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A Timely Warning To All !


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It is the way you smell, the police have special noses.

I don't know if you mean to be serious, sarcastic, or humorous..... but I think you are mostly correct. Animals can "sense" fear. Along with all the other senses, smell certainly is one. Humans are part of the animal world and certainly can sense fear, although not as well as some other species, yet certainly some humans are better at sensing fear than others.

Edited by hml367
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"Blessed be the righteous, who never ever sin" cheesy.gif

These threads always bring out the same idiots as posts about someone caught with a bit of weed. The "hang 'em high brigade". 50mg is NOT DRUNK. It's an arbitrary figure clutched out of the ether (ether was once the drug of choice). 80 - 100 would be a better start here in Thailand. This is a country where folk totally ignore laws. Hit the drunks, not those who've had a few small beers over an evening out.

It is quite possibly an arbitrary figure here in Thailand, but in the states in Australia where .05 is law, nobody seems to argue with it or bitch about it being too low, and I listen to talk radio all day so I can attest to the fact that it's not just the social and workplace groups that I personally know. It's been at that level in Victoria since at least the mid - late 1980's when we moved there, probably a lot longer. I think New South Wales used to be .08 and lowered it to .05 in recent times - it may have been one of the other states, I really can't remember the specifics.

.05 wasn't introduced in Victoria as an arbitrary figure, there would have been a lot of research that went into the decision and the powers that be came up with a balance between safety and not being a wooser and stopping people having fun, all the while knowing that they were significantly below the rest of the states and below UK, where they still often look to for guidance on all sorts of things. I'm a numbers person, and when I say significantly lower, I mean from a statistical point of view: .08 is 60% more than .05, making it very significant. 60% less fun is a huge amount for politicians to risk in a country where it is very well understood that people don't like authorities taking away their fun, so that leads me to conclude that it isn't a decision that would have been taken lightly. But the decision was made, and almost everyone accepts it and is at a bit of a loss to understand why the states on .08 are so lax.

You make a very good point about a higher limit probably being a better starting point here in Thailand where laws are viewed as being optional by so many (and that isn't a rant against those who are deemed important enough to be able to get away with openly flouting it). That, coupled with education may have been the best way to try and convince people not to drink-drive rather than putting a low limit on the amount you are able to consume - I've already mentioned that in Victoria, 1 large, 2 small, or 1 small and 1 tinny (or a glass of wine without the beer) are the accepted levels of how much you can have before being over the limit.

As you rightly say, at .05 you are not drunk, otherwise the limit for you to be a safe driver would be lower. The limit isn't about being drunk, it's about how research has concluded the maximum figure of blood/alcohol BEFORE you start to be affected by it. However, the discussion here is as much about the law as it is about what the limit should be. For whatever reason, the government here decided that .05 is the maximum blood/alcohol allowed when driving. As in Australia there will be a small minority of people who passionately believe that there should be no limit, that it should be .00, either drink or drive but don't do both. Personally, I have never driven after alcohol, that's my decision, I wouldn't force it onto others as society as a whole has decided that having two drinks is acceptable. However, in the end, it really doesn't matter what our opinion on the limit is, if you're over it you are breaking the law. In the same way that you may say that 100 kph is too low a speed on open roads or 60 kph is low a speed in built up areas, it's the law, and it's the law that carries weight, not our opinions of it.

I believe that there are places in the world with a lower limit - I might have a look at that over the weekend when I have a bit more time.

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3 small beers,might not impair anyone,but as you get older,your eyes

are not going to be so sharp,especially driving at night,also your reflexes

are not going to be so quick,add 3 beers and it will not make you a better

driver .

When you are driving anywhere here you have to be alert,as anything

can happen,people driving the wrong way,running red lights,turning

without signaling,no lights ,dark clothes on motor bikes,cars ,motor bikes

just pulling out in front of you,etc etc,drinking and driving is not responsible,

people that do it, should think of others on the roads,not just themselves,

and thats the problem,arrogant people who just don't care.

regards Worgeordie

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since the introduction of over the limit drinking whilst driving in australia (.05 limit)

the road toll has dropped from approx 3200 deaths,1982


approx 1200 deaths, 2013

a staggering sucess to say the least

as the thai pollies etc etc could nt organise a piss up in a brewery

placing a carbon copy of australia drive/drinking laws etc etc here in t/land

simply would be ..mission impossible

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Anyone that drinks and drives is a selfish <deleted>. I have made that mistake in the past and paid the price. If you want to risk your own life thats fine, but dont put innocent pedastrians, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, at risk at no fault of their own.. its extremely selfish, pay the couple of 100 baht and get a taxi.

Do you include anybody that drives too fast, but nevertheless is totally sober? Because arguably speed driving is more responsible for deaths and injuries on the roads of thailand than alcohol.

There is a huge difference between drink driving and drunk driving. With the limit given in this thread, someone may find themselves in a horrible situation with the police after two large bottles of beer, yet is perfectly able to drive safely, and is no threat to mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, nor even grandmas and grandpas, nor even poor old soi dogs.

It's just not the black and white world you've made it out to be in your post. Life is not that simple.

And 100 baht for the taxi? Not everybody in chiang mai lives in your home.

I said couple of hundred baht, and thats not even the point, even if its 1000 baht, if you think thats too steep to stop the potential of injuring or killing someone then you're a sociopath.

If you have had a few drinks your reaction time and judgement is diminished, no matter what you want to think, numerous studies done on this, google is your friend.

Using your logic because speeding kills more people than drink driving, we shouldnt worry about drink driving wait till it evens out in the death toll numbers?! lol what a way to think, some people are incredibly ignorant. End of the day you are increasing your chances of hurting somebody else if you are drink driving, over driving sober, therefore if you are a reasonable person who has any empathy at all you would want to reduce the chance of this happening by not drinking and driving. Its really that simple, and if you cant afford the cab back, stay at a 300 baht place like other posters in this thread have said.. or better yet have some discipline and drink whats appropriate.

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You speak for yourself when it comes to reaction times, you cannot do that for the rest of the world, at least not with any authority or accuracy.

But since you're clearly focused on reaction times, how about reaction times when driving

with a cold or the flu?

when tired?

when talking on the mobile phone?

when you're 75 years old?

you're feeling depressed and lethargic?

when you're driving too fast too close to the car in front of you?

What do you wanna do about all that?

"Using your logic because speeding kills more people than drink driving, we shouldnt worry about drink driving wait till it evens out in the death toll numbers?! lol what a way to think, some people are incredibly ignorant."

Oh dear. It's not my logic, it's some kind of logic of your own which you've just imposed on me and then mistaken it for my logic. I believe that the igornance you speak of applies to yourself. You create an argument, throw it onto me, and then blame me for it. Incredible.

I should also add that i'm not drinking, so i'm not drinking and driving. Please take your judgments elsewhere.

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Talking on the phone and over the speed limit is also illegal.

They are talking about or already done the new law for re-test the over 65s when time to renew licences I think.

Drink driving is illegal too.

Helmets are required.

Cold & flu- just one area; but just because one risk is not covered doesn't mean all other dangers should be completely ignored.

Helmets are often moaned about when enforcement- but I notice many more % are actually wearing them now compared to 10years ago say. Hopefully stronger enforcement of the other road laws can save many more lives.

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Anyone that drinks and drives is a selfish <deleted>. I have made that mistake in the past and paid the price. If you want to risk your own life thats fine, but dont put innocent pedastrians, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, at risk at no fault of their own.. its extremely selfish, pay the couple of 100 baht and get a taxi.

Do you include anybody that drives too fast, but nevertheless is totally sober? Because arguably speed driving is more responsible for deaths and injuries on the roads of thailand than alcohol.

There is a huge difference between drink driving and drunk driving. With the limit given in this thread, someone may find themselves in a horrible situation with the police after two large bottles of beer, yet is perfectly able to drive safely, and is no threat to mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, nor even grandmas and grandpas, nor even poor old soi dogs.

It's just not the black and white world you've made it out to be in your post. Life is not that simple.

And 100 baht for the taxi? Not everybody in chiang mai lives in your home.

I said couple of hundred baht, and thats not even the point, even if its 1000 baht, if you think thats too steep to stop the potential of injuring or killing someone then you're a sociopath.

If you have had a few drinks your reaction time and judgement is diminished, no matter what you want to think, numerous studies done on this, google is your friend.

Using your logic because speeding kills more people than drink driving, we shouldnt worry about drink driving wait till it evens out in the death toll numbers?! lol what a way to think, some people are incredibly ignorant. End of the day you are increasing your chances of hurting somebody else if you are drink driving, over driving sober, therefore if you are a reasonable person who has any empathy at all you would want to reduce the chance of this happening by not drinking and driving. Its really that simple, and if you cant afford the cab back, stay at a 300 baht place like other posters in this thread have said.. or better yet have some discipline and drink whats appropriate.

Well said.

It is amazing you are accused of being black and white and at the same time the poster accusing you does the same thing. The big difference is you have many studies to back you up and they have nada. They got away with it so the whole world will.

Common sense tells us that a 100 pound person is going to be more affected by two beers than a 250 pound man.

The funny part is when I had an accident in Canada I fell asleep at the wheel. While I was in hospital they had a RCMP officer in the same room as me. He told me they had as much trouble with drivers falling asleep as drivers drinking and driving.

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I'm referring to the fact that I live in Thailand, and the odds on me ending up in court because I drank 3 small beers in the course of an evening are remote, if not non-existent.

I'm on my way home now, having consumed two small beers during the last two and a half hours, so be warned.

I find you typing posts on Thaivisa while driving totally unacceptable.

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You speak for yourself when it comes to reaction times, you cannot do that for the rest of the world, at least not with any authority or accuracy.

But since you're clearly focused on reaction times, how about reaction times when driving

with a cold or the flu?

when tired?

when talking on the mobile phone?

when you're 75 years old?

you're feeling depressed and lethargic?

when you're driving too fast too close to the car in front of you?

What do you wanna do about all that?

"Using your logic because speeding kills more people than drink driving, we shouldnt worry about drink driving wait till it evens out in the death toll numbers?! lol what a way to think, some people are incredibly ignorant."

Oh dear. It's not my logic, it's some kind of logic of your own which you've just imposed on me and then mistaken it for my logic. I believe that the igornance you speak of applies to yourself. You create an argument, throw it onto me, and then blame me for it. Incredible.

I should also add that i'm not drinking, so i'm not drinking and driving. Please take your judgments elsewhere.

I am going to make this as simple for you as I can, just cant understand how you think like that so want to know where your reasoning starts shifting from logical progression or even just get you to question the way you think, you dont have to stay rigid on a point just to try to win an argument, the truth is what matters in the end.

Reaction time and judgement IS diminished with alcohol consumption by human beings, this is not up for debate, this is fact, I suppose you are trying to say you are one of the human beings that drinking alcohol makes their reaction time and judgement better? Is this what you are saying? If it is, then you are further gone than I thought, if its not however then you would admit that it does diminish judgement and reaction time therefore increasing the risk of harming others, which is not a good thing right? Tell me at what point your belief differs from mine.

All those things you mention may also reduce reaction and judgement, but just because they may do, does not mean you should then add to it with drink driving, what kind of reasoning is this? Because other things may also reduce and diminish reaction and judgement, then it doesnt matter that drink driving does? wow incredible how some people will delude themselves. Its similar to saying to saying cancer kills people, car crashes kills people, so it doesnt matter that i just shoot a gun into a crowd that may kill someone as there are other things that kill people... its just such a puzzling way to think, just obviously trying to defend silly behaviour.

I will also add that I am in no way an angel in this, I was caught drink driving about 5 years back in Australia and had to do a drivers offenders course, through the course I met many people whos lives were directly affected from drink driving, from a man who had lost his daughter, to a drunk driver who had put someone in a wheel chair for life, really transformed my way of thinking, I was one of those selfish idiots before. Also in no way am I saying that drinking is a bad thing, its not at all, changing our conciousness is what humans have been doing for thousands of years, its just adding the driving that makes it a dangerous thing.

Edited by wisemonkey
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I'm referring to the fact that I live in Thailand, and the odds on me ending up in court because I drank 3 small beers in the course of an evening are remote, if not non-existent.

I'm on my way home now, having consumed two small beers during the last two and a half hours, so be warned.

I find you typing posts on Thaivisa while driving totally unacceptable.

He does seem to have a penchant for that.

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How things have changed.

I was with a buddy years back in pattaya , both im sorry to say had more than a few too many. Anyhow we pulled at some lights on a couple of scooters wed hired. While waiting buddy managed to fall off his bike. Two police on their bike a few cars back noticed and pulled up next to him. After a discussion one hopped on his bike while buddy got on the back of the other coppers bike and off we travelled back to the hotel.

Once there xxxxx baht handed over to bib , and a goodbye with a smile.

How much is 5 Xs? Could be anywhere from 10,000 to 99,999 baht.
"How things have changed" looks like things have gotten a hell of a lot cheaper. A five figure "tip" for a lift home after drinking is a bit steep in my view.
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I'm referring to the fact that I live in Thailand, and the odds on me ending up in court because I drank 3 small beers in the course of an evening are remote, if not non-existent.

I'm on my way home now, having consumed two small beers during the last two and a half hours, so be warned.

I find you typing posts on Thaivisa while driving totally unacceptable.

He does seem to have a penchant for that.

The 2 beers must have confused him.

regards worgeordie

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I'm referring to the fact that I live in Thailand, and the odds on me ending up in court because I drank 3 small beers in the course of an evening are remote, if not non-existent.

I'm on my way home now, having consumed two small beers during the last two and a half hours, so be warned.

I find you typing posts on Thaivisa while driving totally unacceptable.

He does seem to have a penchant for that.

The 2 beers must have confused him.

regards worgeordie

I don't type and drive at the same time because I might miss a comma or two, and similarly I don't drink and drive in case I spill some.
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Hi Joe,I don't think you realize how arrogant some of your remarks you make on TV are,

not just this thread,but others,you come across as a person who is above the law,and

maybe other people here on TV,you must have a head for heights,been at the top of the

ladder,in your own mind.

Other folks on here whom have lost a love one or friend to a drink driver,including

myself,do not find your comments very sensitive,and I suppose not even common sense

will deter your nightly drink driving,I just hope Karma repays you in full.

regards Worgeordie

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Hi Joe,I don't think you realize how arrogant some of your remarks you make on TV are,

not just this thread,but others,you come across as a person who is above the law,and

maybe other people here on TV,you must have a head for heights,been at the top of the

ladder,in your own mind.

Other folks on here whom have lost a love one or friend to a drink driver,including

myself,do not find your comments very sensitive,and I suppose not even common sense

will deter your nightly drink driving,I just hope Karma repays you in full.

regards Worgeordie

If people want to think I'm arrogant that's up to them. I've already clearly stated that I am against people driving drunk, I just don't consider that having drunk 2 or 3 small beers over the space of 3 or 4 hours impairs my driving in sufficient terms as to have increased the likelihood of causing an accident, and in nearly every country in the world, neither does the law.

Over the space of 3 or 4 hours my alcohol level will probably be at the level of 1 small bottle which is probably below the 0.5 level, and my nightly drive is probably about a mile and a half along a road that is difficult to exceed 40km/hr even if I wanted to. If anyone has an accident under such circumstances the likelihood of that amount of alcohol being a factor is extremely remote.

If you ever took the trouble to properly read my posts and more importantly understand them I might take you seriously. By the way, since I don't know who you are, why should I care what you think of me?

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Sorry Just a poor attempt to reply to chiangmaijoe on his belief that all most all the countries in the world use his never measured standards as a reference point for drinking and driving.

The reference point I use is based on experience and I can tell you that having been in a head on crash that resulted in my car being written off I am a very careful driver and not someone that takes unnecessary risks. Having experienced the sensation of seeing a car coming straight at me knowing full well that I may be about to die, I didn't let it affect me in such a way as to spend the rest of my life being unrealistically or unnecessarily cautious or fearful.

Life is a risk and spending it being over-cautious is not going to change that. Worgeordie, the use of the word 'over' is there because I choose my words carefully and expect people to read them AND understand them. If some people feel that the limit for drinking and driving is zero, good for them, but just because some people don't agree it doesn't make them arrogant or inconsiderate. Not that I care what cyber people think about me.

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Sitting on the steps at the local 7/11 the other night, having a few beers with some Thai mates and not really in the way.

All the bikes neatly parked, but ticking over in case we decided to move on, the only people who looked askance were a couple of farang geezers.

Why would that be ??

Edited by philw
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You speak for yourself when it comes to reaction times, you cannot do that for the rest of the world, at least not with any authority or accuracy.

But since you're clearly focused on reaction times, how about reaction times when driving

with a cold or the flu?

when tired?

when talking on the mobile phone?

when you're 75 years old?

you're feeling depressed and lethargic?

when you're driving too fast too close to the car in front of you?

What do you wanna do about all that?

"Using your logic because speeding kills more people than drink driving, we shouldnt worry about drink driving wait till it evens out in the death toll numbers?! lol what a way to think, some people are incredibly ignorant."

Oh dear. It's not my logic, it's some kind of logic of your own which you've just imposed on me and then mistaken it for my logic. I believe that the igornance you speak of applies to yourself. You create an argument, throw it onto me, and then blame me for it. Incredible.

I should also add that i'm not drinking, so i'm not drinking and driving. Please take your judgments elsewhere.

I am going to make this as simple for you as I can, just cant understand how you think like that so want to know where your reasoning starts shifting from logical progression or even just get you to question the way you think, you dont have to stay rigid on a point just to try to win an argument, the truth is what matters in the end.

Reaction time and judgement IS diminished with alcohol consumption by human beings, this is not up for debate, this is fact, I suppose you are trying to say you are one of the human beings that drinking alcohol makes their reaction time and judgement better? Is this what you are saying? If it is, then you are further gone than I thought, if its not however then you would admit that it does diminish judgement and reaction time therefore increasing the risk of harming others, which is not a good thing right? Tell me at what point your belief differs from mine.

All those things you mention may also reduce reaction and judgement, but just because they may do, does not mean you should then add to it with drink driving, what kind of reasoning is this? Because other things may also reduce and diminish reaction and judgement, then it doesnt matter that drink driving does? wow incredible how some people will delude themselves. Its similar to saying to saying cancer kills people, car crashes kills people, so it doesnt matter that i just shoot a gun into a crowd that may kill someone as there are other things that kill people... its just such a puzzling way to think, just obviously trying to defend silly behaviour.

I will also add that I am in no way an angel in this, I was caught drink driving about 5 years back in Australia and had to do a drivers offenders course, through the course I met many people whos lives were directly affected from drink driving, from a man who had lost his daughter, to a drunk driver who had put someone in a wheel chair for life, really transformed my way of thinking, I was one of those selfish idiots before. Also in no way am I saying that drinking is a bad thing, its not at all, changing our conciousness is what humans have been doing for thousands of years, its just adding the driving that makes it a dangerous thing.

well, pm aside, i will respond to this post since it's in the forum.

My point is that many things in life diminish our reaction time and judgment when driving. And that if we put them all into a law, the roads would be pretty empty and nobody would be able to get anywhere.

If it's reaction time you're worried about (which is your main reason for being against drink driving) then you need to address all those triggers. If it's an emotional rollercoaster you want to ride relative to 'drink driving' due to past emotional connections in your own life, then you had better be open to having your argument riddled with holes. What is it you don't like, drink driving, or reduced reaction time? If it really was the latter then you'd accept all those items on my list, and you can to that list many other criteria. The fact you can't understand my reasoning suggests your emotions are blinding you. You're in good company, this is one of the subjects that tends to wipe reasoning and open-mindedness from people's heads, in droves too.

I'm not quoting any of my beliefs, i'm writing based on my experiences of life and drinking and driving and being drunk. I"ll not have you or anyone overriding my own hard-earned experiences in life, telling me they're wrong because of some study in google or even mainstream news, or because of your 'beliefs' or because you are emotionally-influenced by your own history. I don't want laws resulting from your emotional arguments thank you.

I know what my reactions and judgement have been like when drinking alcohol in the past and then driving. I know what drink driving can do, what drunk driving can do, and how it completely varies from person to person. A lot depends on their general attitude in life.

As for taxis getting people home, i'm afraid it's really not that simple. The drivers are quite likely to be under the influence, and bottle for bottle i'd trust my driving over theirs any day. I was nearly crushed to death with a mate while in a tuk tuk because he decided to fly through a crossroads with no lights. At that point in time i wondered about the advantage of using taxis when drunk.

You argue from a very limited and narrow view of all the factors that go into this situation in life. Life is a whole bunch of factors coming into interplay. Your arguments are emotional and simplistic.

That's fine, i've no problem with that. But don't tell me that how you feel when you drink drive is the same for everyone else. It is not.

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Wow, so many replies and in a lot of cases some rather big piss fights. To me (And maybe others) its quite simple really. If you cant do the time then dont do the crime. Whatever the drink driving rules are in Thailand, abide by them and you should have nothing to worry about. If you break them and get caught. ..don't start crying about it. And I might add, if you dont like or agree with the rules/law then go somewhere where you do agree with the laws. And good luck with your search. I just hope no one gets injured or maimed by a drunk driver. Its not good for anyone.

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You're a total <deleted> loser if you drive drunk. You endanger everyone on the road when you do. I don't care what you do to yourself, but stay off the road when you're drunk.

Get a room, take a baht bus, take a tuk-tuk, have someone else drive you, whatever you have to do. Stop being an irresponsible selfish <deleted>.

Otherwise, the best that can happen to all of you who drive drunk is that natural selection runs its course and removes you from the planet before you kill innocent people.

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Wow, so many replies and in a lot of cases some rather big piss fights. To me (And maybe others) its quite simple really. If you cant do the time then dont do the crime. Whatever the drink driving rules are in Thailand, abide by them and you should have nothing to worry about. If you break them and get caught. ..don't start crying about it. And I might add, if you dont like or agree with the rules/law then go somewhere where you do agree with the laws. And good luck with your search. I just hope no one gets injured or maimed by a drunk driver. Its not good for anyone.

If a law on the statute books is broken by probably all sectors of a society then it's well worth questioning what such a law is doing there in the first place. Nobody, except a bunch of imported conservatives, really seems to care much about this law.

Therefore the whole thing is a game, a charade. Police don't actually care, they're just doing what they're told to do. They don't care about helmets, just doing what they're told to do. Local citizens don't want to wear helmets, get taxis home, make their evenings unnecessarily awkward, etc etc. They want life to be easy, that's their culture and it underpins their ways of doing things in their country.

No, getting injured or maimed by a drunk driver is no good for anyone. Nor is it good for anyone if this happens because someone was speeding or because of an accident, or even because of sober stupidity. It's no good for anyone when they get hurt or maimed by any cause in life. But once you're born you're instantly available for death. That's the law, and it's not written in a statute book. If you don't like that law don't start crying about it, just simply go somewhere else where you won't find this law. Good luck with the search.

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