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Monk on underage porn- What to do ?


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Just tell your friend all religions and Buddhism is based on fantasy and that as such it really doesnt matter what he looks at.

what is fantasy about the main tenets of buddhism?

The Three Signs of Existence or Universal Properties

1. Anicca — Impermanent;

2. Dukkha — Unsatisfactory, stress inducing;

3. Anatta — Insubstantial or Not-self.

All compounded and conditioned things, all phenomena are impermanent. Because of this they give rise to Stress and Affliction and because of this they are Not-self What we call "self " is a process not a 'thing".

Tell me Buddhism does not include re incarnation?

Many religious groups have some good rules but all fall down with life after death/heaven etc and creation, many plainly awful/stupid rules Catholics spring to mind.

Always some promise of being good now =Heaven/Nirvana

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I work on computers full time (live and breathe the computer lifestyle) so I see a lot of dodgy stuff on clients computers than most people.

Whether to report him or not, that would be dependant on the confidentiality agreements that you would have with your clients.

I run quite a few gay porn websites (from outside of Thailand) and would be very upset if people started telling everyone about my business but kiddie stuff is a different matter, so difficult call.

Is your friend a Thai or Farang?

Digital Pikey Alert

Funniest line I have read on here in ages, nice one.

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I saw many young guys and monks looking at porno web sites on a particular internet store in Chiang Mai....close to a very well known temple. With hundreds of free porno sites on the Internet, I believe that is legal to look at it...or not?

If is not legal..... Thai jails will be full of teenagers......and monks.

Before do you ask or comment...Yes..I look at those sites sometimes, and I have to agree that some are disgusting and morbid, and parents needs to control its children "search" on the Internet....

I am controled already, my wife doesn't like that kind of "sex education"....even if I told her that I am a "recycled teenager"...

Ohhh well....

Edited by umbanda
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I saw many ... monks looking at porno web sites on a particular internet store in Chiang Mai.

Where I live monks wouldn't dare be seen driving a car, much less be spotted viewing porn in an internet cafe.

My experience is that most Thais, let alone monks, would be way too inhibited to do such a thing.

Strains credulity --- just saying.

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I saw many ... monks looking at porno web sites on a particular internet store in Chiang Mai.

Where I live monks wouldn't dare be seen driving a car, much less be spotted viewing porn in an internet cafe.

My experience is that most Thais, let alone monks, would be way too inhibited to do such a thing.

Strains credulity --- just saying.

So if i understand you, your suggesting the monks were you live are HiSo monks

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How do you know they are underage? Unfortunately there are thousands of "teen porn" sites where girls are made to look young but are actually 18+.

Well that's what he says, I will ask him.

Good question.

But that still does not tell me what to tell him/ what to do.

Also regardless if they are actually 18 or not, if the website claim they are under 18,is that not legally wrong to watch anyway?

i doubt it. you cant advise him what to do until u know the details. if its pedophilia, he should be reported. if its not , its none of anybody's business except the abbott

Monks are not supposed to engage or watch sex scenes. That's a moral stand for Buddhism.

As for pornography,it's illegal here.

And so is underage.

Total rubbish.

How would your alleged friend know from which websites viruses discovered on a computer had originated?

Unless there were traces such as history, cached, links, thumbnails or downloaded images from child porn sites on the said computer than just discovering viruses is not evidence that child porn or any kind of porn sites had been accessed.

Sorry, but don`t believe it, not possible.

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I work on computers full time (live and breathe the computer lifestyle) so I see a lot of dodgy stuff on clients computers than most people.

Whether to report him or not, that would be dependant on the confidentiality agreements that you would have with your clients.

I run quite a few gay porn websites (from outside of Thailand) and would be very upset if people started telling everyone about my business but kiddie stuff is a different matter, so difficult call.

Is your friend a Thai or Farang?

If you witness a client engaged in illegal activity, you're choice is to ignore the activity, and become a co conspirator or report them to the authorities.

There is no get out of jail free card with the argument that you have a "confidentiality agreement"

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Just tell your friend all religions and Buddhism is based on fantasy and that as such it really doesnt matter what he looks at.

what is fantasy about the main tenets of buddhism?

The Three Signs of Existence or Universal Properties

1. Anicca — Impermanent;

2. Dukkha — Unsatisfactory, stress inducing;

3. Anatta — Insubstantial or Not-self.

All compounded and conditioned things, all phenomena are impermanent. Because of this they give rise to Stress and Affliction and because of this they are Not-self What we call "self " is a process not a 'thing".

Tell me Buddhism does not include re incarnation?

Many religious groups have some good rules but all fall down with life after death/heaven etc and creation, many plainly awful/stupid rules Catholics spring to mind.

Always some promise of being good now =Heaven/Nirvana

buddhism includes rebirth, not reincarnation

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Can everyone shut up about so-called "accusation"?

There is no name no place, no ACCUSATION.

I don't even have the identity of this person, only my friend has.

I don't believe anything.

My friend tells me about his job and I know it's very easy to see what causes the viruses

THESE are accusations!!

-I said he should report him, because it's obviously his computer and he has a private room, so it cannot be anyone else.

- I said that INDEED monks should be different and not indulge in pornography,that's why there are monks . They are above us morally.

- I told him all the more! This guy is obviously dangerous ! I reminded my friend he has a young daughter, and he does not want her to grow in a place where a dangerous pedophile monk lives nearby !

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I also think that its not you're business, there is saying "good monk, up to him. Bad monk, up to him". It's peoples own karma what they are creating, and just watching porn (be it illegal or not), causes problems only to the person who watches it.

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With the full court press on child porn well under way. BBC constantly report the latest numbers being snared.

Today they report that an avatar called Suzie, supposedly a 10 year old Filipina girl has netted 1100 men (men I suppose) who sent pix and lewd suggestions to her.

Only yesterday the NCA (UK) has said that currently 50,000 cases have been referred to them and cannot possibly pursue them all.

So if you are into this stuff, viruses in your computer might be the least thing you should worry about.

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I also think that its not you're business, there is saying "good monk, up to him. Bad monk, up to him". It's peoples own karma what they are creating, and just watching porn (be it illegal or not), causes problems only to the person who watches it.

This is definitely not the interpretation that the law uses.

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How do you know they are underage? Unfortunately there are thousands of "teen porn" sites where girls are made to look young but are actually 18+.

Well that's what he says, I will ask him.

Good question.

But that still does not tell me what to tell him/ what to do.

Also regardless if they are actually 18 or not, if the website claim they are under 18,is that not legally wrong to watch anyway?

Age of consent is 16 in many countries.

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As previously stated by Sheryl :

"On the basis of nothing other than a finding of computer viruses, you have no evidence that anyone -- let alone a specific individual - was viewing child porn on this computer and no Thai authority is going to bring a case or start an investigation based solely on this.

Making such an accusation could, however, easily result in a libel case against the person who made it.

Sorry but you need to drop this matter."

To continue under the present heading is unfair, if you wish to debate the issue of illegal images, age of consent etc then start another thread headed more appropriately, and staying withing forum rules.


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