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hassled on arrival

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On arrival last night, immigration was not happy with me having a few previous overstays in my passport, even though I had paid the fine. They insisted i should get a proper entry visa in future. They even were not impressed with an extension stamp from immigration at Chang Wattana office. This is the first time I've been called out for this.

Possibly I misunderstood, but they insisted these previous overstays were a bad thing.

Normally I just get a 'Visa on entry' and if I overstay, I pay the fine on departure and go on my way. It seems that's a bad thing now ?

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Just a 30 day extension.

As I had paid the fine, I (wrongly ?) assumed that my 'crime' had been paid for.

In the past, the airport immigration happily accepted my overstay payment with no mentions of this being a 'crime'. Either things have changed or I got the wrong immigration person on arrival.

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Things have changed.

If you were coming in without a visa and expecting to get a 30 day visa exempt entry you are subject to greater scrutiny now.

I always find this amusing. Surely the immigration computer is going to have all your arrival and departure dates in it (eventually), and I wouldn't be surprised if it says how much time you spend in Thailand in a given year.

It should be a piece of piss to catch those fiddling the rules without having to go through their passports.

I never get any hassle as I spend about ten months a year in the sandpit with 4-odd trips a year to the land of alleged immigration and police harrassment, and the only time they go through my passport is to find what little space is left to apply a stamp.

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Just a 30 day extension.

As I had paid the fine, I (wrongly ?) assumed that my 'crime' had been paid for.

In the past, the airport immigration happily accepted my overstay payment with no mentions of this being a 'crime'. Either things have changed or I got the wrong immigration person on arrival.

What it shows them is that you are not interested in obeying th law and are a risk to overstay.

Does it say anywhere on you r passport how long you overstayed.

probably not so as far as they know you were over a couple of years

The rules are changing and you need to obey them.

If youa re going to be close to overstay this time go out and come back

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So you were surpriced that people react to your previous crimial behavior, strange people these thais....biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png .


Let's get this right Mr. Gigolo. In days gone by this was was to some tv members a mark of disrespect against a certain cliche of cretinous Thai apologists. Unfortunately/Fortunately, nobody now gives a FF*** mate ....

Edited by ScotBkk
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I avoid being negative , but seriously op , what the heck are you on about.

" few overstays" ... I live by motto ...learn by your mistakes. You abuse the system and expect they think that's all fine.

Hope you overstay again and get more than slap on wrist.

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I think, as always, it depends on a few factors. i.e:

how long was those previous over stays
What's the mood of the official (yea, shouldn't matter, but does)
How did you react to the situation
Did you come without a visa?

I have a few overstays, 2 of them less than 24h and one a little more than 24h (500 baht), all due to miscalculation (bought onward ticket before I returned to Thailand).

I asked about them, but they said they where fine and no problem. In other words, the official where in good mood.
Other times they seem more annoyed (no wonder, not the funniest thing to sit and stamp in hordes of people, but it's a job and there are no excuses although I can see why some get annoyed with other annoyed arrivals who claim their rights over and over).

Finally I have my non imm "o" Visa and since then all seems fine, they don't really care, they seem more to care about the fact that I have a multiple entry visa and that I since then haven't done anything bad. They haven't scrutinized my passport while on arrival, maybe I'm just lucky, maybe it's because I usually land at Don Meuang? I don't know.
But I'm sure many things are what results in the outcome for most.

Edited by banglassie
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Maybe your a little thick in the head Overstaying is a big deal. Ok once I understand but more than once shows you are flaunting the system and have no respect for Thai immigration or Thai laws

I am not surprised they gave you a hard time And you can expect more of the same if you have another overstay. They are also in their right to totally refuse you and send you back

I would if I where you be vary careful and make sure you visa is up to date without any future overstays. There is no reason for multiple overstays and my guess is next time will brake the straw on the camels back

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It's people like the OP who are generating problems for others IMHO. He seems to have a cavalier attiude with respect to the laws of the kingdom and thinks it is OK to keep breaking the law as long as he keeps paying the appropriate fines....His actions aren't going to affect my situation, but may have a detrimental effect on others....

Last week at Savakhannet, I met two guys who are English teachers going to the Embassy who openly admitted to me that they did not have work permits, there must be loads of people without work permits who are creating problems for others. It would seem that the steps Immigration is taking to stop this is not working.

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Kind of like have a good credit rating.

The only evidence they have of your "behaviour" is what you do. So continually overstaying is the same as not paying your bills on time - you are considered a risk at best.

(And a complete piss-taker with no respect for the law / country at worst)

Edited by Blindside
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There is an old adage "The best predictor of future behaviour is past behvaiour"

The immigratin officer, having allowed you in (remember that he could easily have denied you entry", has simply ensured that you know the rules. It is up to you to abide by them.

Even if you obtained a visa at an embassy in your home country an immigration officer can still dent entry.

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