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NACC to file case against Ms Yingluck to the prosecution on Tuesday


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NACC to file case against Ms Yingluck to the prosecution on Tuesday


BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission will submit its criminal case file against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra regarding the rice pledging scheme to the Office of the Attorney-General on Tuesday.

NACC deputy secretary-general Witthaya Arkhompitak said today that all the members of the commission had endorsed the case file with the recommendation that Ms Yingluck should be charged with malfeasance in office under Article 157 of the Criminal Code for her gross negligence in overseeing the scheme causing enormous loss to the state coffers.

Mr Witthaya said the OAG has 30 days to proceed with the case to the Supreme Court’s criminal division for political office holders or to drop the case.

In case that the OAG disagrees with the NACC, a joint panel between the OAD and the NACC will be set up to review the case file. And if the OAG still disagrees with the NACC, then the NACC will have to initiate the case to the court by itself.

(Photo : ThaiPBS file)

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/nacc-file-case-ms-yingluck-prosecution-tuesday/


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NACC seeks to file case against Yingluck
The Nation 

BANGKOK: -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) will today ask the Office of the Attorney-General to file a complaint in court against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra over the rice-pledging scheme, a source said.

NACC commissioners will sign the investigation report and send it to the office so that the public prosecutor can take the case to the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders, said the NACC source, who asked not to be named.

Yingluck also faces an impeachment case over huge losses allegedly caused by the controversial rice scheme.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/NACC-seeks-to-file-case-against-Yingluck-30240225.html


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NACC deputy secretary-general Witthaya Arkhompitak said today that all the members of the commission had endorsed the case file with the recommendation that Ms Yingluck should be charged with malfeasance in office under Article 157 of the Criminal Code for her gross negligence in overseeing the scheme causing enormous loss to the state coffers.

Mr Witthaya said the OAG has 30 days to proceed with the case to the Supreme Courts criminal division for political office holders or to drop the case.

I agree with the NACC, negligence is the perfect charge. A charge of criminal behavior would be impossible to prove without witnesses that will testify. Unfortunately I also believe that the OAG will let the 30 days expire, she is a hot potato and no one wants to be held responsible for punishing her.
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Imagine the uproar if they (falsely)convict and imprison her! Did the Americans impeach GBJ when it turned out the reason they invaded Iraq was completely fabricated? did they phuck! And how much did THAT cost the state? If El Generalissimo goes down this path he can kiss "the peoples champion" image he is trying to build goodbye forever. These are nothing more than trumped up charges.

GBJ...had to think about that. George Bush Jr probably was and will be left alone because he is not mentally competent to stand trial.

Yinluck is not much better, but she is better, and that's the difference.

Your opinion that the charges are trumped up does not take into consideration the facts of her malfeasance.

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I havn't seen much on the actual losses incured by the rice scheme, other than estimates......and the audit isn't completed yet.........

If they don't have watertight case...and of course we are not privy to much of the information nowadays.....I can see this case falling flat very quickly.


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I havn't seen much on the actual losses incured by the rice scheme, other than estimates......and the audit isn't completed yet.........

If they don't have watertight case...and of course we are not privy to much of the information nowadays.....I can see this case falling flat very quickly.



They didn't have a "water tight case"  Ha Ha   regarding the massive floods did they??   difficult to follow the money in all these cases.

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 Yingluck is caught between a rock and a hard place. If she wasn't aware of the endemic corruption she is negligent, if she was aware she was complicit. Her lawyers will be turning cartwheels over this. I could have told her that taking on the rice scheme chairwoman's role would end in tears. That is because the rice scheme was an ill conceived disaster that was bound to ruin the Thai rice industry.


 I realize the NACC is only following procedure, but I do wish they would wait until she is safely home before filing other charges. Deers caught in the headlights are notoriously flighty, and this skitterish beast has already bolted.


Maybe they have let the cat out of the bag deliberately?

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These are nothing more than trumped up charges.


So there were no problems with the rice scam and that she, as the Boss of the Rice Scam, committed no malfeasance in running the Rice Scam?

Funny shtick you're running.


Edited by Mmorris
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I didn't say 'she governed superbly'  I said it's ridiculous to charge a former PM criminally because the opposition, an opposition that is clearly against democracy or elected government in the first place, says her policies were 'wasteful'  EVERY opposition in every country accuses the other guy of being wasteful..


and ok why isn't the 'guy' who purchased that aircraft carrier in jail, krayprayoon or cheekpai or whoever.. like evey pm that committed 'waste' is going to that Thai prison with the drug dealers and rapists and murderers.. show me a democracy where that happenes


Face the music?  Show me one democrat or yellowshirt thug that is doing time in the hellish Thai prison system, lets remember that Thailand has no 'white collar' rpison like they do in the west.. here we're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries mostly poor farmers..  where is the proof that she personally benefited from this subsidy?  there is no evidence that Yingluck was committing graft and personally enriching herself as a result of this farm subsidy.


what exactly do you people mean when you say the PhuaThai party is 'not democratic'  supposedly they 'abuse power' or they are 'controlled' by Thaksin.. Thaksin has alot of influence among the PhuaThai, redshirt group, therefore he is 'controlling' PT isn't anymore 'undemocratic' than any other party.. because they win elections by a wide margin-they are called dictators..

Edited by pkspeaker
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pkspeaker post # 21


Face the music?  Show me one democrat or yellowshirt thug that is doing time in the hellish Thai prison system, lets remember that Thailand has no 'white collar' rpison like they do in the west.. here we're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries mostly poor farmers..  where is the proof that she personally benefited from this subsidy?  there is no evidence that Yingluck was committing graft and personally enriching herself as a result of this farm subsidy.



Methinks sir you are incredibly naive or ,truth be known reading through your post a dyed in the wool Shinwatra Red Shirt fan below in the quote box is the clue to that premise you posted.




Show me one democrat or yellowshirt thug that is doing time in the hellish Thai prison system, lets remember that Thailand has no 'white collar' prison like they do in the west.. here we're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries mostly poor farmers..  




We're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries ample rich family of which she is a member and personally enriching herself and her brother and the Shinwatra clan as a result of this rice pledging scam scheme policy.


You would be far better writing your comments in red.

Edited by siampolee
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smutcakes post # 22.


If there was corruption in the rice scheme, what did the NCPO do to close these loop  holes before paying the 90 bn baht that the farmers were owed?



 The monies were paid to the farmers not those running the rice pledging scam scheme.


Shame on you sir.


Surely you aren't insinuating that it was the farmers that were corrupt are you, and as a result of course the power's that were were indeed totally innocent of any misdeeds?

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smutcakes post # 22.


If there was corruption in the rice scheme, what did the NCPO do to close these loop  holes before paying the 90 bn baht that the farmers were owed?



 The monies were paid to the farmers not those running the rice pledging scam scheme.


Shame on you sir.


Surely you aren't insinuating that it was the farmers that were corrupt are you, and as a result of course the power's that were were indeed totally innocent of any misdeeds?



I stand to be corrected by you, but the money was paid out in exactly the same way as it was done under the PTP Govt. If that is the case and there is corruption in the scheme, then the good General is every bit as guilty as YS. Maybe why he let her leave the country...... also he has an amnesty.....

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Thailand is the only nation that can charge a PM with criminal acts by supporting a Gov't Bill that fails. She did not run this program, the Commerce Dept. ran this program! It is very different if she personally supported illegal acts etc.. but to have supported a Failed Gov't program ??  Seems crazy.


Is it illegal to support the Police Force of Thailand IF you know that yes, there is significant corruption in Thai Police Force? (Now every Thai knows this, so is it illegal to support the Thai Police?)  Crazy.


There is not a leader in the free world that has not supported a program that has failed to live up to expectations.

Yes, there was some fraud related to this program, but you find/charge those that executed the fraud, not those that supported the program.  Seems petty to me.


There is no way she will get a fair trial during a Junta Gov't. Cards are stacked against her, just as they were with her Brother.


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drand11 post no 26

Thailand is the only nation that can charge a PM with criminal acts by supporting a Gov't Bill that fails. She did not run this program, the Commerce Dept. ran this program! It is very different if she personally supported illegal acts etc.. but to have supported a Failed Gov't program ??  Seems crazy.



Is it illegal to support the Police Force of Thailand IF you know that yes, there is significant corruption in Thai Police Force? (Now every Thai knows this, so is it illegal to support the Thai Police?)  Crazy.


There is not a leader in the free world that has not supported a program that has failed to live up to expectations.

Yes, there was some fraud related to this program, but you find/charge those that executed the fraud, not those that supported the program.  Seems petty to me.



There is no way she will get a fair trial during a Junta Gov't. Cards are stacked against her, just as they were with her Brother.





There is no way she will get a fair trial during a Junta Gov't. Cards are stacked against her, just as they were with her Brother.


You should perhaps read the lines below concerning ''fair trials justice etc?''



During the period Mr Tarit began his tough mission to press insurrection charges against protest leaders, forcing them to cry foul over his alleged power abuse to persecute political opponents to the Yingluck regime.

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It's clever . . . if she returns she gets to defend herself in Court, if she doesn't return, the Junta can vilify her in public and call a spade a spade to all her loyal supporters, just like her Daddy Brother . . .


"if she doesn't return, the Junta can vilify her in public and call a spade a spade to all her loyal supporters, just like her Daddy Brother"


I'll ignore your oh so subtle attempt to make yourself (and by extension the Forum) the subject of a defamation suit by saying that Yingluck was fathered by Thaksin ( a pathetic rumour only perpetuated by the educationally challenged) and ask you just how well did the vilification of Thaksin work out for the military junta of 2006/2007? 

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If there was corruption in the rice scheme, what did the NCPO do to close these loop  holes before paying the 90 bn baht that the farmers were owed?




Why they stopped the program when they did the honourable thing and paid the farmers what the PTP government had promised on a weekly basis (and lied about it on the same weekly basis) for months.

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Whenever a Thai points at someone and screams that they are corrupt, the other 3 fingers are pointing behind them at 3 people who are probably, just as corrupt.
Our corrupt leader is better than your corrupt leader is not reform.
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smutcakes post # 22.


If there was corruption in the rice scheme, what did the NCPO do to close these loop  holes before paying the 90 bn baht that the farmers were owed?



 The monies were paid to the farmers not those running the rice pledging scam scheme.


Shame on you sir.


Surely you aren't insinuating that it was the farmers that were corrupt are you, and as a result of course the power's that were were indeed totally innocent of any misdeeds?



I stand to be corrected by you, but the money was paid out in exactly the same way as it was done under the PTP Govt. If that is the case and there is corruption in the scheme, then the good General is every bit as guilty as YS. Maybe why he let her leave the country...... also he has an amnesty.....



The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?



Where have i lied? Just relax and read the post.


The NCPO paid out the outstanding monies owed to the farmers? Yes or No?

The NCPO paid out the monies in exactly the same way as the previous Govt Yes or No?

So if there was corruption in the scheme, the NCPO has done exactly the same thing as the PTP Govt Yes or No?


I am not sure i can say it any simpler.

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I havn't seen much on the actual losses incured by the rice scheme, other than estimates......and the audit isn't completed yet.........

If they don't have watertight case...and of course we are not privy to much of the information nowadays.....I can see this case falling flat very quickly.



You did not see much actual losses??

-most important, the lost of life from some farmers, who didn't got paid.

-the thousands of tones, who appeared to be stolen, which was in the news last week.


Ooh you're a redskirt, turning a blind eye??? Now I understand your point.....

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