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NLA rejects Yingluck's request to produce extra documents


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What is the NLA's capability, experience or anything which makes them have the say on what is or is not an impeachable offence? Are they all lawyers, judges or legal specialists?

What were the capabilities of many of the ministers and political hangers-on appointed to senior positions in the last government?

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Not the point Smutty, by not turning up she is treating this whole affair in the same manner she treated her role as PM, which is why she is being accused of negligence.

And my expertise on the Thai legal system is similar to yours, zero, but a blind man can see what has been going on regarding the Shins and their contempt for that same legal system these past few years.

MM, of course its the point, she is under investigation for certain things, there is a process, so they follow it.

If they can avoid something they will, if its not necessary they wont do it.

Have you ever known anyone with power and money to stand up at early points in proceedings and say screw it i want to stand up and justify myself??? anywhere in the world?

She will do as her lawyers advise, as would any person in the world.

I dont disagree with your blind man comment, but a blind man can also see its not just them, its the whole lot of them. And if you cannot see that then maybe its you that needs the eye check.

But you don't want to say that because this happens everywhere in the world, in the circles of utter scum politicians, that it's justified, do you ?

As you may be able to read from the first few words in my post i dont say i agree with it, but it is what it is. And in a country as divided as this, does prosecuting one person really help that much. Yes she should be from a normal perspective but when you, I and the dog know no one else will be, does it really help. All or nothing. Obviously the All does not work as they wont prosecute themselves!

If you think Thailand are going to come up with some cutting edge.... well i will leave it.

And that is where the problem lays everywhere in the world, with people that think like you.

What it gone help if we prosecute just one person?

Well it has to start somewhere, don't you think? Even if they not gone prosecute the thousands of others, that deserve it, in this country, then this single example will maybe prevent just one other person from acting similar.

If we don't set even one single example today, one needle in the whole hay stack, then it mean we silently agree that it continues.

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I absolutely love this to!!

The denial of defending oneself within the law and who knows what that means with the the junta running the show only means that the that theThai voters will be more outraged .

Please ban her or home dentition the world is watching!

Yingluck the chosen one by the people is really getting up peoples noses and that's only on here imagine how the the big G is reacting?

It's beautiful thing!

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And that is where the problem lays everywhere in the world, with people that think like you.

What it gone help if we prosecute just one person?

Well it has to start somewhere, don't you think? Even if they not gone prosecute the thousands of others, that deserve it, in this country, then this single example will maybe prevent just one other person from acting similar.

If we don't set even one single example today, one needle in the whole hay stack, then it mean we silently agree that it continues.

You are either naive or you do not know Thailand.

Of course everyone would like to see guilty people punished but it simply does not happen, hence why there is such a divide.

It starts and stops with a certain surname.

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I love it.

About time we see some seriousness and justice in this country.

Enough of the puppeteering show they subjected us up to now.

Christ you're naive saai.gif BTW I very much doubt Yinkcluck knows what a 'document - ekasan' is. She likely thinks it a shopping card fill in form. And, 'Us'? laugh.png

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It's time for her to accept her punishment like a woman. She debt she created will takes Thais a generation to pay off. We are only talking about banning her from politics here. She should prepare herself for her criminal case and the civil case to follow.

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You think that the NLA is not biased. Those of you who believe the NLA when they say that this evidence has already been submitted are out to lunch! Let's see the proof, NLA! What is the delaying tactic by Yingluck? The hearing is more than a month away. The NLA has more than ample time to properly read her evidence and make a decision if they read it in a day or less during the submission request. The NLA have already made up their mind to find her guilty! Why can't you see this? Are you blind? For your info, most people are NOT in favor of finding her guilty or even impeaching her because she is not even in office any more. This would not happen in my native country, for sure! The majority of voters live in north Thailand and most here support her. You are obviously mostly from the southern beaches and Bangkok surrounded by ignorant Thai fools. If she was a yellow shirt, this would not even be proceeding further or even reached this stage!!!!

Edited by laubau
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Regardless of colours..............she <deleted> up while in office! Anyone who thinks she didn't needs to go and get their head sorted out. Thats the end it! She now has to stand up and take the flak regardless wether she is found guilty or not guilty by the court.

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She deserves to face this process by she should also be allowed to present evidence in her defence otherwise it is simply an unfair one sided hearing. It is not justice if you are forbidden from defending yourself.

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She deserves to face this process by she should also be allowed to present evidence in her defence otherwise it is simply an unfair one sided hearing. It is not justice if you are forbidden from defending yourself.

Once again, for the benefit of her defenders that continue to struggle to read:

the 72 papers that Ms Yingluck wanted to produce in fact appeared in the 28 items of documents the NACC submitted earlier to the NLA

How is saying she deserves to face process, defending her actually I thought that was the opposite. I was simply saying she along with everyone else is entitled to a fair hearing.
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She deserves to face this process by she should also be allowed to present evidence in her defence otherwise it is simply an unfair one sided hearing. It is not justice if you are forbidden from defending yourself.

Once again, for the benefit of her defenders that continue to struggle to read:

the 72 papers that Ms Yingluck wanted to produce in fact appeared in the 28 items of documents the NACC submitted earlier to the NLA

How is saying she deserves to face process, defending her actually I thought that was the opposite. I was simply saying she along with everyone else is entitled to a fair hearing.

By continuing to make a point that has already been discounted three times in the thread. If you're not defending her and your reading skills are really that poor, then apologies for inferring that you are one of her defenders.

Edited by Onliner
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NLA rejects extra documents from Yingluck's legal team
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) yesterday dismissed a request by ex-prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra's legal team to submit more documents to support her claim that she was not negligent in relation to corruption in the controversial rice-pledging scheme while in power.

The National Legislative Assembly will hold its first hearing on whether to impeach Yingluck on January 9.

The former PM has been charged with negligence for not taking action over corruption in the scheme, which suffered massive losses.

Her lawyers submitted an additional 72 documents in her defence.

Initially, NLA chief Pornphet Wichitcholchai agreed to accept 28 documents, as they had already been annexed to files complied by the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

However, the NLA voted 165 to 15 to dump all the new documents.

The NACC submitted the case to impeach Yingluck with the NLA after she was ousted following the May 22 coup.

Yingluck's lawyers argue that the NLA had no authority to impeach her, claiming that the interim constitution does not empower lawmakers to do that.

The NACC submitted its case to impeach Yingluck in accordance with the scrapped 2007 Constitution and anti-corruption law.

But Pornphet said the military-picked lawmakers had the authority to impeach Yingluck in accordance with the current constitution and NLA meeting-procedure regulations.

It is not clear if Yingluck will testify in person before the assembly, although her legal team says she will give oral testimony on the set date.

Legal expert Kaewsan Atibhoti, the leader of the Thai Spring group, lodged a petition with the NLA yesterday in a bid to force the Prayut Chan-o-cha government to file a civil case against Yingluck's Cabinet seeking compensation to cover the Bt600 billion lost in the rice-pledging scheme.

Kaewsan said that because Yingluck also faced a criminal charge in relation to the scheme, she must take responsibility for the loss and the current government should file a civil case against her.

"If the premier (Prayut) wants to be in jail for misconduct, he can do nothing and let her go," Kaewsan said. "We came to the NLA today to remind people that the lawmakers have a duty to force the government to file a civil case."

Kaewsan said he would launch a website so people can support a petition that he would submit to Prayut. The campaign to collect names will end on December 18.

Meanwhile, former Democrat MP Watchara Phetthong submitted a request to the anti-graft body yesterday calling on it to scrutinise a road-show project launched when Yingluck was in power.

He said the then-prime minister's secretary Suranand Vejjajiva spent Bt240 million promoting the project and one company obtained as much as Bt140 million to handle its advertising and public relations.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/NLA-rejects-extra-documents-from-Yinglucks-legal-t-30248817.html

-- The Nation 2014-11-29

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alt=clap2.gif> alt=clap2.gif> alt=clap2.gif>

I love it.

About time we see some seriousness and justice in this country.

Enough of the puppeteering show they subjected us up to now.

Not allowing a person to submit documents in evidence in defense, and you call that justice,

If you had documents proving your innocence in a court case and were denied them being submitted you'd be screaming blue bloody murder...................

Anyone for a large plate of BIAS BULLSH*T.

Read post # 9.

Well, did you read post #9 ? If so, do you understand why Costas2008 said what he said ? Or are you so blinded by your love and devotion for Yingluck you just don't see ?

Regarding the op, I got a good laugh from this line -

................."Besides, the graft buster also told the NLA that Ms Yingluck never appeared, even once, to clarify her documents submitted to the NACC to defend herself against the charge of negligence of duties in the rice pledging scheme."............................

It seems Yingluck is even negligent in defending her own negligence ! clap2.gif But what really cracks me up is there are supposedly intelligent people out there defending her. I can understand doing it if you are a well paid lawyer, but to do it for nothing, in your spare time ! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Yu'p read the OP, read post #9. and you guys are amazing,,,,, you take things and spin them until it fits your opinion, the OP said "IT SEEMS" now being this is a legal matter do think "IT SEEMS" is factual or conjecture? an assumption? speculation? Well friends I'm not sure how your home countries legal system works but from were I'm from we deal in FACTS NOT "IT SEEMS"............

now that we have that cleared up like I said if it was you in court then guaranteed you would be SCEEMING BLUE BLOODY MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what is the qualifications of these people who decide what is allowed and what is not? are they lawyers? experts in their field? are they judges? legal professor's? are they proven to be un bias? as this is a major problem in the legal system here, and that is proven every day.

Here's an idea for ya, let her submit all the documents and WITNESSES she wants in her defense the let things fall as they may, that way all can be seen as transparent and unbiased, isn't that what we all want?

so now have another crack.


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She deserves to face this process bye she should also be allowed to present evidence in her defence otherwise it is simply an unfair one sided hearing. It is not justice if you are forbidden from defending yourself.

Once again, for the benefit of her defenders that continue to struggle to read:

the 72 papers that Ms Yingluck wanted to produce in fact appeared in the 28 items of documents the NACC submitted earlier to the NLA

How is saying she deserves to face process, defending her actually I thought that was the opposite. I was simply saying she along with everyone else is entitled to a fair hearing.

chooka, the point you also made in your post was that "she should also be allowed to present evidence in her defence", I totally agree with you, however these latest 72 documents presented are claimed to already be contained in 28 documents previously presented by the NACC.

The inference is that, by presenting the same information a second time and pretending that it's new, her lawyers are merely engaging in a delaying-tactic.

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What is the NLA's capability, experience or anything which makes them have the say on what is or is not an impeachable offence? Are they all lawyers, judges or legal specialists?

What is a jury's capability, experience or anything which makes them have the say on what is any offence? Yet jury's get used the world over to determine whether someone is guilty or not.

They listen to the evidence presented for and against. They discuss it amongst themselves. They make a decision.

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She deserves to face this process by she should also be allowed to present evidence in her defence otherwise it is simply an unfair one sided hearing. It is not justice if you are forbidden from defending yourself.

Once again, for the benefit of her defenders that continue to struggle to read:

the 72 papers that Ms Yingluck wanted to produce in fact appeared in the 28 items of documents the NACC submitted earlier to the NLA

How is saying she deserves to face process, defending her actually I thought that was the opposite. I was simply saying she along with everyone else is entitled to a fair hearing.

By continuing to make a point that has already been discounted three times in the thread. If you're not defending her and your reading skills are really that poor, then apologies for inferring that you are one of her defenders.

Jesus wept... What tools there are on this forum. So this thread should only be for those who agree with the NLA decision. I thought you could express your own opinion on the thread. Do you work for the NLA or what's your angle?

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She deserves to face this process by she should also be allowed to present evidence in her defence otherwise it is simply an unfair one sided hearing. It is not justice if you are forbidden from defending yourself.

Once again, for the benefit of her defenders that continue to struggle to read:

the 72 papers that Ms Yingluck wanted to produce in fact appeared in the 28 items of documents the NACC submitted earlier to the NLA

How is saying she deserves to face process, defending her actually I thought that was the opposite. I was simply saying she along with everyone else is entitled to a fair hearing.

By continuing to make a point that has already been discounted three times in the thread. If you're not defending her and your reading skills are really that poor, then apologies for inferring that you are one of her defenders.

reading post #43 the NLA initially decided to accept these 28 documents from the NACC but then decided to dump them. From that it appears they no longer have them and the defence is asking them to accept these documents in her defence.

Isn't the NLA composed of various people such as butchers, bakers and candlestick makers and thier role is to draft legislation for approval by the Junta? Can they act on thier own and they have the power in court to decide what evidence will be allowed?

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reading post #43 the NLA initially decided to accept these 28 documents from the NACC but then decided to dump them. From that it appears they no longer have them and the defence is asking them to accept these documents in her defence.

Isn't the NLA composed of various people such as butchers, bakers and candlestick makers and thier role is to draft legislation for approval by the Junta? Can they act on thier own and they have the power in court to decide what evidence will be allowed?

An article in the BP indicates that "the additional evidence was not new" according to her lawyers.

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How is saying she deserves to face process, defending her actually I thought that was the opposite. I was simply saying she along with everyone else is entitled to a fair hearing.

Come of it Chooka, surely you can see the difference between receiving a fair hearing and deliberately stringing things along in the hope that time runs out, people lose interest in the case, and it just "goes away", just like so many other crimes that have been committed over the years in Thailand by "connected" people of influence, that went unpunished.

This is probably the most important item on the list of solving the country's problems regarding graft and corruption. For too long the people on the bottom of the ladder have accepted the fact that if you have money in Thailand, you have the power to bend/break the law and get away with it.

If the people at the top were held accountable for their actions, and it filtered down through the ranks, there is a chance it may affect the mindset of the people, and improve the long lost respect for the law.

But it has to start somewhere, and Yingluck's case is as a good a place as any.

"It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one's acts." - Mahatma Gandhi

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How is it justice when they refuse to consider evidence? I don't know if this stuff would help or hinder her but in most countries ALL tendered evidence is evaluated.

By not doing so they open the door to an appeal.

Read the OP carefully. The 72 extra sheets are already included in the documentation according to the NACC.

Yingluck would know this had she ever bothered to turn up to meetings with them, which of course, as usual she couldn't be bothered to do,

Simply prevaricating, lying, pleading injury or illness, attempting bribery or threats and intimidation don't seem to work anymore. So for once, justice might be done.

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How is it justice when they refuse to consider evidence? I don't know if this stuff would help or hinder her but in most countries ALL tendered evidence is evaluated.

By not doing so they open the door to an appeal.

ok, but how long do you allow the delays to go on? Sooner or later she has to face the charges brought against her. The judge has a right to evaluate whether the thinks the evidence is necessary or whether a further delay should not be allowed,, in this case he has said enough,, get to court,, Fair enough I think..

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How is it justice when they refuse to consider evidence? I don't know if this stuff would help or hinder her but in most countries ALL tendered evidence is evaluated.

By not doing so they open the door to an appeal.

If they can now produce more evidence but need more time to do so, what have her lawyers been doing do the last 6 months?

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Well, did you read post #9 ? If so, do you understand why Costas2008 said what he said ? Or are you so blinded by your love and devotion for Yingluck you just don't see ?

Regarding the op, I got a good laugh from this line -

................."Besides, the graft buster also told the NLA that Ms Yingluck never appeared, even once, to clarify her documents submitted to the NACC to defend herself against the charge of negligence of duties in the rice pledging scheme."............................

It seems Yingluck is even negligent in defending her own negligence ! clap2.gif But what really cracks me up is there are supposedly intelligent people out there defending her. I can understand doing it if you are a well paid lawyer, but to do it for nothing, in your spare time ! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

And if there is no legal requirement for her to turn up, and presumably she is being advised by some of the best lawyers around, why would she?

the fact they even raise it, probably strengthens her case and makes them look like retarded charlies.

Whats your expertise on the Thai legal system?

I have no idea what his expertise on the Thai legal system is I would guess yours certainly isn't any better, unless of course you are a lawyer certified

to practice in Thailand and you can speak, read and write Thai fluently.

Your opinion in Thailand to Thais is worth exactly the same as mine.


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How is it justice when they refuse to consider evidence? I don't know if this stuff would help or hinder her but in most countries ALL tendered evidence is evaluated.

By not doing so they open the door to an appeal.

How much time should one have to continue to produce evidence? Obviously if there is no limit, then one can always produce some "evidence" right before the court hearing, which would force a postponement of the hearing as the other side will need time to review it too. Then when it is time for the postponed court hearing, you suddenly produce a little more "evidence" and so on.

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