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when go out wifes g/fs make advances or over friendly


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when years ago and green to what went on went to mountain village for local festival with g/f and all food layed out on tables in street

as walked around the tables all the women would say you want fukton which sounded like they all wanted someting of me till days later found out as tables were full of cooked pumpkin

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Ask, "tickle your ass with a feather?"

"Just kidding....unless yo want to." giggle.gif

"tickle your ass with a feather?" And when the lady (or gent ?!) in question responds "What did you say?" you reply "Typical Manchester weather". This only works if you are in Manchester. And it's raining.

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What does the wife think of this?????

Flirt with them....joke with them.....make them feel attractive.....in a friendly manner......stay light hearted - you're the center of attention......

Sometimes they just want to be noticed by a farang or are very curious about you.......

A lot depends on you and your wife's lifestyle......have fun with it - you may have a few pleasant surprises in store - maybe including your wife's outlook - talk about the situation....she's the one that has been chatting you up to her friends - and they share everything .....

I would say your situation is rather unique if your wife approves... All I can say is that in similar circumstances and having acted as you suggest, I was dealing with a very jealous GF at the end of the evening...

That's why I posed the question in the first sentence....ultimately she is the ground rule setter. . When I suggested light hearted banter I was not suggesting hitting on them....

Sounds like a back-pedal to me!!!!!!!!

My advice. Be pleasant, be friendly, Don't assume they want to jump your bones. They may be about to ask you if you have any eligible friends if they like you enough. Don't be alone with them. They could be testing you (butterfly farang) for her.

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What does the wife think of this?????

Flirt with them....joke with them.....make them feel attractive.....in a friendly manner......stay light hearted - you're the center of attention......

Sometimes they just want to be noticed by a farang or are very curious about you.......

A lot depends on you and your wife's lifestyle......have fun with it - you may have a few pleasant surprises in store - maybe including your wife's outlook - talk about the situation....she's the one that has been chatting you up to her friends - and they share everything .....

I would say your situation is rather unique if your wife approves... All I can say is that in similar circumstances and having acted as you suggest, I was dealing with a very jealous GF at the end of the evening...

That's why I posed the question in the first sentence....ultimately she is the ground rule setter. . When I suggested light hearted banter I was not suggesting hitting on them....

Sounds like a back-pedal to me!!!!!!!!

My advice. Be pleasant, be friendly, Don't assume they want to jump your bones. They may be about to ask you if you have any eligible friends if they like you enough. Don't be alone with them. They could be testing you (butterfly farang) for her.

DH - not back pedaling - If you notice I suggested/asked what his wife thinks about it - then suggested he talk to her while closing - they could work together on this he might be totally off base in his interpretation.....I have some friends that treat this in a light hearted friendly complimentary way that leaves everybody smiling and leaves feeling good about themselves....I certainly think it's a healthier approach than to leave/isolate/bug out/be rude with the wife's friends and guests.....a smile goes a long way in these type of situations.....the OP should feel complimented and act accordingly.....again - as I said before it depends on the husband/wife's lifestyle/outlook - some worry their way through life and things like this are a crisis, serious, and bothersome - others laugh it off.....others just don't pay attention or even notice....some might very easily be missreading the situation.....it depends on what's happening - are they touchy touchy or merely taking an interest in speaking to him, curious about farangs...anxious to use their English - maybe their English isn't good and gestures and laughter are what the OP is not reading right....are they sticking their hands down his pants ...... offering something else.....we really don't know what is actually taking place.....is it inuendo? cornering him? - - - what's happening.....?

Edited by pgrahmm
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david 48 my breed is still in question there is no answer father mother great great grand parents sent to colony in oz from old dart thats why i feel lost i am still only number 1022 from convict stock now i feel lucky to have home and thai wife if i was younger in a blink of eye the girls would see what convict stock was like even if living on bread and water

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david 48 my breed is still in question there is no answer father mother great great grand parents sent to colony in oz from old dart thats why i feel lost i am still only number 1022 from convict stock now i feel lucky to have home and thai wife if i was younger in a blink of eye the girls would see what convict stock was like even if living on bread and water

OK ... let's make it simpler ... facepalm.gif

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How many wedding have you been to in Thailand? ... No exaggerations now!


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Aside from 'wanting to come around you' in what way are they making advances?

These are friends of your GF?

If you're the only farang in the group you're a novelty. They'll go home and base their entire knowledge of farang on what you say and do now wink.png ... no pressure

Friends of the GF? Hmmm, if these friends are, say, BGs, perhaps they're just doing what comes naturally.

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