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German beggar spends donated cash drinkin' and partyin' in Pattaya


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i had two bad thai girls back to back and i will never ever have another best liers in the world and scammmer heaven

Then I guess its time for you also to go home and not return to scammer heaven. What did P. T. Barnum say "There's a sucker born every minute" and if you fell for a lying scamming Thai girl not once but twice maybe they are attracted to someone they know they can fool, take advantage of. After 1st time it happened you should have been more cauttious, your own fault if you weren't.

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German man: "I beg, because I need the party money for beer and pay off the hookers."

Maybe he has a good pick-up line... Hey ladies, my middle leg is swollen really big. Can you help me relieve the pressure? clap2.gif

I don't think it's a laughing matter.

Once about 15 years ago I was desperate and a well-dressed businessman having his breakfast in Pat Pong bought me a drink at 8am. he then gave me 500 baht to get to a hospital and sorted out. I haven't had a drink since and thank that man with all my heart. To repay him, I always give alcoholics enough for one drink, ask if I can help in any other way.

Alcoholism is a disease and just remember it can happen to anyone as can mental illness.

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I get approached about once a year either in Thailand or Manila by some foreigner with the same kind of story, but without the elephant-man leg. They don't need money. They need somebody to tell them to use their return ticket and get home before they totally implode. This guy was a particular chunk of nasty for using the physical deformity to take advantage of the Thai concept of merit to finance his binges. How do you say, "Loser" in German, anyway?

'Loser' is called 'Verlierer' in German, fyi :-)

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the german represents his country in thailand and now he has spoilt the image of his country in the minds of thai people who donated to him.

Lay it on thick mate... violin.gif

I can say quite confidently I have seen far worse examples of human depravity in Thailand, from all nations. You really think Thai people could give a damn about this little incident? Please, it is only sensation/attention seeking posters such as yourself making such melodramatic statements which could not be farther from the truth!

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I do not apriciate some topics every man has right to be Happy even a beggar please do not make any comment if any one is poor he thinks 1000 times one day to become rich and want to enjoy life comparing others some how some people gave money he started partying, may god be with him and give him a good life plz be positive for every one i wish him a nice life back home

comments can be easily passed .

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The sad thing is that this will stop people helping genuine cases for fear of being taken advantage of!

I don't think so. For every 10 people you help maybe 9 are genuine, why would you stop helping people when you can just because of occasional idiots like this German guy?

Not directing this comment at you necessarily but I personally find that the people who never donate or help anyone hide behind the excuse that there are scam artists out there.

It shouldn't stop people wanting to help others in future, but it does. It makes people much more skeptical about the needs of others and whether giving money to them will actually help them in the way you hope it will. I suppose it makes people feel like they've been conned or 'taken in'. People aren't always to view these things objectively.

People just need to write it off and move on. As you said, there will be the occasional idiot.

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Guys, you forget one important rule: you help, because you help, if the one, you helped does not deserve it, he will pay for it later... There is LIFE which never forgets and forgives ^^ If I see true bagger I help sometimes (depends on internal feeling) but I ALWAS help musicions, as they are doing something to be paid (even if they doing it not so well)

Edited by GertrudeL
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What would one expect, like a lot of other foreigners here, in Thailand - due to physical deformities and mental illness they would not be able to cheaply enjoy the naughty nightlife in their own country of origin.

Never been to Pattaya myself but I would think (from what I hear...) that the "cheap and naughty nightlife" is also available to foreigners even without "physical deformities and mental illness"? Don't quite understand your comment, sorry...

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What would one expect, like a lot of other foreigners here, in Thailand - due to physical deformities and mental illness they would not be able to cheaply enjoy the naughty nightlife in their own country of origin.

Never been to Pattaya myself but I would think (from what I hear...) that the "cheap and naughty nightlife" is also available to foreigners even without "physical deformities and mental illness"? Don't quite understand your comment, sorry...

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His behavior is like that of any junkie, whatever the vice they have given over too, a junkie is a junkie. Unfortunately I've come accross more than a few of them here, people go on about drug junkie, I've been exposed to far more sex tourism junkies, people with no truth coming out their mouths and nothin more than sex on the mind and no self control.

I've little patience for them, this country does seem to attract or to produce large numbers of junkies, that an self righteous <deleted>.

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The sad thing is that this will stop people helping genuine cases for fear of being taken advantage of!

there are hardly any genuine cases

most people on Bangkok streets are either scammers.

or are forced by mafia to beg.

i do not give any money to anybody. there are organizations which support homeless and hungry people.

seen some of those beggars near Prathunam area where after their "work" they take shower, dress normal clothes and ride off on their motorbikes...

some farangs think they do good bu giving money to the beggars, in fact they fuel the evil minds of thieves and scammers

and those who gave money to this farang are even more stupid.

it wasn;t like he didnlt have a choice. he could go home, to embassy

people are so naive

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Hi Neeranam,

Yes, i understand that babies can look ugly at times and the one mok199 uses as his avatar looks like downs syndrome type.

So I don' t understand why he gets off putting down this disabled german guy.

I despise people who put down the disabled and respect disadvantaged disabled people when they go to extraordinary lengths to empower themselves to achieve their dreams which is why I admire this german guy.

Yes some of the people who donated feel hurt now but that is from their own misunderstanding. They gave because they wanted this german guy to be happier so they be happy that he is having a good time. They did not attach strings to their donations.

The only problem I see are the derogatory comments he purportedly made towards the Thai, many who apparently helped him. But barring that, you would on some level be right.

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What would one expect, like a lot of other foreigners here, in Thailand - due to physical deformities and mental illness they would not be able to cheaply enjoy the naughty nightlife in their own country of origin.

Never been to Pattaya myself but I would think (from what I hear...) that the "cheap and naughty nightlife" is also available to foreigners even without "physical deformities and mental illness"? Don't quite understand your comment, sorry...

Or that a lot of foreigners in Thailand have physical deformities and mental illnesses so they would not get 'serviced' by the naughty nightlife industry in their home-country? Or that they would get serviced, but at much higher cost than those not having physical deformities and mental illnesses? Or in general, that these services are cheaper in Thailand anyhow for every one? So that it would be possible to beg money for this in Thailand - but not in their home-country?

I don't know. As many beggars in the West are drug-users with an expensive habit, I would imagine if one would steer those proceeds to 'naughty nightlife' instead of drugs it would be entirely possible to live large on it.

Don't forget that foreigners abroad might like to 'help out' fellow countrymen in problems. Or would invite to drink with them and not having to pay. A couple of years ago I noticed a farang guy in MBK near a set of ATM's carrying some placard he lost his money/got stolen/whatever and that he was begging to get the money to get home. I saw a few people giving him money as in 100 Bt at a time and I imagined that it would just take a few hours 'working' in the morning to earn money for his lodging and food and that he could have enough by the afternoon to start drinking beer extending his stay indefinitely...

I returned to BKK a month later, and the guy was still around at MBK (or back again, or not yet having saved enough for a ticket home, I don't know...).

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Without the power of social media he would never have been caught up with, +1 for Facebook.

However, I'm sure that there are a lot BGs out there who have done a lot worse and betrayed many foreigner's, hospitality, generosity and kindness, for a lot more money than 40k and a hotel room.

Edited by somchaismith
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What would one expect, like a lot of other foreigners here, in Thailand - due to physical deformities and mental illness they would not be able to cheaply enjoy the naughty nightlife in their own country of origin.

Never been to Pattaya myself but I would think (from what I hear...) that the "cheap and naughty nightlife" is also available to foreigners even without "physical deformities and mental illness"? Don't quite understand your comment, sorry...

Or that a lot of foreigners in Thailand have physical deformities and mental illnesses so they would not get 'serviced' by the naughty nightlife industry in their home-country? Or that they would get serviced, but at much higher cost than those not having physical deformities and mental illnesses? Or in general, that these services are cheaper in Thailand anyhow for every one? So that it would be possible to beg money for this in Thailand - but not in their home-country?

I don't know. As many beggars in the West are drug-users with an expensive habit, I would imagine if one would steer those proceeds to 'naughty nightlife' instead of drugs it would be entirely possible to live large on it.

Don't forget that foreigners abroad might like to 'help out' fellow countrymen in problems. Or would invite to drink with them and not having to pay. A couple of years ago I noticed a farang guy in MBK near a set of ATM's carrying some placard he lost his money/got stolen/whatever and that he was begging to get the money to get home. I saw a few people giving him money as in 100 Bt at a time and I imagined that it would just take a few hours 'working' in the morning to earn money for his lodging and food and that he could have enough by the afternoon to start drinking beer extending his stay indefinitely...

I returned to BKK a month later, and the guy was still around at MBK (or back again, or not yet having saved enough for a ticket home, I don't know...).

You don't know- well I'll tell you - it's called scam.

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Since then Benjamin has been seen spending the donated THB50,000 cash in a bar, drinking and partying.

Some people can't be helped. Perhaps next time the general public will let him eat his fat foot before being so generous again.

My Thai Mother in-law contributed a 1000 baht out of her monthly 6000 baht for working 10/12 hour days in a hospital, But now he has pi.t Some Thais off big time, they are looking for him so i have been told, mainly because he says Thais are stupid people, all I can say is best of luck mate you will need, it,

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