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why so many british guys here?

Crazy chef 1

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I was just saying the other day how many man are from England in isaan not many from Australia at all and the same in Bangkok I think could be because the woman from England are like the moles from Australia big cu?nts

Georgie boy.... you are a class act.
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we also got quiet a large number of Yanks here but the USA is just too big to assume it is about the weather.if from Boston or any northern states-yes. but from Florida,Texas or LA ???

my conclusion is the cost of living....

but what about Switzerland?..

though enough things to think about it!

...and it can't be just for the Ladies..

Switzerland.... I read that the Swiss ambassador claimed that 95% go back home after a few years. Seems difficult to believe, but I do know of a few that have returned.

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I think the pebbles on the beach have much to do with it.

I was sitting in a mall by the doors once when an obese red headed family came waddling in the doors and the whole family at the same time gave a huge sigh of relief when the air con hit them. The whole family was burnt to a crisp. 2 girls came out of a cafe with a bottle of water for the 2 little fatty red headed kids from the UK who just slumped in chairs. Everyone found it comical the poor family found Thailand hot. We still find the thought of them funny, poor buggers.

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I was just saying the other day how many man are from England in isaan not many from Australia at all and the same in Bangkok I think could be because the woman from England are like the moles from Australia big cu?nts

Georgey porgey it was because you live under a bridge and smell they all hated you.

Thats all.

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I feel like most of them are Aussie and not British.

Sorry for off the topic but which one is more gentlemen, the Aussie or the British? I could not understand their accent though.

Somsrisonphimai is looking for an English Boyfriend ... 555


Nope and not even try.

Aussie ... I have a single neighbour.

Not Hansum, but good heart.

Needs a decent haircut though.

Sounds like he is a good catch, but I am not looking, thank you though.

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An entire country of how did you put it? - "ugly people". Well that is just fantastic and doesnt it make you look big and clever? But hey,

"I'll leave you to this now - I've said enough and will likely get banned by a pommy moderator for having the audacity to say I dislike the English and prefer to have as little to do with them as possible. But there you go. Have a nice day".

How insightful and thought provoking. I will say my bit then run away. I am genuinely sorry for replying to this but how can you tar everyone from a country with the same brush? I'm guessing your an aussie with your pommy comment? I'm sure all Australians are saints and are decent people.

Back on topic - I suppose the women, weather, cost of living and the fact that its an English language site might have something to do with the amount of Brits on here.


jambco984 - An Ugly Person thumbsup.gif

Edited by CharlieH
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Personally I subscribe to the quote and ideals of Cecil Rhodes.

Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.

That answers the question succinctly.

That was true in the 19th century but now it's the booby prize. Might as well have been borne in Pakistan.

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Personally I subscribe to the quote and ideals of Cecil Rhodes.

Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.

That answers the question succinctly.

That was true in the 19th century but now it's the booby prize. Might as well have been borne in Pakistan.

In the near future this will not be PC as there are no black Asian or Muslim soldiers fighting there,I notice more and more in olden day tv prongs especially on the BBC more and more black faces ,in scenes where there would never have been black people,and this is not to denigrate them it is just not historically correct

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Wow a German moaning about the Brits,I suppose they have a couple of things to moan about,but now to give them something else an English man beat a German to win the F1 championship,its a tough life.

Actually I don't think he is moaning about the Brits. his observations are interesting as there does seem to be certain areas where there are more of a certain nationalities.

Hua Hin and Cha Am, seems to be more Scandinavians in that area, Pattaya more Brits, Bangkok from what I recall one of the largest groups of foreigners are Japanese (Someone might be able to confirm that). Certain parts of Isan have villages that are entirely Swiss. Koh Chang seems to be mainly Brits and then Scandinavians and Dutch, very few Americans - lot's of Russians. I am guessing that there are also more Russians in other areas that are now living as opposed to holidaying here.

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i was mainly referring to ( it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.)

One guide is the Visa Forum.

You just need to look at the number of questions being asked by the members here about taking their Thai Partner to visit/relocate around the world.

By far, the largest number is from the UK.

Some from Europe.

Less from Australia.

Even Less from the USA.

Occasional KIWI.

A very rough guide .. but a guide, nonetheless.


Sir dont forget the uk is english, irish, welsh and Ireland, germany is germany.ozzies are ozzies.The long term expats do not like to see what England is turning into, maybe a country of dual law,SHaria.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues wink.png

Had an Aussie mate visit the UK for the first time a couple of years ago and the immigration officer said "Welcome back".

Never forget your roots..........................tongue.png

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It is an English language forum.

but many ppl are able(more or less) to communicate in english...

Don't take that as a reason to think they are British. Most of the best control of the English language WILL be Brits, Aussies, Kiwis and Septics. Curiously though I would say that the worst of it is probably Brits. There are MANY Europeans and Asians with outrageous control of the English language including top 5% abilities.

When I had a career in my previous life I remember having to employ a Junior Sales Exec. A tireless task at best. What appalled me was the amount of CVs with dramatic spelling errors and grammar issues. About half of them I rejected simply on this basis. Worse still was the fact that a LOT of these came from agencies where they should have been copy checked before being distributed. Even then when interviewing I could tell from the grazes on the back of the knuckles that many had been ghost-written.

The real kicker? Most DID have a degree, which I do not, yet I have no idea how their work was assessed when it would have required a degree in linguistics to fathom what they were trying to get across.

Sure some of the best English is written by the native speakers but don't underestimate other nations and their abilities to consume and utilise English in a useful and productive manner.

Why am I here? Opportunities for our family. If that changes then we're off. Until then it is 7 years and counting.

Edited by draftvader
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The reason is Britain is a dreadful country to live in unless you are very rich, and it is a country more and more people just don't want to live in, the reasons are very well documented. high taxes, lots of immigrants living of the taxpayer etc,etc,etc,

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Bangkok from what I recall one of the largest groups of foreigners are Japanese (Someone might be able to confirm that).

Yep. There are large numbers of them round here.

Also there seems to be rather a lot of Americans in Bangkok these days.

A lot more Americans now then just a few years ago from what i have noticed.

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Gotta love a load of expats complaining their country is full of foreigners.

Comedy gold.

At least the foreigners in Thailand are contributing to the economy, a large percentage of foreigners living in Britain are doing so on benefits at the taxpayers expense. I'm sure us Brits don't mind the foreigners who do work and contribute to the economy living in Britain.

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Gotta love a load of expats complaining their country is full of foreigners.

Comedy gold.

At least the foreigners in Thailand are contributing to the economy, a large percentage of foreigners living in Britain are doing so on benefits at the taxpayers expense. I'm sure us Brits don't mind the foreigners who do work and contribute to the economy living in Britain.

Agree, there is a huge difference. I assume that nearly all of the foreigners on TVF that are living in Thailand are self supporting - living off investments / savings or pension, or are employed. They certainly don't arrive and claim benefits and housing etc.

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Out here in rural Khampaeng Phet there is me, a Brit, a Swiss French, 2 Aussies both FIFOs, My Danish mate once or twice a year, a Belgian, about 15 km away is another Brit and another Aussie who used to be German. There are also a mixed bunch up in Mueang Khampaeng Phet but that is 65 km away but I don't go up there that much.

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Gotta love a load of expats complaining their country is full of foreigners.

Comedy gold.

At least the foreigners in Thailand are contributing to the economy, a large percentage of foreigners living in Britain are doing so on benefits at the taxpayers expense. I'm sure us Brits don't mind the foreigners who do work and contribute to the economy living in Britain.

Migrants from the EU have made a net contribution of 20 billion pounds to the UK economy since 2000, apparently.

I wonder what the equivalent figure is for farangs here?

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Out here in rural Khampaeng Phet there is me, a Brit, a Swiss French, 2 Aussies both FIFOs, My Danish mate once or twice a year, a Belgian, about 15 km away is another Brit and another Aussie who used to be German. There are also a mixed bunch up in Mueang Khampaeng Phet but that is 65 km away but I don't go up there that much.

When I first started reading your post I thought it was a joke....jibbed!

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