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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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The best way to understand the Thai mindset is: "Only MY culture, country, values and history count, all others take a back seat to Thailand." Thais live in a very insulated bubble.


Any 'bubble' is associated with a 'burst' and a 'prick' - IMHO.


The last two lines in the OP (can not be quoted for some reason?)

would and should be considered as an insult to any other country and Nation.

Here it is perceived as a matter of pride!

Shame... Very sad...

Last two lines of the OP, "committed during the Second World War. T-shirts, handkerchiefs, and other memorabilia bearing Hitler's portrait and Swastikas are commonly sold in markets across Thailand, which fought with the Axis powers during the war."


When you have "leaders" who say... ""I didn't think it would be an issue," the director of the short film, Kulp Kaljaruek, told Khaosod after a clip of the scene went viral on the internet and attracted criticism. "As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." - what do you expect? This "leader" has a chance to lead and teach - take advantage of that incredible opportunity and do some good instead of doing something so shameful! So sad that this was done, and also approved by the many levels of "higher ups" that must have reviewed it. Get with it, people!!

"said Kulp, whose father is head of Kantana Group, one of Thailand's largest film studios."

yes, real Thai leadership qualities

It is a good think he is a director and not a leader.


Another day, and another scratch your head moment. What planet have these people been living on? You can almost excuse a poorly educated young Thai kid getting it wrong, but a film director, an agency and whatever layers of governmental approval this had to go through removes any semblance of an excuse surely.

"As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." <= at a loss for words.

I think you've missed the point. It was comparing the Junta leader and his view of what democracy is to the Nazi leader.

I guess you're probably in favor of censorship and other authoritarian measures are you?


im taling about history at school. im talking about uk kids. dont jump down my throat. im not anti thai

Sorry had no idea you were discussing UK kids.


im talking about uk kids not being taught history as someone earler said you ask most kids who churchill was most will say they wont know.


A classic own-goal.

How long before this gets spun in the US as 'Thai Junta tells young to model themselves on the Nazis' ?

I won't grace that poor excuse of a news website "Bangkok Coconuts" with a link, but that is pretty much what they what they did... no, wait, it was even worse:

"In Prayuth's 'Thai Values,' school children love painting Hitler"

It goes downhill after the title of the "article"; I sincerely hope they get their asses sued off for defamation and libel.

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As of this writing, there are 519 replies to this thread, mostly indignant, concerning the appearance of Hitler in the Thai military's video. Justly so. I think it is reprehensible as well.

On the other hand, there is a thread in the World News forum concerning the CIA torture revelations. It has a mere 89 posts, many of which defend the torturers. What in the world is going on here?

I find this insane. If you feel, as I do, that while including Hitler images in a video is contemptible, it is certainly more despicable to actually torture people, could you please voice your condemnation of torture in the thread at

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/782924-report-on-cia-details-brutal-post-911-interrogations/page-4 ?

If we somehow condone torture by the West, how can we condemn the blithe pandering performed by the director of this video? And how can we let the hate-filled, mendacious narrative supplied by certain posters on this forum go unchallenged?

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Ignorance and/or stupidity, it only shows the extremely low level of Education in Thailand. At this level, it is really scary.

TL is still a developing country. Contrast this to Japan, an advanced economy. A lot of it's students don't know jack about the atrocities committed by it's military during WW2 in China, Korea and other parts of East/Southeast Asia.


im taling about history at school. im talking about uk kids. dont jump down my throat. im not anti thai

Sorry had no idea you were discussing UK kids.

UK kids are a lot smarter than their forebears think they are. They just hide it so as not to disappoint the old farts laugh.png

Edit spelling


Ignorance and/or stupidity, it only shows the extremely low level of Education in Thailand. At this level, it is really scary.

I wouldn't give them too much credit for being all that stupid. Many Thais are highly disrespectful of anything / anyone not Thai. Just look at how foreign teachers are treated compared to their counterpart Thai teachers. And no, their english ability is not an issue and no excuse for being disrespectful to foreign teachers.


My ex-wife was [fairly] well educated, and was horrified upon moving to England and watching the History Channel for the first time. Numerous times I saw her crying whilst "learning" for the first time about what happened throughout Asia/Thailand/Burma during WWII.

I've not watched the film, so I cannot comment on the use of Hitler's image, but IF the intentions really were as claimed, why not use an Asian character, such as Genghis Khan (or another the Thais are more likely to identify with)?

That said, there are some great comments on this thread, if you sift through the [majority of] moronic ones! smile.png


My ex-wife was [fairly] well educated, and was horrified upon moving to England and watching the History Channel for the first time. Numerous times I saw her crying whilst "learning" for the first time about what happened throughout Asia/Thailand/Burma during WWII.

I've not watched the film, so I cannot comment on the use of Hitler's image, but IF the intentions really were as claimed, why not use an Asian character, such as Genghis Khan (or another the Thais are more likely to identify with)?

That said, there are some great comments on this thread, if you sift through the [majority of] moronic ones! smile.png

As I pointed out before the Hitler reference is, in all probability, taking a dig at schools/students that have actually caused controversy by staging Hitler/Nazi themed parades and activities, this for example.

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Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

Why is it always "The Jews"???

It was gay people and black people as well and millions of ordinary people all over Europe.

Disabled and gays can't afford best lobbyists.


Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

Why is it always "The Jews"???

It was gay people and black people as well and millions of ordinary people all over Europe.

Disabled and gays can't afford best lobbyists.

And "the Jews" can because they are so rich, is that it? I think it's not the Thais with the Hitler complex problem here.


Well done Thailand!

Le Figaro (French newspaper): "Hitler dans un film de propagande thaïlandais"



Just the start.

It's instant Nazi camp!

Really, the Thais should run their video ideas by a panel of foreigners just for opinions at least on international reactions.

It's really not so much that the world will think Thailand is turning Nazi.

It's more like Thailand with videos such as this makes itself a LAUGHINGSTOCK.

Can't get any respect?


Promote more education?

DO IT rather than release puff pieces about doing it.

There is definitely a different understanding here. I was at a dinner with a group of Thai academics, all seniors in age and professors or assistant professors, from several Thai universities. There was one other foreigner who happened to be German. They asked which country he came from and he said Germany. One professor, mid 60's, said "ah yes, Germany. Good country, strong people, like Hitler" and went on the praise what he saw as German virtues and German products. Luckily my German friend glanced at me and we both realized the prof had probably had a few too many. Nevertheless, there seemed a total ignorance to the evil side of the Nazi regime.

They have no idea why modern Germany has some of the harshest anti-Nazi legislation of any country.

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The latest screw up in the quest for more tourists.

Yes, we love to be confronted by ignorant Thais who greet you with a firm Heil Hitler every time they see you. Some teachers even find it funny to teach their students to do the same, and I'm drawing from experience. Trying to talk sense into them, explaining it is a very upsetting thing to do - wadduyuknow - doesn't help no consideration even after having explained clearly, and in Thai that this is a very offensive thing to say to your farang colleague. Of course it is again only the bad apples that continue to ignore the foreigners pleas, but it spoils the school environment and it's enough to make one want to leave, the school where one is employed or even, in this case, the country!

Yes, we love tourists. Welcome to Thailand.. HAI HITLEHR!

I really think the director was trying to make a point about; it is bad for Thais to like "Nazi chic" but he failed to comprehend that the average Westerner sees Hitler and red and a swastika and every word after or before that is lost in hate or frustration and is accompanied by a desire to shoot or strike someone. This ranks right up there with the lady and the ID bracelets for tourists and the don't wear bikinis thing.

I disagree with your second point, there are plenty of instances of Hitler and Nazi imagery used in the West and you don't see this nearly universal outburst of irrational condemnation; I think there's something else at play, something more tribal, as in it is OK for "us" to make this kind of thing but not for "them".

That of course is besides the fact that the point the director was making was against the people that use Hitler and Nazi imagery in an insensitive manner, which is ironically what the ones screaming the loudest here decry but are too full of self-righteous hate to see.

Haha, you obviously haven't been around long enough to understand this is not the first time, but yet another Hitler incident added to the already long string of equally ignorant and / or insensitive or plain stupid Nazi worshipping events, and the worst thing is that in every one of the cases I know of, school kids have been actively involved. This case is only slightly different in that the kids that participate like they were model Hitler Jugend members, are not of flesh and blood, but on the other hand it is so much more damaging for the fact that this short film has been shown in every movie theatre in the country is like it has become government policy to encourage young kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler serves as the perfect example. It's called "conditioning" of the mind, and it is most effective when you target the youngest, the most innocent members of society, children.


I disagree with your second point, there are plenty of instances of Hitler and Nazi imagery used in the West and you don't see this nearly universal outburst of irrational condemnation; I think there's something else at play, something more tribal, as in it is OK for "us" to make this kind of thing but not for "them".

That of course is besides the fact that the point the director was making was against the people that use Hitler and Nazi imagery in an insensitive manner, which is ironically what the ones screaming the loudest here decry but are too full of self-righteous hate to see.

Haha, you obviously haven't been around long enough to understand this is not the first time, but yet another Hitler incident added to the already long string of equally ignorant and / or insensitive or plain stupid Nazi worshipping events, and the worst thing is that in every one of the cases I know of, school kids have been actively involved. This case is only slightly different in that the kids that participate like they were model Hitler Jugend members, are not of flesh and blood, but on the other hand it is so much more damaging for the fact that this short film has been shown in every movie theatre in the country is like it has become government policy to encourage young kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler serves as the perfect example. It's called "conditioning" of the mind, and it is most effective when you target the youngest, the most innocent members of society, children.

The film is not encouraging "kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler", it does the exact opposite, did you actually saw the film?


My Mrs has 2 cousins and a niece who teach , her dad & uncle were headmasters and another cousin a serving head. I've asked about how it came to pass wherein Thailand joined the "Axis of Evil "?

I get blank, no ideas, nothing. All I can find out is that the universities seem to ignore the 1930's & 40's; so students learn zip. I asked if it is anything to do with the change to a constitutional system of government back then & I'm told the topic cannot be discussed. I said it's your history, don't you have a right to know? All agreed that it was best to stay silent.

This was before the coup!

It got me wondering how many other countries suppress their past? I know Japan & Korea rewrote their WWII history and Japan even goes as far as exulting the memory of some of it's war criminals, but to exclude a whole era!

With that mindset, even if the film is anti Hitler. I can't see how your average Thai would understand the message!!

Spot on. If we have to go by the way most propaganda government programs work, I'd say it's a clear case of conditioning, targeted at the most susceptible of society, the youngest generations.


I disagree with your second point, there are plenty of instances of Hitler and Nazi imagery used in the West and you don't see this nearly universal outburst of irrational condemnation; I think there's something else at play, something more tribal, as in it is OK for "us" to make this kind of thing but not for "them".

That of course is besides the fact that the point the director was making was against the people that use Hitler and Nazi imagery in an insensitive manner, which is ironically what the ones screaming the loudest here decry but are too full of self-righteous hate to see.

Haha, you obviously haven't been around long enough to understand this is not the first time, but yet another Hitler incident added to the already long string of equally ignorant and / or insensitive or plain stupid Nazi worshipping events, and the worst thing is that in every one of the cases I know of, school kids have been actively involved. This case is only slightly different in that the kids that participate like they were model Hitler Jugend members, are not of flesh and blood, but on the other hand it is so much more damaging for the fact that this short film has been shown in every movie theatre in the country is like it has become government policy to encourage young kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler serves as the perfect example. It's called "conditioning" of the mind, and it is most effective when you target the youngest, the most innocent members of society, children.

The film is not encouraging "kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler", it does the exact opposite, did you actually saw the film?

It's "see", not "saw".


I disagree with your second point, there are plenty of instances of Hitler and Nazi imagery used in the West and you don't see this nearly universal outburst of irrational condemnation; I think there's something else at play, something more tribal, as in it is OK for "us" to make this kind of thing but not for "them".

That of course is besides the fact that the point the director was making was against the people that use Hitler and Nazi imagery in an insensitive manner, which is ironically what the ones screaming the loudest here decry but are too full of self-righteous hate to see.

Haha, you obviously haven't been around long enough to understand this is not the first time, but yet another Hitler incident added to the already long string of equally ignorant and / or insensitive or plain stupid Nazi worshipping events, and the worst thing is that in every one of the cases I know of, school kids have been actively involved. This case is only slightly different in that the kids that participate like they were model Hitler Jugend members, are not of flesh and blood, but on the other hand it is so much more damaging for the fact that this short film has been shown in every movie theatre in the country is like it has become government policy to encourage young kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler serves as the perfect example. It's called "conditioning" of the mind, and it is most effective when you target the youngest, the most innocent members of society, children.

The film is not encouraging "kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler", it does the exact opposite, did you actually saw the film?

It's "see", not "saw".

Well pardon me for the lapse, did you actually see the film?

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Yet everyone is talking about Hitler.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

3 seconds out of 660 seconds and everyone is talking about Hitler. TVOCHD. It's the new by word.

Kind of like Sharon Stone crossing her legs why almost everyone went to see Basic Instinct.

A little more than that, it is being picked up by media around the world with headlines like "Thailand's Bizzare Hitler Worship" "Hitler Appears in Thai Propaganda Film." "Thailand Promotes Hitler in Values" There are numerous media releases from around the world condemning Thailand.

Israel has condemned the movie and the Ambassador to Thailand has released a public statement and lodged a complaint to the Junta.

The P.M's insensitive statement that only ugly women should wear bikinis offended many worldwide but his commissioning of this propaganda film has trumped that 10 fold. It has offended many more world wide and the cries of outrage are greater.

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