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Why do I contribute to Thai Visa


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"When I think of the replies that I have made to some of the morons on here I cringe t..."

Mornin' all. Mornin' Jake. Spot of rain last night. Yep, gave the veggie patch a good soakin'. Gonna need to fix that fence down by the Old Mill Run sometime today. So I'd better get these old bones a-shifting. Later, all.


i agree there is allways something to be done,, i love it,, and i know aht you meen about the old bones,

i get lazy at work, i dont have to do a deal so when i get home and have to do proper work it hurts for the first week,lol

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Same reason as we scratch mosquito bites until they bleed, drink beer until we cannot walk, pay sin sod, get on tuk tuks without agreeing to a fare, go out for a walk in the rainy season without an umbrella, and have sex with strangers with no condom.

Hurts so good, would say a Glutton for Punishment.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I would like to reply more but, this is the most censored site I have ever been on in my life. I can look past all the crazy comments but, the moderation is ridiculous. Talk about people having too much time on their overreaching hands....

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I ask myself why I get involved in the forum to the extent that I do.

Where is the profit?

What is the satisfaction?

It must be rationally because I am bored and with nothing better to do!

Am I am waiting to die

Yes it is a ridiculous statement to make but never the less a statement based on honesty if not intelligence!

You see ( we the participants and protagonist) are only looking for a cause or something that make us sit up and take notice.

When I think of the replies that I have made to some of the morons on here I cringe that I answered a post that I shouldn't have even thought about and therein lies the problem!

Why are we here, sitting in front of a PC screen getting involved in matters that dont really affect us, I say don't really affect us because if we have any brains at all we have manoeuvred ourselves away from the many problems that we see her in so much aplenty

Yes I know that the forum is a place that answers so many of the practical problems that atypical Farang has to face when trying to balance the irregularities and unfairness of the Thai regime but that isn't what I am talking about and you know what I am referring to its the mindless mind games that we get into as a member who anticipates in the cut and thrust of an argument that will never be resolved

So why do I contribute?

three per month? Wow.
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Because some people who claim to be university grads married to chinese thai woman ask stupid questions and apparently have never heard of internet search engines like google.

And i like to piss off wannabe engrit teachers because they can not understand that some of us don't come from a country where English is the first language.

And i like reading the comments from most of the headcases on the news section concerning Thai politics.

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well the rains woke me up so what do i do,

make some toast a cup of coffee check my emails, now im on bloody here waiting for it to get light so i can take care of the pigs,,lol

i must admit i like to read the experts on here trying to tell every one that there isnt a good thai lady in the whole of thailand, and you never be happy, never buy a house in your wifes name,

in fact never get married, they will kill you,

i read them and think how f££king stupid you are, to believe all that you write,

unless there on one bloody big wind up,,

good morning every one


Its always good to hear the other side of the "life is perfect though" so you can get a more balanced view.

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I like to give useful info when I can. So many here don't have a clue, even when they think they do. On some rare occasion I like to inquire whether somebody knows where to buy a particular item I need or knowledgeable advice about its quality.

Otherwise, I really enjoy having a laugh by satirizing the nonsense and idiocy. It's also fun to give the trolls enough rope to get themselves banned. Helped get rid of a prominent pest recently. :) However, satire is now being deleted as part of the tightening of the granny rules, so I need to stop making the effort.

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Op, don't take this the wrong way but you sound really boring. :)

I come here, generally, to check the news and keep tabs on the visa situation, though I do mildly enjoy putting prolls right and also -- ever so slightly -- find solace in others' misfortune. lol

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Op, don't take this the wrong way but you sound really boring. smile.png

I come here, generally, to check the news and keep tabs on the visa situation, though I do mildly enjoy putting prolls right and also -- ever so slightly -- find solace in others' misfortune. lol

I accept the boring critique no problem and you could have added"Old fart" for good measure and I wouldn't demure but when you come out with;

"- find solace in others' misfortune. lol "

​You have a major problem, even if its ever so slightly, Lol!


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I ask myself why I get involved in the forum to the extent that I do.

Where is the profit?

What is the satisfaction?

It must be rationally because I am bored and with nothing better to do!

Am I am waiting to die

Yes it is a ridiculous statement to make but never the less a statement based on honesty if not intelligence!

You see ( we the participants and protagonist) are only looking for a cause or something that make us sit up and take notice.

When I think of the replies that I have made to some of the morons on here I cringe that I answered a post that I shouldn't have even thought about and therein lies the problem!

Why are we here, sitting in front of a PC screen getting involved in matters that dont really affect us, I say don't really affect us because if we have any brains at all we have manoeuvred ourselves away from the many problems that we see her in so much aplenty

Yes I know that the forum is a place that answers so many of the practical problems that atypical Farang has to face when trying to balance the irregularities and unfairness of the Thai regime but that isn't what I am talking about and you know what I am referring to its the mindless mind games that we get into as a member who anticipates in the cut and thrust of an argument that will never be resolved

So why do I contribute?

three per month? Wow.

Good point for an argument but too full of holes in reality, I dare say people post on here as a last resort in overcoming self inflicted boredom.

I only post when all the day to day problems are boxed off and my naturally active mind need some stimulation, of the mental kind.

I occasionally get carried away with the poetic licence when I drink too much of the whisky but generally I am not bitter, acerbic or full of self pity like so many of our peers are on this forum.

Having said that I have learned that the forum is full of genuine and very intelligent posters that makes me come back time after time to share a debate.

Yes it has to be said that I too can wind up a poster especially if I feel He is being a little pompous or heavy handed with a Newby or a tad hypocritical but I can accept being put in my place now and again by a poster who maybe has thought his words out a bit better that I have in my posts!

Ok now the answer I should have given to your post.

Total of 534 or was it just 34 Posts Oh my Oh my!

Edited by n210mp
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I dont contribute, I participate, it is a two way street relationship

When I have specific questions, aside from all the white noise I get from some, I get good answers from others. By reading as many posts, news stories and the reaction to news stories as I can , I am beginning to get a feel for Thailand in general and based on that and other sources I feel I can make better decisions about my future in Thailand.

For that I am grateful, and I express my appreciation by helping others when I can.

But my relation with TVF is not only utilitarian, there is the entertainment aspect to it

Plenty of people here with a good sense of humor, some times they crack me up.

I like to think that I am one of them, but i guess that's for others to decide. In general, I get as much as I give. The economics work, and that's why I participate.smile.png

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