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Cops closing GoGo Bars in Pattaya

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To come back on the subject,

most agogos in Soi LK were open at 7PM,

but in "discrete/quiet mode" with few light or music outside.


This is very unusual because most bars are owned by the Thai police, or have a vested interest in them.

I understand that a lot of the Pattaya cops have been shipped to Bangkok & they sent their cops down here

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Pattaya was never an R&R destination; there may have been some GIs who came down from their R&R in Bangkok, or AF folks from Utapao, but Pattaya was never a major destination.

The officers were based in Bang Saray where the Bang Saray Condominium and club is....did they not venture into Patters?


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To come back on the subject,
most agogos in Soi LK were open at 7PM,
but in "discrete/quiet mode" with few light or music outside.

This is very unusual because most bars are owned by the Thai police, or have a vested interest in them.

Maybe only curfew period

Some interesting history lessons up there, but I suspect that the answer to this lies in whatever opening hours are specified in those bars' licences.

Enforcement is of course variable, but some would be surprised at what the licensed opening hours are, including in Soi 6 and Walking Street. facepalm.gif


good news with luck the Thais might clean up the mess the US made of this wonderful country during there RnR visits way back.

Any nonsensical excuse for yet another anti-America bash will do, eh. Trollin' trollin, trollin'--keep them doggies trollin' . . . .

The origins of Pattaya have been discussed repeatedly ad nauseam w/ testimonials from countless witnesses. Do a forum search for the full monty. The conclusion is always the same: sadly, the good ol' US of A can't claim credit for the development of Pattaya's unique wonderfulness.

"Don't bother me with facts: I've already got my opinions" is phrase I came up with years ago, applies here. America does plenty wrong, just don't blame us for things we didn't do, okay?

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This is very disturbing news. No go go bars open until 8pm!

The world is coming to an end.

I agree. It is by and large due to global warming.

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good news with luck the Thais might clean up the mess the US made of this wonderful country during there RnR visits way back.

your joking right


I'd like to throw my 2 baht into the conversation of blaming the USA for things : or blaming Brits or Aussies or Frenchmen or

Italians or Irishmen or...well you are catching my drift I hope...allot of people on here seem to always want to blame it on one countrymen or countrywomen or another ( don't want to leave any Ladies out , they have made headlines here too ! )

But a wise man once taught me , where people came from didn't matter or what color their skin was or who they prayed to or didn't pray too.....all these things counted for nothing . Only thing that mattered was whether a person was one of two possible choices ! Were they a Good Person or a Bad Person ! So far , I think my Dad, hit the nail right on the head ,so to speak !

I have worked in Tourism destinations since 1968 and met allot of mostly good people from so many different places. Plus travelled around the globe twice , and when someone asked me where I came from , I usually answered Planet Earth !

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good news with luck the Thais might clean up the mess the US made of this wonderful country during there RnR visits way back.

your joking right

I believe he is!


it will soon be nobody's problem,

the areas are being cleansed, that way of life is over.

no one seems to get it,

this is a real military dictatorship, not one that is interim, or just between elections

there are no more elections,

wake up people

the whores are going home, or to jail, thats all of it, the mafia's the drug dealers, the sex peddlers, the ladyboys

Thailand as it was known a few weeks ago, is no more

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it will soon be nobody's problem,

the areas are being cleansed, that way of life is over.

no one seems to get it,

this is a real military dictatorship, not one that is interim, or just between elections

there are no more elections,

wake up people

the whores are going home, or to jail, thats all of it, the mafia's the drug dealers, the sex peddlers, the ladyboys

Thailand as it was known a few weeks ago, is no more

There's an old saying: 'The more things change the more they stay the same'

  • Like 2

it will soon be nobody's problem,

the areas are being cleansed, that way of life is over.

no one seems to get it,

this is a real military dictatorship, not one that is interim, or just between elections

there are no more elections,

wake up people

the whores are going home, or to jail, thats all of it, the mafia's the drug dealers, the sex peddlers, the ladyboys

Thailand as it was known a few weeks ago, is no more

Let us hope so. Paying for sex is just sooooooooo over rated.

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The last time I was in Pattaya I did not see many Americans. Indian, Asian, Russian and middle eastern were everywhere unless you went to Soi LK metro.

Americans made paradise and everyone else screwed it up.... Nothing lasts forever :(

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I wish the cops or military would close D Boom bar near my house on Third (close to the Buffalo Bar)! Since the start of the curfew the nights have been wonderfully tranquil. Before the coup D Boom used to thump away noisily until just after 7AM. Not amusing.

Not too smart to chose to live in a bar area....

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12:00 am and all the ladyboys off the beach road is a positive thing. Hopefully they all go home and the crime in Pattaya drops in half. This clean up I think will be good for Pattaya and the country. Bars and girls will still be around but perhaps the low life's will find new grounds to unleash their terror.

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good news with luck the Thais might clean up the mess the US made of this wonderful country during there RnR visits way back.

Fair is fair. Aussies were the first in Pattaya. Tahitian Queen Pattaya's first go go opened 3 years after the Americans left Thailand in 1978. Sailors started visiting Thai ladies in 1624. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/07/23/lifestyle/lifestyle_30041864.php

It's worth noting that while the Americans can't be held responsible for prostitution in Thailand, an R&R deal was struck between the US (President Eisenhower - I think, correct me on that if you will) and Thailand prior to operating bases here during the Vietnam war.

This is the reason for the prominent emergence of prostitution from the Isaan region, in particular Udon Thani, Ubon, Khon Kaen - where the Thai air bases used by the US during the war were located. Other bases were in Korat, Nakhom Phanom, Utapao and Don Muang.

You may have noticed a few 35-40 something US-Thai Luuk Khrungs working basic jobs like Taxi drivers or hotel porters in such areas, go figure.

The Thai authorities licensed bars in these areas and "encouraged" women (obviously the poorer ones who needed money) to provide this service to the GI's. Many GI's also visited bars on Petchaburi Road in Bangkok, and then continued to do so once the war was over.

When the GI's began to leave the Northeast after the war, the women who'd begun to rely on their US sponsors/selling sex to make a living migrated to Bangkok where the industry serving foreign men had taken a steady foothold. The Pattaya phenomenon became a logical progression because it is by the sea and only 2 hours from BKK airport.

Before the US impact on the Northeast, history cites that prostitution was most prevalent in the North of Thailand. For example, the famous Carabao song Mae Sai depicts a girl from the village of the same name, who is sold into prostitution.

If you're looking for a side to blame for the exploitation of poor, uneducated women, it's not as clear cut as solely blaming the Americans. Sure, the US made the R&R a condition of their request, but the Thai authorities were happy to back it, in exchange for help in squashing the communist movement in Thailand at the time, something the US spent a lot of money on, and which helped shape the Thailand you see today (I wouldn't be allowed to expand further on this topic in this forum or indeed inside Thailand). For want of better words, Thailand traded a large number of women in this deal. This spawned the industry as you know it today; a career option for the poor, uneducated and marginalised, and in many ways an illicit welfare state.

Hogwash. Australia was also an R&R site. Taipei was also an R&R site. As were Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Thailand had a reputation for hookers long before the USA got here. Check out the history of Kong Toey.

In the last half of the 20th Century, the Mosquito Bar's international "disrepute" as a waterfront bar was only rivalled by Quinn's Bar in Papeete, Tahiti. While Quinn's Bar patrons were often entertained by the dancing and brawling 'Suzie No-Pants', the Mosquito Bar had it's own set of "regulars" - a cast of characters with names such as the 'Midget Rooter' and the arachnid-like 'Skinny Minnie', that dragged it into an even more ignominious state of historical infamy. http://www.snesejler.dk/bill77.htm

Kong Toey was big before Bangkok was the capital of Thailand (ya I go back a ways.)

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good news with luck the Thais might clean up the mess the US made of this wonderful country during there RnR visits way back.


So don'T go hating on our GI's

Thank you. A tremendous lack of wisdom always needs to be responded to.

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