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My Thai wife wants to buy her dad a brand new/near new car/open back truck when we go to visit in November this year. We've had some

arguments over it as follows:-

1. He can't drive (never a good start to owning a vehicle). Wife says don't worry his friend will teach him

2. I say if you buy/finance a car for him he will need to be insured to drive it. To get insurance he must have a driving licence (I'm assuming this is true).

Wife says many people drive in Thailand without insurance and if new car then insurance provided free for upto 3 years (I have no idea how

true or not this is).

3. I say if you buy / finance car for him and he has no driving licence and/or insurance and he writes off the car in the first week then she will have

to pay for it for the rest of the term agreed and her dad will not have a vehicle for the next however many years the finance term agreement is for.

So bottom line.... can Thai people legally purchase vehicle insurance without having passed a Government driving test and obtaining an official Driving Licence?

Do all or some Vehicle Sales Agents in Thailand offer free insurance with new vehicle purchases?

Appreciate feedback on this subject.



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Thanks to all the people who responded but never read my question properly and CharlieH for being a good moderator. For anyone who has first hand knowledge of the matter of car insurance in Thailand for a Thai national happy to read their feedback.

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Yes a lot of car dealers offer first class insurance for one year. The finance company will insist that the car is insured class one for obvious reasons.

Anyone can urchase car insurance, the problem comes when you have an accident. See first post. There is also another insurance (you get it when you get the road tax. It is calle Por Or Bor and it covers passengers etc but again I think its only valid if the driver is legal.

Hope this helps


From a thread a few months ago


One of the daughters of my host family in Thailand 'bought' a car on finance as she is the most credit worthy.

She has no driving licence.

I was driving the car when a dog decided to play chicken and lost. Did a stupid amount of damage under the wheel arch and attached panels.

No questions whatsoever about her drivers licence at any time - finance company, main dealer and insurance company.

Insurance company took pictures of my licence before assessing the claim.

Insurance company then paid the bill no problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

To make this more specific to your query, the insurance company took pictures of my UK license and my International Driving Permit. The insurance was 'free' for one year with the car purchase.

I have read of insurance refusing to pay because a foreigner driving a vehicle in Thailand had no IDP, even though they had a valid driving license from their home country.

I would have to agree with your post and the replies that say no license = no valid insurance.

(Edited this a couple of times)

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When the car was being purchased I asked if my details would be needed for insurance purposes (UK style).

Was told 'not needed' as the car is insured, not individually named drivers. So I guess the insurance covers any driver (with a valid license).

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Post deleted.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed

Good to see you stepping in. I have coped heaps of nasty disrespectful comments in the past. Hope you keep this going

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You are asking the wrong questions and I think you are in need of feedback on other matters.

But if SHE wants to buy her dad a new pickup, well it is her money, let her do as she wants with it.

Anyhow, yes you can buy insurance but it is invalidated if you do not have a licence.

Only a problem if he may have an accident!

Many dealers offer a years insurance with the purchase of a new vehicle.

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Yes you can buy insurance... You would be there favorite customer ever...

As they will let you buy, but if anything ever happens and the driver does not have a valid license, they will not pay any claim

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You can purchase car insurance but if you do not have a drivers license and are in an accident then you are not covered/

Also tell you wife I think she is stupid Get her father first to get a drivers license then if she wants to buy a car then OK

Tell her to start thinking with her head.


Also as others mentioned, most new cars come with 1 year insurance included... No one will ever ask for license when buying car or filling out insurance paperwork

Also no named drivers usually in policy unless you specifically ask for this when renewing

It only becomes relevant to insurance if a claim is made ...

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Prices of cars and trucks are typically fixed between dealers. Many brands have price lists you can find on the Thailand website. As such the only wiggle room for negotiation is the amount of freebies thrown in when you buy. Window tint, reverse cameras, and insurance are examples.

In Thailand the system is different- it is the car not driver that is insured. When there's an accident you ring the insurance company and they come around to check all the details including getting the licenses of the drivers. Without a license it's very possible that they won't pay.

That said, getting a license upcountry is dead easy and if you told the dad he can't drive the truck until he gets one he would probably have it in his hand the next day.

One last thing- you won't be able to get financing. It is available but you have to be able to show a job and regular income. As you don't live in Thailand you can't finance yourself and I assume the father doesn't have a well paying job and company that would provide supporting docs.


I insisted my father in law willing to drive our son back forward to school to have a proper driving licence for motorbike, we got in facts for my wife driving it when we were in short stay in Khon Kaen.

He proudly returned from driving licence office very soon after my request with a driving licence for car.

I refused him to carry on with it not appropriate for his kind presence since whom has totally disappeared from our life.

However in fact that was a way to push harder ( fait accompli ) for him to benefit from my unlimited kindness if any maybe I could have had ( for sure in his dreams yes being myself a farang ) to force me to purchase a car for them ( my wife not having a car driving licence ).

For insurance purpose better anyone who is offered driving has a proper licence and the abilities to drive correctly.

Basic common sense it is against the law not to have a licence and the right age for getting one.


A lot of people ' learn ' to drive a car on their own or with a friend. There are schools of motoring but very few and far. My sister-in-law bought a new Yaris under the government's ' first car ' scheme. She had never driven before. For the most, she taught herself. It was a laugh a day seeing her burning up the tarmac doing 20kph everywhere. She now has a driving license passing the test on her second attempt and continues to drive everywhere ' Thai style '. How she hasn't yet caused an accident is a miracle.

From the first paragraph, this shows you can buy a new car with no driving license.

All NEW vehicles purchased in Thailand come with ( at least ) one year's first class insurance. Plus when the vehicle is taxed one automatically pays the

por a bor third party insurance which is a charge imposed by the government.

Unlike the UK, you do not get a road tax due notification, so if the tax runs out, so does the third party insurance. The first class insurance companies do send out annual reminders but it is up to the vehicle owner ( or whoever has any money ) to renew it.

Personally, if I were you, I'd sit back and think about who would end up paying for the vehicle should it be written off with no insurance. A mirror should give you the answer.

As a simple example of first vehicle ownership/driving I can relate to you a true tale. My wife's ' second ' mum and her lifelong ' cousins ' bought an old Toyota pickup for their dad who had never owned a vehicle before. He has a tractor so has some clue how to handle a vehicle. After the first week, he had a lot to drink -- like any other day -- and took the pickup for a spin to show it off to anyone who was about. He rolled it into a field and wrote it off. I might add he almost wrote himself off too and two years later is still unable to function as before. Lesson learnt. No insurance. No driving license. No pickup and no money save the value of the scrap it sold for.

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mate if it looks like a duck etc.. this whole thing sounds dodgy. If someone cant drive, then they dont get a car, there should be an orderly sequence of events, the universe has order for a reason so to say. I doubt any insurance company would pay a cent if its found out the driver does not even have a licence and I have a feeling being Thailand if its your name on the purchase papers any accidents and compensation requests may very well flow to you. Stand your ground and ditch it if he wants a car he can buy one himself and leave you out of it.


I all due respect when I read your post.. the more you went on about all the legal stuff blah blah that you got to have in the western world I could see why so many people got so sarcastic and the moderator had to come aboard to moderate! The problem is as I see it " you have no idea and is and will continue to live in cloud nine since I assume when you do visit Thailand it is no more than being on a holiday? you have no idea but that is o.k. because if you did they way you go on about having a license, insurance and stuff you are going to have a stroke?

As far as I'm concern if you and your wife are abroad. the only thing you got to figure out is ARE YOU GOING TO BUY THE VEHICLE? things will work out in Thailand, he will learn how to drive with or without a insurance, he will get the vehicle with or without a license! and most likely he will get into a accident. One way or another he will have the car you are lucky she is even asking you and I'm sure with all the 3rd degree she will now go behind your back. One way or another you will be footing the bill! Only your ego will refuse to believe it?

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Get training wheels.In other words start him off in an old reliable vehicle.Insurance also.After he's graduated then A 3-5 year old car til he passes that test.Tell the little lady no exceptions.

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I have a friend, who couldn't drive, who bought a new car under the first car scheme. She put several dents in the new car immensely decreasing its value.She can now drive but unhappy about dented car.

Buy an old vehicle and when he can drive you can consider a new one.


My experience suggests that learning with a friend will not cover the rules of the road etc. And if you teach then nobody will listen as the only thing they'll be thinking about is getting behind the wheel and figuring out how to make it start and stop.

So insist on driving school. What's an extra 5,000 baht when you're talking about buying a 750,000 baht vehicle.

And they can be really hardheaded, so have fun with this one. Not surprised at all it's already left it's mark with a few good arguments. Typical (lower end) Thai, they act like 15 year old farang kids even after they're grown up. Think they can do everything and never want to read or learn anything the right way. It's something we learn to deal with.


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