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Sir Cliff Richard interviewed by police over assault claim

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Sir Cliff Richard interviewed by police over assault claim

LONDON: -- Sir Cliff Richard has been interviewed under caution in connection with an alleged historical sexual offence, South Yorkshire Police has said.

Sir Cliff voluntarily met officers and was not arrested or charged.

It comes after police searched his home in Sunningdale, Berkshire, on 14 August as part of their investigation.

The veteran pop star denies the alleged offence, saying the claim of an assault at a religious event in Sheffield in 1985 is "completely false".

South Yorkshire Police confirmed it had spoken to a 73-year-old man.

A police spokesman said: "The man was interviewed under caution but was not arrested. He entered South Yorkshire Police premises by arrangement."

Read More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28916746

-- BBC 2014-08-24

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UK police interview Cliff Richard over sex crime allegation

LONDON - British police interviewed veteran singer Cliff Richard, one of the country's most successful entertainers, on Saturday in connection with an alleged historic sex crime, his spokesman said.

Richard, a household name in Britain since the 1950s through hits such as "Living Doll" and "Devil Woman", met officers voluntarily and was interviewed under caution but not arrested or charged.

The interview came after his luxury apartment in Sunningdale, Berkshire, southern England, was last week searched by police over "an allegation of a sexual nature" involving a boy under 16 dating back to the 1980s.

British media have reported that it relates to an alleged incident at a rally by US preacher Billy Graham in Sheffield, northern England, in 1985.

The 73-year-old strongly denies any wrongdoing.

After Richard was interviewed, his spokesman said: "He co-operated fully with officers and answered the questions put to him.

"Other than restating that this allegation is completely false and that he will continue to co-operate fully with the police, it would not be appropriate for Sir Cliff to say anything further at this time."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/UK-police-interview-Cliff-Richard-over-sex-crime-a-30241636.html

-- The Nation 2014-08-24

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The Young Ones..... Nothing But The Young Ones.

But on a serious note... He is a 'Sir' and we will have to wait until he dies to get all the facts. Jimmy Saville style.

The police, MI6 and the government will make sure this goes away during his living years.

I think it's more likely they'd throw him to the wolves to try and protect the establishment figures they are desperately trying to protect.

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Hello Kitty

Kitty is one celeb that wont be doing any jail time because he knows too much about other high ups

this is the reason that Jimmy Saville was never charged while he was alive despite numerous complaints and 100s of people knowing what he got up to

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A few questions I'd like the UK police to answer......I'd be lucky ;0)

Who on earth issued a warrant on such a high profile figure without solid evedence ?

If there is solid evidence why has Cliff not been arrested?

Who tipped of the press about the raid on his home and how much was he/she paid?

Has a court order been served on the reporter to name his source

Will that person if he/she is a member of the police force be sacked or charged with an offence?

Why has the accuser not been named?..............he is no longer a child so why should he have animinity and while Sir Cliff goes through hell?

If Sir Cliff is a pedo why has no one else come forward when your well publisised raid on his home was nothing more than a gimmic to get any other victims attention?

How long have the UK police and press believed everyone is guilty and if they're not we will make them look that way?

Edited by Tanlic
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Rumours and gossip, that's all there is, no evidence. The police probably found something in their archives from the 80's, a teenager claimed he was sexually abused by a man that looked like Clff. If this really happened, why didn't he come forward after all these years.

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Rumours and gossip, that's all there is, no evidence. The police probably found something in their archives from the 80's, a teenager claimed he was sexually abused by a man that looked like Clff. If this really happened, why didn't he come forward after all these years.

Another apologist. Urgghhhh

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I'm genuinely stunned at the replies. Use the internet you creepy creepy people

Others HAVE come forwards

There is also absolutely no way the cops would have acted unless they thought there would be jail Time at the end

Also, and I can't believe I have to educate you on this..... No one can even fathom what a child goes through when a very rich high profile person absurd you. No one.

So to say "why didn't they come forwards before" suggests to me you may have a conscious about something

Again I can't believe I have to say this. One reason his name is headlines is in the hope others will (and have) come forwards. The cops showing that no one is untouchable.

As I have said before you creeps are playing right into the hands of the media that read tv and tbe stereo type expats have living here

Strange it's only tv that has people defending him. Nowhere else I look has anyone defending him

Richard is the one everyone has been waiting on being busted.

Edited by Franky Bear
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His day will come

So you are assuming that because he is accused he is guilty. Many people accused are in fact innocent and it is yet to be seen whether Sir Cliff is or not. Have you heard of any evidence they have discovered? No, so let's just wait and reserve judgment.

I agree with you Frank all this accusation stuff started few years back, the accusers pop up hopping to get compensation for mostly false accusations, I hope it happens to the guys who put the crap comments up.

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Franky Bear.

No one here is defending paedophiles; no one here is trivialising the suffering of a paedophile's victims.

But you have assumed that because someone is accused and because the police are investigating that accusation then they must be guilty.

This shows that you obviously have absolutely no understanding of English law; let alone justice.

A complaint has been made to the police; they have a legal duty and obligation to fully investigate that complaint. That they are doing so cannot be taken as an assumption of guilt on their or anyone else's part.

The anonymity of arrested persons is subject to much debate. There is no specific law on the matter, but police guidelines say that, except in exceptional situations, the identity of a suspect should be withheld until that person is charged. Which is why the refer to Richard as 'a 73 year old man.'

However, if the media discover the name of a suspect and publicise it, then the police may confirm that this is the person.

This Parliamentary briefing note explains this in more detail.

I have not seen anyone here specifically defending him; and if he is found guilty I am sure that no one will be.

What I, and others, are defending is the principle of the presumption of innocence. A principle which is the foundation of English (and Scottish) law and a cornerstone of our democracy.

A principle you seem to want to do away with. You seem to be saying that because something is posted on some weird, conspiracy theorist site on the internet then it must be true and the person accused should lose all right to a fair trial!

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It is very probable that cliff richard is guilty as hell. If he were innocent, why would he cancel a performance he was going to give. You don't give in to accusations such as this. You would say: "I am not going to take this accusation seriously because I know I am innocent. I am not going to change my schedule because of lies."

It reminds me of a very high profile British space scientist who had retired in Sri Lanka and who had been accused by a British newspaper reporter of abusing Sri Lanka boys. He denied it of course but we who lived in that country at the time knew of his behaviour. It was an open secret among the locals that this man was a homo. Now why would he suddenly cancel a dinner party, afraid to show his face if there was no truth to the accusation.

Richard had no girl friends, he boasted to his fellow rockers in the band called The Shadows that he was not interested in sex. They laughed at him. But now we suspect that what he really meant was 'sex with women'. He claimed to be a staunch believer in Christianity. Ya, sure, like the pedophile priests in Roman Catholic churches.

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It seems to have taken the alleged "victim," rather a long time to come forward.

Oh, of course, how silly of me. He has probably been "wrestling" with the trauma for all these years and has only now decided that he was "touched-up" by this famous and WEALTHY celeb all those years ago.

Okay, so "Rotten Rolf" is in the cooler, how about declaring, "Open Season" on Bachelor Boy Cliff...might make some spending cash out of it?

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