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Prayut says Thais should prefer rice over bread

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First don't let them vote. Now try to stop them choose? I am sure Kim Jong-un isn't gone missing he is just training the Thai PM. But well I wouldn't even call him PM more dictator as he isn't voted... But that's another story. Not sure if he is really that kind of stupid or just have a very very bad PR agency.

He has been more effective in getting Whats gotta be done to move Thailand forward

Like Ending endemic Corruption, paying the farmers, handling various "Mafias"

than the last how many elected People in his current position????

The entrenchment right from the top to the bottom of much of Thai society of these problems

will likely take years to clean out properly.

Not voted in???????????... ... ... My informal poll of all I have spoken with leads me to believe if an election was held today he would be voted in in a landslide. Votes against just Mafia profiteers, drug dealers... ... ...

A dictator????????????... ... ... If so a dictator that listens to the best advice of of people knowledgeable in specific areas that need attention and moves rapidly to correct wrongs that need correction.... ... ...

Any comparison to "The only Fat Kid In North Korea" is totally imaginary and not valid.

Does he? Give a proof! And yes he is nothing else than a dictator! A junta! Nothing more or less. If he would be sure that he would win the election why there is no election? And I am quite sure he will fill his pocket as any one before him did. His PR is the worst ever. Let's think about his speak outs about the murder case of the two British tourists. He maybe was a good military ( can't say anything about it ) but who gave him the right or power what he is doing now? No one beside himself. For me no one should call him PM. And yes his messages are just funny. He is a joke.

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The posters who initially came out so strongly in favour of the great leader are oddly silent.

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Abraham Lincoln.

I believe Lincoln was right. The person this thread is about would be wise to remember Abe's advice.

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I think it's nice that prayut wants the people to go back to some of their old values. must people critisize everything.

Do you mean must people think through the implications of bizarre remarks by a self-appointed leader? Yes, they most certainly should...

The guy is equating the Thai identity (and promoting nationalism - not one of the better old values to cling to) with what food Thais eat. Bread is un-Thai...Bread is inferior (but of course it is - it's not Thai). This is insidious stuff. It's not just the words and the "nice" old values - it's the philosophy behind it that is important here.


But, but.......they just had world egg day and said Thai people should eat double the eggs they do now, so now he wants people to eat that horrid white rice and double the amount of eggs as well. I'm getting the impression this guy will soon be telling people they should be using twice as much toilet paper as he is clearly now a promoter of consumer items.

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sad.png perhaps trying to sell his montain of rice accumulated in his government deposit that nobody whants to buy.cheesy.gif

and as a good conservative europeen and to preserve my own culture i still recommend and prefer bread as rice...wai2.gif ..i just made some today, cause i dont like the one from BIG C or lotus or where ever here.

and to whom it may concern.....you dont get fat because you eat bred, but you certainly get fat eating the palm oil, the coconut cream, and all the quimical staff you find in all asian cheap food.



The posters who initially came out so strongly in favour of the great leader are oddly silent.

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Abraham Lincoln.

I believe Lincoln was right. The person this thread is about would be wise to remember Abe's advice.

So, basically, the junta punters who remain silent do so because if they speak out they will prove they are fools. Seems reasonable.

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C'mon posters, the guy is not wrong.

He doesn't care so much about Thailand's eating habits but he cares about Thailand's economy.

If people start eating bread, wheat has to be imported from other countries.

On the other hand rice is home produced and every plate we eat a farmer gets the benefit of it, and the whole Thai economy gets the benefit of it.

He is not stupid at all........he knows very well what he is going on about.

Only very special idiots wouldn't realize this.. coffee1.gif

Then the PM should come out and say that - not attach it to some sense of bulls**t nationalism.

"very special idiots"? I take it that is your term to describe someone who sees things differently than your own very clever self?


So now the General is telling us what to eat?!?!?! Next, what to wear? Oh wait, he did that, no bikinis. What to watch on TV? Did that also. Democracy in Thailand.

  • Like 1

I think it's nice that prayut wants the people to go back to some of their old values. must people critisize everything.

Do you mean must people think through the implications of bizarre remarks by a self-appointed leader? Yes, they most certainly should...

The guy is equating the Thai identity (and promoting nationalism - not one of the better old values to cling to) with what food Thais eat. Bread is un-Thai...Bread is inferior (but of course it is - it's not Thai). This is insidious stuff. It's not just the words and the "nice" old values - it's the philosophy behind it that is important here.

One word: Phibun.


Very well, if protecting the economy is the underlying reason for this message. Still, you should get your facts right first, sir. Not sure where you fixation on 'foreign athletes' came from, but most athletes including Thais, have carbohydrate in their diet as one of the sources of energy. Carbs come from a variety of food including potatoes, pasta, bread and yes, rice. BUT... the right way to go is to have unpolished brown rice, not the polished and white variety. Anyway, athletes eating rice as a part of their diet has been going on for a bit, the phenomenon didn't just start now. Just informing you sir, General Sir!


Too bad General Prayuth still has not received an education in diet and health but hes not alone 90% of asians are in the same boat. The white rice that most asians eat is almost worthless for nutrition and is one of the leading causes of diabetes which is rampant in Thailand.

It would be way healthier to eat whole grain bread.

It is not about rice or wheat it is about what is natural vs what is artificial.

White rice is also devoid of flavor and is not enjoyable to eat.

White rice is devoid of protein which is why Thais feel the need to eat so much meat.

A simple diet of brown rice and vegetables is enough to sustain a healthy life.

Brown rice tastes way better and has a full spectrum of proteins and vitamins thus eliminating the need to murder animals and consume their antibiotic and hormone injected corpses.

Fortunately there is a wonderfull and growing movement in Thailand to appreciate brown rice but has has a long way to go before it filters down to the masses.

The bottom line worldwide is that brown rice is not promoted because it is more difficult and expensive to keep in storage. White rice is more profitable.

Asia needs a brown rice revolution.

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The truth is this guy wants to control everybody. What they do what they eat how they think what they say.

He won't rescind martial law because god forbid someone might dare criticize his policies or actions or have an original thought.

Did it ever occur to you that he is the first leader to actually have the power and the determination to make Thailand a better country. He for sure doesn't need your input.

Speaking of original thoughts have you any or is it just going to be Polly wants a cracker with you.

I personally find it disgusting people come to Thailand and choose to criticize any one that tries' to improve the life of a Thai.sad.png

I wonder why the General has not uttered one syllable regarding the country being ground zero for the sex trade. wai2.gifwai.gif

Too entrenched to tackle the mysoginistic nature of the culture? giggle.gif

Too profitable?

Improve the lives of who?

Apparently, not all Thai...

maybe because he's less self-righteous than you and respects individual liberties.



My GF told me the other day she ate soft brown bread from 7-11 spread liberally with peanut butter for breakfast. Loved it. And what's more she didn't eat any rice that day! OMG.

I'm gonna alert her to the generalissimo's statement, how to be an upstanding Thai and prepare herself for a world without bread and peanut butter!

Sticky rice smeared with peanut butter? Hey, it's got possibilities!

Sounds like she needs some attitude adjustment to me!


I think it's nice that prayut wants the people to go back to some of their old values. must people critisize everything.

Why is it any of his business what people choose to eat?

All in Europe and USA politics are talking about what people should eat. Why not in Thailand?

But of course what he says is nonsense. White bread and white rice is the same bad food. While dark bread and and dark rice is good food.

And rice is surely better than the usual white sweet bread.

But eat more rice instead of bread is nonsense. It less rice and bread and more protein instead would be a better advice.

  • Like 1

The posters who initially came out so strongly in favour of the great leader are oddly silent.

Untill evidence of utilization of his position of power to enrichen his self & family comes out (I doubt it will happen).

I will grade Prayuth Highly on getting things done that should be done. I believe his theory of personal enrichment


"A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats"

and that we must be the change we want to see.

Tongdee, did you read this one:

"Prayut tells NRC to follow Defence Ministry proposals"

The fact that no new projects are centred in the farming areas of Thailand, apart from the populist proposal to pay rice farmers; no education advancements in the country areas; concentration of spending still in Bangkok; feudal ideology that is ripe within many businesses; the underlying anti-democratic push from this regime; the fact that the Thai people did not elect this regime and that the coup overthrew an elected government ( It may be not the Government you thought was good, but they were elected by the majority of the Thai people); the fact that all government officials are hand-picked; the fact that the charade is to shore up the conservative elite, the military and business’s needs; political crisis still remains, corruption, social disparity and injustices are all still there together with the rights martial law prevents from speaking out?

And above all you must eat rice and be happy?

The fact that the status quo remains in servicing one side of the electorate, that in itself is 'enriching your position' as a member of that group.

Unfortunately your life boats must come from the Titanic. Not all survived?


Too bad General Prayuth still has not received an education in diet and health but hes not alone 90% of asians are in the same boat. The white rice that most asians eat is almost worthless for nutrition and is one of the leading causes of diabetes which is rampant in Thailand.

It would be way healthier to eat whole grain bread.

It is not about rice or wheat it is about what is natural vs what is artificial.

White rice is also devoid of flavor and is not enjoyable to eat.

White rice is devoid of protein which is why Thais feel the need to eat so much meat.

A simple diet of brown rice and vegetables is enough to sustain a healthy life.

Brown rice tastes way better and has a full spectrum of proteins and vitamins thus eliminating the need to murder animals and consume their antibiotic and hormone injected corpses.

Fortunately there is a wonderfull and growing movement in Thailand to appreciate brown rice but has has a long way to go before it filters down to the masses.

The bottom line worldwide is that brown rice is not promoted because it is more difficult and expensive to keep in storage. White rice is more profitable.

Asia needs a brown rice revolution.

I agree completely. The fact that white rice keeps better in storage is something I learned only recently. That white rice is devoid of taste is considered by many to be an advantage. It's taste does not interfere or conflict with the taste of other ingredients in the dish. That's the reason I hear again and again from people who try to justify their selection of a nutritionally substandard food. It's all about taste. Stuff nutrition!

In the supermarkets in Australia, one can always find brown rice, but not in any restaurant I've come across. The only restaurant I've ever visited, world-wide, which offers a choice of brown or white rice with any dish ordered, is the Moon Dance Restaurant in Pokhara, Nepal.

I understand completely, if a restaurant were to offer only brown rice, then it would lose business from those who eat white rice and know no better. However, I fail to see why restaurants do not offer a choice of either white or brown rice. I guess they just don't care. sad.png


This great General can do anything? He is now a nutritionist?

What about the copious amounts of sugar that is being consumed by the younger Thais?

I am in the eighties and I eat about 12 tables of sugar a day

The Sugar I buy in Tesco is goof for you try it

  • Like 1

So now the General is telling us what to eat?!?!?! Next, what to wear? Oh wait, he did that, no bikinis. What to watch on TV? Did that also. Democracy in Thailand.

The PM is just showing his Thainess.

I may not agree with him about the rice but I applaud his general patriotic approach.

Nobody remember the big push in the UK to 'Buy British' - and I am sure the Americans (amongst others) can be as patriotic as the next man.

He also has a bl00dy huge white rice surplus that needs eating! smile.png


First don't let them vote. Now try to stop them choose? I am sure Kim Jong-un isn't gone missing he is just training the Thai PM. But well I wouldn't even call him PM more dictator as he isn't voted... But that's another story. Not sure if he is really that kind of stupid or just have a very very bad PR agency.

He has been more effective in getting Whats gotta be done to move Thailand forward

Like Ending endemic Corruption, paying the farmers, handling various "Mafias"

than the last how many elected People in his current position????

The entrenchment right from the top to the bottom of much of Thai society of these problems

will likely take years to clean out properly.

Not voted in???????????... ... ... My informal poll of all I have spoken with leads me to believe if an election was held today he would be voted in in a landslide. Votes against just Mafia profiteers, drug dealers... ... ...

A dictator????????????... ... ... If so a dictator that listens to the best advice of of people knowledgeable in specific areas that need attention and moves rapidly to correct wrongs that need correction.... ... ...

Any comparison to "The only Fat Kid In North Korea" is totally imaginary and not valid.

Ending endemic corruption. He moved some people off beaches and didn't order a boom box with microphones.

Phooooey. He's done a great job so far.

  • Like 1

So now the General is telling us what to eat?!?!?! Next, what to wear? Oh wait, he did that, no bikinis. What to watch on TV? Did that also. Democracy in Thailand.


Hey, slack off!

I just sent him a video for his inspection.

I think maybe I eat too much rice, and I'm hoping to hear back if he feels my bowel habits are appropriate.

  • Like 2

The truth is this guy wants to control everybody. What they do what they eat how they think what they say.

He won't rescind martial law because god forbid someone might dare criticize his policies or actions or have an original thought.

Expect to see him here as a poster/mod soon then.


Bread is just more convenient. You can grab it and go. Throw a sandwich together in a few minutes. I'd like to see you spread peanut butter and jelly on two slices of rice.

Would be interesting to compare the time it takes it takes to prepare and cook a loaf of bread as opposed to cooking rice.

My missus seems to be able to grab some rice and pork/chicken/prawns out of the fridge and put them into the microwave quicker than I can make a sandwich.

Damn sight tastier too.

I'll pass on the peanut butter, thanks.


I agree the Thai government should actively promote brown and much more realistically half milled rice in any way they can! White rice is very poor nutrition and scientists now know that not all calories are the same as far as impact on health and disease. Some calories are more harmful than others. For examples, nut calories are beneficial, while sugar calories in excess of certain OK low daily levels are quite harmful and promote disease development, and yes white rice (and processed bread as well) basically translates in the body into SUGAR.

It is true nothing wrong with small portions of sugar or sugar in the form of WHITE RICE, but get real, if you're eating it as your main tummy filler day and night, you are not eating small portions of it.

But I guess it's asking too much to suggest Thais drop white rice. Too bad.

I don't agree that brown rice tastes nice with Thai food. I think it doesn't for me and most people. But half milled rice is a good compromise of taste and health.


The posters who initially came out so strongly in favour of the great leader are oddly silent.

Untill evidence of utilization of his position of power to enrichen his self & family comes out (I doubt it will happen).

I will grade Prayuth Highly on getting things done that should be done. I believe his theory of personal enrichment


"A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats"

and that we must be the change we want to see.

Tongdee, did you read this one:

"Prayut tells NRC to follow Defence Ministry proposals"

The fact that no new projects are centred in the farming areas of Thailand, apart from the populist proposal to pay rice farmers; no education advancements in the country areas; concentration of spending still in Bangkok; feudal ideology that is ripe within many businesses; the underlying anti-democratic push from this regime; the fact that the Thai people did not elect this regime and that the coup overthrew an elected government ( It may be not the Government you thought was good, but they were elected by the majority of the Thai people); the fact that all government officials are hand-picked; the fact that the charade is to shore up the conservative elite, the military and businesss needs; political crisis still remains, corruption, social disparity and injustices are all still there together with the rights martial law prevents from speaking out?

And above all you must eat rice and be happy?

The fact that the status quo remains in servicing one side of the electorate, that in itself is 'enriching your position' as a member of that group.

Unfortunately your life boats must come from the Titanic. Not all survived?

PT won the most seats. They were not elected by the majority of the Thai people. The majority voted against them.

Yes I know that's how democracies work and for that reason don't pretend an elected govt is voted in by the majority of the electorate.

As to the rest of your post, well, agree with some, but not the majority of it.


We are going to open a minimart and restaurant selling fresh bread, pastries and other things we farang miss so much. Maybe a rethink before the good PM gets wind of it!

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