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Military To Promote Prayuth's Twelve Values Via Social Media

Lite Beer

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Not much interest in living in an Islamic type society where leaders feel the need to feed 12 values into the heads of kids.

What are we going to have stonings for disobeying value 5 or some caning for not following value 11?

Well, it's up to 15 years for not following rule 1, as a depressingly large number of people have recently discovered.

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The first point, "loyalty to the nation, the religion, the monarchy" is very important.

How many people do we know, who have special skills but who go abroad to work ? These people leave, taking away their skills, for the sake of a higher pay packet in a foreign country. This is something that damages a country. Including Britain.

Go ahead junta, these points, especially the first one, need to be taught to people. Not just on social media, but maybe in schools and colleges as well.

Eh up, it's Alf Garnett!

Do you still stand up and salute the TV when you see the queen?

No I do not. But I might stand up when they play the national anthem before a football match if there's foreigners in the room, it might wind them up.

But seriously, footballers left England for Spain and Italy ages ago. They went because of more pay, those footballers certainly did NOT benefit football in England when they did this.

And today, then as now, people like engineers, computer staff, etc, are sometimes doing the same thing.

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"Unity and Conformity is strength! "

Unity and conformity leading to social happiness and national pride. Excellent idea.

Ratcatcher, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not ! smile.png

Mao Tse-Tung was the founding father of modern-day China. He laid the foundations for the China we see today. The China that Mao created was the launch-pad for the China we see today. And indeed, China today is a nation that has rapid economic growth, and it is slowly catching up with America and Russia on the world power stage.

Mao is still loved by many people in China. His face still appears in many places. Most countries need a big name person who is going to lead and inspire his nation to greatness. Maybe Thailand needs such a person.

'tonbridgetbrit', I hope you are sarcastic, and ironic!

Pol Pot was just a naughty kindergarten bully compared to that Mao scum you seem to idolatrize!

Just one question: what has been and still is the 'human price' paid by all, the different, and diverse, groups of population in, and around (Tibet? Mongolia? ...?) China, for the 'People's Republic''s economical, political, and military 'success' story?

Oh, and just a corollary: what is the price the whole planet Earth is paying for China's 'success'? And a next one: what will be the price for the World to pay for China's imperialism?

Of course the Chinese 'communist' billionaires, millionaires, and 'apparatchicks' have a better, material, life now! But is the modal Chinese really less of a slave than he was before? Is he allowed some choices, any? Does he have more individual liberty? Does he have a right of opinion?

Of course, changes had to come, many, big, ones, but did it have to go that way? I most seriously doubt it! As if 'your' Mao did it 'for China', are you that (sorry) stupid to believe it?

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So what is 'the religion' to which all Thais must show loyalty?

And does this mean that athiest Thais are not good Thais?

No, it means we have probably all missed the decree making a religion from Buddhism... Is it plain ignorance from the General, or what?

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So what is 'the religion' to which all Thais must show loyalty?

And does this mean that athiest Thais are not good Thais?

It means exactly that.

In the eyes of many Thais atheist are bad people.

It's the common understanding here and it's promoted by the government.

Edited by kriswillems
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I think you people have sick souls or are a bit mentally retarded, or perhaps jealous of the achievements that have been acheved in just a few months, or are these new policies starting to hurt your pockets?

You know, personally, I have shied away from posting about Thai politics in recent years but consider not being so cynical. It's more or less natural for westerners from liberal democracies (most posters on this forum) to legitimately feel an aversion to military ruled governments. Of course, this is a matter for the Thais and our opinions aren't really welcome which is why I've stopped commenting on Thai politics.

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One, more, maybe last, time: the communication skills of this whole smalla is below Nitrogen freezing temperature, what a catastrophy!

Can you imagine, attempting to enforce, again, 19th century (still dark middle ages in Siam) retarded values!

What about the human being, the person, the individual? As much as in the 'Popular Democracy' of North Korea, or the 'People's' Republic of China, just ants then?

As far as my knowledge of the History of Thailand and Siam reaches, this is the first time 'the system' has been forced upon the people in such a plain, gross, and thick, way! What a shame!

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The Country of Thailand belongs to the Nation, which consists of the Thai citizens united in their Constitution ruling it, and not the opposite.

The ... has made itself Constitutional, and has than as such given the primacy to the Nation, to the citizens of Thailand, and not the opposite.

Buddhism is NOT a 'religion', there are no 'gods' in Buddhism, it is the life encompassing philosophy as taught by the Lord Buddha, period.

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"Unity and Conformity is strength! "

Unity and conformity leading to social happiness and national pride. Excellent idea.

Ratcatcher, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not ! smile.png

Mao Tse-Tung was the founding father of modern-day China. He laid the foundations for the China we see today. The China that Mao created was the launch-pad for the China we see today. And indeed, China today is a nation that has rapid economic growth, and it is slowly catching up with America and Russia on the world power stage.

Mao is still loved by many people in China. His face still appears in many places. Most countries need a big name person who is going to lead and inspire his nation to greatness. Maybe Thailand needs such a person.

'tonbridgetbrit', I hope you are sarcastic, and ironic!

Pol Pot was just a naughty kindergarten bully compared to that Mao scum you seem to idolatrize!

Just one question: what has been and still is the 'human price' paid by all, the different, and diverse, groups of population in, and around (Tibet? Mongolia? ...?) China, for the 'People's Republic''s economical, political, and military 'success' story?

Oh, and just a corollary: what is the price the whole planet Earth is paying for China's 'success'? And a next one: what will be the price for the World to pay for China's imperialism?

Of course the Chinese 'communist' billionaires, millionaires, and 'apparatchicks' have a better, material, life now! But is the modal Chinese really less of a slave than he was before? Is he allowed some choices, any? Does he have more individual liberty? Does he have a right of opinion?

Of course, changes had to come, many, big, ones, but did it have to go that way? I most seriously doubt it! As if 'your' Mao did it 'for China', are you that (sorry) stupid to believe it?

No. I am not being sarcastic.

You mentioned Pol Pot ? Pol Pot did massive damage to Cambodia, and it could be said that Cambodia is still recovering from the Pol Pot era. Pol Pot and Mao died at roughly the same time, was China 'traumatized' during the 1980s and 90s, just like Cambodia ? Comparing China with Cambodia today is almost like comparing China with North Korea. They're very different places.

Do you feel that China has NOT got an economic success story ? Surely, you accept that China has a vast trade surplus (mainly built on export of goods to America and Europe) and China has carried out massive infra-structure projects in China itself. Actually, right now as we speak, it looks like Thailand is having a rail-way line built by China. Part of the reason for the rail-link is trade between China and Thailand.

You mentioned the word 'communist'. Surely, we all accept that China is not actually a communist country ?

What price is the world paying for China's success ? I'm not sure what you're trying to say. China is exporting cheap manufactured goods and importing a vast amount of raw materials. Are you saying that China producing lots of 'pollution' is a major problem ? Do the people in China want to see the Chinese factories closed down, this means less pollution on planet earth ? Is this what YOU want to see ? We have to bear in mind that China produces LESS pollution per person than places like America and Europe. Is it right that places like China and other developing countries (including Thailand, and many others) carry on being un-developed, so they consume far less natural resources ? Is this what you want to see ?

And China's imperialism ? Do you feel that China is a bigger threat to world peace than America and Russia ? Some people feel that it is America that is embarking on a campaign of world domination and exploitation. America's 'war on terror' is actually about taking oil from the Middle East, it's not actually about spreading 'freedom and democracy'. How many believe that ? And from the 1960s to the present era, well, some of the dictatorships in Africa, Latin America and Asia were put there (and propped up) by America. Why condemn Beijing for 'expansionism' when Washington has done far more ?

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Seriously, please tell me which one of the 12 values you don't like and tell me why.

Don't forget these are designed for the Thais and NOT for farangs.

1. Loyalty to the Nation, the Religion, and the Monarchy

2. Honesty, sacrifice, endurance, and noble ideology for the greater good

3. Gratitude for parents, guardians, and teachers

4. Diligence in acquiring knowledge, via school studies and other methods

5. Preserving the Thai customs and tradition

6. Morality and good will for others

7. Correct understanding of democracy with the King as Head of State

8. Discipline, respect for law, and obedience to the older citizens

9. Constant consciousness to practice good deeds all the time, as taught by His Majesty the King

10. Practice of Self-Sufficient Economy in accordance with the teaching of His Majesty the King

11. Physical and mental strength. Refusal to surrender to religious sins.

12. Uphold the interest of the nation over oneself.

Taken litteraly in the way it is written, as a humanist and a democrat, only the texts of 4. and 6. are not contentious. All of the other 'values' contain one or several disqualifying elements!

And should there be ANY difference between a Thai and a Farang for what, universal, democratical, values are concerned, Costas? Hmm? Sorry, but IMHO the other ten 'values' have very little to do with democracy, or individual human rights as a matter of fact...

I could very easily explain myself to you, but it will not be allowed here, because it could expose TV and myself to 'problems', what, in itself is proving a lot already...

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The Country of Thailand belongs to the Nation, which consists of the Thai citizens united in their Constitution ruling it, and not the opposite.

The ... has made itself Constitutional, and has than as such given the primacy to the Nation, to the citizens of Thailand, and not the opposite.

Buddhism is NOT a 'religion', there are no 'gods' in Buddhism, it is the life encompassing philosophy as taught by the Lord Buddha, period.

Buddhism is NOT a 'religion' ??

Hold on, let's look at Buddhism in Thailand. Anything to do with a god, or stuff to do with the 'afterlife' IS religion, no ??

If you look at the Thais doing their stuff, giving to charity, giving food to the monks, and all the rest of it. Well, some of them are doing it to make sure that they're going to be re-born as something good in the next life. Yes, supposedly, being a bad person in this life will make you be re-born as something that is not nice and comfortable. Surely, accepting re-incarnation, going to nirvana, karma, this IS religion, right ??

For those who accept re-incarnation, surely, there is a God (or god) that judges and chooses what you're going to be re-born as ?


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So what is 'the religion' to which all Thais must show loyalty?

And does this mean that athiest Thais are not good Thais?

It means exactly that.

In the eyes of many Thais atheist are bad people.

It's the common understanding here and it's promoted by the government.

And muslim and christian Thai's too?

Has this been thought through?

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"Unity and Conformity is strength! "

Unity and conformity leading to social happiness and national pride. Excellent idea.

I am not a Dictator but you will learn my teachings. First Thailand and then the world be mine all mine.

Start of a cult ?

Wouldn't that attract an LM charge ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Seriously, please tell me which one of the 12 values you don't like and tell me why.

Don't forget these are designed for the Thais and NOT for farangs.

1. Loyalty to the Nation, the Religion, and the Monarchy

2. Honesty, sacrifice, endurance, and noble ideology for the greater good

3. Gratitude for parents, guardians, and teachers

4. Diligence in acquiring knowledge, via school studies and other methods

5. Preserving the Thai customs and tradition

6. Morality and good will for others

7. Correct understanding of democracy with the King as Head of State

8. Discipline, respect for law, and obedience to the older citizens

9. Constant consciousness to practice good deeds all the time, as taught by His Majesty the King

10. Practice of Self-Sufficient Economy in accordance with the teaching of His Majesty the King

11. Physical and mental strength. Refusal to surrender to religious sins.

12. Uphold the interest of the nation over oneself.

Of themselves they are more or less reasonable.

But in the current political context, they will be viewed by the astute as worn out platitudes and a less than inspired attempt, to dress up authoritarian demagoguery and privilege.

Worse, I suspect they will inflame young educated Thais, who ache for progress, equality and justice. And if history is anything to go by, are a force to be reckoned with. Research: Thamaset University Massacre.

I'm hard pressed to imagine a more self destructive and divisive (albeit, well intentioned) approach to augment unity, notwithstanding funny moustaches, rants on racial superiority and uniforms resembling those of Augusto Pinochet.

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"Unity and Conformity is strength! "

Unity and conformity leading to social happiness and national pride. Excellent idea.

Ratcatcher, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not ! smile.png

Mao Tse-Tung was the founding father of modern-day China. He laid the foundations for the China we see today. The China that Mao created was the launch-pad for the China we see today. And indeed, China today is a nation that has rapid economic growth, and it is slowly catching up with America and Russia on the world power stage.

Mao is still loved by many people in China. His face still appears in many places. Most countries need a big name person who is going to lead and inspire his nation to greatness. Maybe Thailand needs such a person.

It's also a very corrupt country and has a seemingly large proportion of selfish people so didn't do much good. People everywhere look out for themselves first but will willingly quote ''principles'' parrot fashion, doesn't do any harm to appear to conform,especially if you are ruled by a mass murderer like Mao

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