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Taliban splinter group threatens Nobel laureate Malala

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Taliban splinter group threatens Nobel laureate Malala

Islamabad:-- A powerful breakaway faction of the Pakistani Taliban threatened teen education activist Malala Yousafzai with "sharp and shiny knives," hours after she was declared joint winner of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.

Jamaatul Ahrar, which in August separated from Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) also known as the Pakistani Taliban - posted its response to the win on Twitter late Saturday.

"Characters like Malala should know that we are not deterred by propaganda of (non-believers). We have prepared sharp and shiny knives for the enemy of Islam," tweeted spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan.

"Malala speaks so much against guns and armed conflicts. Does she not know that the founder of her recent Nobel award was the inventor of explosives," the spokesman said.

Malala, a 17-year-old education activist, survived a gunshot wound to the head by a Taliban gunman in 2012.

The mainstream TTP, an umbrella organization of over a dozen groups, has not commented on Malala’s accolade.

Malala has received praise in Pakistan for becoming the youngest-ever Nobel Peace laureate, with all major newspapers running front page stories on her achievement.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Taliban-splinter-group-threatens-Nobel-laureate-Ma-30245279.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-11

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Why oh why can't the moderate muslim world whom outnumber the radicals by at least 100 to 1 (possibly 1000 or even 10,000 to 1... I dunno)....get rid of these idiots once and for all before the rest of the non-muslim world turns on the lot of them and eradicates the world of Islam once and for all.

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Why oh why can't the moderate muslim world whom outnumber the radicals by at least 100 to 1 (possibly 1000 or even 10,000 to 1... I dunno)....get rid of these idiots once and for all before the rest of the non-muslim world turns on the lot of them and eradicates the world of Islam once and for all.

As the topic is concerning the Pakistani Islamic extremists it is worth noting an estimated 40,000 deaths between 2005 - 2010 have been a result from the various factions activities within Pakistan.

Pakistani security forces do react, as an example the Pakistani military recently killed around 900 extremists, with the loss of 82 soldiers. As far as I am aware this action has had very limited coverage in Western mainstream media.


In the bigger picture...

Since Pakistan's army began moving into the tribal areas along the Afghan border to confront the Pakistani Taliban in 2004, more than 4,000 Pakistani soldiers have been killed and more than 13,000 injured, according to military statistics.


As JT indicated those speaking out against extremists are often murdered, as was the case with some senior Pakistani policitians who spoke out against apostasy.

Edited by simple1
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When I read about Malala's honor...my first thought was...who will insure her safety...the Taliban will not take this sitting down...

I am encouraged for the future of mankind...with young people like Malala leading the way...

I am afraid the Taliban will not rest until they harm her again...

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Why oh why can't the moderate muslim world whom outnumber the radicals by at least 100 to 1 (possibly 1000 or even 10,000 to 1... I dunno)....get rid of these idiots once and for all before the rest of the non-muslim world turns on the lot of them and eradicates the world of Islam once and for all.

Why......they support the radicals.......the majority of muslims, including those in western countries, rarely speak out against these radicals...their leaders almost never speak out, and by keeping quiet, that is support!

Jihadists are everywhere......some are fighting already....some are just keeping quiet...for now

A time bomb...tick..tock

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Scum, cowardly scum. I was contracting in Bangladesh and every day there were reports in the newspapers of scum throwing acid into young girls eyes as they went to school. They don't want women getting educated so what does this tell us about Islam? What was bizarre is the prime minster and foreign minister are both women.

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Why oh why can't the moderate muslim world whom outnumber the radicals by at least 100 to 1 (possibly 1000 or even 10,000 to 1... I dunno)....get rid of these idiots once and for all before the rest of the non-muslim world turns on the lot of them and eradicates the world of Islam once and for all.

Why......they support the radicals.......the majority of muslims, including those in western countries, rarely speak out against these radicals...their leaders almost never speak out, and by keeping quiet, that is support!

Jihadists are everywhere......some are fighting already....some are just keeping quiet...for now!!

This girl is Muslim too, is she not?

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She is. She is a brave heroine for Islam and the world. Prize well deserved.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Which I am sure she is.

Just wondering how the haters here figure she - from what I can gather- a moderate Muslim is just one step away from blowing her self up in some jihadi cause and a quiet cheerleader for the radicals if she doesn't.

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Has anyone claimed that there are no good Muslims? I haven't seen that.

Moderate Muslims aren't really that moderate is the line trotted out. Add hysteria and lots of links to bigoted websites and videos.

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Somewhere in the 3 million square kilometres of the Arabian Peninsula, the cradle of Islam, lies a hidden cave where Mohammad once slept. Buried under rubble is an ancient text he dictated to his 8 year old wife, that orders Islamic fanatical warriors that to defeat the infidel in battle they must fight like rabid dogs, and to do that they must castrate themselves before engaging the enemy. "Your manhood will be restored by Allah in heaven," he says.

Now wouldn't that be luvverly were it true. Tens of thousands of dickless jihadis.

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"Characters like Malala should know that we are not deterred by propaganda of (non-believers). We have prepared sharp and shiny knives for the enemy of Islam," tweeted spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan. "Malala speaks so much against guns and armed conflicts. Does she not know that the founder of her recent Nobel award was the inventor of explosives," the spokesman said.

"Characters like Ehsanullah Ehsan should know that we are not intimidated by his incoherent drivel. We have prepared pig excrement for the enemy of mankind. Ehsanullah speaks so much about using sharp and shiny knives, does he not know that the founder of his religion was the inventor of the chopsticks?"

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She is. She is a brave heroine for Islam and the world. Prize well deserved.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Which I am sure she is.

Just wondering how the haters here figure she - from what I can gather- a moderate Muslim is just one step away from blowing her self up in some jihadi cause and a quiet cheerleader for the radicals if she doesn't.

I don't think we know anything about her religious beliefs. We only know that she is a champion for education and education especially for girls.

One can be religiously conservative without being backwards.

Like thousands of other Muslims, she is a victim of extremism.

A lot more of people like her would make the world a much better place.

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Why oh why can't the moderate muslim world whom outnumber the radicals by at least 100 to 1 (possibly 1000 or even 10,000 to 1... I dunno)....get rid of these idiots once and for all before the rest of the non-muslim world turns on the lot of them and eradicates the world of Islam once and for all.

This may seem a bit odd WB but have a think about it...then it may make sense.

Have you ever belonged to a union? You know...protect the workers rights & all that

plus you may have to join a union to get that job you need. So...you're in the union

and everything is going fine, good pay, good working conditions etc...then one day

you come to work & find that the union you belong to is on strike...perhaps because

some twit across your country got fired because he/she was a layabout and complained

to the union rep & management stuck to their principles & sacked the person anyway.

So...you go home because, as a member of said union being on strike, you cannot

work since th eunion is on strike and members must show solidarity. Oh yeah...you must

be in the union in order to have the job...strike or not. And the strike drags on...and on...

and on.

Support of the brotherhood man. That's what it's all about. Whether you care about the poor

twit who got sacked or not or even if you kinow em...it doesn't matter you're on strike.

Everybody who belongs to that union is on strike BTW...regardless of where they're

employed or by whom or where they live...everybody is on strike because some lazy

twit got what he/she deserved...sacked.

Islam is like that. It's more of a brotherhood (seriously because they can do wihout sisters)

than a religion. It is a way of life also. So moderates will rarely raise any attention to radicals

or extremeists or whatever moniker you may tag to those who instill terror in everyday

folks, to promote "their " cause. Why? How about saving their own bums & or...simply

being a member of said brotherhood and refusing to rat out another union member.

Remember the Islamic "union" operates 24/7/365 globally...and it's a very strong union.

Think about it.

A solution the radical/extremist problem?... I have my idea however I'll keep that to

myself as it may make the world as we know it right now a completely different

place than we could ever possibly imagine. And when it's over...for some reason

or another mankind will still need another scapegoat to fight against. It's human

nature...always has been...always will be.

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Enemies of Islam? Current estimates conclude that the number of Muslims in the world is around 1.6 billion. That means there are 6.4 billion non muslims who are defined as enemies? Mobilizing 6.4 billion people against the muslims in the world isn't very smart. They are deinately out numbered.

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You cowardly animals have already tried murdering her by shooting her in the head. Yeah I'm sure more threats are going to deter her.

Head back to your caves and beat your wives there. Scum. bah.gif

I must admit that Malala's voice ( Squeal/Screech) and message is starting to grate on me too. I urge all who wish her dead to spare her. Okay! ? Enough said Yo!

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You cowardly animals have already tried murdering her by shooting her in the head. Yeah I'm sure more threats are going to deter her.

Head back to your caves and beat your wives there. Scum. bah.gif

I must admit that Malala's voice ( Squeal/Screech) and message is starting to grate on me too. I urge all who wish her dead to spare her. Okay! ? Enough said Yo!

Perhaps if you had been shot in the head your speech may not be so great either! Be tolerant.

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