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Phuket Christmas woe for Brit driver

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In the U.S. he would not be charged with drunk driving, even if they were to have a working breathalyzer, but for leaving the scene of an accident. They cannot charge him with drunk driving, in the states, because he had left the scene. His lawyer would just say" He was emotionally upset after the accident, went home and had some drinks to calm down, and then turned himself in." The alcohol only appeared in his blood after the accident, and there is no way to prove otherwise. (Unless they can find witnesses at the bar that he had been at for 3 hours before the accident.) I do not have a clue as to how Thailand laws would handle this situation.

Hit and Run - Wiki

PS: I don't have a clue about "how Thailand laws would handle this situation" either. I suspect, however, that this is an example how law enforcement in Thailand generally handles this type of situation.


Maybe or surely cheesy.gif ;

policemen don't know they can bring him to an hospital to take a blood sample...?

This man did like thai people ; they don't want to be lynched by the witness; one of the favorite sport in Thailand .crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkUs49400

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Lucky for him they wasn't able to check his alcohol level ....

I also think that was the reason why he came later to have time to sober up some.

I thought that was standard operating procedure in LOS, do a bunk and turn up when it suits at your local Nick. Is it not in the Highway code, or only Thai people allowed to do this?

Either way; lucky no one killed, lucky he not got bagged (hope they made him cough up a good amount of Tea money to make Breathalyser 'No Good' - broke

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Young Barry was a naughty boy and except for the elves not having their blow in toys not working, he didn't get any presents. Did he leave the elves a present I wonder?coffee1.gif


Lucky <deleted> , but I admit I did that many times in my drinking years , looking back, I am stupid to drive while drinking and lucky to have killed no one . Was in the horrid while driving ..


.....what is the crime.....???

...he had an accident...

..and why should he pay...what is his insurance for......

...makes no sense....

...the guy who plowed through a police checkpoint.....'lost control'......as did many others......

...guilty by virtue of being a foreigner.....???


Why wasn't this geriatric maniac not given a blood alcohol test at a local hospital?

Pretty harsh first post. Can't wait to see your real colors when you get into top gear.

Looks like we have another "Mr Perfect" on the team.

Just sayin.

Cheers..... Mal.

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In the U.S. he would not be charged with drunk driving, even if they were to have a working breathalyzer, but for leaving the scene of an accident. They cannot charge him with drunk driving, in the states, because he had left the scene. His lawyer would just say" He was emotionally upset after the accident, went home and had some drinks to calm down, and then turned himself in." The alcohol only appeared in his blood after the accident, and there is no way to prove otherwise. (Unless they can find witnesses at the bar that he had been at for 3 hours before the accident.) I do not have a clue as to how Thailand laws would handle this situation.

Does your reply have any direct relationship to the article ? Lots of stuff different in LOS to US.

Don't get me started on gun ownership laws. Not to mention civil law suits. Lets sue everyone for every cent we can get out of them.

Not having a go at you personally ol mate.... BUT.... this is LOS not US. Horses for courses.

Just sayin..... Cheers..... Mal.

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A simple everyday non-injury, non-fatality, property damage only motor vehicle accident not only warrants publishing on TV but actually gets responses. Including mine. We must be bored past tears.



Just when I was about to post that it wasn't just Thai men that run from the scene, I went on to read the guy's turned himself in.

(We now return to our regularly scheduled Thai bashing.)

Yeah, it wasn't until the first line of the story that it said, "PHUKET: -- A 74-year-old British man turned himself into police last night (December 25), an hour after he crashed his SUV into a power pole and two parked motorbikes."


People always seem to condemn the Thais for running (i know i do) this guy should get a lot more flack too. He should know better and the alcohol thing stinks too. Just because he is a Brit many wont comment.


There were no injuries to others, and he did go to the police station and turn himself in. He admitted guilt and paid for damages. A lot different from what we see with many Thai males (like bus drivers and ferry captains). He was elderly and lived in LOS, and was possibly concerned for his safety because of his familiarity with "Thai justice."

The alcohol testing could have been done hours later, and his level at time of accident calculated. But Thai police probably have no idea how to do this. So the police dropped the ball here (perhaps when reaching out for some cash).

In the States, he would have been charged for leaving the scene, and could/should have been here, too. But all Thais care about is compensation. I expect he paid that through the nose.


What an ass running away like a coward.

And what a pathetic noddy outfit that can't keep their equipment working.(so they say).

Particularly during this season of opportunity.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm betting it costs a bit to have the breathalyser not to work.

Yes, but probably not much more than 2000 baht. I'd say that's a fair price. No death's involved here. Just property damage.

u have obviously not been involved with the police here 2000 baht cheesy.gif more like 50 to 100,000 I would think would be nearer

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Every think that at his advanced age might have needed to drain the vein after the accident or at least change his shorts? To many assume he was drinking. Give the guy a break, Besides isn't it SOP to do runner after accident? Isn't written in the Thai driver's manual?

1. In case of accident Run like hell.

2. If at fault lie your arse off or blame a farang if one is close by if not blame ghost, or a soi dog


People always seem to condemn the Thais for running (i know i do) this guy should get a lot more flack too. He should know better and the alcohol thing stinks too. Just because he is a Brit many wont comment.


There were no injuries to others, and he did go to the police station and turn himself in. He admitted guilt and paid for damages. A lot different from what we see with many Thai males (like bus drivers and ferry captains). He was elderly and lived in LOS, and was possibly concerned for his safety because of his familiarity with "Thai justice."

The alcohol testing could have been done hours later, and his level at time of accident calculated. But Thai police probably have no idea how to do this. So the police dropped the ball here (perhaps when reaching out for some cash).

In the States, he would have been charged for leaving the scene, and could/should have been here, too. But all Thais care about is compensation. I expect he paid that through the nose.

Sure.. exactly as I expected.. Thai guys get the full load while a foreigner running of does not. Right on par with Thaivisa. The guy ran.. later understood he would be traced back because of his car and turned himself in. Does not sound good to me. Quite possibly paid off the cops.. He was seen speeding.

But good to know that there are 2 sets of standards.. one for foreigners and one for Thais to bash.



Just when I was about to post that it wasn't just Thai men that run from the scene, I went on to read the guy's turned himself in.

(We now return to our regularly scheduled Thai bashing.)

Seems Brits are just as bad as Thais.

And so are some French, German, Dutch, Aussies, Americans, Russians and Chinese.

Nationality does not affect the ability to be a pissed up prick. Having money does affect the ability to get away with it. 74, lucky to still be driving and ought to have more sense. Celebrating the festive season - so "lucky" the breathalyser wasn't working wink.png Guess they don't do blood tests in Phukett.

Just holding up a mirror mate, the moment a Thai does this. traveling with high speed hitting things and quite possibly being drunk (too big a coincidence of the machine not working) he will be crucified here. But the moment a foreigner (preferably one with our own nationality) there are plenty of reasons why it is ok. Just shows how racist some Thaivisa members are.

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Lucky for him they wasn't able to check his alcohol level ....

I also think that was the reason why he came later to have time to sober up some.

Or refill


I see he has learned the Thai way, run away then come back later, usually much later with an excuse like, I saw a headless ghost run across my pathway and swerved to miss it, that usually works

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Just when I was about to post that it wasn't just Thai men that run from the scene, I went on to read the guy's turned himself in.

(We now return to our regularly scheduled Thai bashing.)

Seems Brits are just as bad as Thais.

And so are some French, German, Dutch, Aussies, Americans, Russians and Chinese.

Nationality does not affect the ability to be a pissed up prick. Having money does affect the ability to get away with it. 74, lucky to still be driving and ought to have more sense. Celebrating the festive season - so "lucky" the breathalyser wasn't working wink.png Guess they don't do blood tests in Phukett.

Just holding up a mirror mate, the moment a Thai does this. traveling with high speed hitting things and quite possibly being drunk (too big a coincidence of the machine not working) he will be crucified here. But the moment a foreigner (preferably one with our own nationality) there are plenty of reasons why it is ok. Just shows how racist some Thaivisa members are.

And I bet you are one of those goody goody people


People always seem to condemn the Thais for running (i know i do) this guy should get a lot more flack too. He should know better and the alcohol thing stinks too. Just because he is a Brit many wont comment.


There were no injuries to others, and he did go to the police station and turn himself in. He admitted guilt and paid for damages. A lot different from what we see with many Thai males (like bus drivers and ferry captains). He was elderly and lived in LOS, and was possibly concerned for his safety because of his familiarity with "Thai justice."

The alcohol testing could have been done hours later, and his level at time of accident calculated. But Thai police probably have no idea how to do this. So the police dropped the ball here (perhaps when reaching out for some cash).

In the States, he would have been charged for leaving the scene, and could/should have been here, too. But all Thais care about is compensation. I expect he paid that through the nose.

Sure.. exactly as I expected.. Thai guys get the full load while a foreigner running of does not. Right on par with Thaivisa. The guy ran.. later understood he would be traced back because of his car and turned himself in. Does not sound good to me. Quite possibly paid off the cops.. He was seen speeding.

But good to know that there are 2 sets of standards.. one for foreigners and one for Thais to bash.


I'm not by any measure defending him. Especially if he was legally intoxicated. But don't blame me if the cops took tea money. Or that they can't maintain their equipment.

He quickly turned himself in and accepted blame and made restitution, whereas many Thais run and never come back.

I don't know Thai law, but I do know western law. If you are involved in an accident it is an affirmative defense to the charge of "leaving the scene" if your failure to stop or to remain on scene was the result of a reasonable belief your personal safety was at risk, and that you notified law enforcement as soon as it was safe to do so.

So maybe he was indeed concerned for his safety. I don't know, and neither do you or anyone else on this thread.

But if you, or anybody here, knows the law in LOS is different, feel free to quote it.

And since when do "Thai guys" get the full load? You mean the few hundred baht the truck driver had to pay for mowing down two foreign bicyclists? You mean the ferry captain who has never been fined a single baht?


In the U.S. he would not be charged with drunk driving, even if they were to have a working breathalyzer, but for leaving the scene of an accident. They cannot charge him with drunk driving, in the states, because he had left the scene. His lawyer would just say" He was emotionally upset after the accident, went home and had some drinks to calm down, and then turned himself in." The alcohol only appeared in his blood after the accident, and there is no way to prove otherwise. (Unless they can find witnesses at the bar that he had been at for 3 hours before the accident.) I do not have a clue as to how Thailand laws would handle this situation.


Happens all the time, even hours or days later. Corroborating evidence, such as beer bottles in the backseat; eyewitness accident scene testimony; CCTV footage; professional accident scene investigation, where it can be reasonably determined intoxicants were involved; or as you mentioned, people who saw him drinking/drunk.

Any they get convictions, too.

Here in LOS, they handle it with tea money.

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