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NLA’s 1st Vice President: Religion helps people focus on all things that are good

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NLA’s 1st Vice President: Religion helps people focus on all things that are good

BANGKOK, 14 December 2014 (NNT) - The first Vice President of the National Legislative Assembly believes religion helps people coexist in the world.

NLA’s 1st Vice President Surachai Liengboonlertchai said that religion is one crucial element that will remind the people the importance of the commitment to do good deeds in order for all to live civilly in the society.

Mr. Surachai stressed that it is one key principle of Thailand to allow people to choose their religion because every religion only preaches about doing only good things while living.

He noted that, under current circumstances, people are becoming more materialistic than paying attention to how to help people better themselves. Therefore, he believes that the promotion of religion will help turn that course around, particularly when humans are the most important resources of the country in the era of capitalism.

-- NNT 2014-12-14 footer_n.gif

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"....religion helps people coexist in the world."

Religion actually has been the cause of more wars, deaths, genocides and persecution, than anything else in the history of man.

"Religion", as Marx once said, "Is the opium of the people".

Yaaaa maaaan, is dat opium stuff good?

Vote for Costasthumbsup.gif

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Socrates, and Aristotle in particular, wrote deeply about 'polity' and democracies, upon which most post-modern Western democracies are based. They never mentioned religion as playing an important role in such.

They focused more upon ceasing corruption at the top level, and inviting the general public to have more contributions to constitutions and permitting a minimum amount of voters from general concensus to pass or obstruct amendments which would only offer gains to political parties of a government aiming for self-gain.

They also mentioned and highlighted that religious grounds for governmental constitutions were an obfuscation of real government intent, also still applicable in Western governmental politics until this very day.

So, get lost Surachai - you're talking out of your arse - again!

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It helps people coexist said the man with a religious separatist war going on in his own country.

I.guess it helps people coexist if they all take the same religion. Lol

This bloke has obviously thought very deeply about this issue without noticing that there is more than just Buddhism in the world.

In fact, is buddhism even a religion....

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Religion is not the culprit, it is the intolerance of other ideas and values that causes conflict. Granted, some religions (one in particular) have intolerance at the foundation.

And many face intolerance all around them (one in particular)

Live by the sword, and all that.

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What "religion" is this guy talking about?

Buddhism as Christianity, was never meant to be a religion.

They are philosophies that have been co-opted.

Re: Buddhism, this guy and the Military rulers better be careful what they wish for... whistling.gif

Do not accept anything on (mere) hearsay -- (i.e., thinking that thus have we heard it for a long time).

Do not accept anything by mere tradition -- (i.e., thinking that it has thus been handed down through many generations).

Do not accept anything on account of mere rumors -- (i.e., by believing what others say without any investigation).

Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures.

Do not accept anything by mere suppositions.

Do not accept anything by mere inference.

Do not accept anything by merely considering the reasons.

Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your pre-conceived notions.

Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable -- (i.e., thinking that as the speaker seems to be a good person his words should be accepted).

Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected by us (therefore it is right to accept his word).

Edited by iReason
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Which 'religion' Mr Surachai? Since when is Buddhism a 'religion', Mr Surachai? Since general Prayuth has called it so (in it's declaration about the role of the Army, before the 'c..p'?)? What do they think about it at that superfluous Sangha thing? Who will be 'appointed' as a/the 'god' then, as it's not in the scripture? Who will dare to stamp on the teaching of the Lord Buddha? Thailand, my love, what are they doing to you...

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Religion is not the culprit, it is the intolerance of other ideas and values that causes conflict. Granted, some religions (one in particular) have intolerance at the foundation.


All 'monotheïst' ones, since 'the concept' was invented by Akhnaton (formerly known as Amenophis IV), in the name of Aton, Yaveh, the Christian God, Allah, it has all and always been only about power and dominance! And now it seems the Thai 'system' wants to call Buddhism a religion too... Ignorance is not a sin, but...

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America is embarking on a campaign to dominate planet earth. The war that America is fighting in the Middle East is about taking the oil from the Arabs ? No ?

Please name me one time that America has taken anyone's oil whether by war or other means. Your tinfoil hat is leaking.

Religion can be a good thing if it's an individual thing and it causes someone to strive to be better. The problem with religion is that some man gets ahold of it and then goes for control of other people.

"Please name me one time that America has taken anyone's oil whether by war or other means." blink.pngclap2.gif

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gif

I was going to ask you how old you are but, then realized, that's not an excuse.

And please don't come back at me to site you instances.

You've got a lot of "learnin" to do...


That's a great way to argue your case.

Hey, space aliens are currently planning to conquer planet Earth and enslave all of humanity. If you think otherwise, you have a lot of learning to do facepalm.gif

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Although raised as a Christian, I quickly coverted to Physics.

One of the most basic principles of Physics is:

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another"

Therefore, if you believe your "alma" (soul) or "life force" has energy, it was not created when you were born, it was always there before.

And it will not end when you die, it will always exist.

But this is logic based on facts. As we all know, facts or logic won't change the minds of narrow-minded religious nutters, 555...

Edited by SiSePuede419
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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"

Although today, in many countries, I would say "Football is the opium of the masses", 555.

..as Rome was burning, they went to the coliseums.....

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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"

Although today, in many countries, I would say "Football is the opium of the masses", 555.

..as Rome was burning, they went to the coliseums.....

Actually "Christianity and the loss of traditional values" is believed by Historians as one of the top reasons why "Rome burned", 555.

Sorry to burst your bubble...

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Religion or ideological faith didn't help the Buddhist Kingdom of Siam and the Islamic Malay Sultanate in what is now called Southern Thailand coexist. And 300 years after Siam conquered the Malays, coexistence today is only through cultural imprsonment of the South reinforced by Thai military occupation and the laws of a Buddhist State.

"No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive." - Mahatma Gandhi


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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"

Although today, in many countries, I would say "Football is the opium of the masses", 555.

..as Rome was burning, they went to the coliseums.....

Actually "Christianity and the loss of traditional values" is believed by Historians as one of the top reasons why "Rome burned", 555.

Sorry to burst your bubble...

Well Nero certainly blamed it on the Christians, but other theories postulate Nero had it burned in order to build an even more ostentatious city. And then he had all those city burning Christians to kill for fun in his coliseums.

As for traditional values the Romans had been murdering for sport and supporting child sex slave trading for centuries before Nero.

Are these the values that they were losing?

Edited by canuckamuck
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