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Help, I am being stalked.


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I have read many stories in the newspapers and magazines about famous figures being stalked by fans.

It seem all so creepy, but luckely I was not a famous figure and the odds of ever being stalked were 1 to 100.

So I taught.

But then the reality struck in.

I am divorced and like many others I made an account in a meeting site to find a new partner.

About 10 months ago, a woman clicked on "Match" and started to send me messages in the meeting site.

She was not the kind of woman I wanted to share my life with and told her so.

But she kept writing messages of "she loved me very much", "she would like to be my wedding partner", etc.

Several times per day, this kind of messages were posted in my account by this woman.

But I never answered them.

I also never meet that woman.

About 6 months ago, she changed her behaviour and started to send me photos.

Not from her, but photos she took from me when I was walking around.

She wrote in her profile that she was a seller of underwear at the market(s).

Apparently, I walked one day past her shop and she took pictures of me.

A few minutes later, I received the pictures with the text " x loves y very much".

Same a few days later when I was walking in The Mall.

Again, I ignored these messages.

But 2 weeks ago, she send me a photo of me eating in the school with my child.

This means that she knows my child and the school where my child goes.

But what I feared most, is that this woman managed to enter the school and take pictures of me and my child.

I went to the Police and wanted to file a complaint against this woman, but according to the Police this woman had done nothing wrong at this moment and a complaint against her could backdraft to me.

So they ignored my complaint and answered that they would intervene when that woman would hurt me or my child.

What should I do now?

I fear for the next steps of that woman.

By now, it is clear that this woman is a psychopate.

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What reason did the police gave that it could be negative for you for file a complaint ?

TIT...............enough said

I wonder if the police would give such a blunt response if a farang was stalking a Thai woman. As for the child, I'd have her supervised by a teacher until you pick her up at the end of the day.

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What reason did the police gave that it could be negative for you for file a complaint ?

The "reason" from the police was that this woman did nothing wrong at this moment.

She wrote a few "love" messages and took a few photos at the market where she is working.

All these things are not really an offensive and the woman could file a counter complaint that I was trying to harass her.

After all, the messages were written in a dating site.

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Why haven't you blocked this woman from sending text messages to your phone?

The meeting site is on my computer.

Not on my cell phone.

I blocked her 1 time, but she was back with another name the next day.

Might be time to cancel your membership in the dating club then. I assume that's what you meant by "meeting site". I disagree with the other poster that says you need to keep collecting information. Sounds like you've got enough.

Oh yes and like someone else said the BIB can always be motivated with a little tea money. if you have no moral objections to going that route, of course.

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...She wrote in her profile that she was a seller of underwear at the market(s)...

Maybe you should change your stance towards her; I once spoke with a lady selling underwear in pradu naam and she told me, that the rent for her shop was 120 000 ฿ per month... Edited by Chonburiram
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Why haven't you blocked this woman from sending text messages to your phone?

I agree it's only 10 or 20 baht and you can do it in a minute. Block her. AIS *189

The 'stalker' has gone well beyond just sending daft messages. She has photographed the OP with his daughter at school.

The text messages could give a clue regarding her current mental state and motivation, so blocking them could be disadvantageous.

Lawyers can often persuade the police to take things more seriously, or can obtain restraint orders from the courts (I expect that there would be a need to show proof of a physical threat).

If this was just a case of the OP being 'stalked' by an over-enthusiastic nutter it could be ignored.

However, now that the child is involved, it's time to take it very seriously.


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You haven't given enough info. Is this in Thailand? Are there other schools you can transfer your child to? How old is the child? 5, or 15?

Yes, this is in the NE of Thailand.

Don't block her. If serves no purpose. If you block her, the evidence you are accumulating against her will stop. Better that you continue to save every message and photo, especially if they become overtly threatening. But don't reply.

I never reply to her messages.

I blocked her once, but a few days later she came back under a different name.

Yes, you are right about the evidence that is accumulating.

Go to the school and speak to the director. Take a photo of the stalker with you. If you have more than one photo, take several, people look different in photos than in person. Tell the director you are very worried about your child and want all the teachers to keep their eyes open. Put the onus on the school, for your child's safety.

The director of the school is only available for a talk after asking for a meeting at the management.

Can be waiting for months to get an appointment with the director.

We tried a few years ago to have a meeting with the director about the teaching schedule and have never meet him in person.

I don't know who the stalker is.

I never meet her.

She has published several photos on her profile, but it is not guaranteed that she really looks like her pictures.

Drop your child off and pick your child up. Tell him/her never to go with anyone unless they have the password, and even then to call you first. Buy one of those personal alarms, and have your child keep it in a pocket.

I bring my child every day to the school and we eat together at the school.

I stay at the school until my child is in the classroom.

At the evening, I go collect my child at the school and I wait a few meter from the classroom.

It has always been like this.

My child is now 12 year and knows what to do.

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I've never had anything quite as extreme as this but a girl in Thailand stalked me for a short period too.

We'd met, only twice, and she seemed normal.

Then one day I didn't instantly reply to her message on LINE so she kept sending over and over and then turned up at my apartment.

I wasnt there but she sent photos.

She did this for a few days then seemed to give up.

Eventually I blocked her and never heard from her again,

Edited by TheSpade
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You haven't given enough info. Is this in Thailand? Are there other schools you can transfer your child to? How old is the child? 5, or 15?

Yes, this is in the NE of Thailand.

Don't block her. If serves no purpose. If you block her, the evidence you are accumulating against her will stop. Better that you continue to save every message and photo, especially if they become overtly threatening. But don't reply.

I never reply to her messages.

I blocked her once, but a few days later she came back under a different name.

Yes, you are right about the evidence that is accumulating.

Go to the school and speak to the director. Take a photo of the stalker with you. If you have more than one photo, take several, people look different in photos than in person. Tell the director you are very worried about your child and want all the teachers to keep their eyes open. Put the onus on the school, for your child's safety.

The director of the school is only available for a talk after asking for a meeting at the management.

Can be waiting for months to get an appointment with the director.

We tried a few years ago to have a meeting with the director about the teaching schedule and have never meet him in person.

I don't know who the stalker is.

I never meet her.

She has published several photos on her profile, but it is not guaranteed that she really looks like her pictures.

Drop your child off and pick your child up. Tell him/her never to go with anyone unless they have the password, and even then to call you first. Buy one of those personal alarms, and have your child keep it in a pocket.

I bring my child every day to the school and we eat together at the school.

I stay at the school until my child is in the classroom.

At the evening, I go collect my child at the school and I wait a few meter from the classroom.

It has always been like this.

My child is now 12 year and knows what to do.



12 is a pretty responsible age for something like this, I doubt you will experience any problems here, but erring on the side of caution is wise. You could mention it to a few teachers, gate duty is rotated as you probably already know.

You sound like you have a good handle on it.

I would continue to save any messages she writes. The more that she sends, if you never respond, the more ammo you have. And if she ever does get to the point she makes overt threats, then you have something to take to court, but more importantly, you have a clear warning.

Good luck.

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Why haven't you blocked this woman from sending text messages to your phone?

I agree it's only 10 or 20 baht and you can do it in a minute. Block her. AIS *189

Don't block her.... this might be the only chance that you will get an advance warning that she flipped and now hates you and is coming to kill you.... :P

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Ask her to show she really loves you, by giving you money/gold, buying a condo and a nice car for you.

If that does not scare her off, then file a report, notify the school or simply move away if possible.

Guess that might scare her off, unless one just enjoys the attention........cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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What reason did the police gave that it could be negative for you for file a complaint ?

The "reason" from the police was that this woman did nothing wrong at this moment.

She wrote a few "love" messages and took a few photos at the market where she is working.

All these things are not really an offensive and the woman could file a counter complaint that I was trying to harass her.

After all, the messages were written in a dating site.

You could so far in the right yet as one poster here said.. T.i.T. Even when you are right on their turf, you are in the "wrong" if they so wish.

Farangs in this country are good for one thing, and one thing only.

Anything else and you're [we,us etc] a damn nuisance.

Fly under that proverbial radar at all costs unless you have some deep pockets.

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