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Fake Watch Seller arrested by Pattaya Police following stabbing of Russian


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As farengs we are more of less taught to look the other way, and not instigate trouble. The best way to do that is to avoid confrontation, be polite, and keep ones mouth shut. Guess this punk never learned that lesson? Did he expect that the guy would just walk away after being insulted by a street punk? A watch seller no less, which on the retail level is to merchants, what a toilet cleaner is to the janitorial business. Maybe he learned something now? Do not insult Russians! They can be aggressive when provoked. Guess he did not get the history lesson that delved into the centuries of warfare the Russian people were involved in? Guess he never studied the siege of Stalingrad? Well, he himself was involved in a mini siege of Pattaya!

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There are cheap fake watches and there are 'replica' watches which - whilst also fake - are apparently very good copies using quality internals etc.




I'm not endorsing the sale of counterfeit goods and I'm sure the industry doesnt like these 'replicas' any more than the cheap fakes, but it highlights that you wont even get a quality replica for anything resembling the vendor's claimed 850 baht price - any adult looking at such a watch would have to be severely impaired not to realise it was one of the cheap(est) fakes - not even a 'quality replica'. No point even considering a watch like that, but I guess these are the same folk who think tourists will hand over 100 baht for a rose so why the hell not ....

(I tried to check 'An Idiot's Guide to Buying a Fake Rolex' and the great firewall of Thailand threw up the banner I normally see when the site appears to have naked women or similar - tragic stuff from the guardians of public decency in the LOS. )

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so... an ex muay thai champion needed a knife to protect himself against a russian...? in thailand... surrounded by thai...?

You are stubborn many of youwink.png or really know little about Thai people, it has nothing to do with defending himself he was probably not affraid at all, it has to do with attacking the Russianand made him pay for his (supposed to be) bad words, insults, disrespect? or whatevertongue.png Ko dji mi?

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I refuse to buy counterfeit garbage every day in the streets and I have never been stabbed. The odd vendor gets the arse and mumbles something in Thai but never aggressive in any capacity.

Ask yourself - if you were selling dodgy goods, wouldn't it be in your interest to be as discreet and polite as possible??? I have learnt that regardless of a Thai street vendors intellect, they are savvy at making money! Stabbing people is clearly not good business.

I seriously doubt this was unprovoked, sound like our Russian friend probably had a few too many vodkas and was rude, which escalated and kicked off, after which he probably realised quite quickly - 'not a good idea'!

I would say it's a 50/50 issue here! Unfortunately, the lesson learned by the Russian will be longer lasting than the smack on the fingers the Thai guy gets for self defence!

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A general flame has been removed also a post in weird fonts.

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Let's see the facts.

Let's say I am a former Thai Kick Boxing Champion, and I encounter a drunken middle aged Russian Man, who besides drunk probably physically out of shape. In his stupid drunken rage he throws a chair at me, so I would leave him alone, which I obviously duck, as I am not injured.

I could probably just walk away, or at the very least kick the living crap out of him, but instead I pull a knife and go after him. Because....because...because I am afraid for me life?

I don't think so Partner! .

As you said, let's see the facts. Did you forget them?

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I believe him. From my experience of politely declining or ignoring hundreds of requests to buy a watch and not being stabbed, I find it at least as plausible as the Ruskies story.

Having a knife handy, despite being capable in the fighting arena, is also plausible.

I don't believe the Russkie threw a chair at him, if he did, about six Thais would have given him a doing, and people who are capable of fighting by themselves, don't need knifes. Knifes are only effective when used up close.

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Every Tom, Dick and Harry is a former Muay Thai champion in Thailand. That aside. Gave himself up? You mean walked from his watch stall into the police station, cracked a few jokes with the old bill, took the piss out of Russians, paid a few k in Baht, invited the police out for whisky later tonight and returned to selling fake watches.

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Personally I do not like these vendors some are pushy and do not take no for an answer. I buy none of the knock off stuff !!

Actually I buy very little, it is my wife who buys all the time, but she is in Emporium, please help me !!

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"Khun Payu admits to stabbing the victim but claims it was in self-defense as he thought his life was in danger."

I'm sick and tired of Thais who always attack somebody with knife or other assault weapon in "self defense".

And the corrupted RTP always buy their BS story's without asking witnesses or investigating.

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The cop connection to whom he pays his tea money was no doubt the person who gave him his "get out of jail free" story so that he can get back to selling watches as quickly as possible so the tea keeps flowing. Making the foreigner look like the bad guy is just an added bonus for all then Thai parties concerned. He would never have handed himself in if he did not know he was going to come out scot free on the other end. The photo says it all!! No doubt he will have a hoard of "rent a witness" to back up his claims of self defence! What hogwash! Thought he could bully the Russian and when it did not go his way he introduced the knife to prevent an ass whipping at the hands of the foreigner.

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So looking the way he is this is all just a joke to him. When are they actually going to do something about morons like this??

Whoa! Hold on just a sec! From my previous life-experience even I know that there are two sides to every story, so why the immediate come down on this guy? Maybe he isn't the full-Baht these days, and acted like an idiot at the police station by playing up to the camera, or maybe he was happy because he feels he was in the right and has nothing to fear down at the police station?

Or are we putting this guy down just because he is Thai, in keeping with the true Thai Visa forum tradition?

No, he's being put down because he stabbed someone.

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So looking the way he is this is all just a joke to him. When are they actually going to do something about morons like this??

....................Whoa! Hold on just a sec! From my previous life-experience even I know that there are two sides to every story, ............

You are so wrong my friend, there are always three sides to a story; Your side, his side, and the truth... ;)

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If there was chair thrown (highly doubtful) perhaps it could have been in response to the vendor showing his knife?

We'll never know the truth I reckon.

I hope the Russian victim of this violent attack can recover and get out of Dodge in one piece.

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A hefty 500Baht fine and send him on his way that will teach him about his life being threatened and he can just wait on the side-lines while all the millions of tourists flock back to Pattaya possibly looking to purchase a fake watch at the full asking price.

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I believe him. From my experience of politely declining or ignoring hundreds of requests to buy a watch and not being stabbed, I find it at least as plausible as the Ruskies story.

Yeah sure.

The guy is a muay thai fighter who was scared of a Russian tourist so had to stab him.

Do you have comprehension problems or something?

Yes I have never been attacked by a vendor either and I haven't had a traffic accident or been run over crossing the road in Pattaya but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen and doesn't mean that it is safe either.

Stop making excuses for thugs.

This guy is doing a fighting pose when he should be charged with attempted murder and spend a long stretch in gaol.

End of story.

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