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American resident of Pattaya facing charges of sexually assaulting minors


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How does anyone know that the boys were Cambodian?

Why wasn't he arrested when the event actually happened? What was the point of waiting for months later to arrest him.

Two people know him personally and one says he's a teacher while the other says he's a lawyer working on a sensitive case that may make him a target. One says he's a heterosexual with a wife and family while the other says he's a pedophile teacher that keeps young boys hostage in his apartment, which is also a problem because the police arrested him at his HOUSE, not apartment. Maybe he has a house AND and apartment?

There seems to be a lot of misinformation going on here. We need Sherlock, Colombo, The Mentalist, and Castle on this case.

Edited by TimTang
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I would say a sexual offense but an assault when the victims willing went with the perp and accepted payment and had priors -

The two boys had been staying at the Women and Child Shelter in Banglamung where they were being cared for following a previous case of sexual assault involving the pair.

Why do I get the feeling that these boys are operating some sort of a scam? They hang around walking Street and it is not the 1st time they have been sexually assaulted.

Don't get me wrong I hate kiddie fiddlers and if this guy did do anything to these kids then I say nail him up.

Personally I have a feeling the kids were working and got their customer and now see an opportunity to extort more money.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Here we go. All the "all Americans this, all Americans that" statements. As a Brit is winds me up when a Brit is hauled up and we all get tarred with the same brush. I KNOW it will wind up the Americans on here as they all get grouped in together. I know it winds up the Australians on here when the same happens to them, etc, etc

How about we discuss the issue and not the nationality this time round? That kind of conversation is only the domain of the knee-jerkers with nothing to add on the subject.

Who gives a s**t about nationality?!?! Think of the children and the harm done them. This guy is a creep, no matter where he comes from.

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This thread seems to have degenerated in to " Pattaya is a sh*t hole " tirade again. Sure, it has a lot of vice and attracts a lot of seedy tourists, but there are many more places like it and worse for it too. Whilst there are many ex.pats living in Thailand, some happily married and having mixed race families and living in much quieter places than Pattaya, I wonder how many ex.pat males can honestly say they have never had " bachelor lifestyle " in Thailand - even if for only a short period of time ?

As beautiful and serene as some parts of Thailand are, how many ex.pat males arrived in Thailand to check out the countries natural scenery, temples and waterfalls ? I think some posters are forgetting their own backgrounds and past misdemeanors ? If you take away the supply it doesn't mean the demand will naturally decline, but if you remove the demand then the supply will either stop or have to shift somewhere else. Where ever there are people living in poverty, you will always find that the "survivor types" will find a way to trade something !

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This guy is one sick puppy. If he is guilty they should throw the book at him.

According to your initial assertion, he is already guilty.

Do you have some evidence for your first claim?

If so, let's hear it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Here we go. All the "all Americans this, all Americans that" statements. As a Brit is winds me up when a Brit is hauled up and we all get tarred with the same brush. I KNOW it will wind up the Americans on here as they all get grouped in together. I know it winds up the Australians on here when the same happens to them, etc, etc

How about we discuss the issue and not the nationality this time round? That kind of conversation is only the domain of the knee-jerkers with nothing to add on the subject.

Who gives a s**t about nationality?!?! Think of the children and the harm done them. This guy is a creep, no matter where he comes from.

"This guy is a creep, no matter where he comes from."

Please stay away from jury duy...

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Here we go. All the "all Americans this, all Americans that" statements. As a Brit is winds me up when a Brit is hauled up and we all get tarred with the same brush. I KNOW it will wind up the Americans on here as they all get grouped in together. I know it winds up the Australians on here when the same happens to them, etc, etc

How about we discuss the issue and not the nationality this time round? That kind of conversation is only the domain of the knee-jerkers with nothing to add on the subject.

So far nobody but you mentioned it

Sorry I didn't reply, busy morning. Mine was a preemptive strike!

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Will we have some "wait, let's establish first that he's guilty" dogooder posts again or can we for once agree that he's a sick f#$ker and deserves being manhandled in Bangkok Hilton?

Disturbing is that the boys seemed to have agreed on the 1.000 Baht thing - they did not expect that he'd invite and pay them to play Spongebob on his PS2 and eat crisps, no? Why did they follow him in the first place? In addition, two on one would have had the chance to fend off Fatty Boy if they would have wanted to, right?

Despite the fact that he's a sicko, this case looks like a classic "takes two to tango" case...

Edited by catweazle
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As always, here come the excuses, and the accusations that Thais must have 'set him up'...and it's all a massive conspiracy.

"I was just meeting my mates for a beer!" - and we just 'happen' to meet in a place world famous for underage prostitution.

"I'm a respectable teacher." - who just happens to hang around a place world famous for underage prostitution.

"This is all about a legal case." - which involves living in a place world famous for underage prostitution.'

Get a clue. You don't tune into football every day, unless you like football. And you don't live in Pattaya for years as a foreigner, unless you're into what goes on there.

What a twisted and warped viewpoint on living in Pattaya.

IMHO, if you are going to condemn, you should first find out what you are talking about, and don't rely on secondhand information.

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Here we go. All the "all Americans this, all Americans that" statements. As a Brit is winds me up when a Brit is hauled up and we all get tarred with the same brush. I KNOW it will wind up the Americans on here as they all get grouped in together. I know it winds up the Australians on here when the same happens to them, etc, etc

How about we discuss the issue and not the nationality this time round? That kind of conversation is only the domain of the knee-jerkers with nothing to add on the subject.

So far nobody but you mentioned it

Sorry I didn't reply, busy morning. Mine was a preemptive strike!

Seems to be a British thing then, huh? The preemptive striking, I mean - thought this was solely reserved for Americans smile.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Here we go. All the "all Americans this, all Americans that" statements. As a Brit is winds me up when a Brit is hauled up and we all get tarred with the same brush. I KNOW it will wind up the Americans on here as they all get grouped in together. I know it winds up the Australians on here when the same happens to them, etc, etc

How about we discuss the issue and not the nationality this time round? That kind of conversation is only the domain of the knee-jerkers with nothing to add on the subject.

Who gives a s**t about nationality?!?! Think of the children and the harm done them. This guy is a creep, no matter where he comes from.

New round here? Every time one of these topics opens up on here we end up with the named nationality being bashed as a nation of child abusers. Nobody can doubt the severity of the charges but we can doubt the veracity just based on how law enforcement works. There is a chance that he is guilty but you can guarantee that it is a lot less likely than similar news in a Western country. They may only have evidence from one source and nothing to back it up but they'll still make the arrest and charge the person (which includes name, image and address in the public eye) before any hearing.

When they find him guilty in a court of law we can all make the statement that "This guy is a creep". Remember that you wouldn't have as much detail in an arrest in the West, we'd all have to wait for the court case to get that. What is left for this guy even if he is proven innocent in a court of law? You've already tarred and feathered him and roused the pitch-fork wielding locals.

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The serious nature of such an allegation is laughable at best.

When I imagine this man being faced by these boys, with their filthy little fingers pointing at him and the 1000 baht notes hanging out of their pockets... when I think of the police frowning at him with their dark pasts hanging over them like black clouds... and when I think of the shelter workers scowling at this man, with the sordid details of their nefarious mechanizations jingling in their pants pockets... I can only be truthful in saying that this is one imagination where the accused, if truly guilty, is not as guilty as the ones who created his ability to exist. They should all burn in Hell.

Now if the accused is in fact not guilty, then damn these people for their existence, and damn the man for being stupid enough to get caught up in their existence.

Any innocent foreigner who is stupid enough to walk right past all the warning signs before getting caught up in this kind of crap, almost deserves to be in it. Thailand provides far too many warnings and way too much leeway before one is actually accused on charges of this nature.

Again, an innocent person has got to be utterly stupid to get even this far in the game, when in fact the game could end as quickly as it would take any foreigner to tell these trained circus animals to, "F#ck off", were one to be approached on Walking Street. They've simply got no business there unless they are on someone's business. Clearly.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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The serious nature of such an allegation is laughable at best.

When I imagine this man being faced by these boys, with their filthy little fingers pointing at him and the 1000 baht notes hanging out of their pockets... when I think of the police frowning at him with their dark pasts hanging over them like black clouds... and when I think of the shelter workers scowling at this man, with the sordid details of their nefarious mechanizations jingling in their pants pockets... I can only be truthful in saying that this is one imagination where the accused, if truly guilty, is not as guilty as the ones who created his ability to exist. They should all burn in Hell.

Now if the accused is in fact not guilty, then damn these people for their existence, and damn the man for being stupid enough to get caught up in their existence.

Any innocent foreigner who is stupid enough to walk right past all the warning signs before getting caught up in this kind of crap, almost deserves to be in it. Thailand provides far too many warnings and way too much leeway before one is actually accused on charges of this nature.

Again, an innocent person has got to be utterly stupid to get even this far in the game, when in fact the game could end as quickly as it would take any foreigner to tell these trained circus animals to, "F#ck off", were one to be approached on Walking Street. They've simply got no business there unless they are on someone's business. Clearly.

Yes but...If the incident took place more than a half a year ago and it took them this long to actually arrest him, how are we to know if the incident actually took place in the first place.

With such a serious crime as pedophilia would you wait more than a half a year to arrest someone that is walking around freely apparently totally oblivious that there is an arrest warrant on his head? If this person committed this crime more than a half a year ago and had an arrest warrant on his head don't you think he would have fled the country by now?

Something seems very strange about this case.

Edited by TimTang
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It does not matter what Country he is a Citizen of, his conduct is unacceptable. If Prostitution is the oldest profession this type conduct is the oldest mental decease and it derives from a lack of self discipline. If he is convicted he will deported to his home country if they are a part of the agreement to deport and serve in their home country.

As for these boys, Thailand should return them to Cambodia. Thailand has enough of their own children to take care of.

Movie Stars and other professional seem to glamorize perverted conduct. It is against the Bible and the Al-Qur'an.

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No American would be caught dead in a Canada shirt...

cheesy.gif In most instances that is exactly why they wear them. So they won't be caught dead!

All Americans? Even the ones from Chile?

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This one sounds strange. Firstly the man is a Canadian. Secondly he is married and lives with his Thai wife - so I will wait out the result on this one.

. No American would be caught dead in a Canada shirt...

Now that is the truth. A friend who lives in Canada brought me a t-shirt and ball cap that say Canada about 4 years ago and they are still in the closet with the tags on.

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For those of you wondering how he could possibly be a canadian, the clue is in the photo.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I've had a look at the photo ... his eyes, his nose ... I don't see anything that screams out Canadian.

He is wearing a short that says Canada. Are you suggesting that he must therefore be Canadian? So anyone I see wearing a shirt that says "Missouri State Uni" (or similar) must be American? Interesting - I never knew that. Far more Americans around than I ever knew. What about people wearing "Coca Cola" t-shirts? American too? And I guess all those dark-skinned, black-haired, Thai-speaking people I see wearing Chelsea FC shirts must be Brits.

What are you prattling on about.

The overwhelming logic is that he is either USA or Canadian. Canadian solely because he is wearing a short is fair enough. Think its not likely that the coppers can't tell the difference between a Canadian and an american?

As for Chelsea fans, that is a club, duh. I expect to see lots of English wearing German shirts during the world cup. Has anyone ever heard of an american wearing a Canadian T-shirt?

If nothing else, this case is famous for that.

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Maybe they are doing it to get some spending money, but good thing is turn these guys in. Here's an idea: put a wire or give small recorders to the kids. Set up stings, let kids have a 1000. Would at least drive this kind of crime off the streets. Is chance for abuse by kids trying to get as much money as possible..... Kids have been damaged for sure, but perhaps bringing these guys to some sort of justice might help in the healing. Isn't that what drove Batman?

Reminds me of a bust I knew about in another country. Two falangs were found with two under-age girls. The four were in a park for 55 minutes and attempting to leave when they were met by several Police and Department of Child Welfare officers and a some photo-journalists. After suffering condemnation in newspaper, TV, and radio; spending the weekend in jail and US$2k each bail; they were ordered not to leave the country and they began over two years of spending thousands of dollars more on lawyers and courts fees.

It seems one girl was actually 18, a recovering drug addict, and using her younger sister's ID to stay in the Department of Child Welfare home. The other girl was only 15; however, she was first arrested at 13 for soliciting, had been involved in two previous under-age sex busts, and she too lived in the Department of Child Welfare home.

And....the 2 men were in the park with them at night. Period.

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It does not matter what Country he is a Citizen of, his conduct is unacceptable. If Prostitution is the oldest profession this type conduct is the oldest mental decease and it derives from a lack of self discipline. If he is convicted he will deported to his home country if they are a part of the agreement to deport and serve in their home country.

As for these boys, Thailand should return them to Cambodia. Thailand has enough of their own children to take care of.

Movie Stars and other professional seem to glamorize perverted conduct. It is against the Bible and the Al-Qur'an.

The Bible and the Al-Qur'an can suck me. But it's still wrong.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As always, here come the excuses, and the accusations that Thais must have 'set him up'...and it's all a massive conspiracy.

"I was just meeting my mates for a beer!" - and we just 'happen' to meet in a place world famous for underage prostitution.

"I'm a respectable teacher." - who just happens to hang around a place world famous for underage prostitution.

"This is all about a legal case." - which involves living in a place world famous for underage prostitution.'

Get a clue. You don't tune into football every day, unless you like football. And you don't live in Pattaya for years as a foreigner, unless you're into what goes on there.

What a twisted and warped viewpoint on living in Pattaya.

IMHO, if you are going to condemn, you should first find out what you are talking about, and don't rely on secondhand information.

Give it a rest. I've lived in Thailand for 5 years, and never once has any Thai person ever accused me of doing anything. Maybe some little mistunderstanding, but never picking up a 13 and 14 year old. I just wouldn't be there, to be accused. I've heard it all here, and it's always more than obvious when someone is making excuses for themselves or their 'mates'. They were 'innocently minding their own business when that evil Thai women went crazy and pulled out a knife' - uh huh. They were a kind and loving husband, when that evil Thai woman decided to steal everything from them - uh huh. They were a harmless and well intentioned teacher, who just happened to spend their time on walking street, but only for the most noble of intentions as a husband and father - sure.

Edited by John1thru10
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As much as I think people who assualt young boys/girls of this age should be locked up and the key thrown away it sounds like reading the story this is not the first time these boys have agreeded to go with older men and probably to sue them for a large sum of money. When they were offered the 1,000B they knew exactly what was going on and could have chosen NOT to go with the man. To me this is a case of entrapment in order to get a large sum of money from the man if they dropped the charges. As you say in the article this is NOT the first time these two have done this. As for the man himself I still think he should be locked up/deported as this type give ferang a bad name.

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I see the "indignants" have been shamed in their previous rants and now add phrases like "if guilty" to their rantings.

I would still be very concerned as to why they feel the need to make such virulent comments about someone or something about which they know so little...... Some deep hangups of their own?

Edited by wilcopops
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The serious nature of such an allegation is laughable at best.

When I imagine this man being faced by these boys, with their filthy little fingers pointing at him and the 1000 baht notes hanging out of their pockets... when I think of the police frowning at him with their dark pasts hanging over them like black clouds... and when I think of the shelter workers scowling at this man, with the sordid details of their nefarious mechanizations jingling in their pants pockets... I can only be truthful in saying that this is one imagination where the accused, if truly guilty, is not as guilty as the ones who created his ability to exist. They should all burn in Hell.

Now if the accused is in fact not guilty, then damn these people for their existence, and damn the man for being stupid enough to get caught up in their existence.

Any innocent foreigner who is stupid enough to walk right past all the warning signs before getting caught up in this kind of crap, almost deserves to be in it. Thailand provides far too many warnings and way too much leeway before one is actually accused on charges of this nature.

Again, an innocent person has got to be utterly stupid to get even this far in the game, when in fact the game could end as quickly as it would take any foreigner to tell these trained circus animals to, "F#ck off", were one to be approached on Walking Street. They've simply got no business there unless they are on someone's business. Clearly.

When I imagine you interacting with Thai people, I shudder. You should leave Thialand immediately, if this is your opinion of people here. It's disgusting, what you wrote.

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Sounds like that shelter really takes good care of them. What were they doing, of all places, in walking street? Mind you, if the guy is a pedo, nail him. But the story is weird.

This is the immediate reaction I had. <deleted>?

Of all places? I have never been to Pattaya, however Walking Street is so notorious, I have heard about it many times.

He broke the legal age laws and faces punishment.

However the moralists are a bit over the top. The assaults are "alleged".

A crime is something seen to hurt another, and an assault is something done without consent.

If the report is accurate, it was not their first time and so they were not innocent minors. They knew what they were doing

and accepted money for a service.

It is possible they lied about their age, which he probably knew no doubt.

The unseen guilty parties? Parents, teachers, the carers, the community, the state and the whole country is also shamed,

for producing the poverty responsible. And so all of us, for not reminding everyone else, where those responsibilities lie.

"an assault is something done without consent"

You cannot get consent off a minor so it always assault.

"it was not their first time and so they were not innocent minors"

What are you saying? That after the fist time a child is raped their innocence in removed and so they can give further consent?

Thank god you're not a judge! LOL

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Good to see these Cambodian boys get some protection by law not like their slaver parents in Thai construction areas.

Edited by Rimmer
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Here we go. All the "all Americans this, all Americans that" statements. As a Brit is winds me up when a Brit is hauled up and we all get tarred with the same brush. I KNOW it will wind up the Americans on here as they all get grouped in together. I know it winds up the Australians on here when the same happens to them, etc, etc

How about we discuss the issue and not the nationality this time round? That kind of conversation is only the domain of the knee-jerkers with nothing to add on the subject.

Who gives a s**t about nationality?!?! Think of the children and the harm done them. This guy is a creep, no matter where he comes from.

New round here? Every time one of these topics opens up on here we end up with the named nationality being bashed as a nation of child abusers. Nobody can doubt the severity of the charges but we can doubt the veracity just based on how law enforcement works. There is a chance that he is guilty but you can guarantee that it is a lot less likely than similar news in a Western country. They may only have evidence from one source and nothing to back it up but they'll still make the arrest and charge the person (which includes name, image and address in the public eye) before any hearing.

When they find him guilty in a court of law we can all make the statement that "This guy is a creep". Remember that you wouldn't have as much detail in an arrest in the West, we'd all have to wait for the court case to get that. What is left for this guy even if he is proven innocent in a court of law? You've already tarred and feathered him and roused the pitch-fork wielding locals.

Oh right - I just remembered this time when a 13 and 14 year old from Soi Cowboy got my name and address, after my never having been there with them in the first place, and then they and a whole group of corrupt Thais all came to ruin my life for no reason except how evil they all are. How could that have slipped my mind?

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The serious nature of such an allegation is laughable at best.

When I imagine this man being faced by these boys, with their filthy little fingers pointing at him and the 1000 baht notes hanging out of their pockets... when I think of the police frowning at him with their dark pasts hanging over them like black clouds... and when I think of the shelter workers scowling at this man, with the sordid details of their nefarious mechanizations jingling in their pants pockets... I can only be truthful in saying that this is one imagination where the accused, if truly guilty, is not as guilty as the ones who created his ability to exist. They should all burn in Hell.

Now if the accused is in fact not guilty, then damn these people for their existence, and damn the man for being stupid enough to get caught up in their existence.

Any innocent foreigner who is stupid enough to walk right past all the warning signs before getting caught up in this kind of crap, almost deserves to be in it. Thailand provides far too many warnings and way too much leeway before one is actually accused on charges of this nature.

Again, an innocent person has got to be utterly stupid to get even this far in the game, when in fact the game could end as quickly as it would take any foreigner to tell these trained circus animals to, "F#ck off", were one to be approached on Walking Street. They've simply got no business there unless they are on someone's business. Clearly.

Referring to the alleged victims of child sexual abuse as "trained circus animals" shows an utterly disgraceful level of depravity.

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If this chap invited young boys he found on Walking Street back to his private room, whether or not money was involved, and he has lived in T'land more than one year, then he is unbelievably foolish. If only the words of the boys can confirm such an arrangement, then he may be screwed royally.

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As much as I think people who assualt young boys/girls of this age should be locked up and the key thrown away it sounds like reading the story this is not the first time these boys have agreeded to go with older men and probably to sue them for a large sum of money. When they were offered the 1,000B they knew exactly what was going on and could have chosen NOT to go with the man. To me this is a case of entrapment in order to get a large sum of money from the man if they dropped the charges. As you say in the article this is NOT the first time these two have done this. As for the man himself I still think he should be locked up/deported as this type give ferang a bad name.

"When they were offered the 1,000B they knew exactly what was going on and could have chosen NOT to go with the man"

Are you suggesting that child prostitution could sometimes be acceptable?

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