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The Face Mask Thing ... Possibly Explained


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Are you curious about the Asian thing, including the Thailand thing, with all the FACE MASKS?

Perhaps this can help explain it:

The reality is that the woven-cloth surgical masks provide minimal protection from environmental viruses anyway. (Surgeons use them to protect patients from their mouth-borne germs, not the other way around.) But the masks’ actual prophylactic utility is, in a way, secondary to other reasons they’re being worn, which is why they’re likely to become more common in the future—even among non-Asians.


"Smog Couture"


Yes, yes, before y'all nitpick too much, yes the article refers to EAST Asian culture, but given then strong influence of the Thai Chinese demographic in Thailand, it also applies here.

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The world seems to be becoming a heaven for the mask bandits, terroists, etc of many societies. Some seem to dress the part due to religion, protection from the burning sun, the cold, etc, but I reckon a large number just do not want law enforcement groups or even those they know to reconize them, as their actions will/have caused too much grief already.

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It's considered very impolite in Japan to cough & sneeze on other people. One should keep one's germs to oneself. This spread to Hong Kong during SARS and has continued to spread. Personally I think it's an excellent idea - ESP once flu season starts. I shall be wearing mine!

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I wear them so government CCTV can't use their computer facial recognition routines on me.

Surgical mask + hoody = anonymity

Either that or you're a scally twocker who moonlights as a dentist. biggrin.png

Edited by mca
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While traveling in Asia during the SCARS scare,

I saw many women wearing them that were probably gorgeous Asian women.

I started thinking of them as " face bras".

Just another unneeded contraption ( like the A cup bras ) to hide the true beauty of Asia! 555


Edited by willyumiii
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Face masks that are commonly worn by medical staff and many civilians are really only effective at stoping droplets of salvia, spray, etc. They may have minimal effect with bacteria but likely little effect for viruses. Most of the pictures seen lately of medical staff treating ebola patients have them wearing the same masks described above (which provide zero protection from the virus/virons) or the higher filter masks N95. However, IMO these masks would also be ineffective and one would need the N100 or P100 masks for such scenarios to protect from viruses. The cost of these masks increased considerably as one goes from the common medical reception type mask to the N100 masks. The difference might be, like, 100/$20. The N95 masks perhaps 10/$30 and the N/P100 masks roughly $4 each.

I question whether the masks worn in traffic actually filter anything other than bugs. I suspect if one wore a simple common mask it would have two black spots at the end of the day, so perhaps it helps in this regard.

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Thais usually cover their faces when coughing or sneezing, something I can appreciate. The Chinese-Thais, the same ones that push you out of the way, cough and spew wherever they please, racial inferiors be damned. A good reason to not live in Bangkok.

The Chinese have this disregard of others, probably cultural all over the region. In the US it seems to be weeded out of them in the first generation, my guess is the other kids at school straighten them out by the end of first grade.

I'm all for the people of Asia wearing face masks all the time. I know it'll never catch on, as they get in the way when someone wants to pick their nose.

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I actually want to start using a face mask when driving. I've quit smoking (although I do have the odd one on occasion) in fear of lung cancer and whatever else, but it seems I'll die sooner from the black smoke from the traffic in front. If a mask helps I'm all for it, although I'm sure I'll look like a silly farang with one on.

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