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Shinawatra-initiated funds under scrutiny


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The Woman Empowerment presence in our neck of the rice fields manifests as a somewhat rundown shack, untended yard,

tattered poster of Yingluck, and usually a couple ore more old geezers having a drink at the front. If there's any money involved, it's either not a whole lot or long gone before put to any decent use.

Edited by Morch
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For those that say this was a vote buying scam, you are totaly wrong. The village funds were set up to give soft loans to the villagers to be able to buy fertilizers or seeds for crops etc, they paid a nominal interest rate and had to pay it back, or they could not get a loan in the future.

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The Village Fund was continued and adopted by Ahbisit government. He see value in that fund too.

Or he just did not have the power to stop it, knowing people would rise up.

Now we got someone who is not afraid of red threats and the fund can be really examined. If it is good please keep it.

I bet me and other people on the side of light love reading everyday how all the crap that Taksin did is slowly being destroyed how his power-base gets destroyed so he can never ever come back. The guy overreached.. gambled and blew it all getting his whole clan into trouble (actually the whole country) just for his amnesty.

Don't think that was the reason as the loans only reaches about 30% of all households. I think he allowed the scheme to continue because the fund have been steady and don't need any infusion of government funds. The scheme has been running well as a microcredit financing and is socially correct so why stop as it cost nothing to his government. I have strong believe that the NCPO will continue this scheme which really has won lots of praise from local and international peers.

and because of the Village Fund success the Pheu Thai promised to restock it with another 1,000,000 Baht when they would be elected. Not because the village funds really needed restocking of course rolleyes.gif

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The Village Fund was continued and adopted by Ahbisit government. He see value in that fund too.

Or he just did not have the power to stop it, knowing people would rise up.

Now we got someone who is not afraid of red threats and the fund can be really examined. If it is good please keep it.

I bet me and other people on the side of light love reading everyday how all the crap that Taksin did is slowly being destroyed how his power-base gets destroyed so he can never ever come back. The guy overreached.. gambled and blew it all getting his whole clan into trouble (actually the whole country) just for his amnesty.

Don't think that was the reason as the loans only reaches about 30% of all households. I think he allowed the scheme to continue because the fund have been steady and don't need any infusion of government funds. The scheme has been running well as a microcredit financing and is socially correct so why stop as it cost nothing to his government. I have strong believe that the NCPO will continue this scheme which really has won lots of praise from local and international peers.

and because of the Village Fund success the Pheu Thai promised to restock it with another 1,000,000 Baht when they would be elected. Not because the village funds really needed restocking of course rolleyes.gif

Only things they stock up there, as the Army has showed, was collections of outdated weapons in which they're too stupid to even know how to use correctly. Hope some basic needs and education are met, and some programs implemented for rural folk; got a long, long way to go in terms of progress for the poor. When the army is in charge, we see the progress without the interference of self serving fiefdoms which have plagued Thailand for years and years.

Edited by gemini81
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The Village Fund was continued and adopted by Ahbisit government. He see value in that fund too.

Or he just did not have the power to stop it, knowing people would rise up.

Now we got someone who is not afraid of red threats and the fund can be really examined. If it is good please keep it.

I bet me and other people on the side of light love reading everyday how all the crap that Taksin did is slowly being destroyed how his power-base gets destroyed so he can never ever come back. The guy overreached.. gambled and blew it all getting his whole clan into trouble (actually the whole country) just for his amnesty.

Don't think that was the reason as the loans only reaches about 30% of all households. I think he allowed the scheme to continue because the fund have been steady and don't need any infusion of government funds. The scheme has been running well as a microcredit financing and is socially correct so why stop as it cost nothing to his government. I have strong believe that the NCPO will continue this scheme which really has won lots of praise from local and international peers.

and because of the Village Fund success the Pheu Thai promised to restock it with another 1,000,000 Baht when they would be elected. Not because the village funds really needed restocking of course rolleyes.gif

You shouldn't not take information out of context. The reason for the additional funding is to enable the funds to expend the memberships and elevate them to become a bank. This fund started as a social project and the elevation to a bank will allow more innovative initiatives to provide to their members. See, sounds much more balance than truncated information.

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What could possibly go wrong with a conduit like Nalinee running the show?

Women Empowerment Fund

7.7 Billion Baht

Scheme run by PM's Office Minister Nalinee Taveesin AKA "Crony" of African Strongman Mugabe


One of the more disgraceful acts of the Shin regime. Cozying up to big Bob Mugabe(and other African dictators), and getting into trouble with the USA for assisting the mugabe's money laundering. I'm surprised. You would not expect a democratic govt that champions justice, no double standards and the lives of the poor to act in such a way as to perpetuate untold suffering of the poor Zimbabweans. Unless of course......

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What could possibly go wrong with a conduit like Nalinee running the show?

Women Empowerment Fund

7.7 Billion Baht

Scheme run by PM's Office Minister Nalinee Taveesin AKA "Crony" of African Strongman Mugabe


Everyone can have a chance to be a born again good guy and walk in the path of righteousness following the fine example of Kamnan Suthep.

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and because of the Village Fund success the Pheu Thai promised to restock it with another 1,000,000 Baht when they would be elected. Not because the village funds really needed restocking of course rolleyes.gif

You shouldn't not take information out of context. The reason for the additional funding is to enable the funds to expend the memberships and elevate them to become a bank. This fund started as a social project and the elevation to a bank will allow more innovative initiatives to provide to their members. See, sounds much more balance than truncated information.

A bank, yet another State Owned bank? Banking license, Tier I and II capital, Basil I/II/III, etc., etc.?

BTW the village funds didn't start as a social project, but as a Thaksin election gift which was squandered away in many cases.

See, that sound harsher than your BS, but the truth is not always nice

Sorry mine was taken out of a newspaper report. Yours was a personal opinion and a BS no doubt.

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Sorry mine was taken out of a newspaper report. Yours was a personal opinion and a BS no doubt.

"The reason for the additional funding is to enable the funds to expend the memberships and elevate them to become a bank"

Please provide link to said newspaper report on the intention to turn the village funds into a bank. Thank you wai.gif

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Eric Loh post # 42

Sorry mine was taken out of a newspaper report. Yours was a personal opinion and a BS no doubt.

So in your eyes and personal opinion Mr Loh another persons personal opinion is B.S. yet a fourth estate opinion is beyond reproach?


You really should think before you post comments.

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Eric Loh post # 42

Sorry mine was taken out of a newspaper report. Yours was a personal opinion and a BS no doubt.

So in your eyes and personal opinion Mr Loh another persons personal opinion is B.S. yet a fourth estate opinion is beyond reproach?


You really should think before you post comments.

The BS reference was only my respond to a post directed at me containng the word 'BS". In no way I equate personal opinion as BS. If it sound that way, I apologize.

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Sorry mine was taken out of a newspaper report. Yours was a personal opinion and a BS no doubt.

"The reason for the additional funding is to enable the funds to expend the memberships and elevate them to become a bank"

Please provide link to said newspaper report on the intention to turn the village funds into a bank. Thank you wai.gif

Actually came out in TVF in 2012.


It is a community bank or a despository institution. Very much independent and for banks who have limited funds.

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In theory they are probably good ideas. In practice they are steaming Thaksin sh#t piles that are used to steal state money. Reform them or scrap them.

Have you got any evidence that it's as bad as you say? The fund isn't perfect, but what is? Also as it's one of the things that made Thaksin so popular, scrapping it doesn't seem a particularly great idea if the junta wants to retain whatever measure of support it may have in rural areas.

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If the army's embrace of Thaksinesque populist style policies is to continue, I see the Village Fund changing its name to the People's Happiness Fund and acquiring a new founder - Coupmaster P himself. Apart from that, I predict business as usual on this issue.

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Don't know about the womans fund but if what has been reported is correct it would seem the village funds have been very effective as a tool in vote gathering.

The reported threat is said to have been that if the village vote goes against a particular party then the fund will be withheld from that village.

Or a rumor is spread that if an opposition party gets in they will scrap the village fund.

Either is a powerful incentive for village heads to ensure the collective village vote goes the correct way.

No need to waste money on vote buying.

"The reported threat" - has there ever been any evidence of this actually happening? Anyway, even if the ruour is used in the way you say, it's not clear that scrapping it would have the effect you want. After all, if they did scrap it (and what you say implies it's very popular or taking it away woudn't be an effective threat), then at a new election, that same party could simply win the votes of that village again by promising to bring it back, couldn't they?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sorry mine was taken out of a newspaper report. Yours was a personal opinion and a BS no doubt.

"The reason for the additional funding is to enable the funds to expend the memberships and elevate them to become a bank"

Please provide link to said newspaper report on the intention to turn the village funds into a bank. Thank you wai.gif src="http://2-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.thaivisa.com/static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif" alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

Actually came out in TVF in 2012.


It is a community bank or a despository institution. Very much independent and for banks who have limited funds.

"It's a community bank.........."

Maybe true in some villages. But equal access?

Absolutely not true at all in many villages.

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There is no political agenda here or bias. The Thai army is "scrutinizing" these funds.

No there isn't. As for crooked politicians, they got kicked out for all their feudal nepotism, cronyism and swindling. Awesome, ain't it?! Please come visit Israel, the US and the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Show 'em how it can be done Prayuth. The world is lacking in men who are leaders with courage. Its nice to see some things finally being done without fear of assassination by the Shinawatra cartel (which they have done on many occasions).

Edited by gemini81
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The original intention of the Village Fund was to allow villagers to borrow small amounts of money (generally up to 10,000baht) to start a small local business such as selling food from a hand cart etc.

However village committees handed it oput to anyone without any checks, and whilst it has to be repaid after 1 year, it is immediately re-0applied for and is back in the hanmds of the villagers after a couple of weeks. Invariably they have to borrow the money to repay (at around 10% interest for the 2 weeks)

If the scheme is stopped (which in my opinion it should be as it serves no useful purpose), villagers will have a very hard time paying back what they owe.

Yes , I agree, but it will be much better to have to re-pay the village fund, than to repay the money-lenders... and what if the small business that the borrower started failed.? Is there some sort of Guarantee system built in.. But is what you are saying, people borrowed the funds for many reasons and not all borrowers tried to start-up a business.. In that case they deserve to be punished... for fraud... and the person at the village fund who signed off on this loan should also be punished.. for being an idiot..!

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The Woman Empowerment presence in our neck of the rice fields manifests as a somewhat rundown shack, untended yard,

tattered poster of Yingluck, and usually a couple ore more old geezers having a drink at the front. If there's any money involved, it's either not a whole lot or long gone before put to any decent use.

Ever seen pictures of a meeting of the top ladies running this other Shins' scam, and their names? As 'hi-so' as it can get... And IMO not being there for nothing... It made me think of my country where that organisation with a Swiss flag in reverse, with so many brave volunteers, is lead by a bunch of 'old elites' and 'hi-so's', becoming (not) 'low' wages, generating huge bills with 'expenses', getting free staff, limo's, drivers, free this and free that, and of course showing off as if they do it 'for the good cause'. Not stealing money, 'technically', no, just 'diverting' it from what the organisation was created for...

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The Village Fund was continued and adopted by Ahbisit government. He see value in that fund too.

This is not 'crochet', this is pure 'lace', artwork! The way you succeed in bending and twisting, adapting, re-inventing, the reality of facts is really 'top'. I would applaud, when it would not be aimed at des-informing people. Are the Shins such great people in your opinion, or do you just do a, good, job for them? I wonder where you studied, you would have made a great penal attorney, why did you choose for this kind of 'things'?

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For those that say this was a vote buying scam, you are totaly wrong. The village funds were set up to give soft loans to the villagers to be able to buy fertilizers or seeds for crops etc, they paid a nominal interest rate and had to pay it back, or they could not get a loan in the future.

Come on, get real, you cannot really think what you write here, yes, it might have been what was said about it when the Shins created it, but the lies were quite transparent: why it was created, and how it was to be used, so, no propaganda, please!

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