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David Cameron Wishes Britain Would Abandon The Metric System

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In the U.S. we never formally adopted and a good hybrid IMO has come about ... We use both. This way certain items that may make it to export market can be metric in order to be more generic. Items more likely to be domestic like milk still comes in quarts and gallons... while soft drinks which can be exported to neighbors is metric - liters... We use cubic feet to measure home interiors and such things as carpet size and flooring in general. There are plenty of exceptions ... Plus most items are labeled in metric and the English system... i.e. liquids often show ml/liter - ounces, etc. It works well enough...

Yer think?


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He can't possibly be serious or has April 1st come early or has he gone off his meds?

Probably longs for the old days and shed a tear when reading Dicken's (satirical) ballad

The bright old day now dawns again; the cry runs through the land,

In England there shall be dear bread — in Ireland, sword and brand;

And poverty, and ignorance, shall swell the rich and grand,

So, rally round the rulers with the gentle iron hand,

Of the fine old English Tory days; Hail to the coming time!


Clearly Britain is inching away from the Metric System.


Very droll Patrick.

Clown Cameron just can't help himself. Nearly split the Union with Scotland (wonder how much all that actually cost?), caught gossiping about the Queen - a real protocol no-no, made himself look foolish in the way he opposed the obviously pre-determined new EU president, and continues bumbling along in his own world.

He'd be quiet happy to be free from all that meddling EU legislation especially all that HR mumbo jumbo nonsense. Cameron, from his actions and policies is an autocrat at odds with many in the party, who would love a state that monitors all your IT communications, internet usage, where you go, how much you spend etc. This is the man who wants to be able to raid your savings for future bail outs, allow the tax man free access to your bank accounts and have free access to all your personal information.

The other leaders - Clegg (Mr. Anonymous), Milliband (Does anyone take him serious?). Boris Johnson - wasn't he a school chum of Cameron?

Inspires confidence.


Yes, now if they would just learn to drive on the proper side of the road. laugh.pnglaugh.png

We do.

If you were riding a horse and met strangers going the other way, wouldn't you like to be able to use your sword arm, just-in-case?

If not, you will be following a certain short, French-speaking General's dictate.

But I'm left handed


It seems that there are no bigger fish to fry at the moment. Once the metric question in solved I suggest to re-introduce the Hopper's Ton here in Thailand as well; a befitting measurement for wood logs and coming in handy for those illegal logging activities ;-)

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Lets see. I'll trade you a handful of shiny beads for that worthless island over there. Then I'll trade you a goat and 5 beaver pelts for your daughter. No ? Oh OK, you drive a hard bargain. I'll throw in a half dozen squirrel pelts and a shiny piece of glass.

Arhhh, all a man needs is a bag full o' doubloons, some "pieces of eight", a barrel of salted pork and a cask of rum !

I mean seriously, there's what, only 2 countries left in the world that don't use the metric system as their standard of measurement ? What good would it do to go back (regress) to a less efficient method that would cause huge hardships for your manufacturers, exporters, importers and citizens in general ?

The UK is probably lucky he didn't mention this before the referendum.........


What Cameron should be saying is abolish the imperial system. Way past its sell by date.

Yes, now if they would just learn to drive on the proper side of the road. laugh.pnglaugh.png

Is 'they' the yanks? As we all know the driving on the left side of the road hails from the era of horses and knights etc, way before that part of the world was an itch in anyone's pants. It is likely you lot went against the grain just to stick two fingers up... like inventing a game of 'football' that no-one else plays or likes. laugh.png

...and just to prove it, the Yanks changed dictionaries and now confuses the whole world with strange tenses, spelling, nouns.

The US Senate voted to go metric in the 1870s, and they still haven't made up their minds what to do.


I think I’d still go for pounds and ounces. Rather like we use miles and pints.

I know there are 16 ounces in a pound, but how many pints are there in a mile? blink.png

No, it's 20 shillings in the pound, and lotsa pints per mile, depending how fast you can stagger.


Cameron is so out of touch he doesn't know that 3 quarters of the workforce and people have never used Imperial! please God make the Election soon!

You meant to say 75% yeah.................


He should be happy on this page then. Here we have the rod, pole perch measurements etc.


Thailand is a bit odd as well.

The blue pipes you buy for water are 1/2, 3/4. 1 inch, 2, 3, 4 sizes.

Most nails and screws are sold in imperial sizes, People drive mostly on the left in Thaialand yet Thailand has never been colonised.

Went into my local Home---- store to buy some paint today and was told it comes in 1 litre or 1 gallon (US) tins, ugh! It's amazing that the US can still trade using imperial (US) measurements.

Thailand drives on the left because the principal roads way back when were from the British colony of Malaya that drove on the left. French Vietnam and Laos were not connected by road to Thailand.


Yes, now if they would just learn to drive on the proper side of the road.

We do.

If you were riding a horse and met strangers going the other way, wouldn't you like to be able to use your sword arm, just-in-case?

If not, you will be following a certain short, French-speaking General's dictate.

Actually I'd rather be on the right, because when I pulled my Glock with my right hand I could rest it on my left elbow, cross-body and make the idiot wish he had something other than a sword. laugh.pnglaugh.png

This is the true reason that most countries drive on the right (correct) side. biggrin.png

I just recalled from history that some countries law punished people for stealing by cutting off right hand.......then after centuries many people developed skills of using left hand for writing and doing many other things.....

Unfortunately I don't remember how many countries...facepalm.gifgiggle.gif

But this is very interesting and funny subject to read this topic tonight giggle.gif



What a clown. Even the UK's closest friends, Australia and New Zealand use metric. It is just so much more logical and sensible than the imperial system.


A truly stupid idea but I think it's an attempt to stop any more of the "old-fashioned" (best euphemism I could think of) wing of his party defecting to the Kippers.

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As much as I hate the metric system ( grew up in Canada with feet and inches) I realize it is a necessarily evil. The rest of the world except the United States is on Metric so why cow tow to the Americans Use Metric is easier once you get the hang of it in 10ths

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Yes, now if they would just learn to drive on the proper side of the road.

We do.

If you were riding a horse and met strangers going the other way, wouldn't you like to be able to use your sword arm, just-in-case?

If not, you will be following a certain short, French-speaking General's dictate.

Actually I'd rather be on the right, because when I pulled my Glock with my right hand I could rest it on my left elbow, cross-body and make the idiot wish he had something other than a sword. laugh.pnglaugh.png

This is the true reason that most countries drive on the right (correct) side. biggrin.png

That's your best effort?

Your laughing emoticons fool no one.


You're too generous


It would make far more sense for Britain to abandon David Cameron!

He should move to Australia - their 'polies' are an embarrassment to the human race too...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Cameron is so out of touch he doesn't know that 3 quarters of the workforce and people have never used Imperial! please God make the Election soon!

Imperial is such a ridiculous way to call the idiotic fractional system. clap2.gif


Thailand drives on the left because the principal roads way back when were from the British colony of Malaya that drove on the left. French Vietnam and Laos were not connected by road to Thailand.

and don't mention the Japanese influence...


Yes, now if they would just learn to drive on the proper side of the road. laugh.pnglaugh.png

Actually more people in the world drive on the left rather than the right. The LHS is, on this basis, the correct side on which to drive tongue.png

Don't think that can be right any more. It was a close-run thing until Chine made up its mind. At one point there was a movement to drive on the left for idealogical reasons, but then they finally decided on the right. Now there is no way back, even with India on the left..

It might make sense for Myanmar to go back to the left, though, given the geography and the number of old cars still in use.

Ah, life was so much simpler then when 100 pennies made 8/4d


You shouldn't even think about turning the clock back but I do miss being able to divide the pound (sterling) into three equal parts


In the U.S. we never formally adopted and a good hybrid IMO has come about ... We use both. This way certain items that may make it to export market can be metric in order to be more generic. Items more likely to be domestic like milk still comes in quarts and gallons... while soft drinks which can be exported to neighbors is metric - liters... We use cubic feet to measure home interiors and such things as carpet size and flooring in general. There are plenty of exceptions ... Plus most items are labeled in metric and the English system... i.e. liquids often show ml/liter - ounces, etc. It works well enough...

Why is this hybrid system better?

Cannot carpet be measured in sq meters?

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