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AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd gets charged with attempting to procure a murder


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The police jumped in a bit quick with these charges without checking properly first.

The lawyer thinks the "Threat to Kill" charge will also be dropped leaving just some minor drug offences.

Apparently Rudd was in dispute with pimps over payment for some local hookers.

No one said AC/DC were the good guys of rock.

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The police jumped in a bit quick with these charges without checking properly first.

The lawyer thinks the "Threat to Kill" charge will also be dropped leaving just some minor drug offences.

Apparently Rudd was in dispute with pimps over payment for some local hookers.

No one said AC/DC were the good guys of rock.

You mean he didn't pay "for those American thighs" after "she shook him all night long"?

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AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd murder plot charge dropped

The Australian drummer of hard rock group AC/DC, Phil Rudd, has had a charge of attempting to arrange a murder dropped in New Zealand.

He will still face charges of drugs possession and making threats to kill.

The U-turn by authorities, announced less than 24 hours after Mr Rudd appeared in court, was because of a lack of evidence, his lawyer said.

Paul Mabey said the charge should never have been laid, and that his client was considering "any possible remedies".

He added that Mr Rudd had suffered "incalculable" damage from the publicity surrounding the allegation and its sensational reporting.

Mr Mabey described the drug charges as "minor" offences and said the musician would defend the charge of making threats to kill, which carries a maximum sentence of seven years in jail.

AC/DC had earlier issued a statement saying its planned tour would not be affected by news of the charges.

The band is one of the highest grossing music acts of all time.

Read More: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29947289

-- BBC 2014-11-08

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

a drug charge in thailand could eventually mean death ... in western countries, a slap on the hand or maybe a little bit of jailtime

and that is what separates the civilised from the uncivilised....

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