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Filling in the card at suvarnabhumi

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How do I fill it out and which one shall I use?

I'm entering with a certificate as proof as a Thai citizen from the Thai embassy yet I have no Thai id, house address etc. so should I just fill in the immigrant form?

I will get this certificate the day I leave for Thailand.

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I doubt that will be enough, they will probably just stamp you in on the British passport. (But beware that the airline might not let you board without a visa or a ticket out within 30 days)!!.

While you are in Thailand on your UK-passport you can get a 1 year extension of stay from immigration on show of the certificate (and maybe other proof of yur nationality. That gives you enough time to get a Thai ID-card and Thai passport. Once you have the Thai paspsort oyu leave on the UK-passport and re-enter Thailand on your Thai passport. You will need to do this by air, as at land borders swapping of passports is not allowed.

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If thats the case, whats the point in issueing me a certificate to enter Thailand as a Thai national if i end up using a British passport anyway? I really need someone who has been in my position really to answer this.

I'm not entering as some tourist or immigrant when I am Thai myself, well half.

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If thats the case, whats the point in issueing me a certificate to enter Thailand as a Thai national if i end up using a British passport anyway? I really need someone who has been in my position really to answer this.

I'm not entering as some tourist or immigrant when I am Thai myself, well half.

You can contact immigration and ask them directly.

But it is probably as I suspect, the certificate will allow you to arrange things to get a Thai ID-card and Thai passport but not grant you entry.

As it will enable you to get 1 year extensions of stay, it is probably only a minor set back. It also depends on what the certificate really is, a Thai birth certificate or an emergency travel document for instance (in which case it should have your Thai ID-number).

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What exactly do you have?

Do you have a certificate of identity that serves as a travel document. http://www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/?q=node/18

If yes then you will be stamped in as a Thai.

This is what I suspect it is, shame its in Thai

I rang up before about this and they said I can enter Thailand as a Thai national and stay just like a Thai national, however the document they said only lasts for 7 days and I need to enter before the 7 days end, once I enter, its discarded. However, I just started wondering about the ID number and the card you get when you arrive.

Where does the ID number get created for you? I don't get one issued for me at the embassy?

I have a Thai birth certificate when I wen to the Thai embassy with my mother and got registered. I have marriage documents of my mother and minor details on her father, all her Thai documents (ID card, old birth ceritifcate etc)

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If you have a birth certificate you should be registered somewhere on a household book and have a Thai ID-number But strange you didn't get a Thai passport, maybe you are not yet registered somewhere on a household registration.?

The arrvial card for you is different, in that you fill in the departure card instead of the arrival card.

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Google translate of title and first paragraph.

"Letter identification (Certificate of Identity - CI).

Certificate of Identity (Certificate of Identity-CI) as a temporary travel document. Issued to those who lost their passports. Or expired passport And must return to Thailand quickly. Can return to Thailand only. Valid for 10 days from date of issue. Embassy Therefore, evidence of flight, as evidenced by the establishment. "

I suspect it is not what have since you did no loose a passport.

You will get a Thai ID number when you register at an Amphoe to be listed in a house book and get a ID card.

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I was born outside the kingdom to a Thai mother and Beitish father.

Those born outside don't have an ID card or passport, the child needs to be registered at their Thai embassy of the respective country. With the Thai parents assistance.

Thai passports are not issued here. Only those who already had one can get a renewed or e-passport.

They stopped doing Thai passports for some strange reason. Same goes for Thai ID cards.

I'm not registered under a house, my father wanted me born and raised here. In Rayong, I was told I needed a Thai birth certificate first to be registered and get a Thai ID card.

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I'll ring up Today and ask what the document is called and see what I need to do.

It's strange there is no information at all about Thais or half Thais born abroad and wish to enter Thailand but do not have a Thai passport.

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OP, you don't say how old you are. One of my neighbourd, Thai, born in Thailand went to live as a child in Zurich with his mother.

He came back to Thailand as an adult last year. When he applied for a Thai ID number and card it was discovered that he had not attended the draft (as he was not in Thailand). He had to see the relevant army General to get clearance before he could get it all sorted.

Perhaps something for you to enquire about before you arrive.

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I just rang them up. It is indeed a certificate of identification and it is also used for cases like mine. Nobody has been turned around etc.

But now I might have a problem. I'm supposed to have a direct flight to Thailand because of this certificate, I stop at Vietnam for 2 hours.

But since I'm not entering immigration and only waiting for 2 hours I should be fine, can anyone confirm this for me please?

How should I do this?

Use British passport to leave england, if needed use British passport to enter Vietnam and then use Thai certificate to enter Thailand?

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I'm 21. What do you mean had to get clearance? The military will stop me the airport??

You will not be bothered until you get registered on a house book and have an ID card.

The case mentioned in that post is a extreme rarity. I have never heard of that happening when you go to get registered. The military will not even know you exist until you register.

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Yes, you leave the UK on the British passport and enter Thailand on the certificate.

Once in Thailand you need to apply for a Thai ID-card by registering at the address of a relative and than you can apply for a Thai passport.

It means you will also need to register for the draft and could be called upon to serve if you actually go and live in Thailand.

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But I was told that because my father is not Thai, I won't get drafted? Thais always follow their fathers?

So what happens then? If I'm "limited" of use, they shouldn't bother me really then?

I would think if you are not "Thai" enough to be drafted then you are simply not "Thai".

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It's the country of my ancestors. I was born and raised England.

I have no desire to be a soldier, I'd rather contribute to the country via alternative means such as in the field of science. I would however would fight if there a was a true threat to Thailand and it's people. Then I would fight for my fellows Thais and family, even then I don't think the Thais would ever truly see me as Thai, despite my Thai ancestry and probably prevent me from helping through bias, racism etc.

A fight in a civil war? Then no thank you, I'm not fighting other Thais just because they have a different view on what would be best for Thailand.

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I'm happy with that tongue.png l really hope it goes as you guys say it goes, I don't want to be drafted.

Then I would be avoiding Thailand until the possibility of that has expired.....( does it expire with age ?? )

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