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I am trying to understand Thai logic


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I have to snicker at Farangs talking about Thai this and Thai that....

They all choose to live here, they all have a choice to leave, but they don't leave, they choose to live in Thailand and whinge and whine....living the dream ? ( Crazy or what ? )

And of course you have the others, the ones that don't live in Thailand but are experts on all things Thai...yes, you know who you are... You're worse of all. You know nothing, but proclaim to be experts from thousands of miles away, pathetic.

We all base our opinions about what we experience ourselves related to things (thai) and what we see happening around us. Just be happy....that your opinions are positive.

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whistling.gif I don't mean to be impolite to the OP, but you are not trying to understand "Thai logic".

What you are really trying to do is to fit the actions of certain Thai individuals you know into your pre-conceived and learned cultural behavior patterns.

That is not unusual, all human beings have a learned pattern of behavior from their youth and culture that they regard as "normal behavior".

They use this preconceived "normal behavior" as a pattern ..... a "measuring rod"......... to judge the actions of others against their preconceived cultural norm.

It will probably shock you to know that as much as you think the Thai people you are judging are being "illogical: (I,e, their actions do not meet your preconceived cultural pattern) those Thais (*who have their own preconceived cultural pattern) also regard your actions as "illogical".

If I pull out of a side road on my motorbike without looking and get killed was I logical or not?

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I have to snicker at Farangs talking about Thai this and Thai that....

They all choose to live here, they all have a choice to leave, but they don't leave, they choose to live in Thailand and whinge and whine....living the dream ? ( Crazy or what ? )

And of course you have the others, the ones that don't live in Thailand but are experts on all things Thai...yes, you know who you are... You're worse of all. You know nothing, but proclaim to be experts from thousands of miles away, pathetic.

and then the others whom for everything is perfect even when if often blatantly isnt............. they fail to see this though in their rosey world

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If Thai Bashing was NOT allowed in the Forum rules.....

oh, hang on . it's a rule , it isn't allowed, so why is it so prevalent on this forum when the rules clearly state that it's an against the rules ?

if you love Thailand so much why not go ask the dictatorship govt to remove all the prostitution which is also illegal??

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Banzai, you are a fool. I have quite a bit of time and experience in Thailand, and I said generally speaking. I have met a million Thai men. Few, if any, send money home to support their parents. Women usually do. I am making an objective statement. I'm not criticizing anyone. Stop being a brown noser. Stop tripping over yourself just because you have finally found a place where you can date guys without your family knowing about your sexual preference.

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Go back to 1997 and you will see that today's values are repeating what happened in '97.

The whole country is in massive debt, I think this year will be the year of repossession.

The rice pledging scheme and the flow on cost of that, stimulus packages and the level of household debt will trigger another Asian Financial Crisis.

The last one started in Thailand for similar reasons, part of the bailout package was the establishment of a democratic constitution and the rationalisation of the banking sector.

There was a huge spike in suicides and gun standoffs with police over the losses of their (the banks) BMW7. The democratic constitution didn't amount to much.

Australia directly kicked in AUD$2 Billion to Thailand, don't think it will be coming this time round.

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koele2, on 20 Dec 2014 - 09:59, said:

Stop complaining about Thai logic because it is that same logic that let's a 60 yr old male from western countries have 24 yr old girlfriends and wives in this country. If they were logical in a western sense, they would be with someone closer to their own age.

Even stop to think they prefer more mature, caring men, rather than less mature, insensitive, non caring, self centered young twerps... many girls/ladies are simply looking for a more stable, secure future, is that so hard for your young immature brain to realise... so tired of you young, jealous prats... who believe they know all... come back after your balls drop and then join in a mature debate...

No, they just want an old sucker to use as an ATM.They cant do the same to a young farang as he will have unlimited options of girls available.

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koele2, on 20 Dec 2014 - 09:59, said:

Stop complaining about Thai logic because it is that same logic that let's a 60 yr old male from western countries have 24 yr old girlfriends and wives in this country. If they were logical in a western sense, they would be with someone closer to their own age.

Even stop to think they prefer more mature, caring men, rather than less mature, insensitive, non caring, self centered young twerps... many girls/ladies are simply looking for a more stable, secure future, is that so hard for your young immature brain to realise... so tired of you young, jealous prats... who believe they know all... come back after your balls drop and then join in a mature debate...

No, they just want an old sucker to use as an ATM.They cant do the same to a young farang as he will have unlimited options of girls available.

All things being equal, I agree.

The trouble is, is that you haven't figured in "White Knight Syndrome, which is far more common with younger guys. Oldsters have a more jaundiced eye.

Many is the time I sat in a bar area and we would laugh at the young newbie walking down the road with his "tilak", his feet six inches off the ground, stars in his eyes and holding hands.

The really disturbing thing, was, even with looks and youth on his side, his "chosen one" always seemed a Plain Jane, to put it kindly.

That's the long way of saying that being an ATM is completely independent of age and more to do with savvy and the ability to say no.

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koele2, on 20 Dec 2014 - 09:59, said:

Stop complaining about Thai logic because it is that same logic that let's a 60 yr old male from western countries have 24 yr old girlfriends and wives in this country. If they were logical in a western sense, they would be with someone closer to their own age.

Even stop to think they prefer more mature, caring men, rather than less mature, insensitive, non caring, self centered young twerps... many girls/ladies are simply looking for a more stable, secure future, is that so hard for your young immature brain to realise... so tired of you young, jealous prats... who believe they know all... come back after your balls drop and then join in a mature debate...
No, they just want an old sucker to use as an ATM.They cant do the same to a young farang as he will have unlimited options of girls available.

All things being equal, I agree.

The trouble is, is that you haven't figured in "White Knight Syndrome, which is far more common with younger guys. Oldsters have a more jaundiced eye.

Many is the time I sat in a bar area and we would laugh at the young newbie walking down the road with his "tilak", his feet six inches off the ground, stars in his eyes and holding hands.

The really disturbing thing, was, even with looks and youth on his side, his "chosen one" always seemed a Plain Jane, to put it kindly.

That's the long way of saying that being an ATM is completely independent of age and more to do with savvy and the ability to say no.

I concur

To be seen or not be seen as an ATM is up to you. But if you're 60 years old, fat, and want a 25-30 year old girl, the only way you can get her is by being an ATM. Dont want to be seen as an ATM?Get a girl that is closer to you, looks and age wise.

25 year old white lad, with a 20 year old girl, this is reasonable

60 year old grandpa, with a 50-55 year old lady, this is reasonable

But when the 60 year old guy gets a very young girl to accompany him, she is definitely after $$$$ not the mature BS that people are telling here. Seriously why would a young girl be with a guy that is her fathers age if no exchange of money is taking place?

Whenever a girl above my league shows interest in me here, I kindly turn her down, cause I know she is not after me but my cash, This is coming from a 6'0 tall fit 25 year old male.

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Many is the time I sat in a bar area and we would laugh at the young newbie walking down the road with his "tilak", his feet six inches off the ground, stars in his eyes and holding hands.

The really disturbing thing, was, even with looks and youth on his side, his "chosen one" always seemed a Plain Jane, to put it kindly.

True statement. Whether it's a young or old farang man, the type of Thai women that I've seen with both are not much different. The reasons that said women are with an older or younger farang may differ, but the quality sure doesn't.

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I've always judged people by 'what' they are, not 'who' they are.

Race, colour, religion, creed are just obstacles that we shouldn't judge a person by.

Are Thais different to me, of course, but I judge each one as an individual.

I sat in a café with an expat proclaiming his hate of Thais he didn't even know other than by sight.

"I hate all f****** Thais, don't you" he said as he tried to draw me in the debate.

"Yeah, I've always been a casual dresser myself" I answered.

He didn't get it, but he left me alone after that.

What I don't get is why so many filled with such hate for a race or culture, would want to live here.

As Forrest Gumps Mother would say 'Stupid is as stupid does'

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Many is the time I sat in a bar area and we would laugh at the young newbie walking down the road with his "tilak", his feet six inches off the ground, stars in his eyes and holding hands.

The really disturbing thing, was, even with looks and youth on his side, his "chosen one" always seemed a Plain Jane, to put it kindly.

True statement. Whether it's a young or old farang man, the type of Thai women that I've seen with both are not much different. The reasons that said women are with an older or younger farang may differ, but the quality sure doesn't.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and only skin deep and I aint so shallow as to look for that

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I am trying to understand the logic behind some of the replies...............never mind the Thais.

thai bashing needs no logic

Neither does racism, religion, political affiliation, superiority complexes, personal relationships, or posting on TV. So, why bother? Most people are so logically challenged they cannot draw a logical conclusion. They simply bleat the last agreeable words they hear.

Well logically based decisions are great if you live by them it will be a boring life. Some times you just got to get out and live on the wild side.

Another example of being logically challenged.

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