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Thailand is great, but what are the options elsewhere?


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Cambodia is mixed. PP is manageable, but not as easy or friendly as Bkk. Siem Reap is a tourist trap, but not as bad as Korat or KK. I didn't bother with the beaches in Cambodia, same as I don't in Thailand -- full of holidaymakers and hustlers. Other towns in the country in Cambodia were nicer than their equivalents in Thailand, and marginally cheaper, but with much fewer choices of food, etc. You'd need a real reason to stay there.

Laos is not as cheap as Cambodia and fewer English speakers in the streets. Older people speak French (same in Cambodia) which got me out of a few problems. Almost everything they sell in Laos seems to be imported from Thailand, so it's more expensive. The same comment applies -- if you don't have a reason to be there it gets old very quickly.

The Philippines is significantly more expensive like-for-like than Thailand, but almost everyone speaks English in one form or another - the accent takes a bit of getting used to. Plenty of lovely small towns by the sea - not necessarily with beaches, but clean sea. You could live there for the pleasure of the place -- unlike Laos or Cambodia.

Brunei was interesting but expensive - almost european prices. Everyone speaks English and the place is clean.

Singapore has European prices and a city life - albeit a very clean city. English everywhere and good services.

Ecuador is Spanish-speaking and you need to learn it or you're lost. About the same cost of living as the Philippines and a huge choice of environments to live in. People are friendly and helpful, but there's an "edge" to society and if you step over it the problems are more serious.

Peru is an amazing country to travel around - so many environments and truly ancient artefacts. It's a similar cost-of-living to Philippines. Spanish is a must-have. The same comment about society as Ecuador - it's perfectly fine till you inadvertently step over the edge.

Tahiti is magic, full of tourists of course but not so many hustlers. Cost of living is marginally higher than the Philippines, but the choices are better. French is needed, but lots of people speak some English.

Spain is cheap apart from rents in the south. Beware of Spain -- it is very cold in winter unless you are on the south coast.

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ive also stayed in many places, yes working but ive still stayed there for a long time,

i was in brazil for over a year, great beaches and the women were,,, well,,,,, but i still prefare thailand,

ive worked all over the world, places,countrys are what you make of them, if your happy youll think its great,

if your not happy itll be the pits,

im in a small village, we have a pig farm, but its what i wanted to do, so im happy as hell with it,

its hard work at times, but i love it so different to when im on my rotation on a rig or barge, and i was from farming stock in the uk,

so im happy with my life here, lovely wife, beautiful children,

so thailand is great in MY EYES,

some will differ,



I have also spent time in Brazil with my ex Brazilian GF and you can guess why that ended, I was young and couldn't help myself the women were A1 in and out of bed.

The beaches were the nicest I have ever seen and I have lived in the States and Australia and of course Europe but noting compares.

I would defiantly recommend Brazil for a holiday and even in land near the Amazon is a different world.

But then Thailand is such an easy place to live, too easy some might say.

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Not sure what u are looking for. Yunnan in SW China is a spot I have in mind for a year or so stay. Easy to blend in, locals mostly quite nice. Kunming is a sizeable city with the amenities that go with it, Jinghong (not far from Laos) is beautiful SE Asia but with all the goods and bads of civilization China~style. If u are looking for adventure I would give it a go to see if it suits you for the time being.

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I would say Blankenberge on the Belgian coast no wannabe tough guys asking around about pepperspray and tasers and gun permits on Thai wife's name in said place and one can actually safely cross the road with a zimmer frame in said place .....

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It's a recurring theme - where else people can settle? I've stayed a length of time in many places and I rate Thailand highly, but it's not perfect.

I believe most posters on TVF and a vast majority of expats in Thailand haven't been to many other places than Thailand.

It's evident in a lot of their posts and views.

I've been all over the world, traveled to a lot of places, and Thailand just has something special about it but there's plenty of other great places.

Brazil is magical. Great country, great vibe, great people, great women, great drinks (Caiperhnas, yum!)

Peru is cool, so much history and culture, old meets new, friendly people and some good food and drinks (pisco sours!). Plenty of cute girls who are very happy to hook up with a gringo too.

Loved Bolivia as a place to visit, crazy country, but could never live there.

Dislike Argentina and the arrogant people. Great steak and wine though. But too much meat and not enough vegetables in the diet. Oh and the women are incredible too but hard work and divas.

Though Bosnia was fascinating place rich in history and culture and some great food but not a place I could live.

Disliked Serbia and Bulgaria a lot due to the arrogant and rude attitude of the locals and the fact as a foreigner you get blatantly ripped off at every turn with no attempt to disguise it.

Slovenia is nice, and incredible women, but not sure I want to live there.

Cambodia is somewhere I considered moving to later in the year. I've liked it both times I've visited but I didn't love it. PP would be the only realistic option for me to live and even that can be a bit sleepy IME.

Vietnam, cool place to travel but everywhere even the small towns seem to be overly busy and noisy 24/7 with the constant beeping of motorbike horns/

Laos is too sleepy for me. But cool place to travel in.

Australia has it's pros and cons but it's too pricey for my liking and wouldn't want to live. Fun place to travel in.

I could go on forever but that's enough for now...

Very true, I think I can say I am well traveled and I isn't finish , but to me visiting a place for a week vacation just doesn't cut it with me, living and experiencing and learning the culture is what its all about. (that take more than a couple of days)

Anyone can take a worldwide trip and spent a couple of days here and there.

So where do you stand are you a real life Nomad or a Backpacker who wants to travel to as many locations as possible just so they can say I was there?

Edited by thai20144
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It's rare for me to visit anywhere for just a week.

The only time I've really spent just a few days here and there in a place is on my first ever backpacking trip in Europe after graduating from uni.

After that I preferred longer travel and staying in places for a few months at a time.

I don't go to places to say I've been. I find that pointless. I don't go to places to tick things off lists or visit the 'must sees' according to guide books. In fact I often don't even visit a lot of the main tourist attractions as they don't appeal to me.

I'm not a backpacker anymore nor a true nomad. I prefer now to go to somewhere for a few months at a time and get to know it well.

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I would put the Philippines as cheaper than here..plus some bloody good spots there.

Indeed. Also much easier to communicate with the locals both because they often have a good command of English and also because they think the Western way even when they dont understand English too well. If it wasn't for the food and the tax situation I would probably be living there now, and may well do so in the future.

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I've been a few places in this world and absolutely nothing is as electric as Thailand. But it's definitely not for everyone. It can be very hectic and hard to deal with at times.

Spain is great, but seems like it's on the of that tense culture you described in South America. Desperate times create desperate measures.

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I've been a few places in this world and absolutely nothing is as electric as Thailand. But it's definitely not for everyone. It can be very hectic and hard to deal with at times.

Which part of Thailand is that? Maybe I should visit it some time.

I find Jomtien/Pattaya to be quite sedate and very easy to deal with. "Electric" is certainly not a word that springs to my mind.

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I would say Blankenberge on the Belgian coast no wannabe tough guys asking around about pepperspray and tasers and gun permits on Thai wife's name in said place and one can actually safely cross the road with a zimmer frame in said place .....

And specially no old fella engrit teachers high on viagra and testosterone gels scrubbing it violently on their nutsacks thinking their Ahmuld or Sylvester stallone or jean claude vandamme

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Belgium does have some very nice towns and if you're a beer drinker there's no better place on Earth. The locals are also very friendly but again it's cold.

If I didn't live in Thailand it would have to be Hong Kong. Super friendly helpful people and you get Southern China and Macao thrown in.

Accommodation is pricey but food is reasonable. Everything else is pretty cheap. Weather is warm but can be very sticky.

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Wonderful we have so much choice these days. Back in 1964 I spent a year in the UK and many parts of Europe (only countries allowed in then), but never knew other NZers who'd gone overseas. Met a few on returning...travel changed my life then, as we never got much overseas news back in them colonial days.

Living amongst travellers recently and reading the posts above, it's good to know many lead such adventurous lifestyles - good for you! I might just follow your lead. But for now, have been happy with Bangkok and closeby beaches (occasionally) as being with son regularly makes the difference. A huge advantage is I'm not hassled by angry dissatisfied people or beggars compared with such occurring every 2-3 day in central Auckland. Walking one morning I faced 20 begging aggressives in just a couple of blocks - they're pretty scary as often on drugs!

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Half the cost of Europe, great food, local wine, architecture, history, beaches in the south. And the girls are fantactic, plus they don't want a visa, or a new pickup truck, or a new house up-country built for their parents and relatives...they just want you!

there it must be true,, said by an expert,,,lol

you dont have to buy a pick up truck and build a house perents and family,,,, were do you get this information from,

come on youve said it, now please being the expert, tell me were you get this information from,?

not all build a house for family, buy a pick up truck,,

i never see any girls holding a gun to some blokes head saying buy a pick up truck and build a house for my family,, but you and others on here thats all you ever spout off about,

please please change you record,

the topic it about thailand being great, but is there other nice places, its not about pulling thai girls down.

there, thats my morning rant over before i cleen the pigs,,,lol

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Half the cost of Europe, great food, local wine, architecture, history, beaches in the south. And the girls are fantactic, plus they don't want a visa, or a new pickup truck, or a new house up-country built for their parents and relatives...they just want you!

Apparently great for pulling in younger men too who see older women as having money! A fiesty kiwi 65+ loves Turkey because of that; living there half the year to receive her government pension...has wonderful time; many expats too if that's what you're looking for.

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I've been a few places in this world and absolutely nothing is as electric as Thailand. But it's definitely not for everyone. It can be very hectic and hard to deal with at times.

Which part of Thailand is that? Maybe I should visit it some time.

I find Jomtien/Pattaya to be quite sedate and very easy to deal with. "Electric" is certainly not a word that springs to my mind.


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