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500 Dogs Saved From Cooking Pot


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500 dogs saved from cooking pot

THAI police rescued more than 500 dogs believed destined for the cooking pot today, and arrested two men suspected of planning to smuggle them to Vietnam.

Police found the dogs when they stopped a truck at a checkpoint in Thailand's north-eastern province of Nakhon Phanom, police Major Srinakorn Naiyawat said.

They believe the dogs, many of them puppies and looking sick, were going to be shipped through Laos to Vietnam, where dog meat is a delicacy, he said.

Boonsom Khanthee, 52, and his son, Thaweesak Khanthee, 28, were arrested after failing to produce documents permitting them to transport animals and certifying the animals' health.

Each faces a penalty of up to two years in prison and a 20,000 baht ($694) fine if found guilty.

"They were delivering the dogs to another man who was probably an agent taking orders from Laos and Vietnam," Srinakorn said.

He said local traders in the province purchase dogs from villagers for 30-40 baht($1.04) each and sell them to exporters for 70-80 baht ($2.42 -$2.77) each.

"If the dogs reach Vietnam, they will fetch a price of up to 200-300 baht ($6.94-$10.41) each," Srinakorn said.

The seized dogs are being held at an animal shelter in the province, 610 kilometres north-east of Bangkok.

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Just yesterday, on my way home in a taxi here in Beijing, I saw a man on a motorcycle pulling a cart with a cage with a half a dozen dogs. I questionned my taxi driver about it and he said that the dogs were for eating. They were on their way to be slaughtered.

I've lived here for a while but I had never seen dogs on their way to be butchered, though on a daily basis I see chickens and pigs on their way to be slaughtered. I felt so sorry for the dogs but my driver just laughed because he said that you can eat dog every where, it's good meat.

I don't really feel sorry for the chickens and pigs. I am used to seeing that. I've eaten snake, scorpions but never dog or cat. I guess it's all in the way we see food. Maybe someday I will think of dogs as food but right now I still think of dogs as companions. It's best if I haven't seen my food alive prior to eating it.

So what's on the menu for tonight?


Not for me thank you.

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It is a cultural thing. Some people don't eat beef but they don't make a farce about cows being killed. My friend from Hainan island in China told me that his mother cried when their buffalo died because it was considered a friend of the family, as it worked in the fields and carried the kids for joy rides.

So why are people making a farce about eating dogs. They are not killing humans.

I don't eat dog meat but at least someone else is not suffering from malnutrition because he has some form protein.

So how do we justify eating pork, ostrich or crocodile or snake, is it because they are belived to be ugly and some as dangerous?

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Thailand could really help their exports by shipping all the street dogs off to where people have some use for them
Thais eat dogs too! :o Sakhon Nakhon is the most famous place where canines are eaten.

I think dog meat is sometimes sold under other names in Bangkok.

Some years ago a guy was caught delivering dog meat to Bangkhae Market.

He'd been doing it for a while so some of us might have eaten it in good faith.

I guess it's all in the way we see food. Maybe someday I will think of dogs as food but right now I still think of dogs as companions

It's a cultural thing but why eat man's best friend!It doesn't sound fair! :D


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Can't understand all the fuss realy. Dog actualy tastes quite good and lets face it their not on the endangered animals list :o Interesting that lamb to most Thais is a no no and one of the reasons is they are so cute !

I guess the pooches will be sent to some poor temples and increase the poop and noise in the neighbourhood. One of my dislikes is the amount of dogs around on the streets in Bangkok and the racket they make at night.

More than once iv'e nearly had an accident avoiding sleeping dogs in small soi's or being chased on my bike. domesticated house dogs are fine but in the open they are just pack animals and a pest !

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I used to do the journey from vinh city in Vietnam to Hanoi using what I guess is highway 1. Many times I saw dogs being carried in small cages on the back of motorbikes obviously on their way to the market for dinner.

All the dogs looked similar size and type. this led me to beleive that in Vietnam they raise a certain type of dog for eating. they dont just sit there on the porch patting old pooch and thinking 'how will I cook you up tonight Fido?'

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All the dogs looked similar size and type. this led me to beleive that in Vietnam they raise a certain type of dog for eating. they dont just sit there on the porch patting old pooch and thinking 'how will I cook you up tonight Fido?'

Very true Nedkelly, although not adverse to eating other types in times of need,the Vietnamese like a Husky/Chow type dog, the true name of the breed I don't know.

A real good Dog restaurant will keep its own dogs downstairs, alive and well until needed, ensuring "fresh" meat for the customer :o

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Vietnamese dog tastes very good! I tried it some years back. They fried it in batter just like you swee whole-fried chickens and ducks hanging in the windows of Chinese restaurants. The end result was a battered dog which looked just like a small dog ... er ... fried in batter :o

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Let's see...The maximum for selling dogs for food is two years in prison and a 20,000 baht ($694). The maximum for commercial trafficking of children for pedophiles is a maximum three years in prison and fined 20,000 baht ($500) ...guess there isn't that much difference in commercializing children for pedophiles than selling dogs for eating.

Of course they were arrested for suspicion and not yet charged nor found guilty...the dogs were obviously planted.

I think it could be a group of conspirators attempting to raise the price of dog meat. Or perhaps create a market for cats...the other white meat.

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Thailand could really help their exports by shipping all the street dogs off to where people have some use for them

Thais eat dogs too! :o Sakhon Nakhon is the most famous place where canines are eaten.

I think dog meat is sometimes sold under other names in Bangkok.

I think many of you already eat dog. Sakhon Nakhon is famous for their dogs, but a cheap tasty spicy meal with pork, could be dogmeat also in Bangkok.

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Dogs are domesticated pets, thats why they are making a fuss. Granted I think Korea is known for dog eating practices.  However I suppose if one would starve or eat a dog, fido would be on the dinner plate.

hmmm... what about the lambs? or other domesticated animals? some people get little pigs as pets... I have a dog and I eat pork... and I can't image how my steak will jump around me all the day... If I was a Vietnamese what for @@ pet I should take? :o ....can't guess what I couldn't put on the plate...

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It's best if I haven't seen my food alive prior to eating it.

You've never pointed to a lobster in a large tank and said " I'll take that one" and happily waited for it to return from it's session in the "hot tub"? :D

Actually, I prefer if someone else points to the fish or lobster if they are still alive. :o

I would rather not thinkabout the impending killing.

I haven't liked it either when they bonk the fish on the head right in front of me or swing it on the edge of the table to kill it or when they cut the snake open and let the blood drip in a bowl next to my chair. Really not so happy about stuff like that. :D

I understand my steak came from a cow but I am glad I didn't know her personally.

Really is best if I don't see my food alive prior to eating it. :D

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Really is best if I don't see my food alive prior to eating it. :o

Especially not - if it was walking on a leash when you saw it! But on the other hand you could use that occasion to give it a warm hug. Butchers and fishermen usually aren't the most comforting sorts you know.


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Guest IT Manager

Barbequed is best. Noisy dogs taste the best, especially if they are black and owned by that bastard with the smoky motorcycle down the soi.

Marinate in something, with an element of sweet, but not honey. I like that sweet chilli that tyou buy for chicken. Add some maggi sauce, mustard and chopped chillis.

Don't spit barbecue, chop it up. When ready, ring the neigbour and invite him for dinner. :D:o

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In the Philippines there are not just the Christian / Muslim / Animist divisions, but the deeper division between those who eat dog and those who do not. And believe me, this is a big cultural thing in parts of Luzon.

There, the chosen dinner is taken (live) from it's kennel (nominal - place of habitation) and a group of men squat in a circle around a fire, place of meeting, whatever. The dog (usually a Chow-like puppy, about six-months old) is tied quite tightly into a bundle and suspended from a tripod.

Then the men squat, pick up sticks, fairly lightly tap the future meal and chat for a couple of hours. By the time they have finished their tap-and-chat the dog is dead and well tenderised. then cook and eat. (Beat it, heat it and eat it)

I have only attended one of these sessions, but my friends assured me that this is common practice.

The Vietnamese, on the other hand, just heat it and eat it.

I recall seeing on several occasions cyclos (pedal-taxis) with cages of dogs in them, going round Saigon (HCMC) ready for dinner. And they were soi-dog candidates, which I see no problem in culling.

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WAD Lok Chin Maw...is not right up there.. Actually, taste like chicken.

Hmm sounds like the border guard were PO when they did not get there cut, so they turned in the food suppliers...and of course, those same dogs are going to breed and multiply... Better to feed the world than blow it up.... Hmmm too bad this food source does not work in a different part of Thailand.. A food of thought for the TRT brain trust in peace conflict resolution....but ngaah... That same TRT Ostrich meat supplier has his own designs: an ostrich in every pot. :o

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Black Dog.... Roasting on an open fire.. Ruff Ruff..

sung with a Filipino accent,

on the island of Oahu,

to the tune of that nat king cole song about chesnuts..

Actually the first time I saw a bunch of dogs rounded up in the channabot, I thought to myself.. Now, that is pretty good..the village fathers have a village dog catcher.. leave to the chao nan... Then as my essan language got better....I I still thought.. WAY to GO...


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I understand my steak came from a cow but I am glad I didn't know her personally.

Why ever not Gisele? . :D

Re. those poor mutts on the road to Vietnam, they're the lucky ones. (Assuming they have been saved from the fate awaiting them over the Annamites.) Their less fortunate canine mates are leaving Isaan at the rate of two trucks a day (roughly 1,000 mutts at my reckoning). I know this as I've recently come back from the road between the two countries in Laos and witnessed the daily 6 wheel trucks plying their gruesome trade.

Now, while I don't hold it against IT or anyone else wanting a bit of well-cooked Fido on their plate, and will confess to having partaken of the odd morsel myself in the past, but it would take a hard bastard to stand next to one of these trucks when they're parked up and not feel revolted by this trade.

The dogs are packed in to small wire crates, 5 or 10 animals per crate, 6 or so crates deep for the journey. The top dogs piss or shit with fear on the bottom dogs and the truck reeks to high heaven with fear and excrement. The dogs can hardly move and some looked half dead. They have no shade and there must be a fair mortality rate on the long journey to the dog markets of Vietnam, especially when held up by delays, like when I saw them. The thing that really gets you though is their barking, nay howling, with fear, sensing that this was near the end of the road for their miserable soi dog lives.

Man's best friend, huh? Not for a bucket dog in Isaan which misses the Sakhon Nakhon turn off, it seems. :o

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