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Russian tourist dies after jet-ski crash in Phuket

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Russian tourist dies after jet-ski crash in Phuket
Eakkapop Thongtub


The jet-ski was retrieved basically undamaged.

PHUKET: Strong waves were blamed for the death this afternoon (November 3) of a Russian tourist who crashed a jet ski off Patong Beach.

Beach guards raced out in an inflatable dinghy at about noon to help after Iliya Muryndin, 29, was seen crashing his rented jet-ski in high waves.

When they reached him they found him still breathing but unconscious from a blow he had received to his right forehead.

Back on shore, they rushed him to Patong Hospital. He briefly woke up but then lapsed again into unconsciousness. It was decided, because of his condition, that he should be transferred to Vachira Phuket Hospital, but he died on the way there.

Police are gathering information about the victim and investigating the cause of the incident. The family have been informed.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/russian-tourist-dies-after-jet-ski-crash-in-phuket-49475.php

-- Phuket News 2014-11-03

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Totally agree with everything Steelepulse stated above.

This avoidable incident should act as the long-awaited wake up call to get rid of these machines once and for all off Phuket's beaches. But it won't happen.

Also surprised this story took so long to get on this forum. It does seem that the Phuket News is now the source for TV. Is there now a similar problem with the PG as PW? They both had this story online yesterday afternoon, and I referred to it in a different jet-ski thread yesterday.

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So many things are wrong here.

-Jet skis should not be on any Phuket beaches, period. If this was enforced, the points below would be moot.

-All jet skis ridden require a Thai captains license, this Russian did not have one, the same as every other jet ski renter in Phuket. Why isn't Marine 5's boss enforcing existing laws on the books? The answer is rhetorical and it's all about the baht.

- Conditions were far too dangerous for the jet ski clowns to even consider renting them out.

-Why isn't there a better medical procedure used for conditions like this? Seriously taking the guy to Patong, then deciding to transfer to Vachira, really doesn't cut it. Why wasn't he taken straight away to one of the private hospitals? Ambulances should be stationed not more than 5-10 minutes away. This is a holiday island with first world prices for goods and services, yet 3rd world medical emergency services.

-Marine 5 boss calling this an "accident". No it's not an accident, it's a serious incident due to your dereliction of duty by not enforcing laws that are on the books for some reason unbeknownst to the general public. Shame on Marine 5 and it's lack of a backbone on the jet ski issue.

When it is too dangerous on the water - who really is the clown, renter with no experience or rentee.

First world prices? For what. Beer, No, hospitals, No, Hotels, No, restaurants, No, Rent not even close. Golf Yes. Bugger....

Phuket is not as cheap as it used to be, but it is not first world or even close.


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As long as there aqre tourists that think that they are invincible and that it can never happen to them there will be these deaths. I have rented and ridden jet ski's

The first rule for a jet ski is thesame rule for a motorcycle. If you don't know how to drive it stay the hell off.

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It.s just about the start of the High Season again, all the crooks lady/prostitutes with $$$$$ signs in their eyes arriving to rip-off the unsuspecting trusting tourists wanting to have a great holiday and so many/too many deaths already!!!

I am at a loss with this place, death everyday here "now" in Phuket, i will be glad to have a break from this carnage at months end.... back home for high season.... i honestly thought when we had the coup, things were FINALLY looking up.....but alas, still unnecessary deaths because there is ZERO duty of care shown by the grubby element of Thai society and the piss weak authorities dont give a rats arse.......If it was my Son or brother,I would lodge a civil suit against the operator, local authorities and the TAT and make it as public as i could so all can see what this place is REALLY LIKE, as its their responsibility to ensure the safety of others before renting out a potentially deadly piece of machinery......Just like the motorbikes, they rent out to all and sundry NO questions asked, then the corrupt BIB, book them down the road for NOT having a license....

HELLO, why doesn't the corrupt BIB stop the vendors from renting to folk without licenses in the first place so we can curb all the unnecessary farang deaths on bikes as well? We all know the reason for this dont we! I have had this debate with a few BIB before, the answers are just buck-passing and defy logic, what an absolute joke! I do love this place' but i get awfully frustrated sometimes, especially when some poor bugger loses their life as a dIrect consequence of a GREEDY Thai......... i live in thailand, work and pay tax in thailand, married to a thai, have land up North and have many lovely Thai friends.....BUT, I have had a gun pointed to my head and been bashed by Thai's in groups as they are cowards and why,because i am a farang and they are jealous or whatever and because I dont take "all" their crap, so i am qualified to put my 2 cents worth in....just my rant, coz i see this everyday and it is NOT getting better and no-one in thailand the LOS (LAND OF SCAMS) EVEN CARES!!! Its a shame for the country and all the descent Thai's out there ... please BE SAFE EVERYONE!!

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It.s just about the start of the High Season again, all the crooks lady/prostitutes with $$$$$ signs in their eyes arriving to rip-off the unsuspecting trusting tourists wanting to have a great holiday and so many/too many deaths already!!!

"Unsuspecting and Trusting"??

Russians have more street sense by age 5 than most Americans at age 40.

The victim was a grown man who was out there having fun and accepted the risk.

Happens all the time.

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