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Southern police chief: Enough evidence in British tourists' murder case to make arrest now

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Oh and not to mention, that sean guy was charged with possessing child porn last year, so he's basically a pedophile.


It's awful the guy is a convicted sex offender, but ultimately it has nothing to do with the validity of his story concerning the murders.

He posted teenage naked photos on a website. Hardly a hardened sex offender!

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Interesting developments indeed.

One has to wonder though, how much of this breakthrough is due solely to the spotlight the international media is shining on Koh Tao, Thailand and the inept RTP?

I also wonder if the photo of the pair that chased the british man into the 7/11 are the same as those targeted for arrest.

Next we will have to see how the follow through goes... trial and sentencing. They deserve the death penalty for these crimes. Will they be sentenced, and then released on bail??? Or a watered down sentence? 5000 baht fine and 2 year suspended sentence.

Anyway, good to see the brother and son of the local henchman headman named and targeted. Maybe this will serve as a wakeup call for Thailand to start reigning in the local mafias. But somehow, I doubt it.


Investigators Tuesday interrogated Montriwat Toovichien, a 45-year-old bartender at AC Bar on Koh Tao

There's a facebook profile Intouch Kohtao Toovichien. So theToovichien family own that too?


Thai Police investigating the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on the island of Koh Tao announced a breakthrough in there murder hunt today today as they held three Thai football players in custody on the island. Makes me feel dizzy all this and hard to keep up because the police can't do a job right ... Revealed: Scot who fled Thai gangsters over link to murder of backpackers has child porn conviction Read More About That Here : http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/revealed-scot-who-fled-thai-4306609

How is child porn relevant to this case? Typical English newspaper trashing someones life.

Perhaps it may be an indication of McAnna's credibility?

It wasn't the press that trashed someones life it was McAnna when he decided to get involved with that stuff.

Did you give any thought to the lives of the children that were involved being trashed?

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That sean guy was full of BS, the expats living in koh tao said the information he gave is not factual and that he is a glory hunter. Bunch of guys who've never been to koh tao believe what he's saying. From his posts I can see he doesn't give a damn about his friends murder, 9 out 10 of his posts after the murder are about the scottish referendum.

There has to be a motive for murder, usually people who murder and rape are ones who got nothing to lose, why would someone who has a thriving business on the island murder and rape a girl. That sean guy should be put behind bars for slander IMHO.

are you an employee in ACB or of the village Pu Yai ??

or the murders mate ?ß

Lets imagine I was an employee of AC BAR getting paid 30-40k baht a month at most smile.png Do you think its a good incentive to help cover up a murder? smile.png I'm just a rational person, I know from my self, that a person who has so much to lose won't commit such a crime. These indecent crimes are usually committed by people who have nothing to lose. O.J simpson was an exception.

Lets imagine that you was an employee of AC Bar and the owner is a powerful man with a lot of influence, in other words mafia, and you were asked to do something, what would you do?

Follow my conscience, would flee to my country and reveal everything from there.


I can feel a four letter word coming on:

B-A-I-L !

(Would anyone be surprised?)

I wouldn't be surprised, but i actually don't think that will happen in this case, because the whole world are watching. It would be better to find a scapegoat instead, if they wasn't serious about giving a proper conviction to the guilty ones.


Thai news was implying this type of thing for some days now; locals interviewed playing dumb and evading answers. Seemed someone of influence was being concealed.


After reading all these questions and answers, Does this mean that you all don't trust the Thai Police? Well this is the Land of Smiles, everything is just fine is Thailand, no problems, come to Thailand to live or Vacation. It's great. Never any problems. And Thai people never kill, scam, or steal. So please come and spend your money here, your very safe. Just saying.


Would this be the same village headman that owns AC Bar?

Sounds to me like, finally, thanks to foreigners braking out of the silence (who's the French guy - I missed that bit) the bar's security camera footage was, at last, looked at properly.

I bet the owner didn't want that. Truth is though, it's looking like this whole thing might have grown so big that nobody could keep a cap on it. Let's hope, for the sake of those two young people, the bereaved, the safety of other tourists, and us all, Thai or farang in the future, and for Thailand.

I think a lot of thanks must go to the Western media for keeping up the pressure, though Thai media has also played a strong part. That said, I'm only talking of keeping up the pressure, to the extent that there's been some horribly inaccurate reporting.


are you an employee in ACB or of the village Pu Yai ??

or the murders mate ?ß

Lets imagine I was an employee of AC BAR getting paid 30-40k baht a month at most smile.png Do you think its a good incentive to help cover up a murder? smile.png I'm just a rational person, I know from my self, that a person who has so much to lose won't commit such a crime. These indecent crimes are usually committed by people who have nothing to lose. O.J simpson was an exception.

Lets imagine that you was an employee of AC Bar and the owner is a powerful man with a lot of influence, in other words mafia, and you were asked to do something, what would you do?

Follow my conscience, would flee to my country and reveal everything from there.

Would probably also be a very wise choice. But i think you get the idea about my question here, because powerful people can make people do things against their will out of fear for their life or life of their loved ones.


I distinctly remember the original police chief in this case saying that they didn't need to investigate Thais as Thais would not have committed these terrible crimes.....................so, it looks like it can't be these suspects after all...............!

Always 18 - age or i.q.?


Imagine you're the owner of AC BAR, or IN TOUCH, a person with decent reputation on the Island.

Some pedophile from scotland comes and accuses you of murder from Facebook.

What would you do?


Thai Police investigating the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on the island of Koh Tao announced a breakthrough in there murder hunt today today as they held three Thai football players in custody on the island. Makes me feel dizzy all this and hard to keep up because the police can't do a job right ... Revealed: Scot who fled Thai gangsters over link to murder of backpackers has child porn conviction Read More About That Here : http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/revealed-scot-who-fled-thai-4306609

How is child porn relevant to this case? Typical English newspaper trashing someones life.

It probably isn't relevant. I would like to see a link or reference regarding the first statement as some CCTV footage showed three guys in yellow football shirts walking behind the victim. Are they getting framed up or are they possible perpetrators? And is the word 'custody' correct or lost in translation - as the brother of the headman wasn't and could leave after questioning?

Thai Police investigating the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on the island of Koh Tao announced a breakthrough in there murder hunt today today as they held three Thai football players in custody on the island.


Is it just me, or do you get the feeling that the real killers ( if there really are Mafias here!??!) will get off scot free and the charged will be some poor despot, that gets framed coffee1.gif

"...and the charged will be some poor despot..."

The police are interested in despots now? Where did you get that from?


Hopefully this will stop the embarrassing belly-aching by fellow-members about the competence of the Thai Police. The arrogance and lack of respect for Thailand has been very apparent in these baseless assertions. Why on earth would anyone expect the Thai Police to be as skilled and resourced as the FBI or London's MET. These comments serve no real purpose other than to damage the reputation of foreign visitors to this great and welcoming country. Go away if you can't hack it.

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Oh super .the police have been working tirelessly. I have faith in them to get this done. I think people should give credit when credit is due. Did not Want to say anything, but am wandering if that sean is deeply involved in all this. And trying to save his own a---. Remember the used condom. My wild imagination I thought he might have been there and ran when it got out of hand. I thought that might be why the guy went back to threaten Sean to shut up.just a crazy theory

You need treatment mate... I can recommend a good Quack if u like !!!!


"If there are mafias"

The police denying there even are mafias on Koh Tao is a sure sign this is a cover up. Have they even bothered questioning the ones in the bar brawl or the ones chasing the remaining witness? This is a joke.

Forgive me. I have never been to Koh Tao. I live in Chiang Mai. We have Mafias here also tuck tuck Mafias and songthaew ones. No jet sky mafias as we are not on a beach. I know in Bangkok they have taxi mafias and motorbike mafias.

What kind of mafias do they have on Koh Tao?

Try setting up a speed boat business in Koh Tao and see how you get on. Even a Thai couldn't do it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Posted 13 minutes ago

webfact, on 16 Sept 2014 - 08:55, said:snapback.png


Koh Tao 'sealed off' after two tourists brutally killed



Gruesome murders of British pair on island paradise shock locals and visitors

BANGKOK: -- POLICE have sealed off the resort island of Koh Tao off Surat Thani province to hunt down killers who brutally murdered a British couple and possibly raped the woman on Sunday night. The 24-year-old victims have been identified as Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

Full story: http://www.thaivisa....itish-tourists/

this person in the black t shirt looks the same person put on the facebook pages and another newspaper we cant quote . this is dated 16 sept 14

StealthEnergiser You are correct!

Thailand was not at all serious about arresting any Thai citizens connected to this. It was the brave heart "Sean McAnna" who posted the Facebook 7-11 shop picture while hiding in the shop for this life gave a proper message and attention to the world. Now Thailand is forced to take action on own citizens now. The next step will be, they will appoint a lousy Thai lawyer who don't show any interest to convict or prove, and accused will deny going for DNA test. Then later they will announce there is not enough evidence to prove until and unless of Scotland Yoad, or FBI rope in for investigation or until if most countries give warning as Thailand bad destination for holidays. Let us hope the two young British youths will justice from Thailand.

If this guy is actually guilty, cops who let him near the crime area should be investigated as well....


Imagine you're the owner of AC BAR, or IN TOUCH.

Some pedophile from scotland comes and accuses you of murder from Facebook.

What would you do?

Make him hang himself to make it look like suicide as a part of framing him for the murder they have committed?

Well I would seriously beat the hell out of him If I was innocent and he tried to frame me for murder. You cannot accuse someone of murder without having decent evidence., it is slander, and has very serious consequences. And you gotta take a look at the character of the guy who's making the accusation, he's a convicted pedophile.

Why did the take the FB posts down if he was sure that they were the murderers, If I had witnessed the murder, or was damn sure that they were murderers, nothing in the world would make me take down those posts.

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To mikephuket1970

I'm sorry to say but a lot of what has been posted on this forum is true .No one is Thai bashing,Thailand is a beautiful place which is what attracted my daughter there in the first place.

Yes many murders go unsolved in the uk,but the UK police don't issue false statements,don't claim that an arrest will take place in the next week, and don't try to pin the murder on some one very low down the social scale.

Have you ever had to deal with the Thai authorities,to say they are difficult is an understatement.

If you aske questions that they can't or won't answer then they go off on a different tangent completely.

Without the pressure from the media then this case would probably either not been solved or pinned on a nobody,preferably not a Thai.

Believe me I know .....

I absolutely agree with you and normally thai police is not a great friend or help(usually quite the opposite)

if you are a foreigner here and suffer from horrible crime done by thais....


Relax everyone. They don't make arrests until all the DNA, etc are examined. In the meantime, the suspects are being held by the police. So many of you are really uneducated people on this board. The police are doing well. They want the case to be solid. In fact, they probably want confessions from the guys who did this. The confessions are normally easy to get in these cases in Thailand. You think torture forget that.

All they need to do is to explain DNA and other forensic evidence. Most people dont even know about DNA and what it can do and certainly many Thais isolated on a little island working at labor type of jobs probably dont scan the internet for the latest and greatest. They probably dont even know many cameras are around them.

Once the guilty realize they have no chance they confess for a promise of a less sentence maybe.

I hope these are the right guys and that they do have plenty of evidence including DNA.

If they do though why offer them the promise of a lesser sentence for a confession, better to let it go to trial and crush them in court. If they confess all it will do is save money in a trial. I think due to the monumental global coverage better to make severe examples and hit them with maximum sentence.


That sean guy was full of BS, the expats living in koh tao said the information he gave is not factual and that he is a glory hunter. Bunch of guys who've never been to koh tao believe what he's saying. From his posts I can see he doesn't give a damn about his friends murder, 9 out 10 of his posts after the murder are about the scottish referendum.

There has to be a motive for murder, usually people who murder and rape are ones who got nothing to lose, why would someone who has a thriving business on the island murder and rape a girl. That sean guy should be put behind bars for slander IMHO.

are you an employee in ACB or of the village Pu Yai ??

or the murders mate ?ß

Lets imagine I was an employee of AC BAR getting paid 30-40k baht a month at most smile.png Do you think its a good incentive to help cover up a murder? smile.png I'm just a rational person, I know from my self, that a person who has so much to lose won't commit such a crime. These indecent crimes are usually committed by people who have nothing to lose. O.J simpson was an exception.

Yes lets just imagine that you're a typical expat bar staff employee in any of the Thai Islands, who is there on overstay and without a work permit .. ergo you're breaking the Immigration laws of the country, therefore when you sling mud as McAnna, make sure your own house and affairs are in order.. you're a LAW BREAKER!!

Now lets just imagine that the cops and immigration are swarming all over the Island, and you have not got a visa or a work permit, and are on a 12 month overstay.. yeah, sure you will talk to the cops, from the ferry you're on being deported from the country with a risk of a lifetime ban from re entering the Kingdom!!!

Not much to lose huh??

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