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For about the last 6-8 months more and more frequently I have been waking up with quite a bit of back pain.

It's right between the shoulder blades and some mornings it's almost unbearable. Once i'm up and about the pain is normally completely gone within about an hour or so.

I've slept in various beds with different mattress's which seems to make no difference.

I'm just the right side of 40, relatively healthy and fit.

I have no idea what's causing this and would be grateful for any suggestions / advice.



Relatively young and fit - so it's probably something to do with how you sleep or how you work ....

Do you use a computer or other equipment at work? Maybe it's posture?

Do you relax properly before sleeping? I've found that if I work late and send emails right up to when I go to bed - then I get muscle pain in the morning.

Try to relax for 30 minutes before you sleep - and/or have a pre-sleep session in bed with the wife/TGF to help you relax.


Thanks for the replies.

It does not feel like it's from the muscles.

I also don't think i sleep in the same position all the time so not sure if it can be from that?

I will start to do some stretches, this has been suggested by another friend of mine.

Thanks again, i'll also go and see an orthopedic specialist, any recommendations for doctors / hospitals in BKK?


I have just been through months of back pain, creating difficulty walking, which is now a lot better (95% +) after going through 10 sessions of traction at the government hospital on Samui... after seeing the Orthopaedic surgeon there...thumbsup.gif I have another appointment in a couple of weeks as a follow up... I was very impressed with the doctor and nurses who did the treatment....costs really not too bad either!

I am sure there would be similar places in BKK... good luck with it! wink.png



What type and thickness pillow do you use?

I had a similar problem with pain in shoulder blades, changed to a thinner pillow and problem solved.

Might be worth investigating !

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Possibly a pillow that is too firm but, if you do any computer work, a thorough evaluation of your workstation should also be done. Arms not supported on arm rests in line or at the same level as the keyboard can also cause this.

Massage in the hands of a good therapist on a regular basis also helps.



What type and thickness pillow do you use?

I had a similar problem with pain in shoulder blades, changed to a thinner pillow and problem solved.

Might be worth investigating !

I will try this and see if it improves.



I had a similar problem as the OP and soon as i bought one of these type of pillows

it cured the problem straight away.

2000BT at Homepro but worth every penny, there are many different types of quality

and softness/firmness, so i spent some time trying them out in the shop before i chose which

one to buy.


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It is not too expensive to get an X ray done to see what is really going on....

The doctor could determine my problem, within half an hour of the X ray, being taken. I just wished I had done it sooner... wink.png

I was taking three pain killers and muscle relaxants a day, now none..thumbsup.gif

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Chiropractors can often help too but very hard to find a good one in Bangkok. I ended up getting back surgery from Dr. Wicharn (Chula, BNH and BCH) who was excellent.


if u walk around ur home with nothing on your feet try wearing croc's, there rubber shoes, I had a similar problem which went away after wearing the croc's shoes indoors


As age crept up on me, I found that a heating pad was my best friend. You can find them at the larger chain pharmacies like Booths or Watsons.

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Don't want to be unduly alarmist, and I am the wrong side of 50, but generally fit and healthy for my age, but I started getting back pain back in August, under the left shoulder blade much of the time.

I and initially the hospital put it down to muscle/ligament strain as I have to lift my disabled wife several times a day, and not always managing the 'correct' way.

It did not get better and a month after the first visit I returned to the hospital and a chest x-ray was taken. This showed fluid on the left lung, prompting a couple of days in for tests that ultimately revealed that there was a problem in the left plural cavity that was causing all the discomfort, and itself was a secondary condition of an otherwise symptomless tumour on the left lung.

Long and the short of it I have lung cancer, of a type that frequently goes undetected because it remains free of any symptoms normally associated with that. I have never smoked, was not coughing, not losing weight even though I was trying to.

So, get a chest x-ray (or at more cost, ct-scan for more detail). If nothing else it may show some inflammation or displacement of the spine, but it might also provide early evidence of something potentially more devastating.

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I've had back pain for 40 plus years, From what it sounds like it is muscles? it might be you pillows? You can google it and get yourself a few stretches and exercises for the shoulders to relieve the pain.

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Honest chiropractors are as scarce as hen's teeth. Here is one in Bangkok, Med Docs are generally useless in these


Dr. Nick Fleming,

Absolute Health

087 126 9570 or 662 651 5988 Nick is tops US trained and certified 1000Bt worth it, I tell you.


Chiropractors can often help too but very hard to find a good one in Bangkok. I ended up getting back surgery from Dr. Wicharn (Chula, BNH and BCH) who was excellent.

A chiropractor at home in the states definitely helped me with some sciatica years back. Got much more relief from his treatments, with gradually increasing duration until the problem finally subsided, than any of the pain pills or physical therapy the medical profession was prescribing. No idea where you'd find a good one in Bangkok though. But if I had an issue such as the OP is describing, I'd definitely be trying to find one.


When I first came here I used to sleep with the fan on me during the night .. lots of lower back pain. Now I avoid the direct flow of air onto my back and it has helped.


...99% of back pain is stress-related......'in the mind'......

...not to say that it could be something else in this case.....something 'systemic'.....

...without knowing your medical history, diet, habits....hard to say anything else...

...it could also be related to something you do during the day...the way you sit...repetitive movements....

...think through your daily routine and see if you can identify anything....


If Its between the shoulders, try a very soft pillow. Diagnosis on line Is close to impossible, Go to a doctor , It could be one of many issues you should address.

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I am a gardner and have had my aches (being very left handed, I used my left leg and corresponding muscles in excess resulting in periodic lower back pain). Also, I am a certified Traditional Thai Massage therapist.

1. Have 3 Thai massages in 2 weeks time (2 in the first week, follow up the 2nd week).

2. Meditate and do some yoga every morning.

3. Try to use the other arm/shoulder more and use more variation in your activities (i.e., not the same repetitive things as much).

4. Do periodic excersizes throughout the day to keep muscles and ligaments and tendons limber.

5. Get a girlfriend and tell her about it, Tiger Balm in hand.

6. Buy a case of Chang and lay in the hammock and count butterflies.


I did not see any mention of a pinched nerve, which could be exacerbated by the fact that you are lying in a different position than you are in during the rest of the day… just a possibility along with the others mentioned above.


I have had a lot of Back problems throughout my life

and an operation a few years ago

Pain between your shoulders could well be your pillow as others have noted I now use the Contoured Pillow a few Posts above

Might sound odd but go and get a good Foot massage too it may help tell them what your problem is (Foot massage is a cheap way to find a good masseuse as many just go through the motions and really don't know what they are doing)

Once you have found "someone that knows what they are doing" ask them to check out your Back

it seems your feet and Back nerves are linked somehow

Another thing I have started doing over the last few weeks is before I get out of bed have a good stretch while still lying down before you roll over or move

My theory is while you sleep your muscles relax so if you get out of bed while they are relaxed you cause more problems

But if you have a good stretch while still lying down it puts things back in place before you get up Mine even clicks while doing this sometimes

Good luck


Try some yoga stretches; they helped me immeasurably, when everything else proved either useless or of limited help. Good luck. Another idea is to consider using an inversion table. This can unload your spine and can cause immediate relief. Look into contraindications before using one to make sure that all you can tolerate such treatments.


Pain in the upper back is usually due to stress or strain on the Rhomboid muscles; google "rhomboids" ; lots of useful info there..

Good to remember that the upper limb is "suspended" from the body; anchored by muscles and ligaments unlike the lower limbs which have a solid "ball and socket" weight bearing joint. This makes the upper back and the anchoring muscles much more prone to repetitive movement strain..

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