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Buying A Car In The Wife's Name


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The Thai wives of a couple of expat friends have told my wife that if I decide to buy a car I should put it in her name. Something about making it easier to get a loan, if I wanted one, and insurance would be easier to get. Is there any truth in this or benefit for an expat buying a car in this manner?

I am positive that someone will be along to straighten me out very quickly.


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Might be easier for your wife to get a loan if it was in her name as she could use the car for collateral, don't know how it would make it easier for you though. It's easy enough for a falang to get car insurance, don't see any advantage of putting the car in your wife's name.

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Last time I bought a car, the finance wouldn't let us put it in the wife's name. She has no income and they would only give us the loan in my name. It didn't bother me one way or the other but you can imagine how well being told that went down with the other half ..

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You can buy and own a car in your own name. If you are paying for it, you should own it. You can even get a loan for a car if you have a work permit and income or employment history. No need for anyone else to be on the ownership papers.

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had friend whose g/f decided she wanted him to buy a car and put it in her name. he paid minimal deposit and then min monthly payments on the car. several months later he found she had another guy on the side so he cancelled the insurance and drove the truck into a wall.he left her and also left her with 700,000 baht worth of finance to pay off

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Loan or not loan?

You will have a hard time to get a loan without a work permit.

But the rest (registration, insurance) is no reason.

At our Mazda dealer there were whining about "problem registering for farang".

They whined until I left the shop.

They walked after us and now: "boss knows how to".

Took an awful lot of papers/photocopies but in the end I got it done.

It was all just trying to avoid the work.

Insurance: no real problem, just some remark "it has to be sent to Bangkok, takes some days to get the policy".

No idea whats behind.

The above story is from a small upcountry district town.

I am sure that it will be much easier in Bangkok/Pattaya etc.

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Thanks for the advice guys.

Happy New Year

Hey ... just seen your name .... love the twist ... should have done bahtmasterson though, that that would have really driven the point home.


I didn't have my glasses on and misspelled it. Then couldn't figure out how to change it. A few old-timers will get it though.

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She is your wife...???????

You do understand under Thai law, its 50% hers anyway.


What does it matter who's name its in-- if the relationship is as shaky as some of the guys giving this advice marriage's must be. Then gosh get everything in your name....get receipts every time she goes down to the 7-11, go through her purse when she's not looking.......in case she's holding out on some money.


Or just have a normal relationship, & stop asking the bitter & twisted TV brigade .


if your marriage falls apart tomorrow, is the foremost question on your mind-----who gets the car.................coffee1.gif


PS--- PLEASE don't have children.........

We've been together 8 years. Six years before getting married. I have a work permit and will work another couple of years. Don't own a house always rented. Her two friends are both married to Vets who are both in failing health. Perhaps they are advising my wife from their own point of view. I could buy a new vehicle outright but don't necessarily want to see that money leave the bank. I am very frugal when it come to spending my hard earned money. It depends on what kind of deal I can find.

I really need a pickup truck and have seen some really good deals on 2012 and 14 models. I like the Mazda and Isuzu but have not decided if I want to go for a brand new one or not. I've never owned a new vehicle before. Lots to think about.

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had friend whose g/f decided she wanted him to buy a car and put it in her name. he paid minimal deposit and then min monthly payments on the car. several months later he found she had another guy on the side so he cancelled the insurance and drove the truck into a wall.he left her and also left her with 700,000 baht worth of finance to pay off

. The post I have read here good on your friend like a thai would say som nom ner haha love it
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She is your wife...???????

You do understand under Thai law, its 50% hers anyway.


What does it matter who's name its in-- if the relationship is a shaky as some of the guys giving advice marriage's must be. Then gosh get everything in your name....get receipts every time she goes down to the 7-11, go through her purse when she's not looking.......in case she's holding out on some money.


Or just have a normal relationship, & stop asking the bitter & twisted TV brigade .


if your marriage falls apart tomorrow, is the foremost question on your mind-----who gets the car.................coffee1.gif

Weeeeeeeeeell, I know a guy who had problems with his wife, she arrived at their house with a band of BiB.......He was told to leave the house and leave the car keys as everything was in her name.

Many moths later stuff was sorted in court...........PUT your new ride in YOUR name......

V8... He has been with the lady 14 years..... he wants to buy a 2nd hand pick up truck.

As you can see by the TV lawyer- 50% of which would be hers anyway.


I am sure you will get lots of "Likes" with these scary tales of wives arriving at the door with a BIB.

If the guy you know....was stupid enough to hand his house, car and all possessions over to some off duty police friend, then honestly..... I really could not comment about the friends you associate with , with out getting my post removed.

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We've been together 8 years. Six years before getting married. I have a work permit and will work another couple of years. Don't own a house always rented. Her two friends are both married to Vets who are both in failing health. Perhaps they are advising my wife from their own point of view. I could buy a new vehicle outright but don't necessarily want to see that money leave the bank. I am very frugal when it come to spending my hard earned money. It depends on what kind of deal I can find.

I really need a pickup truck and have seen some really good deals on 2012 and 14 models. I like the Mazda and Isuzu but have not decided if I want to go for a brand new one or not. I've never owned a new vehicle before. Lots to think about.

How long you've been together still can't guarantee things can't go wrong.

And if you have cash, then buy cash, you won't get any better deal than paying cash and even at 0% financing you'd still end up paying the same amount, just not right away, but less hassle with paperwork and with payments.

I personally don't like owing money for nothing so if I want something, I'd save and buy it out with cash. It makes my life easy.

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She is your wife...???????

You do understand under Thai law, its 50% hers anyway.


What does it matter who's name its in-- if the relationship is a shaky as some of the guys giving advice marriage's must be. Then gosh get everything in your name....get receipts every time she goes down to the 7-11, go through her purse when she's not looking.......in case she's holding out on some money.


Or just have a normal relationship, & stop asking the bitter & twisted TV brigade .


if your marriage falls apart tomorrow, is the foremost question on your mind-----who gets the car.................coffee1.gif

Weeeeeeeeeell, I know a guy who had problems with his wife, she arrived at their house with a band of BiB.......He was told to leave the house and leave the car keys as everything was in her name.

Many moths later stuff was sorted in court...........PUT your new ride in YOUR name......

Not about owning stuff 50/50.

About her ability to get another loan on the car without telling you.

If the car is in your name she can't do that.


Bottom is falling out of the used car market at the moment, many repossessions.

You can get a nice pickup, second hand for 350-500k.

Registering it in your name (as a foreigner).

500bht for a letter from immigration and a photocopy of your passport.

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A lot depends on the kind of relationship you have with your wife. I always pay cash for our vehicles but prefer to put them in my wife’s name so I don’t have to deal with the paperwork. We have been together for 17 years and early on in our relationship I started giving her more and more responsibility as she showed she could handle it. Admittedly it won’t work with everyone but I wouldn’t want to be with someone I had to watch every minute or didn’t trust.

Base your decision on your own situation and not what others say.

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A lot depends on the kind of relationship you have with your wife. I always pay cash for our vehicles but prefer to put them in my wifes name so I dont have to deal with the paperwork. We have been together for 17 years and early on in our relationship I started giving her more and more responsibility as she showed she could handle it. Admittedly it wont work with everyone but I wouldnt want to be with someone I had to watch every minute or didnt trust.

Base your decision on your own situation and not what others say.

Nearly 30 years with mine (American wife), before she took me for all she could.

Canadian pal was 35 years with his (Canadian) wife, then she took him for all she could.

At 17 years, waaaaay too soon to be overly confident.

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