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Thai girl creates online sensation by turning down adoption offer by Kim Kardashian

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Thai girl creates online sensation by turning down adoption offer by Kim Kardashian

BANGKOK: -- A Thai orphanage girl has become an internet sensation after she declined Kim Kardashian's offer to get adopted.

Bhudit Maneejakm, manager at the orphanage told Global Post that the 13-year-old girl named Pink and other kids had no clue who Kardashian was. The 34-year-old reality star grew "infatuated" with the teenage girl while visiting an orphanage called Home and Life on a TV shoot in Thailand.

Bhudit continued that Kardashian's adoption offer was never taken all that seriously by the orphanage or by Pink herself. Bhudit added that when the TV personality visited, Pink was indifferent even after she realized that Kardashian was a millionaire and she was happy to have met someone who was famous around the world.

Source: http://www.dnaindia.com/world/report-thai-girl-creates-online-sensation-by-turning-down-adoption-offer-by-kim-kardashian-2037497

--DNA 2014-11-22

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The Thai orphan who rejected Kim Kardashian and became an ‘internet hero’

FROM obscurity in a coastal Thai orphanage, a 13-year-old girl named Pink has become an internet hero.
All she had to do was say “no” to a life with tabloid queen Kim Kardashian.

Kardashian grew infatuated with the teenage girl while visiting an orphanage called Home and Life on a TV shoot in Thailand.
But the kids had no clue who she was, the manager Bhudit Maneejak tells GlobalPost.

That made Kardashian’s offer to adopt Pink — one of 14 girls living at the group home — all the more jarring.
“When Kim Kardashian came, she bluntly asked, “Pink, you want to come live with me?” Bhudit says. Kim gushed on camera for her show Keeping Up with the Kardashians: “I literally cannot stop thinking about her.”

Full Story: http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/the-thai-orphan-who-rejected-kim-kardashian-and-became-an-internet-hero/story-fn907478-1227131481632

-- News.com.au 2014-11-22


Didn't this story come out months ago? I thought someone told KK she couldn't adopt so she went out and bought toys for the kids instead.

KK, not having the greatest attention span, was delighted with this compromise.

I'm guessing Pink might be fully aware she is, for the present, probably better off living where she is.

Might be worth keeping KK's e mail though, college fees can add up.

On an aside, anyone know why KK was unable to enter India?

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"All she had to do was say “no” to a life with tabloid queen Kim Kardashian."

All she did was turn her back on a life of shallowness and the illusion that she better than everyone else in the world.

Are you sure she is Thai? whistling.gif


Oh well. She has turned down a future of the best education money can buy, best medical treatment money can buy, never wanting for anything and a life outside the walls of an orphanage where her future will only hold, at the best, a job in a factory offering her 20 000 baht a month working 12 hour days.

This will be a decision she will regret for the rest of her life when she realizes the gravity of her mistake especially when she looks at the life of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jollie son, Maddox who though wanting to discover his roots lives a very happy and content life. Ask him if he wants to return to the orphanage. You won't need to be a mind reader to know the answer.

Life of poverty with no love from a family or a life of riches with a supportive loving family? My answer would be the same as Maddoxs.


Well she would probably get an education, dental care and opportunity to do anything she could dream of in life.

Sure she could make all the worst decisions and be a vapid money grabber with a turkey butt.

It's interesting how so many people on TV see the glass as half or more empty.


Good for her. These bloody 'celebs' going around third world countries arrogantly picking up kids like pets. If that Kardashian woman, together with Madge, Jolie et al, want to help, let them donate/sponsor from their grossly inflated wealth. Another thing wrong with this World bah.gif

I would happily be a pet for any of them, infact I'll even pay for my air ticket over there.


Oh well. She has turned down a future of the best education money can buy, best medical treatment money can buy, never wanting for anything and a life outside the walls of an orphanage where her future will only hold, at the best, a job in a factory offering her 20 000 baht a month working 12 hour days.

This will be a decision she will regret for the rest of her life when she realizes the gravity of her mistake especially when she looks at the life of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jollie son, Maddox who though wanting to discover his roots lives a very happy and content life. Ask him if he wants to return to the orphanage. You won't need to be a mind reader to know the answer.

Life of poverty with no love from a family or a life of riches with a supportive loving family? My answer would be the same as Maddoxs.

I'm sure KK will keep in touch and support her education and help where needed. After all she did say she can't stop thinking about Pink.

Unless KK is a vapid, airhead, self publicising media narcissist who forgets about what she believes or is passionate about once the ink on the press release is dry.

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While filming their TV show, Kardashian and her family seemed to regard the group home’s conditions as impoverished. (They were also staying at an $18,000-per-night resort at the time.)

Maybe they should have stayed in a 2000 USD hotel for a weeks and save the 100.000 USD savings to Pink tongue.png


whistling.gif As an American, who doesn't live in and doesn't want to live in the U.S. I must say that this girl at least gives some hope.

The U.S. is slowly (well maybe not so slowly) going down the drain.

In 50 years, when she will probably still be alive and living in Thailand, she will be around to watch the decline of the west and the rise of Asia (mostly China).

I'm not confident that Thailand will be doing any better than the U.S. in fifty years, but if I had the choice (I most certainly, won't be around in fifty years , anyhow) I would prefer to end here than in a decaying, dying, America,

Just my personal opinion.


I like how people are assuming the worst of west and the best of Thailand.

I see what people are saying about it's very nice as orphanages go.

How does one know she will not just marry/divorce some selfish alcoholic Thai guy, become a poor single mother and potentially die on the worlds second most dangerous roads?

Really says a lot about how people view opportunties and risk.


The sick thing is...that americans like an ass that big.....

Oh, thank you for speaking on behalf of all of us. What is sick are your generalizations.

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^^^ that's a strong dose of Thai Kool Aid your drinking my friend

Even China recognizes the utter superiority of the US universities. 15 of the worlds top 20.

You don't think Thai children could learn English? Are they unable to learn?

Sure there are very happy lower class people in Thailand and we could all learn a lot from their coping skills but there are also vast numbers of bitterness and stoic suffering.

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