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Quarter million Spaniards call for Yuyee’s release

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She got what she deserved.

By a punch of pesky Farang protesting, hopefully the authorities dig their heels in and make her see out her full sentence.

What different does it make 0.25 gram to 1 kg? druggy is a druggy, since when our society become

so merciful on drug curriers, smugglers and users? I'm sure that if she could lay her hand on a much

larger amount of drugs would she take them? of course she would ! and where dose it says that's it's ok to use drugs, or little drugs or just for fun drugs? where????

simple, if you don't want to see the inside of a jail cell don't do drugs, and if you do, expect the worst, In my opinion, too many bleeding hearts are out there pitying and feeling sorry about people who abuse and deal drugs and other vises,

The two quotes above sound like what might be expected from N.Koreans. In other words: well indoctrinated by rules that society dictates. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it's a sensible or fair rule. Law makers make mistakes constantly. If you want to really assess how various drugs affect people in various ways (btw; different folks respond differently to various drugs), then get off your establishment high horse and find out. If you want to blindly adhere to what lawmakers' mandate (many of those lawmakers are alcoholics, btw), then that's your choice.

I beg to differ, rules are there to protect the society and the people whom they living under,

if you don't like the rules change them or move to a country where the rules match your life

style and ideologies, Now, I'm not saying all rules are fair, but they are what they are and we

can't have a segment of society who circumvent and flaunt them, if you do, except the law

to be firm with you,

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Life's not been good to her check those saggy breasts

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

What a sad person you are.

As for the ex-model, it's another example of the rich and famous having one application of the law, where 250,000 signatures on a website scream 'injustice', whereas a poor Laos/hilltribe girl would have been sentenced to 25 years and no-one would give a toss.

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Many here seem to think the punishment was too severe. So if a serial conman who bilks hundreds of people out of their life savings is given 20 years for stealing a candy bar will you also cry for him? She got caught with only 250 mg. How many kilos have gone up her nose? She has been supporting the same scum that decapitate decent people who object too loudly that their communities are run by drug lords. The same people who kidnap kids and force them into prostitution. Thailand (and most other societies) is being torn apart by drugs. Millions of wasted lives. Millions of addicted babies. Is it any wonder the Authorities are glad to make a high profile example of her? I think most of you pity her because she is hot. She and all those HiSo's who make drugs seem glamorous should get much much worse than a few years in prison. If Darwin was right the human race is likely doomed already. Drugs, Dealers, and Addicts are the reason why.

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Truth to be told, she got a "hanging judge" style person to decide her case, bad luck for her,

as there are easy going judges and hard nose one, she got a very stern judge to sit in her case,

Yuyee is a known, habitual and serial drug user, and she didn't get to like she look today

by using the wrong facial cream, I assure you, I still remember her adorning many billboard

around town with her beauty, but look what left now, and all thanks to drugs....

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She got what she deserved.

By a punch of pesky Farang protesting, hopefully the authorities dig their heels in and make her see out her full sentence.

What different does it make 0.25 gram to 1 kg? druggy is a druggy, since when our society become

so merciful on drug curriers, smugglers and users? I'm sure that if she could lay her hand on a much

larger amount of drugs would she take them? of course she would ! and where dose it says that's it's ok to use drugs, or little drugs or just for fun drugs? where????

simple, if you don't want to see the inside of a jail cell don't do drugs, and if you do, expect the worst, In my opinion, too many bleeding hearts are out there pitying and feeling sorry about people who abuse and deal drugs and other vises,

The two quotes above sound like what might be expected from N.Koreans. In other words: well indoctrinated by rules that society dictates. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it's a sensible or fair rule. Law makers make mistakes constantly. If you want to really assess how various drugs affect people in various ways (btw; different folks respond differently to various drugs), then get off your establishment high horse and find out. If you want to blindly adhere to what lawmakers' mandate (many of those lawmakers are alcoholics, btw), then that's your choice.

"I don't agree with the rules about carrying guns, knives and other weapons for self protection. I don't agree with the rules about murder. So I can carry weapons and kill people who upset me then?" Of course not. Yet producing and supplying illegal drugs that wreck peoples lives is ok is it?

Rules and laws are made to protect society. What you personally consider fair or what you don't consider fair isn't what decides the laws and rules - that would be anarchy.

If you don't agree form your own political party, based on a platform of legalizing drugs and stand for government.

Or carry on advocating adhering only to laws you like and agree with - and suffer the consequences.

Do you have any statistics to back up your comment that many lawmakers are alcoholics?

Alcohol is a drug and like all drugs if effects some people differently. However its production, sale and consumption is legal. Illegal drugs aren't that's why they're called illegal.

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Life's not been good to her check those saggy breasts

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

What a sad person you are.

As for the ex-model, it's another example of the rich and famous having one application of the law, where 250,000 signatures on a website scream 'injustice', whereas a poor Laos/hilltribe girl would have been sentenced to 25 years and no-one would give a toss.

w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif Er the law gave her 15 years. blink.pngw00t.gifblink.pngw00t.gif

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The two quotes above sound like what might be expected from N.Koreans. In other words: well indoctrinated by rules that society dictates. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it's a sensible or fair rule. Law makers make mistakes constantly. If you want to really assess how various drugs affect people in various ways (btw; different folks respond differently to various drugs), then get off your establishment high horse and find out. If you want to blindly adhere to what lawmakers' mandate (many of those lawmakers are alcoholics, btw), then that's your choice.

I beg to differ, rules are there to protect the society and the people whom they living under,

if you don't like the rules change them or move to a country where the rules match your life

style and ideologies, Now, I'm not saying all rules are fair, but they are what they are and we

can't have a segment of society who circumvent and flaunt them, if you do, except the law

to be firm with you,

My, my. Such hi-falutin' rhetoric. Now if only all those marvelous rules were applied consistently and uniformly. Alas, they are not. It often appears that rules can be perverted by whim or whimsy. And so my respect for them can -- and will -- be tempered with disdain. And y'know, I don't believe throwing this babe in the slammer for 15 years protects me in the slightest.

She was tried and convicted. Don't know the full story so can't comment on the evidence and verdict.

However, the punishment does seem somewhat over the top given the circumstances.

Is she appealing the sentence? It should be reduced to a wrap on the knuckles and community service.

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"The suspect claimed the was given the tube of chocolate by a passenger on the plane during her flight back from Vietnam, adding that she had no idea that the tube was filled with cocaine."

That's from the MCOT article about the sentencing on June 20th. Unclear is what type of endangered animals she was trying to smuggle into the country, a feat 'earning' her another 3 months.

maybe the sentences given to her should have been switched. 3 months makes more sense for 5- 251 milligrams! there is doubt as to what the amount of the drug in her possession really was.

I just found an article from the BangkokPost of 2012-11-12 saying Ms. Yuyee had 5mg in her purse and said she used it in Vietnam, only had it for her on use.

The 'endangered species' parts was said to relate to a raid on her house in Bangkok in June 2012 with various animals and birds found, some endangered species. The article has Ms. Yuyee saying she cared for them to later release them in the wild.

IIRC, the wildlife case included 2 ferrets, 7 performing clawed warriors and 2 mallards. biggrin.png

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"The suspect claimed the was given the tube of chocolate by a passenger on the plane during her flight back from Vietnam, adding that she had no idea that the tube was filled with cocaine."

That's from the MCOT article about the sentencing on June 20th. Unclear is what type of endangered animals she was trying to smuggle into the country, a feat 'earning' her another 3 months.

maybe the sentences given to her should have been switched. 3 months makes more sense for 5- 251 milligrams! there is doubt as to what the amount of the drug in her possession really was.

I just found an article from the BangkokPost of 2012-11-12 saying Ms. Yuyee had 5mg in her purse and said she used it in Vietnam, only had it for her on use.

The 'endangered species' parts was said to relate to a raid on her house in Bangkok in June 2012 with various animals and birds found, some endangered species. The article has Ms. Yuyee saying she cared for them to later release them in the wild.

IIRC, the wildlife case included 2 ferrets, 7 performing clawed warriors and 2 mallards. biggrin.png

Has she been in Emerdale ?

Edited by arthurwait
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0.25 grams of coke is so frickin little. That's not even smuggling. Its just enough for her to keep her addiction in check (you wouldn't carry it through an airport unless you were addicted). 15 years for an addition is insanity. How about sentencing her to rehab? Its not like she was gonna sell it. This country's drug laws are very draconian. However, she could have gotten off with 6 months I'm sure, maybe she didn't get a good lawyer who could help grease the right pockets.

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BANGKOK: -- Hundred of thousands of Spanish netizens have signed onto a campaign urging Thailand to release “Yuyee,” a former Thai model and wife of a Spanish TV host.

She was a former thai city cent and she know the rule in Thailand. About smuggle she properly not do. It's was for her self. To be in possessing of drug she know thailand. So if you not want any problems do not be in possessing

of any drug if you come to Thailand.

250 mg is very litle, but look exampel to Singapore they properly have a

punishment there say no more chance to your live also live in prison if not death penalty
Edited by metisdead
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I read the below statement in the articles comment section:

"She is the wife of a spanish veterinarian and activist of animal rights.

He fights against animal abuse and illegal black market where these animals (snakes, owls, even jaguars ) are sold and kept in captivity.

His wife has been convicted of drug dealing because Thailand is a very corrupted country and black market makes big money out of it.

He reported this issue worldwide, this is what he is getting in return CORRUPTION, just flthy CORRUPTION"

So the Thai black market mafia set her up?

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Many here seem to think the punishment was too severe. So if a serial conman who bilks hundreds of people out of their life savings is given 20 years for stealing a candy bar will you also cry for him? She got caught with only 250 mg. How many kilos have gone up her nose? She has been supporting the same scum that decapitate decent people who object too loudly that their communities are run by drug lords. The same people who kidnap kids and force them into prostitution. Thailand (and most other societies) is being torn apart by drugs. Millions of wasted lives. Millions of addicted babies. Is it any wonder the Authorities are glad to make a high profile example of her? I think most of you pity her because she is hot. She and all those HiSo's who make drugs seem glamorous should get much much worse than a few years in prison. If Darwin was right the human race is likely doomed already. Drugs, Dealers, and Addicts are the reason why.

If the governments weren't so corrupt and or idiotic and weak, they'd legalise the whole production and sale process so we Would Not have this issue, would we? And it would be taxed, boosting all economies of the world

If a man wants to drink a bottle of vodka and wipe his brain out for a day, what justifiable difference is there beteen that and a guy who smokes a rock of crack and is out for the count for the day? Absolute <deleted> that it is treated so differently

Cigaretts are legal, but hash and Mary J isn't? Absolute <deleted> again

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She's a celebrity. With a celebrity husband.

She's too glamorous for a damp and filthy prison cell. She and her husband will use their connections to set her free.

Jail's not for the rich and famous, but for unglamorous types like you and me.

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She's a celebrity. With a celebrity husband.

She's too glamorous for a damp and filthy prison cell. She and her husband will use their connections to set her free.

Jail's not for the rich and famous, but for unglamorous types like you and me.

You've certainly got a point there. Red bull's little 'heir' springs to mind, when it comes to money and fame being the name of the game. Sucks life ain't fair, but common guys like you and me never claimed it was. About time we get a rich girl knocked up, to get the benefits huh?!

Edited by gemini81
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