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Abhisit enjoys a surge in popularity: Bangkok poll

Lite Beer

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Wonderful news - let's call for elections whilst the iron's hot, and the Democrats will break their long drought and win a general election fair and square.

To be doubly sure, Prayuth to replace Abhisit as Dem leader - what a Dream Team combination!

Just hope that these "Bangkok polls" are representative of the whole of Thailand ...

Ahhh strike while the iron is hot, Great idea, The EC did such great job last time huh, locking doors and gates to keep out voters claiming that protestors are coming to make trouble, but no, just voters with their ID cards waiting, very professional huh...

Now where are the EC?? ?it's their job to organize an election yeah, DAMMM they and family's just spent a week in UK to learn about voting, ie Scottish independence, That's poly code for, (holiday's at tax payers expense)SHHHHH,,, wonder how much that cost? and not just the UK, in Italy also, I wonder if they will enjoy the same surge in popularity as Mark is apparently? or is that being kept under the carpet?

I think he has a real chance next time round, and if he can have a fair and balanced range of policy's for all the people not just the few, then good luck to him, But that's a bridge to far I think, as many others do.

wonder if the EC will lock doors and gates again, Are they back yet?

Now I'm just waiting for the bellowing of propaganda,coffee1.gif or is an inconvenient truth? you guy's make me laugh.

Edited by aussieinthailand
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Well, Thaksin is Chinese, yes, but he went all out to get the Thais to vote for him. The Thai-Thais, not the Chinese-Thais, the Thai-Thais make up the bulk of Thailand's people. And Thaksin being Chinese, well yes, a number of people on Thai Visa have used this issue of Thaksin being Chinese as part of their attack on him. That silly talk about how Chinese tycoon Thaksin is going to convert Thailand into a province of China (how Thaksin actually wants to see a massive increase in Chinese tourists, and how Thaksin wants massive Chinese capital investments in various infra-structure projects in Thailand).

As for Abhisit being Vietnamese, well, his supporters say that to cover up the fact that he is Chinese. His ancestors were Chinese who went from CHINA to VIETNAM, they was there for a few generations. So he's from China, via Vietnam. But those who want to hide his Chinese-nish point out his Vietnam roots. Chinese can spend a few generations in Vietnam, or Thailand, or Phillipinnes, but the Chinese features don't go away. They only go away when they marry non-Chinese people, as in the children won't look so Chinese.

It's like saying that a certain American is from Canada. Yes, his family spent a few generations in Canada, but they were from Europe. Americans from Europe, or Americans from Europe via Canada, surely, it IS the same thing ?

"a number of people on Thai Visa have used this issue of Thaksin being Chinese as part of their attack on him." And here you are attacking Abhisit because he is Chinese!!! cheesy.gif

The fact is, people who point out that Thaksin is Chinese do that when people attack Abhisit (or "the elite") for being Chinese.

Thaksin is Chinese and Abhisit is Chinese. So being Chinese is irrelevant.

He wasn't attacking Abhisit. You were attacking him for not attacking someone and then saying the assault was irrelevant. You got the last part right, but it was your response that was irrelevant.


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Granted he had alot of issues he was wrestling with. But, I understand most of the individuals within his own party would not listen to a thing he had to say. Due to his age, and his overseas education and the years he lived overseas, he was discounted. He was about as effective as Obama is, when dealing with the congress or the senate. Which means, little to no effect.

Why would those people elect him to party leader time and again if they wouldn't listen to him?

Have you seen the others? suthep was deputy PM for effs sake, what does that tell you!

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How many protesters were shot under his watch?

How many protesters were shot by their own side?

All of them.They walked into bullets as did the foreign journalists, unarmed civilians, nurses etc who were murdered.If any of them didn't manage to do that they were shot by the Men in Black who were instructed by the paymaster (a nod's as good as a wink) to shoot redshirts,

Happy now?

I can show video of black shirts among red shirts firing at the army. Show me some video of black shirts shooting at red shirts. You can't. Now I'm happy.

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Well, Thaksin is Chinese, yes, but he went all out to get the Thais to vote for him. The Thai-Thais, not the Chinese-Thais, the Thai-Thais make up the bulk of Thailand's people. And Thaksin being Chinese, well yes, a number of people on Thai Visa have used this issue of Thaksin being Chinese as part of their attack on him. That silly talk about how Chinese tycoon Thaksin is going to convert Thailand into a province of China (how Thaksin actually wants to see a massive increase in Chinese tourists, and how Thaksin wants massive Chinese capital investments in various infra-structure projects in Thailand).

As for Abhisit being Vietnamese, well, his supporters say that to cover up the fact that he is Chinese. His ancestors were Chinese who went from CHINA to VIETNAM, they was there for a few generations. So he's from China, via Vietnam. But those who want to hide his Chinese-nish point out his Vietnam roots. Chinese can spend a few generations in Vietnam, or Thailand, or Phillipinnes, but the Chinese features don't go away. They only go away when they marry non-Chinese people, as in the children won't look so Chinese.

It's like saying that a certain American is from Canada. Yes, his family spent a few generations in Canada, but they were from Europe. Americans from Europe, or Americans from Europe via Canada, surely, it IS the same thing ?

"a number of people on Thai Visa have used this issue of Thaksin being Chinese as part of their attack on him." And here you are attacking Abhisit because he is Chinese!!! cheesy.gif

The fact is, people who point out that Thaksin is Chinese do that when people attack Abhisit (or "the elite") for being Chinese.

Thaksin is Chinese and Abhisit is Chinese. So being Chinese is irrelevant.

Not only that whybother, Where did Thaksin and Yingluck get their degrees ?

Oh yes at overseas universities, educated at overseas universities like Abhisit.

Thaksins came from one of the richest (elite) Thai Chinese families in the north.

He married into a rich (elite) family)

Where does Abhisits family come in the Thai rich list ? Doesnt feature, and Thaksins, number 6 isint it ?

Which Govts dumped the 2 previous lots of inheritance and property tax put in place by previous military Govts ?

That's right Thaksin parties, to appease their rich mates.

Someone might like to tell us how the red leaders became millionaires from the 2010 riots.

As for Abhisit doing nothing in his brief term in office, well there is a long list of things he did do, significant among them would be :

Reducing the tax on diesel, which reduced cartage costs on most things that are carted by road and rail and farm costs as a fair proportion of farm machinery (tractors, rice harvesters) run on diesel.

Increasing free education from 12 to 15yrs and making school books and uniforms free. Now the costs of books and uniforms are back on parents, who did that ?

Removing the 30 baht from health care and making it free as it was costing more to collect than it was bringing in, guess who put the 30 baht back on ?

Putting in place farm subsidies that did not break the country or create huge stockpiles.

In spite of having to take on the small parties to form a coalition he managed to get corruption leveled off and even down a little. Where did it go when Yingluck took over ? Crash.

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The north will not elect him for what he has done in 2010. The south is split because he has brought no prosperity during his term. Only some Bangkokians will elect him as they are hard core Dem followers or pro establishment. Those in the middle who see him negatively for boycotting the election thrice and will probably decide later. Either the Dem change their leader or they stand a snow ball in hell to be the next government, period.

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Well, Thaksin is Chinese, yes, but he went all out to get the Thais to vote for him. The Thai-Thais, not the Chinese-Thais, the Thai-Thais make up the bulk of Thailand's people. And Thaksin being Chinese, well yes, a number of people on Thai Visa have used this issue of Thaksin being Chinese as part of their attack on him. That silly talk about how Chinese tycoon Thaksin is going to convert Thailand into a province of China (how Thaksin actually wants to see a massive increase in Chinese tourists, and how Thaksin wants massive Chinese capital investments in various infra-structure projects in Thailand).

As for Abhisit being Vietnamese, well, his supporters say that to cover up the fact that he is Chinese. His ancestors were Chinese who went from CHINA to VIETNAM, they was there for a few generations. So he's from China, via Vietnam. But those who want to hide his Chinese-nish point out his Vietnam roots. Chinese can spend a few generations in Vietnam, or Thailand, or Phillipinnes, but the Chinese features don't go away. They only go away when they marry non-Chinese people, as in the children won't look so Chinese.

It's like saying that a certain American is from Canada. Yes, his family spent a few generations in Canada, but they were from Europe. Americans from Europe, or Americans from Europe via Canada, surely, it IS the same thing ?

"a number of people on Thai Visa have used this issue of Thaksin being Chinese as part of their attack on him." And here you are attacking Abhisit because he is Chinese!!! cheesy.gif

The fact is, people who point out that Thaksin is Chinese do that when people attack Abhisit (or "the elite") for being Chinese.

Thaksin is Chinese and Abhisit is Chinese. So being Chinese is irrelevant.

He wasn't attacking Abhisit. You were attacking him for not attacking someone and then saying the assault was irrelevant. You got the last part right, but it was your response that was irrelevant.


He was saying that the problem with Abhisit is that he's Chinese. Being Chinese isn't a problem for Thaksin, so why should it be a problem for Abhisit. So (just in case you haven't caught on yet) being Chinese is irrelevant.

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The only way he can ever look good in polls country wide is if they get rid of any opposition, oops sorry thats what they did.

Sorry ... when did they do that? Are you suggesting that all PPP MPs were banned?

Did you know that PTP were actually in government between when PPP were disbanded and Abhisit was elected?

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This comes as absolutely no surprise that the Right Honorable Ahbisit is more popular then the corrupt anti democrat regime. No surprise at all.

One can be assured that the family of the farmers who committed suicide because the PTP lied 5 times regarding rice payments before the PDRC protests started will vote DEM next election.

One can be assured that the parents of the innocent children that died at the hands of UDD funded terrorism will be voting DEM's.

One can be assured that when the DEM's narrative is aimed at constructive criticism of the Junta and advice in moving the country forward while putting the people first compared to the PTP whose narrative is complaining, denying, denouncing and self preservation while ignoring the public as they have for 3 years (calling them garbage and ignoring their call for NO deformed cousin of the Worachai bill then anyone with half a brain can see the writing on the wall that the regime is in its death throws.

Of course they call always refer to an election 3 years ago while ignoring the substance of the last 3 years to gauge their popularity. I can imagine in 40 years when the PTP or a radioactive DNA scrambled sibling of the PTP fail to win an election they will still refer to the election in 2011. That is all they have lest. The past. History. Luckily reform involves the future and terrorism and anti-democracy have no more part to play in that thanks to the Junta's reform process where all the principles of democracy will be adhered to.

Congratulations to the Right Honorable Ahbisit and always remember folks that the farmers said if the DEM's offered 41% above market value for rice they would have won the 2011 election, BUT that is history, the past and is forgotten. The bright future has no hint of an accused terrorist, accused mass murderer and convicted criminal unelected fugitive running the country.

My innocent children, my innocent wife and I are thankful that right and good eventually wins.

Edited by djjamie
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The only way he can ever look good in polls country wide is if they get rid of any opposition, oops sorry thats what they did.

Sorry ... when did they do that? Are you suggesting that all PPP MPs were banned?

Did you know that PTP were actually in government between when PPP were disbanded and Abhisit was elected?

Who do you think is the paymasters of the Dems, are they not the same as those who prompted the coup? The conservatives in the country run the Dems, the army and the civil service (including the courts). By having the ex Dem 2 nd in charge launch the protest and the courts doing their bit, the military was given reason to make the coup. Do you think everything that happened, happened by chance? Do you think the media focus thats now slowly being brought back on AV is just by chance? Do you think the NACC case against YS will ever stick? They will keep her busy in courts for 10 years and out of politics, in the hope their blue eyed boy speaking Oxford English can win an election. The conservatives/Dems never learn, you can only win an election if you have policies that address the problems of the poor. By the way AV was never elected by voters and only came into power after the justcial coup in 2008, which banned most parties. As I said he can only win if they ban everyone else.

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The only way he can ever look good in polls country wide is if they get rid of any opposition, oops sorry thats what they did.

Sorry ... when did they do that? Are you suggesting that all PPP MPs were banned?

Did you know that PTP were actually in government between when PPP were disbanded and Abhisit was elected?

Who do you think is the paymasters of the Dems, are they not the same as those who prompted the coup? The conservatives in the country run the Dems, the army and the civil service (including the courts). By having the ex Dem 2 nd in charge launch the protest and the courts doing their bit, the military was given reason to make the coup. Do you think everything that happened, happened by chance? Do you think the media focus thats now slowly being brought back on AV is just by chance? Do you think the NACC case against YS will ever stick? They will keep her busy in courts for 10 years and out of politics, in the hope their blue eyed boy speaking Oxford English can win an election. The conservatives/Dems never learn, you can only win an election if you have policies that address the problems of the poor. By the way AV was never elected by voters and only came into power after the justcial coup in 2008, which banned most parties. As I said he can only win if they ban everyone else.

OK. First. This poll was a popularity poll comparing Abhisit and Yingluck. (You did read the OP didn't you?) So there was opposition. The protests, the coup, and the case against Yingluck doesn't stop people from answering whether they prefer Abhisit or Yingluck (or as the poll results show, someone else).

Second. A poll prior to the 2011 election showed that the Democrats policies were more popular than others. Just because people liked the policies doesn't mean that they would vote for them.

Third. Abhisit was elected an MP by the voters. He has been elected an MP (both constituency and party list) by the voters for many years (as opposed to Yingluck not being elected to anything before the election). Prior to Abhisit being elected PM, PPP's Samak and Somchai were both elected PM in the same way. In all three cases, coalitions were formed, all of them in less than honorable conditions. PPP needed to form a coalition with smaller parties to form government since they didn't get a majority of the seats (ie they didn't "win" the election). Some of the smaller parties had actually campaigned that they wouldn't join a PPP coalition. Some of them also flew off to Hong Kong to meet with the PPP party owner to do their deals too.

And Yes, Abhisit's coalition was formed in the barracks. One coalition member suggested that he didn't have a choice. I reckon that's because he was scared of missing a place at the trough.

When Abhisit was elected PM, he was elected by a majority of MPs. All the constituency seats were filled after byelections to replace banned MPs. All but 5 party list seats were filled. Remember that not all the PPP MPs were banned, only the executives were. The remaining PPP MPs either moved to PTP, BJT or other smaller parties. Only PPP was banned. All the smaller parties continued on.

So, please tell me when "they got rid of any opposition" to make Abhisit "look good"?

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The poll is not that much of a surprise as it was taken in Bangkok but Abhisit kept out of the way whilst all the disturbances were going on which was to his advantage. Surprised to see corruption high on the agenda, but pleased it is there and also pleased that the public want to Gen Prayuth's Govt to succeed, some good news for Thailand and a brighter future, hopefully.

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It sounds like his rehabilitation is nearing completion. He is being given a forum while nobody else is. He is the chosen one.

A majority of Bangkokians support him, so that means that the whole of Thailand must love him too. I say make him PM forever and forget about all these silly election and reform related formalities.

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It sounds like his rehabilitation is nearing completion. He is being given a forum while nobody else is. He is the chosen one.

A majority of Bangkokians support him, so that means that the whole of Thailand must love him too. I say make him PM forever and forget about all these silly election and reform related formalities.

What forum has he been given?

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It sounds like his rehabilitation is nearing completion. He is being given a forum while nobody else is. He is the chosen one.

A majority of Bangkokians support him, so that means that the whole of Thailand must love him too. I say make him PM forever and forget about all these silly election and reform related formalities.

What forum has he been given?

He is regularly quoted in the censored press, at a time when all other politicians are told to shut up. Do you need it spelled out any clearer than that?

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It sounds like his rehabilitation is nearing completion. He is being given a forum while nobody else is. He is the chosen one.

A majority of Bangkokians support him, so that means that the whole of Thailand must love him too. I say make him PM forever and forget about all these silly election and reform related formalities.

What forum has he been given?
He is regularly quoted in the censored press, at a time when all other politicians are told to shut up. Do you need it spelled out any clearer than that?

Weren't there a couple of articles on PTP last week. Please spell out to me how that makes Abhisit any different.

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It sounds like his rehabilitation is nearing completion. He is being given a forum while nobody else is. He is the chosen one.

A majority of Bangkokians support him, so that means that the whole of Thailand must love him too. I say make him PM forever and forget about all these silly election and reform related formalities.

What forum has he been given?

He is regularly quoted in the censored press, at a time when all other politicians are told to shut up. Do you need it spelled out any clearer than that?

Possibly he is quoted because what he is saying is thoughtful, constructive, helpful comment aimed at moving the country forward.

Can you give us any examples of similar comment by any politician of another party ?

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It sounds like his rehabilitation is nearing completion. He is being given a forum while nobody else is. He is the chosen one.

A majority of Bangkokians support him, so that means that the whole of Thailand must love him too. I say make him PM forever and forget about all these silly election and reform related formalities.

What forum has he been given?
He is regularly quoted in the censored press, at a time when all other politicians are told to shut up. Do you need it spelled out any clearer than that?
Weren't there a couple of articles on PTP last week. Please spell out to me how that makes Abhisit any different.

Show me the articles. Show me them. There is an NCPO decree that forbids the media from reporting statements from former politicians, from one side at any rate. They were all made to sign up to shut up. So was Abhisit, supposedly, so as to facilitate reconciliation in an unbiased way.

Show me statements that contain any kind of political commentary from the OTHER side of the debate.

Abhisit is the chosen one. Bangkok has spoken.

Edited by Thanet
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OK. First. This poll was a popularity poll comparing Abhisit and Yingluck. (You did read the OP didn't you?) So there was opposition. The protests, the coup, and the case against Yingluck doesn't stop people from answering whether they prefer Abhisit or Yingluck (or as the poll results show, someone else).

Second. A poll prior to the 2011 election showed that the Democrats policies were more popular than others. Just because people liked the policies doesn't mean that they would vote for them.

Third. Abhisit was elected an MP by the voters. He has been elected an MP (both constituency and party list) by the voters for many years (as opposed to Yingluck not being elected to anything before the election). Prior to Abhisit being elected PM, PPP's Samak and Somchai were both elected PM in the same way. In all three cases, coalitions were formed, all of them in less than honorable conditions. PPP needed to form a coalition with smaller parties to form government since they didn't get a majority of the seats (ie they didn't "win" the election). Some of the smaller parties had actually campaigned that they wouldn't join a PPP coalition. Some of them also flew off to Hong Kong to meet with the PPP party owner to do their deals too.

And Yes, Abhisit's coalition was formed in the barracks. One coalition member suggested that he didn't have a choice. I reckon that's because he was scared of missing a place at the trough.

When Abhisit was elected PM, he was elected by a majority of MPs. All the constituency seats were filled after byelections to replace banned MPs. All but 5 party list seats were filled. Remember that not all the PPP MPs were banned, only the executives were. The remaining PPP MPs either moved to PTP, BJT or other smaller parties. Only PPP was banned. All the smaller parties continued on.

So, please tell me when "they got rid of any opposition" to make Abhisit "look good"?

2006, 2008, and 2014.

Facts are wasted on this guy.

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