they meet. Chemistry is so important in relationships, and if there is no chemistry on the first date, why risk a boat load of money?

Im not he OP, but this thread has brought me to the defense of online dating whether it be Thaifriendly or other sites. They are not all as bad as some might think, and please, before you go and bash them, give them a try. You might find your sweetheart out there.

Whats your idea of a classy place to meet an internet date for the first time and how much should you spend? Lets say you have never met her before, and you are currently playing the field with a few different women, and you dont have a steady GF yet. And lets also say in the process of finding your Ms. Right, you like to date 3 times a week, not for sex, just to meet women for the first time. Dating can get expensive if your first dates are always going to be 1000 baht first dates. Ot maybe I am just a cheapskate not wanting to spend 1000 baht on a first date.

Sitting in a drive through car wash with a bag of peanuts would be a classier first date than an MK restaurant.

and here we go again...fixated on the cost of date, I can see a pattern developing here...maybe this is why Southerndrawl is not having much success...

I have never dated anyone from the internet, but if I did, as a gentleman, I would enquire as where the young lady would like eat, if she didn't know, I would suggest a few possible locations based on her culinary preferences (not MK,McD's/KFC BTW) and we would have dinner at the selected location with the intent of having and enjoyable evening, if at the end of the evening, I have had an enjoyable time, I couldn't really care if I have spent THB 1k, THB 5k, 10k...

I have had a goodnight out, now here is the clever bit, if both parties are not "clicking" one suspects the evening will be cheaper, simply because one or both parties want to get out of the place as quickly as possible... thumbsup.gif

Edited by Southerndrawl
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If you were unsuccessful with normal women in your home country, you will be unsuccessful with normal women here.

The difference being, plenty of hookers for hire at cheap rates over here.

Althoufh I disagree with painting everyone with the same.brush,

I.completely.agree with you

If you've a loser.back.home.what makes.you think.you deserve to be a Casanova somewhere else

Unfortunately, most losers don't understand this and come on here asking "I'm 60, old,.fat and.ugly,.why don't I have 25 year old fhm models throwing themselves at me!"


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I can see a pattern as well and the pattern is in your inconsistent thought processes.

#1 you have never dated a anyone from the internet so how can you possibly even partake in this thread SP and bash the site along with HD?

#2 You obviously have some big big money to spend on dating. You ask her where she wants to go, and then you just go there? Doesnt matter how much? You are not in the average if you can afford to take women out for 3000 or more when dating a few times a week. This you say after you agree with HD's post that Thaifriendly is "full of hideous and desperate sad losers."

#3 Please read your post #49 again. In it, you discourage "lonely old men from cashing in their chips" and "its better to get into something with their eyes open and not become a mug." In my opinion, a mug is a man who spends lavishly on a first meeting only to find the woman is not interested in him when they meet. Chemistry is so important in relationships, and if there is no chemistry on the first date, why risk a boat load of money?

Im not he OP, but this thread has brought me to the defense of online dating whether it be Thaifriendly or other sites. They are not all as bad as some might think, and please, before you go and bash them, give them a try. You might find your sweetheart out there.

Your really missing the point Southerndrawl, you fixated with cost cost cost in finding a suitable candidate dear boy and this will put a barrier in the way of finding someone suitable, simply because it is at the forefront of all your thoughts..

lets suppose you did find someone who you had chemistry with, and it became apparent to you that this lady would be a "high cost" proposition if you took her on as a GF..I wager you would end the "relationship" irrespective of chemistry on the basis of perceived cost alone..thumbsup.gif

I don't have big big money, but could I date a few women a week at THB 3k a pop ? yes...but one suspects Mrs S. would object and try to remove my testicles with a blunt knife if she found out...w00t.gif

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SP I think its best to think about the end game (long term goal) instead of thinking about how youre going to get her clothes off. Yes, if you are just looking for sex, thats fine, spend a whopping amount of money on the first date, get her liquored up, hope you will get some sex, and hopefully she will not cost you an arm and a leg in the long run since you are about to get into a relationship with a girl you barely know.

You ask these questions in jest (calories, hair products, etc), but seriously, without getting nitpicky, have you never asked a woman about her finances, her family, her cost of living before deciding to make her your GF? If you ask me, thats a recipe for disaster. I like to start with finding out about a girl before I have sex with her. Your way of "lust in the first instance at least.. the love/relationship bit comes later" is exactly what people searching for love online should avoid at all costs, and especially that "lonely old man with a bulge in his pants" you refer to in post 49.

If all you are thinking on your first date is how you are going to get into her pants, you are not a gentleman, and despite how much you spend on your first date, she is going to know that. Nice guys might finish last, but they also have great relationships.

I guess the quote you used "how much is this going to cost me to get into her panties" is one on your mind, not on my mind when I go out with a girl Im considering to be my GF. Try not to put words in my mouth, thanks. I never used that quote and never thought that. I did not go on Thaifriendly to find sex, I went there to find a GF and was successful as were many others.

Where are living ? in Thailand or in Victorian England in a Jayne Austin novel..?

Let me guess you have check list for all suitable candidates on your computer ?

how many calories she consumes per day ?

Which side does she part her hair ?

does she have her own transport ?

how much hair product she uses per month ?

Does she own her own property ?

does she have an MBA

once said check list is filled in, you run an financial spreadsheet to determine how much said prospective GF will cost per month to take her on ?

Your missing a fundamental part of the equation dear boy... in most cases the foundation to a relationship is lust in the first instance at least.. the love/relationship bit comes later...rolleyes.gif......this may be why you are not having any success...the young lady is sitting expecting a nice little game of hide the sausage at the conclusion of the Al la carte meal at MK and she is not getting it...whistling.gif

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I hear what you are saying. Maybe I am fixated on the cost because there are at least 1 million posts on here and the internet warning us gullible farang to not invest too much too soon. I have been there and done that, and it still hurts when i think about it.

A word to the wise is sufficient. Any woman you meet anywhere might have skeletons in the closet, so its best to be careful and find out as much as you can before you fall head over heels. For me it was just easier to meet women online, chat with them, find out about them, and then finally meet them and enjoy the meeting.

I can see a pattern as well and the pattern is in your inconsistent thought processes.

#1 you have never dated a anyone from the internet so how can you possibly even partake in this thread SP and bash the site along with HD?

#2 You obviously have some big big money to spend on dating. You ask her where she wants to go, and then you just go there? Doesnt matter how much? You are not in the average if you can afford to take women out for 3000 or more when dating a few times a week. This you say after you agree with HD's post that Thaifriendly is "full of hideous and desperate sad losers."

#3 Please read your post #49 again. In it, you discourage "lonely old men from cashing in their chips" and "its better to get into something with their eyes open and not become a mug." In my opinion, a mug is a man who spends lavishly on a first meeting only to find the woman is not interested in him when they meet. Chemistry is so important in relationships, and if there is no chemistry on the first date, why risk a boat load of money?

Im not he OP, but this thread has brought me to the defense of online dating whether it be Thaifriendly or other sites. They are not all as bad as some might think, and please, before you go and bash them, give them a try. You might find your sweetheart out there.

Your really missing the point Southerndrawl, you fixated with cost cost cost in finding a suitable candidate dear boy and this will put a barrier in the way of finding someone suitable, simply because it is at the forefront of all your thoughts..

lets suppose you did find someone who you had chemistry with, and it became apparent to you that this lady would be a "high cost" proposition if you took her on as a GF..I wager you would end the "relationship" irrespective of chemistry on the basis of perceived cost alone..thumbsup.gif

I don't have big big money, but could I date a few women a week at THB 3k a pop ? yes...but one suspects Mrs S. would object and try to remove my testicles with a blunt knife if she found out...w00t.gif

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Neeranam, has the green-eyed jealousy monster been getting to you.

House was a present from her parents and the apartment built with a legacy from her father and her own money, she is a scientist at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok.

Pigeonjake, absolutely fallen on my feet.

She is just putting me on the Thai government healthcare system now we are married.

I have met quite a few of her former schoolmates in Ubon, and they will be taking care of my medical and dental needs up there, but am not quite sure how to take the Army Colonel, he was a bit scary but I think his gynaecologist wife keeps him in line.

As for the Bangkok friends, all professional people, quite a few of whom escaped the hellish weather of April by taking vacations in Europe.

I can honestly say I feel very lucky biggrin.png

And local spa's hair-stylist - total-man groomer ?

Would he be what the rest of us refer to as a proctologist ?

And don't bother with your "jealousy" presumptions or your bluddy social-connection pretentious.

I rolled in here decades ago with what turned out to be "better-than-gold" portfolio, first job was for a global ad agency, my first girl-friend was a Miss Thailand contender and I just waited for things to get better.

With 3, on the go now I am considering a second apartment for treats and rendezvous's.

I keep a full-time gal who cooks European, Mexican and Thai, a hi-so tart who I party with when she wants to piss off her friends.

I support her and her lovely Uni student daughter.

Latest companion is a late-twenties office gal who still lives with her parents who allow her late evenings to gang-watch US TV series and drink wine with her mysterious "papa".

"I gloe up wit' compuTER" was her pitch to me. I can build and hack anyt'ing."

Big crooked-tooth smile, killer bod and an abiding curiosity about the porn she's been watching since she was old enough to use a router. She teaches me about computers at the moment.

So three.


That's right.


The stay-at-home helpmate is my regular day-to-day.

My rich party-gal teases me about my Isaan wife's Caesar salad being made with pla-raa

The sexy computer nerd knows about the occasional date or weekend with the rich tart but not about the Isaan housemate.

She will soon be getting a guided tour of "Kyra"

Much like many a Thai Visa finger-wager, my grown-up "kids" in back in "the Old Country" might do better when my will is read if they'd stop criticizing Dad's lifestyle choices.

So I while I don't think I should ever have 'em all in the same loom with a case of Sauvignon Blanc, I enjoy each of them for who they are and what they are.

Me? I see no reason to marry any of them.

I don't feel lucky, I feel as if I know what I am doing.

Oh yeah. No kids.

I absolutely do not want any kids.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Buddy, you're starting to sound like whereustay. I believe you nonetheless, it's just the principle of not sounding like that jerk.

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SP I think its best to think about the end game (long term goal) instead of thinking about how youre going to get her clothes off. Yes, if you are just looking for sex, thats fine, spend a whopping amount of money on the first date, get her liquored up, hope you will get some sex, and hopefully she will not cost you an arm and a leg in the long run since you are about to get into a relationship with a girl you barely know.

You ask these questions in jest (calories, hair products, etc), but seriously, without getting nitpicky, have you never asked a woman about her finances, her family, her cost of living before deciding to make her your GF? If you ask me, thats a recipe for disaster. I like to start with finding out about a girl before I have sex with her. Your way of "lust in the first instance at least.. the love/relationship bit comes later" is exactly what people searching for love online should avoid at all costs, and especially that "lonely old man with a bulge in his pants" you refer to in post 49.

If all you are thinking on your first date is how you are going to get into her pants, you are not a gentleman, and despite how much you spend on your first date, she is going to know that. Nice guys might finish last, but they also have great relationships.

Your being far too clinical in your quest for a relationship and trying to think too far ahead..... In my first marriage, I had known lady concerned since we where children, same group of friends, grown up together, same values, interests etc., i.e. We had far more in common than the average farang/Thai relationship and we didn't need to communicate with each other talking baby English...

I knew just about everything there was to know about my prospective wife, therefore if I had used your rational and approach, your analysis method we would conclude we were a perfect match ?..guess what 13 years married and the whole thing went pear shaped...so your analytical approach to a "great relationship" will not help you in the least in both short and long term..simply because you have no idea what is going to happen long term any way...

Nice guys might finish last, but they also have great relationships.....actually its the "nice" guys that usually get taken to the cleaners in Thailand..thumbsup.gif

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southern,how is never having dated anyone from the Internet (which isn't a real place you know)a bad thing?

I'd be too scared to date anyone online, just in case they turned out to be you HD !

please don't...you have just planted an image in my head of HD in a little red number, high heel shoes, unshaved hairy legs and a come hither look on his 2 day stubbled mug, you going to scar me for life...bah.gif

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SP I guess there must be a way here in Thailand to stop thinking too far ahead, but also protect yourself from being a nice guy and get taken to the cleaners. Im just trying to emphasize that being lustful here can cost you big time in the long run.

Being clinical might not sound so romantic and glamorous, but hopefully it will prevent me and others from being the nice guys taken to the cleaners. haha

Maybe you and your ex wife werent a "perfect" match, but maybe you two were a good match with lots in common. Striving for a "perfect match" keeps some of my friends and family from finding anyone.

I know that a person can not know what will happen in the future, but I think its still a good idea to plan as if your dreams and goals will turn into reality.

I wish you the best in your current relationship.

SP I think its best to think about the end game (long term goal) instead of thinking about how youre going to get her clothes off. Yes, if you are just looking for sex, thats fine, spend a whopping amount of money on the first date, get her liquored up, hope you will get some sex, and hopefully she will not cost you an arm and a leg in the long run since you are about to get into a relationship with a girl you barely know.

You ask these questions in jest (calories, hair products, etc), but seriously, without getting nitpicky, have you never asked a woman about her finances, her family, her cost of living before deciding to make her your GF? If you ask me, thats a recipe for disaster. I like to start with finding out about a girl before I have sex with her. Your way of "lust in the first instance at least.. the love/relationship bit comes later" is exactly what people searching for love online should avoid at all costs, and especially that "lonely old man with a bulge in his pants" you refer to in post 49.

If all you are thinking on your first date is how you are going to get into her pants, you are not a gentleman, and despite how much you spend on your first date, she is going to know that. Nice guys might finish last, but they also have great relationships.

Your being far too clinical in your quest for a relationship and trying to think too far ahead..... In my first marriage, I had known lady concerned since we where children, same group of friends, grown up together, same values, interests etc., i.e. We had far more in common than the average farang/Thai relationship and we didn't need to communicate with each other talking baby English...

I knew just about everything there was to know about my prospective wife, therefore if I had used your rational and approach, your analysis method we would conclude we were a perfect match ?..guess what 13 years married and the whole thing went pear shaped...so your analytical approach to a "great relationship" will not help you in the least in both short and long term..simply because you have no idea what is going to happen long term any way...

Nice guys might finish last, but they also have great relationships.....actually its the "nice" guys that usually get taken to the cleaners in Thailand..thumbsup.gif

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This is how you play Stairway to Heaven!

Wobble-board rules.

Mate, you may not realize how inappropriate that video is.....laugh.png

you do know he is in court currently accused of being a pedo...rolleyes.gif

Edited by Soutpeel
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we,ll get there one day,,lol

I can actually play most if it, granted not with Jimmy Page's flare and phrasing, but can get through it just about...laugh.png

anyone want to buy me a twin neck Gibson so I can practice ?

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My experience was that in two months I talked to over 100 women, it really increased my reading and writing ability in Thai (I wrote my profile in Thai). Out of all of these women only about 40% of them were from CM or somewhere close like Phayao. I ignored any girl who dressed waaay too revealing. Sure they look great, but if the bait is the exposed flesh, what's the trap? I met 6 girls total, 3 of them brought friends along for the first date. I didn't click with the first 5 but we have stayed friends and are in contact still. The last one was an off chance. We had been talking about traveling within the country and sharing pictures, she's 10 years younger than I am (32/22) so I wasn't planning on anything. We met when our other plans fell through 5 months back and it's been great. Met her family and they extremely nice and giving. They are well off enough and there will not be any sick buffalo.

I simply talked to girls about their interests and didn't spout off all that "You are so sexy" BS that so many guys post. Then I talked to them.

The scam artists ran when they knew I could speak Thai and read a bit, because I would be able to catch them. Actually talking to them for a bit showed which ones were genuinely interested.

I also had about a 50% reply rate.

As for people talking about "why the hell would you use a dating site, especially in Thailand?" Why not, it's not like I wasn't dating other girls I met around town, through friends, etc.

Though the only crazy Thai girl I have been with was met at a bar (Thai bar, not a girly bar)

And lastly I did what I felt like doing and tend not to care what people on the internet think.

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Every man make their own choices.. some of them has to be bad.. I hope you all know that nobody's perfect, a good relationship is about accepting each other for who we are :) I wish you all the best of luck in your search for a nice partner. For the haters I just feel pitty

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Neeranam, has the green-eyed jealousy monster been getting to you.

House was a present from her parents and the apartment built with a legacy from her father and her own money, she is a scientist at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok.

Pigeonjake, absolutely fallen on my feet.

She is just putting me on the Thai government healthcare system now we are married.

I have met quite a few of her former schoolmates in Ubon, and they will be taking care of my medical and dental needs up there, but am not quite sure how to take the Army Colonel, he was a bit scary but I think his gynaecologist wife keeps him in line.

As for the Bangkok friends, all professional people, quite a few of whom escaped the hellish weather of April by taking vacations in Europe.

I can honestly say I feel very lucky biggrin.png

And local spa's hair-stylist - total-man groomer ?

Would he be what the rest of us refer to as a proctologist ?

And don't bother with your "jealousy" presumptions or your bluddy social-connection pretentious.

I rolled in here decades ago with what turned out to be "better-than-gold" portfolio, first job was for a global ad agency, my first girl-friend was a Miss Thailand contender and I just waited for things to get better.

With 3, on the go now I am considering a second apartment for treats and rendezvous's.

I keep a full-time gal who cooks European, Mexican and Thai, a hi-so tart who I party with when she wants to piss off her friends.

I support her and her lovely Uni student daughter.

Latest companion is a late-twenties office gal who still lives with her parents who allow her late evenings to gang-watch US TV series and drink wine with her mysterious "papa".

"I gloe up wit' compuTER" was her pitch to me. I can build and hack anyt'ing."

Big crooked-tooth smile, killer bod and an abiding curiosity about the porn she's been watching since she was old enough to use a router. She teaches me about computers at the moment.

So three.


That's right.


The stay-at-home helpmate is my regular day-to-day.

My rich party-gal teases me about my Isaan wife's Caesar salad being made with pla-raa

The sexy computer nerd knows about the occasional date or weekend with the rich tart but not about the Isaan housemate.

She will soon be getting a guided tour of "Kyra"

Much like many a Thai Visa finger-wager, my grown-up "kids" in back in "the Old Country" might do better when my will is read if they'd stop criticizing Dad's lifestyle choices.

So I while I don't think I should ever have 'em all in the same loom with a case of Sauvignon Blanc, I enjoy each of them for who they are and what they are.

Me? I see no reason to marry any of them.

I don't feel lucky, I feel as if I know what I am doing.

Oh yeah. No kids.

I absolutely do not want any kids.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Buddy, you're starting to sound like whereustay. I believe you nonetheless, it's just the principle of not sounding like that jerk.

The money you save by not needing dick pills will be put towards the Isaan kid's graduation present.

It's a sustainable development situation all way 'round.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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