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Koh Tao Murder: Prosecutor Requests More Time

Lite Beer

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They are going to let them go.

Even these buffoons know that they cannot withstand a trial. wai2.gifwai.gif

The rest, remains to be seen...

Interesting to note that the Twin Trolls are silent. wink.png

"Interesting to note that the Twin Trolls are silent"

Remember the old Arthur Brown song: "They are coming to take me away"...........................w00t.gif

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<The defendants' lawyer opposed their fifth round of detention, but the prosecutor overruled the objection, claiming that officials need to interrogate more suspects.> Quote

More suspects??? The plot thickens!!!

And above that is says some witnesses live in Bkk...hmmmm

I thought there was only two suspects. Others live in/escaped to to Bkk? Who could they be? Maybe the prosecutors realise more than two must have been involved, and that may not include the two Burmese.

Wouldn't have to be Sherlock to work out more than 2 were involved, elementary, my Dear Watson.

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Witnesses in bangkok?

What did they witness?

Could it be some people at the Uni where the son of the chief was supposed to be, where he stayed ?

It was said at one time that he was not in BKK as he said he was, not in class, not in his room, there was something about his girlfriend not being able to contact him, his name on a passenger list of an early flight.

There could be people there who don't like him (for want of a better word) who could be willing to speak up.

Of course not....the DNA test proves he wasn't involved, he was in BKK the Pooyai and RTP said so, the accused confessed, so thats the end of it...ok !.....

stop asking so many questions...the RTP glee club are going to threaten you with the defamation laws and accusations of the conspiracy theories, the Burmese 2 are guilty ...nothing to see here...move on

You have to understand there is a lot a stake, many "dive masters" and associated hangers on working on KT maybe without a job soon if this carries on....


Good, then maybe some of dive masters and hanger-on's might just discover they seem to remember a few facts about the night of the murders and the on-going circus.

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I remain disgusted at the incarceration of the two accused from Myanmar.

But I am also thankful that this case, as well as recent comments coming from TAT and other ministries, so clearly reveals the emotional immaturity of most Thai adults, how deeply Face alone controls their behavior, and their total lack of comprehension of how their particular job is carried out in other parts of the world.

Do they care about losing face everywhere in the world except in their little "paradise" ?

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Witnesses in bangkok?

What did they witness?

Could it be some people at the Uni where the son of the chief was supposed to be, where he stayed ?

It was said at one time that he was not in BKK as he said he was, not in class, not in his room, there was something about his girlfriend not being able to contact him, his name on a passenger list of an early flight.

There could be people there who don't like him (for want of a better word) who could be willing to speak up.

Of course not....the DNA test proves he wasn't involved, he was in BKK the Pooyai and RTP said so, the accused confessed, so thats the end of it...ok !.....

stop asking so many questions...the RTP glee club are going to threaten you with the defamation laws and accusations of the conspiracy theories, the Burmese 2 are guilty ...nothing to see here...move on

You have to understand there is a lot a stake, many "dive masters" and associated hangers on working on KT maybe without a job soon if this carries on....


Good, then maybe some of dive masters and hanger-on's might just discover they seem to remember a few facts about the night of the murders and the on-going circus.

And maybe this idiot can help https://www.facebook.com/SupaTed2009

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"There has been delay because some witnesses live in Bangkok," public prosecutor Tawatchai told Khaosod.

For crying out loud, you have had more than 2 months!!

I is a 1 hour flight from Samui!!

The police should ask Nomsod how to get Bangkok as quick as he did.

...and check his cellphone records during that day and night as well.

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I remain disgusted at the incarceration of the two accused from Myanmar.

But I am also thankful that this case, as well as recent comments coming from TAT and other ministries, so clearly reveals the emotional immaturity of most Thai adults, how deeply Face alone controls their behavior, and their total lack of comprehension of how their particular job is carried out in other parts of the world.

Do they care about losing face everywhere in the world except in their little "paradise" ?

No, they can and do adjust, as all humans will, when it is to their advantage. Just as we expats have to adjust to living with face.

We play humble to the immigration police , show gratitude for their genorosity in allowing us to stay here on their terms.

Like hell would I grovel to the British police, I would not let my human rights be infringed. Want confrontation with the Thai powers that be, not a good idea.

Let them play childish face in their insular world and watch how quickly they too adjust when faced with Western reality.

Never colonized, never grew up to real politics.

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Witnesses in bangkok?

What did they witness?

Could it be some people at the Uni where the son of the chief was supposed to be, where he stayed ?

It was said at one time that he was not in BKK as he said he was, not in class, not in his room, there was something about his girlfriend not being able to contact him, his name on a passenger list of an early flight.

There could be people there who don't like him (for want of a better word) who could be willing to speak up.

If this is so, then they will be looking for them for one of two reasons I am afraid

a find out their price

b make them disappear

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Wonder how much money is at stake in this case??

Must be a lot, since they continue to follow the same old dead-end trail.

Someone high up the foodchain, who needs to protect his cashflow, and who can afford to pay for the "services" needed!!

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"There has been delay because some witnesses live in Bangkok," public prosecutor Tawatchai told Khaosod.

For crying out loud, you have had more than 2 months!!

I is a 1 hour flight from Samui!!

The police should ask Nomsod how to get Bangkok as quick as he did.

Hahaha +1

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"The relatives of the defendants have also asked for fairness, so officials are investigating the points they requested in order to give fairness to all sides."

Should I be arrested please remind my mom to ask for fairness ... cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

"The relatives of the defendants have also asked for fairness, so officials are investigating the points they requested in order to give fairness to all sides."

What I've highlighted in bold is the really interesting part of the statement.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

what became of the U K plod ?? or are they still taking tea ?

A number of posters have conjectured that the U.K. police are going to do something along the lines of Columbo meets Murder She Wrote and wrap the whole thing up in 90 minutes including commercial breaks.

These posters have totally misunderstood the role of the U.K. police here and have completely ignored the restraints they are here under. They will observe, they may request to review the case notes if they are permitted to see them, they may ask questions of the Thai police who may or may not choose to reveal evidence or information. Then they will report back to the Home Office, presumably, who will brief the Foreign Office.

They are not, by any stretch of the imagination, here in the role of participating in the prosecution of anybody.

Well yes, but surely if they see something which concerns them, in any part/aspect of this case we should all be expecting they will speak up. I guess there is little doubt the plods will on their own conduct a press event, but surely, using the right avenues they would speak up.

In fact if they are concerned and they don't speak up then this damages their credibility.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

what became of the U K plod ?? or are they still taking tea ?

A number of posters have conjectured that the U.K. police are going to do something along the lines of Columbo meets Murder She Wrote and wrap the whole thing up in 90 minutes including commercial breaks.

These posters have totally misunderstood the role of the U.K. police here and have completely ignored the restraints they are here under. They will observe, they may request to review the case notes if they are permitted to see them, they may ask questions of the Thai police who may or may not choose to reveal evidence or information. Then they will report back to the Home Office, presumably, who will brief the Foreign Office.

They are not, by any stretch of the imagination, here in the role of participating in the prosecution of anybody.

Well yes, but surely if they see something which concerns them, in any part/aspect of this case we should all be expecting they will speak up. I guess there is little doubt the plods will on their own conduct a press event, but surely, using the right avenues they would speak up.

In fact if they are concerned and they don't speak up then this damages their credibility.

There is a huge gulf between what Briggsy lists as the "restraints they are under" and "participating in the prosecution of anybody".

Where the British will land in this gulf nobody but them knows . . .

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It may very well be that the British police are taking the same line as the British Embassy does here. 'Well, you can see what happens when you go gallivanting in third world countries and the fact that we are neither able nor willing to tread on another country's toes, so now it's a case of caveat emptor'.

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Rewriting that last 20% of BS must be taking time....

They have to figure out how to explain the phones cloning themselves and/or solving some of Quantum Physics theories of time and space and how an object can be in 2 places at one time... Parallel Universes and so on...

All this could have been solved or better handled if they had a decent education apart from the soapies ....

Edited by thhMan
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claiming that officials need to interrogate more suspects.



perfect case

Yes, it was a perfect Thai case, and then that internet thing happened...

Yes, social media is a serious danger to status quo, especially in those parts of the wood!!

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I admit.....i didn't read ALL the comments made in this horrific case, nor do i go along with overall opinions.

What strikes me is the links some comments make to the PM Gen. Prayuth.

So my question is this.......

Taken into account the 'overall impression' of a cover up -scapegoats and mafia related crime .......wouldn't you agree with me that the same Gen. Prayuth could well be the 'El Salvador' of another wise complete 'corrupted' country (what many suggest)?

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Samui Times confirms "Tawatchai Siengjiew said that the investigation is only 80% complete. The defendants lawyer opposed the fifth round of detention but the prosecutor overruled the objection claiming that the officials need to interrogate more suspects."

So it looks like the translation of interrogate more suspects is correct


The INVESTIGATION is far from complete, it never was and never will be. Its not credible and anybody that quotes it as a credible source is (yes you Jdinasia) either blind or part of the investigation team is some way or another

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<The defendants' lawyer opposed their fifth round of detention, but the prosecutor overruled the objection, claiming that officials need to interrogate more suspects.> Quote

More suspects??? The plot thickens!!!

And above that is says some witnesses live in Bkk...hmmmm

I thought there was only two suspects. Others live in/escaped to to Bkk? Who could they be? Maybe the prosecutors realise more than two must have been involved, and that may not include the two Burmese.

And the really interesting thing is, that is the first time the term "other suspects" has been used by Thai officialdom!

The plot thickens indeed!!

Indeed. If it hasn't been published on CSILA it probably isn't true.......................wink.png

On the other hand, the RTP could now be doing what they should have from the very beginning by protecting their evidence.

"Other suspects' doesn't mean necessarily mean the Burmese boys are off the hook; if their DNA matches that places them at the scene of the crime.

'Other suspects' could also mean that the investigation has broadened, asking why the Burmese where there in the first place, or who told them to be there.

Speculation of course! Lets see...................thumbsup.gif

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More suspects??? The plot thickens!!!

How did you manage to post this without blaming the military government? Surely you always hold General Prayuth responsible? After all, I am sure you think he controls the Surat Thani police and the Koh Tao mafia....

Errr.... As the man in charge he is the one ultimately responsible.

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I believe the prosecutor will indict the B2 because it's already been decided. There could be a succession of 'eye-witnesses' to state they saw the B2 on the beach, and more (drunk, high on drugs, making a nuisance of themselves, whatever). Actually I wouldn't be surprised if members of the headman's family are on this witness list. That could completely seal up the case. And nobody would do a damn thing to stop it happening.

Worrying, eh?

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More suspects??? The plot thickens!!!

How did you manage to post this without blaming the military government? Surely you always hold General Prayuth responsible? After all, I am sure you think he controls the Surat Thani police and the Koh Tao mafia....

Errr.... As the man in charge he is the one ultimately responsible.

You may want to pass this little ditty onto Yingluck as well, with her impending court proceedings....tongue.png

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