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Bought a car. Dealer wont move plates or take my calls.

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Okay update from the meeting this week.

We showed up, the Dealer did not. This did not shock us but the OCBP was very shocked. Evidently there has never been a no show before. They waited for him, then tried to call him. I told the OCBP that we did not expect him to come as he knows what the problem is, and if he was able to solve it he would have done so. There was no point for him to come to the meeting.

Anyway we start and they double check their notes. It turns out that when the OCBP was doing their research somewhere somehow the number on the car plate got copied down wrong. So they went into the meeting thinking the car was imported into Thailand illegally. However once they saw this they were able to call in and find the numbers did match the car and the import taxes were paid.

What is interesting and new to us is that the car is no longer in the name of the French guy but some Thai guy. I do not know when the name was moved but it had been. Still should not really matter for us but this does cross out the "French guy can't get a visa" issues.

So is the car stolen? Is the car being financed? They are going to check into this and in 2 to 3 weeks we will have a meeting again. They are also going to be calling the dealer and the company to try to resolve the problem. Good luck:)

However pretty much if this is not resolved by next meeting as far as I understand it the OCBP will assist us in taking them to civil court. We also have the right to go to the police to have them start an investigation for fraud and trickery. We are going to wait for the next meeting before going to the police as we want the assistance of the OCBP and their evidence. Also letting the police know we tried other options first lets them know this is a real issue that needs to be dealt with.

Anyway one of the higher up's in the car tax government was at the meeting helping us with information and I suspect he might try to contact the current owner and ask what is going on. I'm sure that Thai guy would like to know why "his" car was sold. There is no reason at all to suspect that this car was not stolen.

So we wait again but I think the next meeting will be helpful. Waiting 2 or 3 weeks will not hurt.

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In your first post you said you had a copy of the Blue Book which must have had the Frenchmans name?. Perhaps the Dealer had a call from their inside contact at the DLT that their boss would be attending the meeting with the OCBP hence the no show?


@kartman, I do not really follow. The OCBP sent the Dealer a registered letter about the meeting. He knew when and where it was. I'm not really sure what their inside contact at the DLT could have told them that he did not already know. Honestly my guess on all of this is that car was financed and the company either needs paperwork or money to send over the book. Anyway, not my problem directly. The dealer is pretty much committing a crime here and the police should be able to deal with him effectively once all of the research is done. The dealer is ignoring the issue, it would have been different if he showed up and said he never saw ua before.

Also an update on the tax thing. Surprisingly we were able to pay the taxes for both this year and the last to get the car up to date. The car is now legal to drive on the road and the police can not take it for a "tax violation" or whatever. If the car is officially stolen that would be different but we have enough evidence that we won't get arrested. We also have the name and the number of the higher ranking DLT guy who said we should have no problem driving it.

So we will now enjoy the car while we sue the Dealer and try to get him jailed/deported. That is unless he wants to give us the book or our money back. We will be happy to take either option.


Dealer was going to meeting with thai name in book and give it to you then found out DLT boss also going and will ask how the name was changed

RE TAX should not be surprising to you told you this in post 95 which you replied to.


Dealer was going to meeting with thai name in book and give it to you then found out DLT boss also going and will ask how the name was changed

RE TAX should not be surprising to you told you this in post 95 which you replied to.

Oh, I thought you were just trolling in that post. Really when someone buys a car in Thailand it is "my word against theirs" that a blue book needs to be included?

The paperwork is pretty clear about the car being sold and not rented. It was hard to take you too seriously about your other points in the post.

I also do not thin the DLT boss being there had anything to do with anything, I could be wrong however. I honestly think the Dealer for whatever reason (car stolen, book lost, car is financed) just cant comply. DLT being there would not change anything. Also I do not know when the name change was made, this could have been before or after we bought the car. I am assuming before but that is just a guess.


Just admit you were were aware of the tax without Blue Book situationwink.png no need to troll a load of hot air when replying i do understand why you are in this situation.


Just admit you were were aware of the tax without Blue Book situationwink.png no need to troll a load of hot air when replying i do understand why you are in this situation.

The only one trolling a lot of hot air here is you.

The OP has his problem, is trying to sort it and is keeping us informed of that, much appreciated as well.


Regardless of the should have done that, should have done this, The op bought a vehicle in good faith and is having a nightmare of a time sorting it out, a bit like the wildfire thread a short while ago.

My regards to the op for keeping us updated, as it could have been anyone in his shoes, and now because of this thread, it may happen to less of us


It takes a few weeks but moving the plates can be done and I thought was normal. We like to pay our taxes where we live anyway.

I bought my first motorbike in Nakhon Si Thammarat, had it registered there then when the tax and inspection were due it was re-registered at Khampaeng Phet.

My second bike I bought from a diplomat with diplomatic plates that was then registered in Bangkok. At the tax and inspection time it was re-registered at Khampaeng Phet, or would have been but they had actually run out of number plates. I sold it to a mate in Phitsanulok and it got re-registered there.

I bought my 3rd bike from Pattaya but it was registered at Rayong. At the tax and inspection time last year in Khampaeng Phet the didn't re-register it so it is still on Rayong plates. When I renew it next year I will see if they will change the book to Khampaeng Phet and give me a new plate.

I thought re-registering and a new plate was normal too.

Our pickup truck is still registered in Bangkok and we have lived here 10 years.


It takes a few weeks but moving the plates can be done and I thought was normal. We like to pay our taxes where we live anyway.

I bought my first motorbike in Nakhon Si Thammarat, had it registered there then when the tax and inspection were due it was re-registered at Khampaeng Phet.

My second bike I bought from a diplomat with diplomatic plates that was then registered in Bangkok. At the tax and inspection time it was re-registered at Khampaeng Phet, or would have been but they had actually run out of number plates. I sold it to a mate in Phitsanulok and it got re-registered there.

I bought my 3rd bike from Pattaya but it was registered at Rayong. At the tax and inspection time last year in Khampaeng Phet the didn't re-register it so it is still on Rayong plates. When I renew it next year I will see if they will change the book to Khampaeng Phet and give me a new plate.

I thought re-registering and a new plate was normal too.

Our pickup truck is still registered in Bangkok and we have lived here 10 years.

Where you can get into trouble now is the cameras. They send these to the address in the book and hence when you go to renew you find you have to pay a bunch of fines before you can.


Okay update from the meeting this week.

We showed up, the Dealer did not. This did not shock us but the OCBP was very shocked. Evidently there has never been a no show before. They waited for him, then tried to call him. I told the OCBP that we did not expect him to come as he knows what the problem is, and if he was able to solve it he would have done so. There was no point for him to come to the meeting.

Anyway we start and they double check their notes. It turns out that when the OCBP was doing their research somewhere somehow the number on the car plate got copied down wrong. So they went into the meeting thinking the car was imported into Thailand illegally. However once they saw this they were able to call in and find the numbers did match the car and the import taxes were paid.

What is interesting and new to us is that the car is no longer in the name of the French guy but some Thai guy. I do not know when the name was moved but it had been. Still should not really matter for us but this does cross out the "French guy can't get a visa" issues.

So is the car stolen? Is the car being financed? They are going to check into this and in 2 to 3 weeks we will have a meeting again. They are also going to be calling the dealer and the company to try to resolve the problem. Good luck:)

However pretty much if this is not resolved by next meeting as far as I understand it the OCBP will assist us in taking them to civil court. We also have the right to go to the police to have them start an investigation for fraud and trickery. We are going to wait for the next meeting before going to the police as we want the assistance of the OCBP and their evidence. Also letting the police know we tried other options first lets them know this is a real issue that needs to be dealt with.

Anyway one of the higher up's in the car tax government was at the meeting helping us with information and I suspect he might try to contact the current owner and ask what is going on. I'm sure that Thai guy would like to know why "his" car was sold. There is no reason at all to suspect that this car was not stolen.

So we wait again but I think the next meeting will be helpful. Waiting 2 or 3 weeks will not hurt.

I am glad to hear OCBP is involved as i mentioned before.

In a way, its a good thing dealer did not show up, OCPB takes it serious and now is more inclined to assist in getting all your demands.

i am not too sure if Court matter would be filed by OCBP, , but they definitely provide lawyer and all the support, they will go to court with you.

One of the i guess funny but nice things is when it gets serious, OCPB senior staff will be dressed in uniform with lots of stripes and stars, for someone who does not know it does look pretty serious.

Wait for your second meeting and if confirmed there was some fraud, ask OCPB officer to accompany you to police station to file official report and press charges.

This will ensure police will open an investigation and will take everything serious.


It takes a few weeks but moving the plates can be done and I thought was normal. We like to pay our taxes where we live anyway.

I bought my first motorbike in Nakhon Si Thammarat, had it registered there then when the tax and inspection were due it was re-registered at Khampaeng Phet.

My second bike I bought from a diplomat with diplomatic plates that was then registered in Bangkok. At the tax and inspection time it was re-registered at Khampaeng Phet, or would have been but they had actually run out of number plates. I sold it to a mate in Phitsanulok and it got re-registered there.

I bought my 3rd bike from Pattaya but it was registered at Rayong. At the tax and inspection time last year in Khampaeng Phet the didn't re-register it so it is still on Rayong plates. When I renew it next year I will see if they will change the book to Khampaeng Phet and give me a new plate.

I thought re-registering and a new plate was normal too.

Our pickup truck is still registered in Bangkok and we have lived here 10 years.

Where you can get into trouble now is the cameras. They send these to the address in the book and hence when you go to renew you find you have to pay a bunch of fines before you can.

The address in the books are where we live, it is the DLT who don't want to change the plates.


Ive found the DLT most co operative.New plates for your new area made in about 30 Mins.Be sure the old ones come off easily,they wont let you go till they have the old ones.


Just admit you were were aware of the tax without Blue Book situationwink.png no need to troll a load of hot air when replying i do understand why you are in this situation.

The only one trolling a lot of hot air here is you.

The OP has his problem, is trying to sort it and is keeping us informed of that, much appreciated as well.

So in post 1 the OP says he has checked all the details and has a copy of the Blue Book and then goes on in various posts that the vehicle is in a Frenchmans name in post 125 the OP says he doesn't know when the name was changed to a Thai so who is trolling?, i have not posted anything that could not be true and was trying to help the OP understand why the dealer has done things but he does not seem to be able to get his head around them but that's life at the end of the day he's the one in the shit not me. So i have to come to the conclusion the OP is clueless on how things work in Thailand so i suggest he stops making smokescreen posts that try to make him appear to understand what has happened/happening.


"checked all the details"? What are you on about kartman? Clearly if that were true I would not be in this mess. I will in the future ask the PM if it is fine to buy a car. And yes, I do not know how everything in Thailand works. I did not know about the OCBP before this thread. However it seems you know less than just about anyone involved esp with your claim that we need to have in the contract clearly stating that I get a blue book. That is either stupidity (not ignorance) or trolling. Most people want real time updates and have helped me out with ideas or what to do next. You are not helping.

Update: OCBP called today and made the next meeting a week later than they said they would the first time. We are looking at mid to late Jan right now. I don't know if they want more time to look into the case or need more people to go to the meeting to make it worth while.

On a funny note as we were exchanging phone numbers and what not after the first meeting we heard the start of the group after us. It was about a lady who had bought something from a local phone company but was not happy. The phone company had even replaced the item once but the lady was still not happy. I think this is the type of thing the OCBP deals with in most cases.


Your 1st paragraph more smokescreening Post 1 paragraph 8 " I checked the BlueBook and have a copy of it" . Did you or didn't you check it and have you got a copy ? a straight yes or no answer to both will suffice and you can throw in a straight yes or no to whether i told you vehicles can be taxed without a Blue Book. Which one of my posts did i say have a contract clearly stating you get a Blue Book? number please as i believe your making this up as you go along. Re 'you are not helping' don't bullshit then.


@Kartman, you are either trolling or being disruptive for the sake of it. Everyone else seems to understand what is going on.

Your claim that selling a car with out the blue book is only a "civil" matter is just wrong. The OCBP has confirmed you are flat out wrong and I have every right to place criminal charges against the seller. You did say that taxes could be paid with only a copy of the blue book and that turned out to be correct however since it was next to a claim that was so clearly trolling I did not take it seriously. Do you want credit for being 50% correct?

I will no longer respond to any of your posts as it is not helping me nor the community who is interested in seeing how the OCBP will deal with this issue. To think I am making this up as I go along is just silly.


Ive found the DLT most co operative.New plates for your new area made in about 30 Mins.Be sure the old ones come off easily,they wont let you go till they have the old ones.

When I went to tax the bike last year I first went to the DLT side for an inspection, enginge and frame numbers but they sent me to the other inspection place nest door where renewals are done. They did the inspection and I paid for the full service whih includes them taking the book next door for the paperwork to be done. The DLT did the paperwork but did not reregister the bike.

The same happened again this year. I made a special point of asking for the bike to be rergistered as well.

Tax and insurance OK but no new plates. I can live with that.


I noticed something that might or might not be odd. The insurance and tax has the name of the French guy (like the copy of the blue book) and not in the name of the current owner.

Did they just look at the photo copy and not their computers system or was the DLT guy wrong about the name being moved?


I noticed something that might or might not be odd. The insurance and tax has the name of the French guy (like the copy of the blue book) and not in the name of the current owner.

Did they just look at the photo copy and not their computers system or was the DLT guy wrong about the name being moved?

Its all a speculation, but may be the "wife" has a Thai boyfriend,m they forged the paperwork or something along the lines.

Insurance and tax was paid before by the French guy, when he left, wife forged it and changed name and sold the car

One of many explanations, i guess :)


As I've suggested before, speaking with the wife of the French guy, if she is contactable, may reveal a lot. Perhaps request the OCPB call her.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ive found the DLT most co operative.New plates for your new area made in about 30 Mins.Be sure the old ones come off easily,they wont let you go till they have the old ones.

Always taken at least a couple of weeks.. Phuket, Chiang mai, etc etc..

I dont remember them keeping the plate in Phuket and I know for sure they didnt in CNX (because I have been too lazy to remove the old bangkok plate.. Its on a rarely used trailer)..

  • 5 weeks later...

As the OP has been asking for advice from the Solicitor i doubt it the dealer is in control and not afraid of him or the OCBP

Unfortunately it doesn't sound like this problem will be solved soon. When asking re the period of time fraud must be reported in, the reply begins...

It does not state it in the Thai law code when you have to make the report by.

I am a Thai lawyer you should trust what I am telling you.

Seems like there will be enough material for a feature film by the time this all gets sorted... coffee1.gif


Short update as we are doing some things that we just don't want the dealer to see coming but one of the things he now knows about is that he will be charged with fraud in court.

The sad thing is that this guy has been known to do this and has done it to more than one person on this forum. It is a real shame that we can't give the name of the Auto Exchange that keeps doing this to people. I did a google search before I bought the car but nothing came up. I now have TV members telling me about how they have been in court with this guy for years pulling the same stunts.

The dealer has reportedly even spent some time in jail for check fraud by writing bad checks to pay for cars he has to get back becasue he can't get the books. So in the end he gets the book and the car and the buyer gets a bad check. And well that means more years of court.

OCBP keeps saying they are trying to get the guy to come up here to talk things out. Clearly that won't work.

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