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day old cooked rice reheated


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I keep trying to explain to my wife that I wont eat the rice cooked yesterday and left out in the open because I may get ill from it, she doesn't seem to understand food should be stored in the fridge after its cooked and seems to think I'm the one been stupid ! Its not just rice, she'll cook some chicken or pork any meat really and put a plate on it then leave it on the table, or in a cupboard, sometimes for 3-4 days.The rice is cooked in rice cooker and left in it over a few days and she reheats the full lot every time she wants some.What gets me the most is she'll buy vegetables and always puts them in the fridge to rot, not sure why maybe she forgets they are there, but I think its cause she buys way too much!and why does she insist on using the floor as a table instead of the table ?

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maybe it is time to complain, rather than explain (explaining your logic in English give her headache).

she will then tell you to cook yourself instead - she now kigyat

you get to live longer - no poisoning...

Edited by tifino
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OP Bacillus cereus is your enemy. This bacteria will grow in that improperly refrigerated rice and produce enterotoxins which may not be deactivated by subsequent heating..

Dude, put your foot down and enforce a 12 hour rule!

If you get it, you probably wont die, you'll just have it coming violently out of both ends. With a twelve hour rule I have never had a problem. Anything I see lying about that's more than 12 hours old I feed to our dogs and cats.

Good luck.

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You actually have three complaints: cooked rice storage, vegetable storage, and kitchen hygiene.

Don't listen to any macho responses - - follow that type of advice and you're going to end up in a pool of blood, stabbed by your wife.

You are treading on thin ice trying to boss your wife around in the kitchen. This is her domain - - respect it if you value your life.

You're going to need to be really patient and take this one step at a time, tackle one problem at a time - - not all three problems at once.

Your wife sounds like she is doing things the way she always has. It's going to take some time to get her to change. Just take it easy and don't threaten her self-esteem as a house wife.

Take a deep breath. Things will work out. I'm sure at the end of the day your wife wants to make you happy.

Edited by Gecko123
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Apparently you two didn't "play house" before you got married. If you had, you would have realized she wasn't a fit cook. Hope she makes up for this serious shortcoming in other areas of domestic life.

At this point, all you can do is take up cooking for yourself. Maybe install a western kitchen inside for you (and off limits for her) and let her have a Thai kitchen outside or on the balcony.

lived together in my house in uk for 5 years before came to Thailand to live and marry, I cooked for myself most of the time due to hours I worked ect .

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It's no problem, in Thailand you don't need to put in the fridge or plastic wrap.

You just don't understand.

BTW it is the same at my place as yours, and we hardly ever get sick, so why worry.

Normally the nasties in cooked rice take more than 24 hours to produce the enteroxins. We too almost never get sick.

The OP should realize that Thailand has a long history of food preparation and storage without refrigeration. My wife manages this quite well. It is unnerving though, to see unrefrigerated food reheated 12+ hours later, still we never get sick.

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could always increase your rice intake...

use in lieu of cereal

use in lieu of dessert - just add some milk'n'honey

use in lieu of dessicant (use to dry out mobile phones that have gotten wet)...

...probably more uses than WD-40 if we thought hard enough

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OP, I had the same problems.

But I found the solution.

Every morning, before I go out, I go to the kitchen, take a bag and put all the food left in the fridge or any rice in the rice cooker and give it to the soi dogs.

At the beginning, she used to kick a fuss, now she is used to it and she doesn't even bother to put it in the fridge.

Problem solved.

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One of my future sisters-in-laws leaves old rice in an uncovered bowl. When we stayed with them she'd serve that to us for dinner. By that time there'd be dead bugs in it and we couldn't say crap to that *****. Be thankful she at looks after the stuff.

Edited by Halfie
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Guess I'm lucky - always stored in zip locks or rubber maid + in the fridge - and ANYTHING out aged = gone and all exp dates are watched before purchase and consumption.....rice seems pretty ?indestructable?....have seen it drying in the PI on the roads wth exhaust fumes...the wife has been great at adapting to the proper refrigeration and aging pretty well - our rice cooker is too big for two but always churns out a full pot - not sure if it goes in us or binned (no dogs)....I don't eat chicken - when she gets it and cooks she puts it in the unused oven to store during the day - seems OK to/for her - if I find it later in the day I stick in the fridge <> anything I am unsure about if out goes in the fridge - probably a good teaching tool (without a word)....If we walk around the local markets that are stifling and I look at the food that has been sitting there in the heat and fumes all day as well as pawed by how many unwashed hands and wonder how people can eat it and survive - but they do - for how long I don't know....she buys in season veggies and fruits sometimes if we happen to go and are looking for something (usually dry goods that I wouldn't have thought existed there - like for crocheting or painting)......

Tried the meat from the huge daily market in CM once........big mistake - good price but big mistake (the one next to the US consolate)

We mostly buy from Makro for cooking veggies and fruits & Rimping for meats...I feel better thinking they've been handled better (think so - less reaction).....I think astute shopping is also important......

Thai's are funny - but once the logic of whatever situation sets in it's etched in stone.....we constantly amaze/surprise each other - and that's a good thing......

Edited by pgrahmm
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Well in a normal, good rice cooker, the rice is kept hot. After 2-4 days it dries out and get ugly but not dangerous.

So first step: buy her a good rice cooker so she don't need to reheat her rice :-)

Food if open: reheated 3 times a day. Or if closed 2 times a day will be safe. Not mean it will be better after 10 times reheating but it always kills everything.

Problem is the water and salt content. Some sauce will get bad quickly.

If you make pork chops, they are salted well and get a bit dry they will hold out days.

Normally you can see, smell and taste if something is OK. If it seems OK it is most probably OK. Also you have some subconscious feeling if it can be eaten or not. That works very well. Most of the time....

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and why does she insist on using the floor as a table instead of the table ?

That is an obvious one if it is like my house when I am not there.....the table is for the bike keys, the handbag, the tissue packets, the magazines, penny novel books, cartoon books, little packets of tablets, hand creams, face creams, small jars of chilli paste ( in the unlikely event there is not enough in the food,) half eaten packets of sticky rice, rice crackers, loose coins....oh, and the mobile phone.w00t.gif

But we would not change them for the world when you see the smile on your return........with a fat wallet!!facepalm.gif rolleyes.gif

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Well she will have done/eaten this way this all her life and she is still alive so can't be much wrong with it (joking), but if this is the sticky/glutonous usually rice rolled in a ball to eat, i believe it is fine keeps for days for days. staple food of peasants.

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