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Thai are friendly and usually well mannered BUT.....


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Why is it that when you meet or talk with a Thai they are usually docile in nature, avoid confrontation and/or only smile when faced with a contentious situation?

Put them behind the wheel of a vehicle and all of a sudden they become very aggressive, confrontational and show no courtesy or consideration?

I can't count how many times I've been walking down the side walk only to have a motorcycle pull up and stop and park right in my path without the slightest hesitation or regard.

In traffic I'm cut off every time unless I literally hug the bumper of the vehicle I'm following and even so they edge closer and closer to my vehicle as if trying to say if you don't let me in I'm going to hit you.

Today I was approaching the corner and realizing I was in the wrong lane for making a right hand turn I gently pulled partly into the turning lane at the last moment as the light had just turned red. Another truck came up from behind and instead of just waiting for the light to turn green and allow me to enter the lane he proceeded to pull up as close as he possibly could to the rear of the vehicle in front so as to not allow me to enter the turning lane. So close that our mirrors touched. I unwound my window and asked why he did not give me space to enter the lane I was so obviously headed in and he replied "This is not your country". How can Thai become so inconsiderate whenever they get behind the wheel of a vehicle and be so rude at the same time which is usually not the case when you meet or talk with them in public?

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He did it because that's the way he always drives, he's an everyday moron.

The 'not your country' excuse is just that because there's no way he would have known there was a foreigner driving in your vehicle until you opened the window.

If you were Thai I wonder what his excuse would have been.

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I have a theory about how Thais drive. I'm probably wrong, LOL.

Thais aren't allowed to have control of anything when growing up, and many even as adults. They aren't allowed to question etc.

Maybe the first time they are behind the wheel they feel a new freedom from a culture of face and of being subservient. Maybe they feel anonymous and in control.

Maybe they are letting off steam built up from a lifetime of "face."

Even in my home country where people can first get a driver's license at age 16 their insurance rates are atrocious until they "grow up." Most are mature enough to be responsible, but the ones who aren't cause a lot of damage. They suddenly have sole control of something important and they abuse it.

I dunno.

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Why is it that when you meet or talk with a Thai they are usually docile in nature, avoid confrontation and/or only smile when faced with a contentious situation?
Put them behind the wheel of a vehicle and all of a sudden they become very aggressive, confrontational and show no courtesy or consideration?

First sentence: greng jai enabled = meekness avoids potential to offend.

Second sentence: greng jai disabled = now showing the true self. Perceived elevated status aside, potential to offend is now far less when distanced/hidden behind wheel of car.

People can become <deleted> in every country when behind the wheel, but, aside from Asia it seems (whistling.gif), there is generally little pretence and people are generally courteous.

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It's a general excuse to everything these days

I am refused buses because "it is not my country"

I am refused sales because "it is not my country"


And so we have another Thai bashing thread. A guy has has a traffic dispute and then it becomes a debate on why Thailand is the pits.

The oppressed and the persecuted. Life must be extremely miserable for you in Thailand.

Thai visa the hub of moaners, complainers and wringers. Why anyone would want to stay in a country where they are so unhappy beats me.

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It's a general excuse to everything these days

I am refused buses because "it is not my country"

I am refused sales because "it is not my country"


And so we have another Thai bashing thread. A guy has has a traffic dispute and then it becomes a debate on why Thailand is the pits.

The oppressed and the persecuted. Life must be extremely miserable for you in Thailand.

Thai visa the hub of moaners, complainers and wringers. Why anyone would want to stay in a country where they are so unhappy beats me.

Because I never let idiots alter my moods

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It's a general excuse to everything these days

I am refused buses because "it is not my country"

I am refused sales because "it is not my country"


And so we have another Thai bashing thread. A guy has has a traffic dispute and then it becomes a debate on why Thailand is the pits.

The oppressed and the persecuted. Life must be extremely miserable for you in Thailand.

Thai visa the hub of moaners, complainers and wringers. Why anyone would want to stay in a country where they are so unhappy beats me.

Because I never let idiots alter my moods

So defensive, Kitsune. Calm down and enjoy life.

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It's a general excuse to everything these days

I am refused buses because "it is not my country"

I am refused sales because "it is not my country"


And so we have another Thai bashing thread. A guy has has a traffic dispute and then it becomes a debate on why Thailand is the pits.

The oppressed and the persecuted. Life must be extremely miserable for you in Thailand.

Thai visa the hub of moaners, complainers and wringers. Why anyone would want to stay in a country where they are so unhappy beats me.

Because I never let idiots alter my moods

So defensive, Kitsune. Calm down and enjoy life.

You call this defense, I call it stoicism, it's a question of vocab.

considering this bloke has been going on the same litany for years, I'm pretty chilled

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I thought this was going to be interesting, but then I realized it was about two really boring topics -- driving in Thailand and Thai bashing. I have no interest in either topic.

Nancy Nancy, the last word of the topic title...BUT...must have given you a clue. So you are just not interested in topics about driving in Thailand, right ?

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Nope, I have absolutely no interest about driving in Thailand. I live in Chiang Mai. This may sound very narrow, but every thing I need for daily life is within 1 km, and Hubby likes to walk.

When we've taken any long trips in Thailand, it's been at the invitation of friends (and we always chip in) or with trips that we've organized with a hired van.

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He did it because that's the way he always drives, he's an everyday moron.

The 'not your country' excuse is just that because there's no way he would have known there was a foreigner driving in your vehicle until you opened the window.

If you were Thai I wonder what his excuse would have been.

One thing Thailand is good at is "making up stories" lets be honest,LYING, the more ridiculous the better, and they have no boundaries on them either.

I refuse to give way to their bullying, Ive been hit twice in the car and i refuse to move over when the aresholes decide to overtake coming the other way with their lights flashing. The result last time was the moron swerved all over the road and rolled his pick up and made my year.

I then got chastised my some member on here for "attempted murder"

I dont care about the car of mine getting damaged anymore..........

The Thai driver also could not know if you had permanent residency and it WAS your country.

Thais I find VERY selfish, dont blather on about that being a generalisation, it seems these are "ok" in TVF if they are "nice" generalisations but not if negative. "ALL Thais are happy n smiling" is acceptable but "all Thais are lazy is not"

Take the title of the post as an example.

Often Ive found when I give a signal the driver will immediately speed up to block access to the lane I have requested to enter even though traffic is slow moving.Nothing would be gained by blocking yet they do it often.

Another funny one is stopping to let a vehicle out...............they just cant believe it and really go into a paralytic state as NO ONE does that here, must upset their me first routine completely.

Edited by kannot
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I have a theory about how Thais drive. I'm probably wrong, LOL.

Thais aren't allowed to have control of anything when growing up, and many even as adults. They aren't allowed to question etc.

Maybe the first time they are behind the wheel they feel a new freedom from a culture of face and of being subservient. Maybe they feel anonymous and in control.

Maybe they are letting off steam built up from a lifetime of "face."

Even in my home country where people can first get a driver's license at age 16 their insurance rates are atrocious until they "grow up." Most are mature enough to be responsible, but the ones who aren't cause a lot of damage. They suddenly have sole control of something important and they abuse it.

I dunno.

Yet in another thread someone posted " land of the free"

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I thought this was going to be interesting, but then I realized it was about two really boring topics -- driving in Thailand and Thai bashing. I have no interest in either topic.

NancyL ... one of the finest members on the forum.

Her kind actions often go unnoticed.

This Forum is a better place for having her as many member, particularly in the Chiang Mai Area will attest to.


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Ive been hit twice in the car and i refuse to move over when the aresholes decide to overtake coming the other way with their lights flashing.

The result last time was the moron swerved all over the road and rolled his pick up and made my year.

... sad.png


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What an absolute thai bashing thread this is turning into.

Your spot on beetle they see some bad driving or have an altercation so that means 66 million Thais are selfish or what was that they remain docile most of the time.

There's bad drivers all over the world and altercations but I guarantee yow these wingers won't bag their own country men.

I have no problem driving I Thailand or anywhere in Asia I just be patient and go with the flow.

Anyway for the thai bashes you are clearly in the wrong country and if a little thing like this sets you off then it's definitely time to rethink you choice of location.

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The OP did admit that he was in the wrong lane and pulled out, ignoring everyone else who was in the correct lane, and then had the audacity to wind down the window to confront the poor lorry driver. You can't have your cake and eat it, my friend.

Not so. I was trying to get out of the lane that I was in to avoid holding back anyone else wanting to drive straight through when the light suddenly changed to a red light. The vehicles behind me had not yet approached my position and when they did they had to wait for the light to turn green anyway.

The poor lorry driver you so eloquently refer to was one of the vehicles that had not yet approached my position and had to wait also for the light to turn green before being able to proceed. All he had to do was to hold back a little to allow me to complete my lane change but was more interested in advancing one vehicle length instead of being courteous and in the process nudged his vehicle forward so as to be in so close contact to my vehicle that our mirrors touched.

By the tone of your post I can see that I certainly wouldn't want to be driving close to you if it should ever happen one day. I guess it's too much to expect some common courtesy nowadays from fellow drivers as the rush to get to wherever one might be going rises above being a considerate driver knowing that we all have come across similar experiences and appreciate some slack especially when being new to the area and driving on an unfamiliar road.

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It's a general excuse to everything these days

I am refused buses because "it is not my country"

I am refused sales because "it is not my country"


And so we have another Thai bashing thread. A guy has has a traffic dispute and then it becomes a debate on why Thailand is the pits.

The oppressed and the persecuted. Life must be extremely miserable for you in Thailand.

Thai visa the hub of moaners, complainers and wringers. Why anyone would want to stay in a country where they are so unhappy beats me.

Lets put your posts in perspective.

You are also the one defending ThaiPolice in the random piss testing/extortion of tourists on the street.

A tourist basher.

Now go enjoy that somtum with your adopted Thai family....

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He did it because that's the way he always drives, he's an everyday moron.

The 'not your country' excuse is just that because there's no way he would have known there was a foreigner driving in your vehicle until you opened the window.

If you were Thai I wonder what his excuse would have been.

One thing Thailand is good at is "making up stories" lets be honest,LYING, the more ridiculous the better, and they have no boundaries on them either.

I refuse to give way to their bullying, Ive been hit twice in the car and i refuse to move over when the aresholes decide to overtake coming the other way with their lights flashing. The result last time was the moron swerved all over the road and rolled his pick up and made my year.

I then got chastised my some member on here for "attempted murder"

I dont care about the car of mine getting damaged anymore..........

The Thai driver also could not know if you had permanent residency and it WAS your country.

Thais I find VERY selfish, dont blather on about that being a generalisation, it seems these are "ok" in TVF if they are "nice" generalisations but not if negative. "ALL Thais are happy n smiling" is acceptable but "all Thais are lazy is not"

Take the title of the post as an example.

Often Ive found when I give a signal the driver will immediately speed up to block access to the lane I have requested to enter even though traffic is slow moving.Nothing would be gained by blocking yet they do it often.

Another funny one is stopping to let a vehicle out...............they just cant believe it and really go into a paralytic state as NO ONE does that here, must upset their me first routine completely.

" Quote"...Often Ive found when I give a signal the driver will immediately speed up to block access to the lane I have requested to enter even though traffic is slow moving.Nothing would be gained by blocking yet they do it often.

Exactly my everyday experience also. That and when I am in the passing lane following a vehicle in front of me, with the intent on passing, another vehicle will pull up behind me almost right on my bumper as if to tell me get out of my way I want to pass you ignoring the fact that I am also waiting to pass the vehicle in front of me.

Sometimes I feel like braking suddenly to teach them a lesson but decide that it would be a waste of my effort as the majority of thai drive in this manner and don't seem to comprehend the folly of their actions.

I'm not trying to bash Thais but rather just trying to figure them out. I know a fair amount of Thai people and have no dislike toward them and value their friendship. Just trying to understand their thought process.

Edited by steven roberts
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I think most people are afraid to confront when face to face and vulnerable, put them in a vehicle and they think they are anonymous and they get cocky. Thais are no different. The bigger the vehicle, the bigger it makes your penis.

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He did it because that's the way he always drives, he's an everyday moron.

The 'not your country' excuse is just that because there's no way he would have known there was a foreigner driving in your vehicle until you opened the window.

If you were Thai I wonder what his excuse would have been.

One thing Thailand is good at is "making up stories" lets be honest,LYING, the more ridiculous the better, and they have no boundaries on them either.

I refuse to give way to their bullying, Ive been hit twice in the car and i refuse to move over when the aresholes decide to overtake coming the other way with their lights flashing. The result last time was the moron swerved all over the road and rolled his pick up and made my year.

I then got chastised my some member on here for "attempted murder"

I dont care about the car of mine getting damaged anymore..........

The Thai driver also could not know if you had permanent residency and it WAS your country.

Thais I find VERY selfish, dont blather on about that being a generalisation, it seems these are "ok" in TVF if they are "nice" generalisations but not if negative. "ALL Thais are happy n smiling" is acceptable but "all Thais are lazy is not"

Take the title of the post as an example.

Often Ive found when I give a signal the driver will immediately speed up to block access to the lane I have requested to enter even though traffic is slow moving.Nothing would be gained by blocking yet they do it often.

Another funny one is stopping to let a vehicle out...............they just cant believe it and really go into a paralytic state as NO ONE does that here, must upset their me first routine completely.

" Quote"...Often Ive found when I give a signal the driver will immediately speed up to block access to the lane I have requested to enter even though traffic is slow moving.Nothing would be gained by blocking yet they do it often.

Exactly my everyday experience also. That and when I am in the passing lane following a vehicle in front of me, with the intent on passing, another vehicle will pull up behind me almost right on my bumper as if to tell me get out of my way I want to pass you ignoring the fact that I am also waiting to pass the vehicle in front of me.

Sometimes I feel like braking suddenly to teach them a lesson but decide that it would be a waste of my effort as the majority of thai drive in this manner and don't seem to comprehend the folly of their actions.

I'm not trying to bash Thais but rather just trying to figure them out. I know a fair amount of Thai people and have no dislike toward them and value their friendship. Just trying to understand their thought process.

Funny...trying to understand their thought process.

Good luck...for sure they are not going to make it easy on you.

Just start from SELF and see how far you come.....

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I find the drivers here excellent. Must add I don't drive here. In AU, the drivers have this attitude about " i was here first" and very upset if someone merges into their path. Hence lot of road rage.

Thailand has a much calmer approach. Especially given the roads are not flash. I find the drivers very good

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I find drivers idiots.. i find drivers good.. i find them whatever depends on the situation. The percentage of bad drivers is higher here as in my home country that said there are plenty of ok drivers. I drive big and small bike and often I get cars that are stuck in traffic moving a bit to let my bike pass. The foreigners here (been topics on bikes moving to the front of the line) seem to hate bikes and never give way. So in that respect Thais are much nicer. I give them a big thumbs up if they move a bit to let me through.

But last time when I was in a car going to south Thailand i saw plenty of stupid dangerous things like overtaking on a dual carriage way in bends, on hills (situations where you don't have enough viability to do that and pushing other cars almost of the road to overtake.

So I think there are good and bad drivers here.

To the farangs who want to teach Thais lessons and keep to their style and not adapting .. you guys are crazy. Just adapt to how is driven here you decided to move here and you won't be able to change things. You might end up in hospital or worse. With adapting I don't mean acting like an idiot but accepting things and anticipating the things that irritate you and adapt.

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I wake up to an alarm clock so i get to my job on time

if not, i get fired. my boss hates me

my co-workers cry during the day as they are so afraid of being fired

10 hours tick by and we all watch the clock

i will do this for the next 40 years and then retire on nothing, old and beaten....

then i get in my car, and i'm now the MAN!!!!!! I have even once driven a tank off the road!!!!!!!!!!! I listen to AC/DC if i want to relax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think every other car is my boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol giggle.gif

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