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Why do Western men marry Thai girls of ill-repute?

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this thread is hilarious, so many posters with their so called hi-so's.

there are always exceptions to the rule but I've never seen in my life in asia a real hi-so bred in asia beauty with an old western guy, it just not going to happen, they don't date westerners, it would be too crass. How many have you seen walking around paragon? Or orchid mall in sing? Or on the parade opposite the peninsula in HK? None. And if your answer is 'I have or I am one' then you have no clue what hi-so even means in asia.

Peter Ladd Jensen did alright.

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Coz some men beleive that women in that profession will be grateful for being saved from it.

Are you suggesting some prostitutes aren't grateful for a way out?

"A way out"?? You make it sound like a literal prison sentence—it is simply a job that pays comparatively well in Thailand. Of course, many people consider "wage slavery" a figurative prison sentence, so unless you apply the same sentiment to any industry (I can think of many bank and supermarket employees who would be grateful for a "way out"), then you are being unfairly discriminatory. Thanks.

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Why do men marry women of ill repute/questionable values?

Because they are basically stupified and overwhelmed (but some are just low spectrum barflies and in their element*)

.....In their home countries they may have dated - been married <> then unmarried.....going through the motions of looking and sampling as best they can but are driven away/threatened by empowered/entitled/out spoken/toughened women .....One mistake we (as men) can make is to be afraid to talk to the "stunner" - and many times it's a big mistake....there are a many great looking women that are isolated in may ways by their looks.... and many are some of the nicest people you will ever meet - they are the natural beauties not the snipped/botoxed/fish lipped/enhanced body types......however the men have been beaten about somewhere in life by the women they have allowed in their lives and are afraid to approach/even try.....

Then - they arrive in Thailand....maybe they look like they're filled with bluster but in reality they're walking around with their tails tucked between their legs (*except for the idiots mentioned above).....all of a sudden they are surrounded by exotic/willing/kittenish/soft/coquettish/sexy/on demand women....they don't know the rules of the game they just know it's different and unlike anything they've experienced in life - they don't know the culture - might have heard of Thai Fever or Private Dancer and even read it a year before they got here.....but now they are here - they are in the midst of the company of professional companions......these women know what makes men tick more than the men themselves do.....many of the men don't have a clue of what Thailand really is and can't see beyond those wonderful brown nipples and smooth hairless body with the willing smile, cute ways, 30BT street food eating/humble temple worshipping/english speaking girl that has befriended them.....the bar becomes "home" and comfort zone with approving smiles, company,drama, humor, sensuality overload, & support......still the studly rooster locked in the henhouse.....

Before they reallize it they are seduced/guided into the maelstrom of the Thai courting rituals.....gliding along easily because these girls have been through and discussed/mentored/pushed each other into being very good at it.......

Ultimately - it's the luck of the draw - some get lucky and have a happy long life and relationship/marriage.....others are sucked dry like the easy act of eating crabs legs and cast aside like the no long needed shell.....

The bets are on the house here (Thailand) and skewed horribly against the "player"

You are judged by the company you keep - works in both directions.....

Excellent post and very well explained. Knowing Thai culture and how the "game" is played and what's acceptable and what's not goes a long way in finding a good relationship with a woman and you don't learn that overnight. It takes time. Most guys who end up with bar girls could have done a lot better but they didn't take their time and got sucked into the bar scene and those types of girls.

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this thread is hilarious, so many posters with their so called hi-so's.

there are always exceptions to the rule but I've never seen in my life in asia a real hi-so bred in asia beauty with an old western guy, it just not going to happen, they don't date westerners, it would be too crass. How many have you seen walking around paragon? Or orchid mall in sing? Or on the parade opposite the peninsula in HK? None. And if your answer is 'I have or I am one' then you have no clue what hi-so even means in asia. The only man that could (millionaire brad Pitt type) would not bother himself with the hassle, as he can get a model straight off any catwalk in Europe anyway. Lot of posters think when they date a girl who works in an office pushing paper they've hit the top echelon of thai society.. I remember reading one post of a guy saying he was dating a shop keepers daughter (who's shop is on the side of the road somewhere in issan) and noted that she was from 'a well to do family'. No doubt her family are respectable, but well to do? Some serious delusions going on

A few steps up even from the shop keepers daughter, just because a girl has a degree or works in an office doesn't make her any better than the next mans bar girl. The basis of the relationship between the old farang young thai is still economical.

A lot of people throwing the term hi-so around (which the Thais themselves use frequently) Unless her parents own property in central london and she gets driven around in an S class by her own driver then she is not 'hi-so' I'm afraid, and as already stated, farangs are not going to get ANYWHERE NEAR these girls, unless they themselves are extremely rich, young and attractive (why would they waste time dating a thai? They wouldn't..). Most of these hi-sos can't even speak English anyway and those that can will be looking for their equal. Not someone who's washed up in Thailand on a long vacation, retired or a digital nomad, or a teacher! Just not going to happen

You're a funny guy. What's a "hi-so" Thai woman anyway, in your opinion? A Thai movie star? Please tell me. Yes, there are Thai women from wealthy families who marry foreigners but just like our countries, people tend to marry those of a similar financial and social status, and that means that wealthy Thai girls aren't going to marry some Western shmuck any more than they are going to marry some poor Thai guy. This laughable idea that "hi-so" Thai women don't marry Western guys is just that- laughable. For goodness sake, even a Thai princess from the Royal Family married an American guy so what do you say about that? And for all you guys on this thread who think you're so good at "reading" what kind of girl that is walking with the Western guy at the mall, just let it go because you can't really know unless the woman's a downright bar tramp and anyone can spot those a mile away. Chances are if you saw me with my wife you'd know that we were doing well for ourselves but that would be the extent of it. You guys need to stop watching those silly Thai soap operas where the "high-so" girls are always so pretentious and act like spoiled brats because in the real Thailand those girls are a real rarity while the REAL rich Thai girls usually look middle-class(ish) and don't flaunt their wealth.

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Coz some men beleive that women in that profession will be grateful for being saved from it.

Are you suggesting some prostitutes aren't grateful for a way out?

They're grateful as long as the 'way out' pays more than the current 'way in'.

I think you under-estimate the distaste that some women have for sex work.

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Coz some men beleive that women in that profession will be grateful for being saved from it.

Are you suggesting some prostitutes aren't grateful for a way out?

They're grateful as long as the 'way out' pays more than the current 'way in'.

I think you under-estimate the distaste that some women have for sex work.

And that's why almost all of them are into drugs and/or drink heavily. Kinda helps to deaden the pain.

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Coz some men beleive that women in that profession will be grateful for being saved from it.

Are you suggesting some prostitutes aren't grateful for a way out?

"A way out"?? You make it sound like a literal prison sentence—it is simply a job that pays comparatively well in Thailand. Of course, many people consider "wage slavery" a figurative prison sentence, so unless you apply the same sentiment to any industry (I can think of many bank and supermarket employees who would be grateful for a "way out"), then you are being unfairly discriminatory. Thanks.

semantics, my friend, just semantics.

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this thread is hilarious, so many posters with their so called hi-so's.

there are always exceptions to the rule but I've never seen in my life in asia a real hi-so bred in asia beauty with an old western guy, it just not going to happen, they don't date westerners, it would be too crass. How many have you seen walking around paragon? Or orchid mall in sing? Or on the parade opposite the peninsula in HK? None. And if your answer is 'I have or I am one' then you have no clue what hi-so even means in asia. The only man that could (millionaire brad Pitt type) would not bother himself with the hassle, as he can get a model straight off any catwalk in Europe anyway. Lot of posters think when they date a girl who works in an office pushing paper they've hit the top echelon of thai society.. I remember reading one post of a guy saying he was dating a shop keepers daughter (who's shop is on the side of the road somewhere in issan) and noted that she was from 'a well to do family'. No doubt her family are respectable, but well to do? Some serious delusions going on

A few steps up even from the shop keepers daughter, just because a girl has a degree or works in an office doesn't make her any better than the next mans bar girl. The basis of the relationship between the old farang young thai is still economical.

A lot of people throwing the term hi-so around (which the Thais themselves use frequently) Unless her parents own property in central london and she gets driven around in an S class by her own driver then she is not 'hi-so' I'm afraid, and as already stated, farangs are not going to get ANYWHERE NEAR these girls, unless they themselves are extremely rich, young and attractive (why would they waste time dating a thai? They wouldn't..). Most of these hi-sos can't even speak English anyway and those that can will be looking for their equal. Not someone who's washed up in Thailand on a long vacation, retired or a digital nomad, or a teacher! Just not going to happen

You're a funny guy. What's a "hi-so" Thai woman anyway, in your opinion? A Thai movie star? Please tell me. Yes, there are Thai women from wealthy families who marry foreigners but just like our countries, people tend to marry those of a similar financial and social status, and that means that wealthy Thai girls aren't going to marry some Western shmuck any more than they are going to marry some poor Thai guy. This laughable idea that "hi-so" Thai women don't marry Western guys is just that- laughable. For goodness sake, even a Thai princess from the Royal Family married an American guy so what do you say about that? And for all you guys on this thread who think you're so good at "reading" what kind of girl that is walking with the Western guy at the mall, just let it go because you can't really know unless the woman's a downright bar tramp and anyone can spot those a mile away. Chances are if you saw me with my wife you'd know that we were doing well for ourselves but that would be the extent of it. You guys need to stop watching those silly Thai soap operas where the "high-so" girls are always so pretentious and act like spoiled brats because in the real Thailand those girls are a real rarity while the REAL rich Thai girls usually look middle-class(ish) and don't flaunt their wealth.


You're going to give yourself a nervous breakdown or an aneurysm if you keep up like this. I get the feeling you feel the need to defend the honor of your wife. Lots of people - Thais and foreigners alike - here as well as abroad - are going to speculate whether your wife was a bar girl. It just comes with the territory, and I'm surprised you don't already know this.

You're going to have to work on your coping skills, or you're going to end up institutionalized either in a prison or a mental hospital.

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And that's why almost all of them are into drugs and/or drink heavily. Kinda helps to deaden the pain.

Maybe they just like to get high. Many of my middle-class and wealthy friends did back when we were their age and it had nothing to do with "pain". whistling.gif

Point taken, but it could be a case of killing 2 birds with one stone. One place I used to go to occasionally at Silom (has live boxing matches which is why I went) had plenty of "dancers" and most of them said they did drugs because it kept them awake and made things "easier" for them and kept them in a good mood.

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I know a few women that age. You'd be surprised at how young at heart and open minded they can be.

Amused by the suggestion that I never interact with any women. It's hilarious how confused you guys are by anyone who doesn't conform to your stereotype.

You do come across as gay.

Are you actually serious? Because anyone who doesn't fancy Thai women is gay?

There's a whole world outside your narrow conceptions.

So you say. Personally, I remain sceptical

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Because they belong together. The western man needs to be appreciated since he is not very good looking and he need to have a sexual active life. So he choose a bargirl . It will cost him but he can afford it and the bargirl will forever love his money . A perfect relationship, until money runs out....

Edited by balo
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One or more of the following reasons:

1. Low self-esteem, same as the prostitutes

2. Too old to find someone in their own countries

3. Too fat to find someone in their own countries

4. Not enough money to find someone in their own countries

5. Too unsightly to find someone in their own countries

6. Perversion - Huge age gap

Anyone have more?

Dude, you sound so ignorant. How many visas do you have in your passport? Do you even have a passport at all? If we were to judge each other strictly by economic and social status alone, I probably wouldn't have a problem looking down on you just as you seem to look down on a lot of Western expats who happen to be living here in Thailand. Seriously, what's your problem? I'm married to a Thai woman (ethnic Chinese) who comes from a good, wealthy family and someone like you wouldn't even get a chance to date or marry a woman like her- they simply wouldn't give you the time of day. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but before you judge others you need to look at YOUR financial and social status and realize that there are people at this forum and elsewhere who can look down on you just as easily as you can look down on someone. Grow the hell up and stop being a jackass.

=#000000]D[/size][/color]ude, before dragging your rich, hi-so "ethnic Chinese" wife through this discussion, read the topic title:[/size] [/size]"[/size] [/size]Why do Western men marry Thai girls of ill-repute?"[/size] [/size]And by effectively juxtaposing her[/size] against "other" Thai women you are actually looking down on poor, non [/size]ethnic-[/size]Chinese[/size] Thai women.[/size] ("[/size]If we were to judge each other strictly by economic and social status alone, ...")


So yes, I reit[/size]erate[/size] all of my points above. Can anyone add?[/size] [/size]

Stop trying to be a smart guy and weasel your way out of this one. You and your outdated 1980s-style bonehead view that all Westerners who associate with women of "ill repute" must be "losers" is ridiculous and indicative of a Thai person with little education. I bet you're one of those people who also think that "good" Thai girls never date or marry Western guys, huh? Like I said, you sound exactly like a low-class Thai with little education who has probably never even been abroad with those ridiculous stereotypes of yours and you need to get with the times. And as for me, I don't look down on anyone, but if push comes to shove I will call out idiocy when I see it. You need to grow up.

Whoa, now. While I appreciate some of what you say, the OP has given his opinion of :

Why do Western men marry Thai girls of ill-repute?

Your story of a well-bred Thai-Chinese wife is the stuff of which to be proud; however, I fail to see how it fits with marrying a Thai girl of ill-repute. Technically, a farang could have been here, legally, for many years with only one visa in his passport. You make assumptions the OP is of low social and economic origins without any apparent foreknowledge. Nowhere, do I see the OP states ALL Westerners and this forum wasn't about good Thai girls. The rest of your comparisons are simply unsubstantiated. And, as for judging others; wasn't getting the TV poster's perspective the intent of the OP's question and the expected response of this forum? Oh, and judging others, wasn't that what you were doing?

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Coz some men beleive that women in that profession will be grateful for being saved from it.

Are you suggesting some prostitutes aren't grateful for a way out?
I knew a girl who packed in her job at a karaoke bar to work in Family Mart.

Of course, there are former women of negotiable virtue who have left the trade. Some girls actually dislike renting themselves and do seek a way out. Some girls are still too new to the trade to develop that calloused commodity opinion of themselves and can still fall in love. Others have been in the business so long they will grasp at anything. Many find long-term customers and even get married. And, there is maybe one still good-looking working-girl out there who actually fell in love with the guy and gave up the life to be with him. However, most of them simply go back to the province well-worn.

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Coz some men beleive that women in that profession will be grateful for being saved from it.

Would you care to elaborate upon how often you think the man's belief is mistaken and the woman's gratitude is genuine?

I do agree that this emotional response is quite common. The devil is in the details.

Well not having been through it myself, my experience is second hand having seen several mates do this, and have the relationship go tits up in short time.

In the bar it is a business for the girl. In the bar, it is a business that becomes an emotion for the man, because to have access he has to pay to get her out of the bar.

Most of the bloke I see think that the woman should then be happy to become a housewife providing for him. But that's not what she wants, but he reckons she should be happy to be out of the bar. But in reality she has lost her earning capacity and independence.

And now she has to put up with 24/7

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I guess some people are more mature than others. I don't think your generalisations about older women necessarily hold true though.

Have you ever spoken to a 65 year old woman (not a relative like you're mom) about sex?

You do understand the definition of "generalization," right?

In this case the same as stereotypes. Useless banter from people who have never actually encountered a sexual situation with older folks. You want to find out about sex with old women talk to a guy who was married to an old woman. Not hard to figure out is it?

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Just because you don't have what it takes to get near an "upper crust" Thai woman doesn't mean that there are those of us who haven't. We may be a select few but we do exist. Unlike the rest of you guys, I married my wife in the States but had to come here for business. Most of you guys come here with basically nothing or very little and that's why most of the more well-to-do Thai women don't give you the time of day. I met my wife when she was studying for her PHD and at her university almost every single one of her female Thai friends had an American boyfriend and was planning on getting married to an American.

You're talking about a completely different environment. Americanized Thais living overseas vs the social environment over here.

As for your comments about not having what it takes, I have advanced degrees too, pal, and had a six figure salary before retiring here, so get off your high horse.

If ronn68 got himself an Americanized Thai, then all he's got is a farang woman in a Thai suit. In all the years I lived in the US, I don't recall ever seeing a truly attractive Thai woman. All the hot Thai women are in Thailand. In fairness, it was hard to tell the difference between a Thai, Filipino, and other SE Asian females in America. But frankly, it wasn't until I came to Thailand that I saw so many beautiful Thai women.

Dude, please tell me you're joking. No one can be that retarded, can they?

Are you capable of debating without resorting to insults? You come on here to brag about your "upper crust" Thai woman, which is what a lot of delusional guys do. Perhaps you can tell me which points I made which are "retarded." Or should I just save time and sort your name in the idiot farang file?

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this thread is hilarious, so many posters with their so called hi-so's.

there are always exceptions to the rule but I've never seen in my life in asia a real hi-so bred in asia beauty with an old western guy, it just not going to happen, they don't date westerners, it would be too crass. How many have you seen walking around paragon? Or orchid mall in sing? Or on the parade opposite the peninsula in HK? None. And if your answer is 'I have or I am one' then you have no clue what hi-so even means in asia. The only man that could (millionaire brad Pitt type) would not bother himself with the hassle, as he can get a model straight off any catwalk in Europe anyway. Lot of posters think when they date a girl who works in an office pushing paper they've hit the top echelon of thai society.. I remember reading one post of a guy saying he was dating a shop keepers daughter (who's shop is on the side of the road somewhere in issan) and noted that she was from 'a well to do family'. No doubt her family are respectable, but well to do? Some serious delusions going on

A few steps up even from the shop keepers daughter, just because a girl has a degree or works in an office doesn't make her any better than the next mans bar girl. The basis of the relationship between the old farang young thai is still economical.

A lot of people throwing the term hi-so around (which the Thais themselves use frequently) Unless her parents own property in central london and she gets driven around in an S class by her own driver then she is not 'hi-so' I'm afraid, and as already stated, farangs are not going to get ANYWHERE NEAR these girls, unless they themselves are extremely rich, young and attractive (why would they waste time dating a thai? They wouldn't..). Most of these hi-sos can't even speak English anyway and those that can will be looking for their equal. Not someone who's washed up in Thailand on a long vacation, retired or a digital nomad, or a teacher! Just not going to happen

You're a funny guy. What's a "hi-so" Thai woman anyway, in your opinion? A Thai movie star? Please tell me. Yes, there are Thai women from wealthy families who marry foreigners but just like our countries, people tend to marry those of a similar financial and social status, and that means that wealthy Thai girls aren't going to marry some Western shmuck any more than they are going to marry some poor Thai guy. This laughable idea that "hi-so" Thai women don't marry Western guys is just that- laughable. For goodness sake, even a Thai princess from the Royal Family married an American guy so what do you say about that? And for all you guys on this thread who think you're so good at "reading" what kind of girl that is walking with the Western guy at the mall, just let it go because you can't really know unless the woman's a downright bar tramp and anyone can spot those a mile away. Chances are if you saw me with my wife you'd know that we were doing well for ourselves but that would be the extent of it. You guys need to stop watching those silly Thai soap operas where the "high-so" girls are always so pretentious and act like spoiled brats because in the real Thailand those girls are a real rarity while the REAL rich Thai girls usually look middle-class(ish) and don't flaunt their wealth.


You're going to give yourself a nervous breakdown or an aneurysm if you keep up like this. I get the feeling you feel the need to defend the honor of your wife. Lots of people - Thais and foreigners alike - here as well as abroad - are going to speculate whether your wife was a bar girl. It just comes with the territory, and I'm surprised you don't already know this.

You're going to have to work on your coping skills, or you're going to end up institutionalized either in a prison or a mental hospital.

You're right, Gecko, this Ronn guy has a serious chip-on-his-shoulder. I'll bet my right nut that his wife has been accused of being a bargirl many times and he feels a need to vent. And he claims to be an expert on hi-so Thai women when the closest he's been to one is talking about it on this thread. You can tell his type every time they bring up that one lone princess who's not even married to that American anymore. Ronn, you should really cut your losses and &lt;deleted&gt; already.

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One place I used to go to occasionally at Silom (has live boxing matches which is why I went) had plenty of "dancers" and most of them said they did drugs because it kept them awake and made things "easier" for them and kept them in a good mood.


Do I understand this correctly?

You frequented muay thai boxing matches, which happened to have "dancers" in attendance, who happened to start telling you the intimate details of their lives, and who just happened to freely admit to you (a total stranger) that they habitually use drugs?

There are several things about this story which just didn't ring true for me.

First, drug abuse in Thailand carries such stiff penalties, most people I've ever known are super tight-lipped about anything to do with narcotics. It's just really hard for me to believe that any Thai, (much less the girl after girl you're claiming) would speak this openly about such a taboo and peril fraught subject.

Secondly, when I consider that quite a number of the girls who work in bars come from small villages, such frank and candid confessions seems all the more unlikely. From the time a person is knee high, everyone knows the importance of being circumspect, because if you tell one person in the village, soon everyone will know your secret. I'm just left wondering how come everyone is so unusually unguarded and recklessly indiscreet around you.

Finally, I am struggling to come up with what would motive a girl to admit she had a drug habit. It certainly wouldn't make her more attractive in a potential customer's eyes. She might just as well be discussing her gynecological problems or STD history with a customer.

So I have to ask: 'Are you sure that some of the anecdotal evidence you're presenting here hasn't been concocted or exaggerated in order to unfairly bolster the case you are trying to make?'

Edited by Gecko123
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One place I used to go to occasionally at Silom (has live boxing matches which is why I went) had plenty of "dancers" and most of them said they did drugs because it kept them awake and made things "easier" for them and kept them in a good mood.


Do I understand this correctly?

You frequented muay thai boxing matches, which happened to have "dancers" in attendance, who happened to start telling you the intimate details of their lives, and who just happened to freely admit to you (a total stranger) that they habitually use drugs?

There are several things about this story which just didn't ring true for me.

First, drug abuse in Thailand carries such stiff penalties, most people I've ever known are super tight-lipped about anything to do with narcotics. It's just really hard for me to believe that any Thai, (much less the girl after girl you're claiming) would speak this openly about such a taboo and peril fraught subject.

Secondly, when I consider that quite a number of the girls who work in bars come from small villages, such frank and candid confessions seems all the more unlikely. From the time a person is knee high, everyone knows the importance of being circumspect, because if you tell one person in the village, soon everyone will know your secret. I'm just left wondering how come everyone is so unusually unguarded and recklessly indiscreet around you.

Finally, I am struggling to come up with what would motive a girl to admit she had a drug habit. It certainly wouldn't make her more attractive in a potential customer's eyes. She might just as well be discussing her gynecological problems or STD history with a customer.

So I have to ask: 'Are you sure that some of the anecdotal evidence you're presenting here hasn't been concocted or exaggerated in order to unfairly bolster the case you are trying to make?'

Its been a while but there used to be two places like that in Chiang Mai. One area had boxing and the other Reggae music. Ah those were the days. I'm sure they're gone now.smile.png

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One place I used to go to occasionally at Silom (has live boxing matches which is why I went) had plenty of "dancers" and most of them said they did drugs because it kept them awake and made things "easier" for them and kept them in a good mood.


Do I understand this correctly?

You frequented muay thai boxing matches, which happened to have "dancers" in attendance, who happened to start telling you the intimate details of their lives, and who just happened to freely admit to you (a total stranger) that they habitually use drugs?

There are several things about this story which just didn't ring true for me.

First, drug abuse in Thailand carries such stiff penalties, most people I've ever known are super tight-lipped about anything to do with narcotics. It's just really hard for me to believe that any Thai, (much less the girl after girl you're claiming) would speak this openly about such a taboo and peril fraught subject.

Secondly, when I consider that quite a number of the girls who work in bars come from small villages, such frank and candid confessions seems all the more unlikely. From the time a person is knee high, everyone knows the importance of being circumspect, because if you tell one person in the village, soon everyone will know your secret. I'm just left wondering how come everyone is so unusually unguarded and recklessly indiscreet around you.

Finally, I am struggling to come up with what would motive a girl to admit she had a drug habit. It certainly wouldn't make her more attractive in a potential customer's eyes. She might just as well be discussing her gynecological problems or STD history with a customer.

So I have to ask: 'Are you sure that some of the anecdotal evidence you're presenting here hasn't been concocted or exaggerated in order to unfairly bolster the case you are trying to make?'

You don't seem to understand Thai culture that well, in my opinion. I used to go to that bar with a few of my employees to "wind up the week" and the women I spoke with were surprisingly candid about it although it's not something they'd blurt out for other people in the bar to hear. It could be that you have a language barrier to deal with and that would limit your ability to really get to know the girls in these establishments. This is not the case for me as I am fluent in Thai and can read and write the language. And these girls aren't as stupid as you might think. Many, if not most, of them are street smart and they know who they can trust and who they can't. You might be surprised to know that quite a few of these bars are at least partially owned by police and ALL of them are controlled or allowed to operate because of police cooperation so when ecstasy or meth or other drugs are used in an establishment it's because the police allow it so it's not as if the girls are going around terrified that there's going to be a drug raid or anything. Got it?

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this thread is hilarious, so many posters with their so called hi-so's.

there are always exceptions to the rule but I've never seen in my life in asia a real hi-so bred in asia beauty with an old western guy, it just not going to happen, they don't date westerners, it would be too crass. How many have you seen walking around paragon? Or orchid mall in sing? Or on the parade opposite the peninsula in HK? None. And if your answer is 'I have or I am one' then you have no clue what hi-so even means in asia. The only man that could (millionaire brad Pitt type) would not bother himself with the hassle, as he can get a model straight off any catwalk in Europe anyway. Lot of posters think when they date a girl who works in an office pushing paper they've hit the top echelon of thai society.. I remember reading one post of a guy saying he was dating a shop keepers daughter (who's shop is on the side of the road somewhere in issan) and noted that she was from 'a well to do family'. No doubt her family are respectable, but well to do? Some serious delusions going on

A few steps up even from the shop keepers daughter, just because a girl has a degree or works in an office doesn't make her any better than the next mans bar girl. The basis of the relationship between the old farang young thai is still economical.

A lot of people throwing the term hi-so around (which the Thais themselves use frequently) Unless her parents own property in central london and she gets driven around in an S class by her own driver then she is not 'hi-so' I'm afraid, and as already stated, farangs are not going to get ANYWHERE NEAR these girls, unless they themselves are extremely rich, young and attractive (why would they waste time dating a thai? They wouldn't..). Most of these hi-sos can't even speak English anyway and those that can will be looking for their equal. Not someone who's washed up in Thailand on a long vacation, retired or a digital nomad, or a teacher! Just not going to happen

You're a funny guy. What's a "hi-so" Thai woman anyway, in your opinion? A Thai movie star? Please tell me. Yes, there are Thai women from wealthy families who marry foreigners but just like our countries, people tend to marry those of a similar financial and social status, and that means that wealthy Thai girls aren't going to marry some Western shmuck any more than they are going to marry some poor Thai guy. This laughable idea that "hi-so" Thai women don't marry Western guys is just that- laughable. For goodness sake, even a Thai princess from the Royal Family married an American guy so what do you say about that? And for all you guys on this thread who think you're so good at "reading" what kind of girl that is walking with the Western guy at the mall, just let it go because you can't really know unless the woman's a downright bar tramp and anyone can spot those a mile away. Chances are if you saw me with my wife you'd know that we were doing well for ourselves but that would be the extent of it. You guys need to stop watching those silly Thai soap operas where the "high-so" girls are always so pretentious and act like spoiled brats because in the real Thailand those girls are a real rarity while the REAL rich Thai girls usually look middle-class(ish) and don't flaunt their wealth.


You're going to give yourself a nervous breakdown or an aneurysm if you keep up like this. I get the feeling you feel the need to defend the honor of your wife. Lots of people - Thais and foreigners alike - here as well as abroad - are going to speculate whether your wife was a bar girl. It just comes with the territory, and I'm surprised you don't already know this.

You're going to have to work on your coping skills, or you're going to end up institutionalized either in a prison or a mental hospital.

You're right, Gecko, this Ronn guy has a serious chip-on-his-shoulder. I'll bet my right nut that his wife has been accused of being a bargirl many times and he feels a need to vent. And he claims to be an expert on hi-so Thai women when the closest he's been to one is talking about it on this thread. You can tell his type every time they bring up that one lone princess who's not even married to that American anymore. Ronn, you should really cut your losses and <deleted> already.

My wife, be accused of being a bar girl? Yeah right. You kinda come off as being a sleaze ball. Your life might be less than desirable but that doesn't mean mine is. Hopefully in the future stricter immigration controls will mean that guys like you are weeded out and slowly but surely forced out of the country...

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My wife, be accused of being a bar girl? Yeah right. You kinda come off as being a sleaze ball. Your life might be less than desirable but that doesn't mean mine is. Hopefully in the future stricter immigration controls will mean that guys like you are weeded out and slowly but surely forced out of the country...

exactly what immigration control would stop a "guy like him" from entering thailand?

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