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You know that you're retired when...

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When you spend every waking hour on an anonymous internet forum slagging off the citizens and the country you chose to retire to .

And when you realize it was a bad decision by you, blame Thailand and Thai people, and find fault in everything they do.

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When you ask what year it is!

OK, what I was asking for was the Buddhist year but friends thought I had really been time traveling again.


Being newly retired, the first thing I noticed is that my give-a-shit has gone missing... I hope I never find it again...


When the only time you get "up"during the night..is to go to the toilet !

The last late night you had was when your haemorrhoids played up..and you couldn't sleep!

You have more hair growing out your ears than on your head!

A "quickie" takes you an nigh on an hour!

Even the old lady stands up on the bus for you!


You know you are retired when...............you have read and accepted these little nuggets of advice for a happier extended life during the remaining "golden years".

Looking forward to see and live a few more "golden nuggets" of advice on this forum for those of us who have chosen to take the rest of our lives off, and spend them here, in Thailand, with people who make us happy.



Retirement coming up soon.

I will know I'm retired when the only thing I will worry about is when to sleep and when to eat.


"the only thing I will worry about is when to sleep and when to eat. "

You won't worry about either until you notice both are happening more frequently but with shorter duration, that your clothes are mysteriously shrinking, that you've missed the middle part of most movies you've been watching and you have to re-read the last 10 pages of a book to remember who the characters are.


You get up in the morning, shower, eat, read the news, write a scathing comment on TV about the OP - then its time for your nap .............


Not so much about being retired, but more about getting older.

You realise your getting old when you find yourself going to bed ... about the time you used to just start thinking about getting ready to go out.


Not specifically about retirement but life in general.....

“The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating...

...and you finish off as an orgasm.”

George Carlin

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


when you can take on consultancy work when you want, for who you want,where you want, for how long you want and name your own price.

And get arrested, Jailed, Fined and deported for having no work permit........thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png


No need for the alarm clock or calendar anymore . Sleep when you want , get up when you want , only go out if you want to .clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif


When you decide that a bucket list is really not such a bad idea and re-read the Bardo Thadol.

You know that you're retired when...

you practice death meditations that are in the Bardo Thodol and maintain a better sense of humor than you had when you use to work 9 to 5.

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