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Rights group arranges lawyers for Myanmar men

Lite Beer

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okay I'll be the first to say it. In respect for David and Hannah's family.

I can't believe how much people are claiming these Burmese are innocent with all the evidence piled up against them. People's logic? They are too small, don't look like a rapist or cold blooded murderers?!?!

The biggest mistake the police made was following half drunken or inebriated claims of people with NO forensics background. once the police (probably with help) followed their cigarette lead, they found the culprits quickly! 99.9% of every single rumor online was JUST that. Zero evidence backing it up. No actual smoking gun. Shocking people with crime scene photos doesn't prove anything. Showing people a phone that may have been turned into police after the murders prove nothing. Where is the smoking gun? A police report.? How do you know that wasn't the officers phone?

The Burmese ran off after the police

Spotted them on the beach? Why? They were scared to be deported ? The police know almost all Burmese workers are illegal. Why would the pick out just one innocent group ?

They were tortured with boiling water ?? Where is the smoking gun?? JUST another rumor. I didn't see any Burmese with burn marks. How did they know they were tortured ? Did they call and tell them? I doubt it.

One shared cigarette does not mean rape or murder. it means contact with the victim. One cigarette does not exclude unidentified others who may have also been there.

Actually forensics showing a wound made by a knife as opposed to the hoe that was reported as the murder weapon leaving a murder weapon missing proves..er..that they are missing one of the murder weapons and have falsely reported what kind of weapon was used perhaps.

The distinctive orange/pink phone with dark purple case belonging to hannah is available to view in tv forum on various pages, as well as viewable in various past photos of hannah that have been published online by newspapers and forums. This same very distinctive phone was clearly visible on a policemans desk the day after the murders during a thai news youtube video. An as yet unsubstantiated post from a friend of hannah's confirms the phone was given to the police on request the day after the murders.

Have you not been keeping abreast of the ongoing case?

The torture was reported formally to an NGO by Burmese diplomats. It appeared ten Burmese people were taken in and three were allegedly tortured. Hence this thread........

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Just reposting the pictures that Ruthie posted earlier in another thread.

The murder took place on the morning of Monday 15th September.

Here's the pub crawl that took place on the evening of Monday 15th September.

There's Sean McAnna!


More questions:

I guess everyone deals with the death of friends in their own way - is this how he dealt with it?

If he'd been slashed open with the same weapon that was used on David, earlier in the same day, would he really be out partying?

The bar manager reported that Sean had a bloodied face that evening from an accident (said on the night of the murder, one of his employees identified as Jok saw so much blood on the face and body of Mr. Sean, so he helped to wash it out for him.) Any signs of a badly injured man in the photo? (I know it only shows one side of his face)

(photos are readily available on Koh Tao Pub Crawl Facebook page by the way)

Just goes to show, we need to hear from Sean himself.

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There is to be an inquest 5 January in UK. I'm no lawyer but perhaps there might be some process which allows verification of evidence at that point. As far as I know David Millers funeral has already taken place. Perhaps the families agreed to further samples being taken before burials. If so there would be a chance at that point to obtain DNA from these Burmese boys to check results. The integrity of any testing and samples taken by the Thai police cannot be trusted at all obviously.

ok lets clarify this one again, in the case of a suspicious death of a British national over seas or a person living in the UK, by law an inquest must be held before details of the death are entered in the UK public register, and all an inquest does is establish cause of death, it doesn't make comment on suspects, guilt or innocence, police investigation etc, in this case, death will be recorded as unlawful killing or words to that effect, the inquest is chaired by a country coroner or similar, it not a court and lawyers are not involved.

it is a formality in this instance, the coroner will review the medical information and events surrounding the death and state based on their assessment, the person is a victim of an unlawful killing, i.e. Murdered, which will be entered in the public register.

That's it

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Meanwhile, local officials in Surat Thani said yesterday that tourists were returning to Koh Tao resort island in droves after the alleged culprits in the murders of British tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were arrested.

Thawisak Inphrom, the chief of Koh Pha-ngan district, of which Koh Tao is part, said that tourism on Koh Tao has become "busy again" following the arrests.

"Tourists now have become more confident about safety on the island, and they are confident the authorities can provide safety for them," he said.

Surat Thani Governor Chatpong Chatrapoot said the arrest of the suspects had helped restore confidence among prospective tourists to Koh Tao.

Not one bit of regret offered to the families of the victims, but hey the tourists are coming back so all is good in la la land so lets get back to scamming...thumbsup.gif

OMG. So they made a statement about tourism. Lots of people depend on tourists. Including Burmese migrant workers.

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The UK Daily has been blacked out for raising points the Thai authority cannot contradict in regards to the Koh Tao murders. Welcome to North Korea.

Which daily now ?

The Daily Mail / Mail on Sunday ! If you have a vpn that identifies you being anywhere but Thailand you can still get online to read the paper many people in countries such as China / North Korea use VPN in order that they can get onto tabloids / Face book that are banned in there countries it appears since the last Coup the regime have blocked certain tabloids who have spoken out !

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I also want to get involved in doing all I can to ensure the real culprits are found guilty.

If the British Ambassador isn't allowed to bring in the British Ploice / SAS to catch the culprits, then my hopes aren't high, but I've lived in thailand 8 years and I honestly feel I have a responsibility, as an Englishman (who attended the same University as David Miller - a minor point but adding to my feelings) to make a stance against the lack of respect and disregard for the LIVES of these two beautiful people, which I feel as an insult to myself and all English also.

How do I sign the petition?

And how else can I help - I'd love to meet the person / people who really did this and feel like finding them myself and seeing how brave they are without a garden hoe in their hand, one on one.


Thanks for posting that link. I welcome the chance to do anything I can for this situation. It seems there's already more than 8000 signatures collected.

Come on everyone on TV .. if you want to be sure about this then we need 10,000 sigs to move on it to petition the British Embassy and British government for another independent investigation, all people want is real justice and closure for David and Hannahs families, that means 100% without doubt .... get enough voices and the UK gov will have to open an investigation if they havnt already behind closed doors.

We can make a difference for once, all it takes are for good people to do something....


Please Moderators im asking you on behalf of many do the right thing and let this link stay.

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Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

What exactly is the "overwhelming evidence" you keep referring to? I think most people have very little faith in anything the BIB say especially after their lamentable performance in this case and we only know what they say about the DNA.They seem to be mostly relying on the "confessions" which are not evidence.

Again based on what is being reported ...

There friend who was with them right up until the crime will be a witness against them.

Witnesses have put them around the scene at the time of the incident as well as video.

They didn't come forward despite weeks of the publicly stating they were looking for those singing/playing guitar and in at least one of the videos.

A phone of one of the victims was found at their place. (not the phone Facebook forensics keep showing that was collected and displayed by police in the first days of the investigation)

They confessed

They reenacted in front of hundreds of people.

And the big kicker -- their DNA matches the semen on the victim.

And to add ...

The Semen DNA collected well before these two identities were known was also sent to Singapore. So, at least two labs have typed the DNA. Now we have two suspects who match that DNA. Two suspects unless who disappear from the face of the earth (along with their family) will be able to be checked again by their lawyers, NGO and others who want to prove their innocence down the road. (something the police know)

Dear John. Dear oh Dear.

They worked at the bar the victims were at before being killed. They are Burmese migrants. They did not hide or flee.

The first thing the 'police' did was blanket DNA test Burmese migrants, especially those working in the immediate area. No DNA matches were found. Does that not bother you a little? Now suddenly there is a match and we're supposed to accept it?

Certain special people were exempted from giving DNA tests. Does that not bother you a little?

The fresh wound on Sean's arm exactly matches the wounds on David's body. Sean claims to have been threatened with death by the friendly locals. Does that not bother you at all?

There are credible reports of torture to produce the confession. Does that not bother you a little?

The Koh Tao 'police' and the families that control the land are without any doubt whatsoever, horribly, horribly corrupt. Why do you so readily accept the information they feed you?

No prominent Koh Tao families to my knowledge, volunteered their DNA to exonerate any family connections. Does that not bother you at all?

not going to go over the fact just about everything you said is incorrect and the rest is speculation of people on the internet

Got it John. There just may be a high ranking job with the Thai police waiting for you!

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Does anybody think it could be possible to get all the big foreign travel agencies to exclude Koh Tao from their catalogues until all doubts about the case being properly resolved are removed ?

They could even add a few words why they are not promoting that island in the moment

The large foreign travel agencies don't send much business to Koh Tao. Most of the bulk goes to Samui. KT and KP are more for the young travelers (FIT).

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Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

That is all we're asking for. Nobody is accusing the Police of fitting up the Burmese but their ineptitude thus far and their past record makes many people uneasy. An independent DNA test will reassure us that's all.

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That is all we're asking for. Nobody is accusing the Police of fitting up the Burmese but their ineptitude thus far and their past record makes many people uneasy. An independent DNA test will reassure us that's all.

Many many people are accusing the police of fitting them up.

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Find Sean McAnna. I hope that he is still alive, he holds the key to this cover up......... And of course the DNA of a few people who cannot be mentioned.

Agreed, how is it possible that such an important element of the investigation has disappeared and is not being questioned for clues, such as his early statements that stated local Thai mafia was responsible and his wounds that in the pics look very similar to David's.

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Come on everyone on TV .. if you want to be sure about this then we need 10,000 sigs to move on it to petition the British Embassy and British government for another independent investigation, all people want is real justice and closure for David and Hannahs families, that means 100% without doubt .... get enough voices and the UK gov will have to open an investigation if they havnt already behind closed doors.

We can make a difference for once, all it takes are for good people to do something....


Please Moderators im asking you on behalf of many do the right thing and let this link stay.

Great post here... an independent investigation is owed to the family of the 2 poor kids, and to shed light on the facts, avoiding that someone is being sent to rot in jail instead the real culprits.

Of course if the Myanmar workers will result to be the real culprits may they rot in jail until the end of their days!


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Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

Just my opinion, but I think that circumstantial evidence suggests that they are as guilty as hell and all this human rights rubbish is a load of bunkum!!

The police are incompetent and when things are not working out they tend to distort/invent things such as this phone affair. I cannot see how they could, or would, fake the DNA evidence as they would undoubtedly get caught out over this if they did.

Another thing, why would one of them leave the island and dye his blond hair black if his DNA was not going to match and he had nothing to worry about. I say send them down or hang them (after they have found these scumbags guilty of course)!!

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There were nine Burmese people playing Takraw.

The police came and they all tried to run away.

Six were caught and three escaped.

The chance of the three quilty people happening to also be the three people who escaped from the police sting, bearing in mind that all nine were trying to avoid detention, is highly unlikely.

The police decided that they are guilty not because they tried to run away, but because they succeeded in avoiding the initial rounding up.

This could be completely wrong. We'll just have to wait for the results of independent DNA tests. Until these results come through it's nothing more than speculation.

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This is too awesome. I can only hope they hired an aggressive team of investigators & litigators. If there was any monkey business with the evidence, it should be desperately easy to uncover. Starting point -- examine the chain of custody. Each bit of evidence should have signed receipts of where it went & where it was locked up. No chain of custody = No evidence.

Step 2: Uncover exculpatory evidence that the police are not examining -- such as speedboats leaving in the dead of night, video of potential perps fleeing to Bankgok, and punch holes in those alibis. I certainly hope the truth eventually wins out, and certain thug/gang/families are deposed from power and/or locked up.

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Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

Just my opinion, but I think that circumstantial evidence suggests that they are as guilty as hell and all this human rights rubbish is a load of bunkum!!

The police are incompetent and when things are not working out they tend to distort/invent things such as this phone affair. I cannot see how they could, or would, fake the DNA evidence as they would undoubtedly get caught out over this if they did.

Another thing, why would one of them leave the island and dye his blond hair black if his DNA was not going to match and he had nothing to worry about. I say send them down or hang them (after they have found these scumbags guilty of course)!!

quote "Another thing, why would one of them leave the island and dye his blond hair black if his DNA was not going to match and he had nothing to worry about"

You must be careful believing anything the RTP says about this case. There are cctv photos widely circulated of the 3 Burmese riding around on a motorbike on the fateful evening. Just for the record, none of them have blond or dyed hair. They all have black hair.

The police statement is an easily proven lie and clearly meant to change course or deflect the investigation. Why did they lie about this? What else have they lied about? After being caught in such an obvious lie I suggest nothing they say has any substance whatsoever. Worse still, that a Koh Tao policeman was caught on cctv threatening to kill a tourist witness.........

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