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Parents say their sons are innocent but beaten to confess

Lite Beer

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The world is watching. What's the next move for the rtp?

prove beyond any measure of doubt that the DNA matches - that is of course if they still have the original samples that were taken from the bodies which personally I have my doubts, The DNA will also point the finger at someone else if it doesn't match with the current suspects

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Could use a few links to some quotes on this thread, from reliable sources of news, otherwise it looks a bit pony.

Was watching SKY NEWS this morning. They ran a feature on the ...I quote... botched up investigation by the local Thai police .

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Considering two confessed(!) myanmar suspects were beaten / interrogated by RTP, it shouldn't be hard for them to gather dna evidence from them and implant to dead bodies of murder victims. Perhaps CSI units could find out tampering but I doubt they can do it here. Because Thailand doesn't need CSI, they have RTP for solving cases!

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He also expressed confidence that the Thai justice system would ensure justice for the two suspects, Win Zaw Tun and Zaw Lin.

I thought the system felt they had their 'guilty parties' and the matter was all but done and dusted?

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catweazle, on 25 Oct 2014 - 10:45, said:
MediaWatcher, on 25 Oct 2014 - 10:28, said:
JohnThailandJohn, on 25 Oct 2014 - 01:00, said:JohnThailandJohn, on 25 Oct 2014 - 01:00, said:

Looks like no comments from the parents on their son's DNA matching the semen found in one of the victims. Also no comments about how they may have been forced to participate by a rich Thai.

Let it go to trial ... they have lots of lawyers and groups looking out for them as well as media who have put the case under a microscope.

John, <snip>, the parents probably don't even know what DNA is. But I guess you are entitled to you RTP protectionist views, god knows, they need all the help they can get.

JTJ is a shill writing for TV supporting the official story in any thread - simply ignore him!

Power to the people!

Thanks, I will take your advise. I didn't swear at him, just said grow a brain, I guess the person who edited me was a little sensitive.

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Let it go to trial ... they have lots of lawyers and groups looking out for them

Do you believe that two young Myanmese migrant workers and/or their parents are well versed in issues such as DNA matching and what it means?

A smart lawyer does not even have to address the results of a DNA test.

They only have to cast doubt over security or contamination of the samples and that bit of "evidence" counts for nought.

Not in Thailand. This case will be heard by judges. Jury nullification cannot happen here.

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We want the truth!!

Until then... BOYCOT KOH TAO!

You're absolutely right everyone should boycott Thailand until the truth is revealed. That should go for all the expats ... time they stopped moaning about things and took action by leaving.

I am quite happy with my life in Thailand. I plan on visiting KT on my next long break from work to visit friends.

You are welcome to stay away though.

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Any more news on the son of the mafia guy?

Good point, all of a sudden there is'nt any "wagging the dog's tail" in front of us.

But i'm almost sure that "daddy" has paid mucho buck's to keep it out of the spotlight.

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They had the DNA samples tested BEFORE they had any real suspects. They were looking for ASIAN suspects on the island. They found two that matched according to what I read. They either have the match or they don't.

As far as the tortured confession, that should be a separate investigation and if wrong-doing then fire and prosecute the guilty. And throw the confession out if that is found.

Then forget all this peripheral BS. Lets get it into court. The DNA match is there or it isn't, that's it!

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We want the truth!!

Until then... BOYCOT KOH TAO!

You're absolutely right everyone should boycott Thailand until the truth is revealed. That should go for all the expats ... time they stopped moaning about things and took action by leaving.

I am quite happy with my life in Thailand. I plan on visiting KT on my next long break from work to visit friends.

You are welcome to stay away though.

Your going to KT to visit "friends", hmmmm, now I understand your posts..........whistling.gif .....bah.gif

Yes. Friends.

Actually living in Thailand has meant that I have made many friends over the years. Being a diver makes it quite natural that I have friends on KT.

When you get a friend maybe he will invite you to visit, but that may be a long time away.

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