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Mitt Romney sparks new 2016 competition among GOP establishment

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Sorry, JT, but if you think Benghazi isn't going to cause her problems, I'm afraid you will be sadly mistaken.

Only the MSM and some liberals believe it is over. Many others do not...including moi.

She has lots of baggage going back to her college days when she was tutored by Saul Alinsky.

Edit in: I have said hundreds of times before, I do not get Fox News and haven't for going on seven years.

I think anyone outside Fox is bored titless with the Benghazi nonsense by now. All it is doing is preaching to the converted.

I did watch the gritted teeth apology for their Birmingham baloney this morning, oh dear that was fun to watch 555

Damn, I didn't realise they'd done another stoopid story on the French as well.



Did your pet goose eat the bread crumbs you've been dropping and you couldn't find your way to the threads about France?

Talk about stoopid.

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Why don't we just hand Obama's crown to Hillary and be done with it?

Frankly I think that's the only way she will get it.

I ask again...what if Hillary decides NOT to run, for any number of viable reasons?

What are the Democrats going to do? Who will they run?

You rabid Hillary fans simply chose to ignore the data taken by all those surveys about who is your choice. After Hillary you don't have one.

How many times do you think you will hear, between now and the election...""When we left the White House, we were dead broke" ?

And..."I remember landing under sniper fire."

Or, my personal favorite..."At this point, what difference does it make."

You're pinning all your hopes on a 69 year old woman with a very checkered past and nobody else to back her up. Good luck with your dreams of further conquest.

Maybe Bernie will be the choice after all.

Bernie Sanders and Mitt Romney in a debate? Riveting TV!

Martin O'Malley?

In any case, following Obama, the democrats won't possibly go with anyone to the "left" of Hillary ... so forget about Warren this time.


An inflammatory post with aberrant spelling has been removed, along with other off-topic posts and replies.


Sorry, JT, but if you think Benghazi isn't going to cause her problems, I'm afraid you will be sadly mistaken.

Only the MSM and some liberals believe it is over. Many others do not...including moi.

She has lots of baggage going back to her college days when she was tutored by Saul Alinsky.

Edit in: I have said hundreds of times before, I do not get Fox News and haven't for going on seven years.

I think anyone outside Fox is bored titless with the Benghazi nonsense by now. All it is doing is preaching to the converted.

I did watch the gritted teeth apology for their Birmingham baloney this morning, oh dear that was fun to watch 555

Damn, I didn't realise they'd done another stoopid story on the French as well.



Did your pet goose eat the bread crumbs you've been dropping and you couldn't find your way to the threads about France?

Talk about stoopid.

Sorry Chuck, but you're the one that raised the Fox News flag by banging on about Benghazi again - they are the only ones bothering to report the Gowdy Kangaroo Court nonsense.

Only seem appropriate to point out that they been caught twice with their pants down again.

No-one, outside the right wing pensioners and rednecks that swallow every word, believes the nonsense they keep trying to peddle.

If Hillary runs, and any debate opponent decides to bring up Benghazi, they will get shredded for it, just on the amount of money and time they've wasted banging their heads against the wall.


Oh, the main stream media will demean anybody that brings it up in their attempts to support anything and everything Hillary.

That's the Democratic way. Attack and ridicule your opponent to the lap dog press and those awful scandals might just go away.

Remember Candy Crowley, formerly of CNN, that interjected herself into the Romney/Obama debate in 2012 throwing her support to Obama?

And Willard was correct all the time.

It wasn't the mainstream media that exonerated everyone in the last Benghazi-gate report - the GOP did.

And of course you didn't get a whole lot of Fox News coverage about *that*.



Oh, the main stream media will demean anybody that brings it up in their attempts to support anything and everything Hillary.

That's the Democratic way. Attack and ridicule your opponent to the lap dog press and those awful scandals might just go away.

Remember Candy Crowley, formerly of CNN, that interjected herself into the Romney/Obama debate in 2012 throwing her support to Obama?

And Willard was correct all the time.

Depicting the GOP and right-wing as sympathetic victims is absurd.


US candidates and the their issues that will last forever:

Hillary*: Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi

Jeb: 2000 election vote count

Mitt: Dog on the car roof

Biden: hey, what of that plagarism scandal that caused him to drop out of the 1988 primaries?

*I thought that they had a poison pill for Hillary in 2008 they were saving as an October Surprise , and it involves the "L" word -- Hillary would have her own 'Monica.' The political winds have shifted on that subject, but if she gets that far they could still make an attempt.


Oh, the main stream media will demean anybody that brings it up in their attempts to support anything and everything Hillary.

That's the Democratic way. Attack and ridicule your opponent to the lap dog press and those awful scandals might just go away.

Remember Candy Crowley, formerly of CNN, that interjected herself into the Romney/Obama debate in 2012 throwing her support to Obama?

And Willard was correct all the time.

Depicting the GOP and right-wing as sympathetic victims is absurd.

Dont forget those dastardly liberals at SNL with their Palin "I can see Russia from my house" comment. How dare they mock her intelligence and abilities for being next in line to the presidency.

In all seriousness, having her on the ticket dragged down John McCain. I think he would have made a fine president.


Oh, the main stream media will demean anybody that brings it up in their attempts to support anything and everything Hillary.

That's the Democratic way. Attack and ridicule your opponent to the lap dog press and those awful scandals might just go away.

Remember Candy Crowley, formerly of CNN, that interjected herself into the Romney/Obama debate in 2012 throwing her support to Obama?

And Willard was correct all the time.

Depicting the GOP and right-wing as sympathetic victims is absurd.

Nearly as absurd as trying to spin facts.

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Oh, the main stream media will demean anybody that brings it up in their attempts to support anything and everything Hillary.

That's the Democratic way. Attack and ridicule your opponent to the lap dog press and those awful scandals might just go away.

Remember Candy Crowley, formerly of CNN, that interjected herself into the Romney/Obama debate in 2012 throwing her support to Obama?

And Willard was correct all the time.

Depicting the GOP and right-wing as sympathetic victims is absurd.

Dont forget those dastardly liberals at SNL with their Palin "I can see Russia from my house" comment. How dare they mock her intelligence and abilities for being next in line to the presidency.

In all seriousness, having her on the ticket dragged down John McCain. I think he would have made a fine president.

And just like Candy Crowley, those "dastardly liberals at SNL" were wrong...as are you.

She never made that statement.

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A lot of the old white men, who make up a large chunk of Republican support, don't like a Black Man in the White House.

Please drop the stupid, dishonest talking points. They don't like THIS black man in the White House. Most would be fine with Dr Ben Carson or for that matter a black woman: Condi Rice.

And you KNOW this how? ha ha Never been considered for a nomination. Get real my friend.


Don't understand really why the republicans even bother to nominate a candidate, as they don't have a chance against the democrats this election anyway.

"You don't understand why the republicans even bother to nominate a candidate?" Well gee, why would one want a continuation of Obama's looney liberal policies? What I can't understand, is why America has such a low voter turnout. I think it should be mandatory for every adult in America to vote, and once you die, you should no longer be allowed to vote.

Hopefully, there will never be another person as unqualified, along with a concealed past as Obama has, to ever darken Americas political scene again. How can the American public not question or be concerned about Obama's past? I can understand why liberals may tend to over look this guys past but not normal adults.

Political spam.

Tell us about "Obama's past."

Tell us...........

He is a Muslim, fascist, communist who was born in Kenya and has no birth certificate apart from the fake one issued in Hawaii and he spent $250 million dollars a day on his official visit to India. Every mass shooting in the USA is a plot by Obama to take the guns away. Also he has no intention of allowing an election in 2016 but intends to stay on as president. If you want proof, that is easy just listen to Alex Jones, Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh and don't forget Benghazi. Now where are those pills?

And YOU know this how? Oh yes the hate spewing fear mongers that eschew facts. Quote facts not Looney Tune hate speech.

Republicans have done what, 40 some, investigations of Benghazi and... nothing. Why else has there been NO indictment? It's not for lack of trying.

Easy to spew hate but difficult to make a cogent argument. Right wingers seem to have an aversion to facts. I am not a Lefty but want to make up my mind based on facts.

You really believe a person without a proper birth certificate could be elected and in office 8 years with out someone getting wise? 555 Donald Trump does. Oh, even he has shut up about it.

You and people like you scare the bejeebees out of me.


He is a Muslim, fascist, communist who was born in Kenya and has no birth certificate apart from the fake one issued in Hawaii and he spent $250 million dollars a day on his official visit to India. Every mass shooting in the USA is a plot by Obama to take the guns away. Also he has no intention of allowing an election in 2016 but intends to stay on as president. If you want proof, that is easy just listen to Alex Jones, Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh and don't forget Benghazi. Now where are those pills?

And YOU know this how? Oh yes the hate spewing fear mongers that eschew facts. Quote facts not Looney Tune hate speech.

Republicans have done what, 40 some, investigations of Benghazi and... nothing. Why else has there been NO indictment? It's not for lack of trying.

Easy to spew hate but difficult to make a cogent argument. Right wingers seem to have an aversion to facts. I am not a Lefty but want to make up my mind based on facts.

You really believe a person without a proper birth certificate could be elected and in office 8 years with out someone getting wise? 555 Donald Trump does. Oh, even he has shut up about it.

You and people like you scare the bejeebees out of me.

Please do read the last short sentence.

  • Like 1

Oh, the main stream media will demean anybody that brings it up in their attempts to support anything and everything Hillary.

That's the Democratic way. Attack and ridicule your opponent to the lap dog press and those awful scandals might just go away.

Remember Candy Crowley, formerly of CNN, that interjected herself into the Romney/Obama debate in 2012 throwing her support to Obama?

And Willard was correct all the time.

Depicting the GOP and right-wing as sympathetic victims is absurd.

Dont forget those dastardly liberals at SNL with their Palin "I can see Russia from my house" comment. How dare they mock her intelligence and abilities for being next in line to the presidency.

In all seriousness, having her on the ticket dragged down John McCain. I think he would have made a fine president.

And just like Candy Crowley, those "dastardly liberals at SNL" were wrong...as are you.

She never made that statement.

I know it frustrates the <deleted> out of you that a foriegner have the temerity to dare comment on US anything, but please do your self a favour and ask SS or Vetrans for a new set of glasses. I never claimed that she said those words.

The sentence and word that you need to pay attention to Charles stated "SNL and THEIR Palin 'I can see Russia....' comment.

THEIR comment...not hers.

  • Like 2

Dont forget those dastardly liberals at SNL with their Palin "I can see Russia from my house" comment. How dare they mock her intelligence and abilities for being next in line to the presidency.

In all seriousness, having her on the ticket dragged down John McCain. I think he would have made a fine president.

And just like Candy Crowley, those "dastardly liberals at SNL" were wrong...as are you.

She never made that statement.

I know it frustrates the <deleted> out of you that a foriegner have the temerity to dare comment on US anything, but please do your self a favour and ask SS or Vetrans for a new set of glasses. I never claimed that she said those words.

The sentence and word that you need to pay attention to Charles stated "SNL and THEIR Palin 'I can see Russia....' comment.

THEIR comment...not hers.

Ah, so you did. I simply overlooked your pedanticism in my zeal to point out yet another of your mistakes.

Please simply delete the words "...as are you" from my grossly offensive post.

My apologies and my head shall hang in shame for 3 days and nights in penance.coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

Oh, the main stream media will demean anybody that brings it up in their attempts to support anything and everything Hillary.

That's the Democratic way. Attack and ridicule your opponent to the lap dog press and those awful scandals might just go away.

Remember Candy Crowley, formerly of CNN, that interjected herself into the Romney/Obama debate in 2012 throwing her support to Obama?

And Willard was correct all the time.

Depicting the GOP and right-wing as sympathetic victims is absurd.

Dont forget those dastardly liberals at SNL with their Palin "I can see Russia from my house" comment. How dare they mock her intelligence and abilities for being next in line to the presidency.

In all seriousness, having her on the ticket dragged down John McCain. I think he would have made a fine president.

And just like Candy Crowley, those "dastardly liberals at SNL" were wrong...as are you.

She never made that statement.

She also never said that Africa was a country ? This is from your favorite news source.


Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent, Says Fox News Reporter (VIDEO)

Dont forget those dastardly liberals at SNL with their Palin "I can see Russia from my house" comment. How dare they mock her intelligence and abilities for being next in line to the presidency.

In all seriousness, having her on the ticket dragged down John McCain. I think he would have made a fine president.

And just like Candy Crowley, those "dastardly liberals at SNL" were wrong...as are you.

She never made that statement.

I know it frustrates the <deleted> out of you that a foriegner have the temerity to dare comment on US anything, but please do your self a favour and ask SS or Vetrans for a new set of glasses. I never claimed that she said those words.

The sentence and word that you need to pay attention to Charles stated "SNL and THEIR Palin 'I can see Russia....' comment.

THEIR comment...not hers.

Ah, so you did. I simply overlooked your pedanticism in my zeal to point out yet another of your mistakes.

Please simply delete the words "...as are you" from my grossly offensive post.

My apologies and my head shall hang in shame for 3 days and nights in penance.coffee1.gif

So now conservatives try martyrdom in their erroneous belief it might appeal to their false construct of the liberal conscience.

America is following the liberal lead.

Get over yourselves over there on the right.

The times they're a chang'n. For a long time now in fact.

Get over it and get past it. Or just catch up with it....pleease thx..


Who invited you to this party?

My egregious slight was an affront to Samran and had nothing to do with you.

If you feel offended by my catastrophic mistake, please express some righteous indignation and you might even get a similar post of contrition.

But then, maybe not.

  • Like 2

Dont forget those dastardly liberals at SNL with their Palin "I can see Russia from my house" comment. How dare they mock her intelligence and abilities for being next in line to the presidency.

In all seriousness, having her on the ticket dragged down John McCain. I think he would have made a fine president.

And just like Candy Crowley, those "dastardly liberals at SNL" were wrong...as are you.

She never made that statement.

I know it frustrates the <deleted> out of you that a foriegner have the temerity to dare comment on US anything, but please do your self a favour and ask SS or Vetrans for a new set of glasses. I never claimed that she said those words.

The sentence and word that you need to pay attention to Charles stated "SNL and THEIR Palin 'I can see Russia....' comment.

THEIR comment...not hers.

Ah, so you did. I simply overlooked your pedanticism in my zeal to point out yet another of your mistakes.

Please simply delete the words "...as are you" from my grossly offensive post.

My apologies and my head shall hang in shame for 3 days and nights in penance.coffee1.gif

Don't forget to say three Hail Mary's.

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Dan Quayle only spelled "potato" wrong, because the teacher who gave him the answers to the quiz had spelled it wrong. How many liberal publications ever mention that?

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Dan Quayle only spelled "potato" wrong, because the teacher who gave him the answers to the quiz had spelled it wrong. How many liberal publications ever mention that?

Why didn't he correct him?


If his teacher gave you an answer sheet, which you had not examined beforehand, would you even notice while speaking in front of a bunch of people? Most people would assume that the teacher had spelled it right, even if it looked a little strange to them.

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