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License Renewal - 1 Year to 5 Year License - Need Resident Cert?


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I have a one year car and motorbike license that will expire next week. When I received my original 1 year license I present all the documents including a Resident Certificate which I got by stopping at a small office behind immigration and presenting my passport and a letter from the manager of the condo where I lived.

Now I want to renew my 1 year and get a 5 year driving license. I have all the paperwork I need to do this, but do I need a new Resident Certificate? If I do need a Resident Certificate I don't know what to do. Since getting my one year license I've moved from a condo with a manager's office (who wrote the letter to support the Resident Certificate) to a house. If I need the RC document, but now rent a house, what do I do to get the certificate?

Thank you.

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You do need a residence certificate and a new doctors certificate to renew the driving license, I was in the exact same situation as you this week and got my new license earlier today.

You need to prove your address to immigration. I did this using a recent utility bill, I took the water and electric bills in my case.

Any lease you have would probably also help. Your name and your address will already be on their computer.

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Change of address will also cost you an extra 50 baht i done my 5 year renewal lat week .

you also do not need a resident certificate if you have a work permit or a yellow book (i had a work permit) so i did not use resident certificate .

Excellent. Thanks.

I have a Work Permit so I'll skip the Resident Cert.

I'm guessing I'll still need the medical report?

If so I'll just go back to that same small clinic along the same road as the DMV by the airport.

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Do you still need to watch a video and if so what time did you have to go


Yes a few weeks ago you still had to sit through a video. Didn't need a medical cert.Re times there is an early morning and after lunch session.Cant remember the exact times .Use search function on old threads it will be there

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I did the 1yr to 5 yr conversion in Phuket 2 weeks ago. I needed the residence cert, and medical document. I did not watch the video. I took the light test with the accelerator pedal and light color test. For the residence cert I took a copy of my condo lease.

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A medical certificate is not required to renew a 5 year licence but is required to change a 1 year to a 5 year.

Exactly correct (as was explained to me by the nice gal at the license office yesterday morning).

[Now, of course, it makes no sense. The person changing their temporary license for a 5-year license presented a medical certificate one year ago that said he/she was fit to drive.....whereas the 5-year renewal person hasn't presented one for 5 years. Logically.....yea, I know, don't throw logic in the mix....one would think it ought to be the other way around.]

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I forgot to ask the price. What is the price to renew a 1 year license and move to 5 years? I have a motorbike and a car driving license.

Also, do I need to redo the pictures or will they take them from the existing license?

Thanks everyone. :)

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I am not really replying but have questions on the topic and info. I just got from a friend yesterday.

He said he was told he needed a certificate or letter from Immigration as proof of residency.

He went to the Immigration office and they said he should have registered with them within 24 hours of entering Thailand in order to get such Cert./Letter.

Does anyone know, if I register with Immigration Local Office within 24 hours of entering Thailand will the letter they give me be sufficient to obtain a license or do I still have to go to some Government Office and get a proof of residency letter as I had to do when I first got my license.

I thought this letter would have been sufficient when renewing the license a year later but was told in the licensing office it was not.???

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brewsterbudgen, on 10 Dec 2014 - 14:50, said:
iainiain101, on 10 Dec 2014 - 10:10, said:

Just renewed my 5 year license this week and didn't need a medical certificate. Not sure if you need it for the one year to 5 year.

A medical certificate is not required to renew a 5 year licence but is required to change a 1 year to a 5 year.

When I renewed my 5 year licences in January they wanted a medical certificate (actually two, original and one copy).

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I forgot to ask the price. What is the price to renew a 1 year license and move to 5 years? I have a motorbike and a car driving license.

Also, do I need to redo the pictures or will they take them from the existing license?

Thanks everyone. smile.png

They took a new picture when I renewed my 1 year into 5 year last year. I have both motorcycle and car, forget the price though. It couldn't have been expensive or I'd be complaining about it...tongue.png

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Here are the results from my trip to the DMV this morning.

My motorbike and car driving licenses expire tomorrow 16DEC14.

Medical Certificate

I stopped at the small clinic about 1 kilometer before the DMV on the same side of the street. Go directly to the Medical Certificate desk at the back (usually staffed by two nurses). Some questions about your address, take your blood pressure, ask you if you have any chronic illnesses, and then you're finished. 150 baht fee per certificate. Note: You will need one original certificate PER license - so if you have motorbike and car you need two originals. Total fee 300 baht.

At The DMV

At the DMV I go the second floor, see the always helpful lady that works at that desk. She gives me two renewal forms to complete and asks me to get two copies of my Work Permit photo page, two of my Work Permit address of employment page, two of the photo page of my passport, and two of the visa and entry stamp page. I get this copied at the nearby shop (total price 10 baht), present these documents to her with the completed forms, and am given a queue number.

There is no test or video required to renew a 1-year driving license to a 5-year driving license. Just forms and queue time.

I wait in the queue to pay, then a brief queue for photos, and my license is ready.

The lady at the photo desk cautions me that my new licenses are valid only starting the day after my current licenses expire.

Total time about two hours start to finish.

Total fee for two license renewals, and two address changes, is 1,060 baht.

I hope this is helpful.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to my request for information on how to get this done.

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I too renewed (1 year to 5 year) this morning. As noted, the medical certificate and residency certificate are required (at least when going from a 1 year to a 5 year license). Total fees for me were 960 baht (for both car and motorsy licenses). Didn't have to do anything other then tell the gentlemen what colors I saw on the baby street light behind the counter (i.e., no test, no video watching). I got there about 10:20AM, got queue number 76 (they were on number 46 at that moment), and was finished by 11:45. All the staff I encountered were very pleasant.

Given my licenses expired last week and my birthday is in October, my new licenses expire on my birthday in 2020 (good for 5 years, 10 months).

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When I got my first motorcycle and auto licenses in Chiang Mai last year I needed only one original medical certificate and a copy for the two licenses. Have they changed that?

Hmmm....I had two originals this morning (I got the medical certificates at RAM and they knew - because they asked - that I was getting both a car and motorsy license. Last year, when I got my first (one-year) licenses, I only needed one original and a copy. So I guess I don't know for sure what's needed this year.

Edited by CMBob
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