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Thailand backpacker death: Christina Annesley in mystery death on double Brit-murder island

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I really do wonder how they can release a Natural cause of death already?

There's no forensic labs on the Island.

It al takes time to do the required tests not overnight.


No profesional law enforcement organization would ever make such a comment prior to the ME/Coroner issuing findings.

Certainly not immediately post-mortem, prior to an autopsy, and processing of any evidence from the scene.

That the mother (allegedly) concurred is disturbing.

From what I've read in the reports so far its the mum who first stated it was a natural death in a facebook post, some of the media then picked that up then low and behold a very small group of the usual suspect posters began using that as a weapon to stifle any questions or criticisms of this death, even before there is an official statement on the likely cause.


If that is accurate, then it is even more disturbing. I've never heard of such a thing.

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Whether natural causes, self-induced or criminal in nature, Christina's death is yet another piece of bad news for Koh Tao and Thailand's tourism image at a time when it needs a boost. It has made the newspapers in Britain and of course they mention that the location is the same as the recent murders.


Oh dear. poor girl. My deepest condolences.

From her tweets one can see she is heavy on Tramadol, Valium and antibiotics, as well as alcohol, so there may be an explanation to the tragic death of natural causes.


I do not buy it at all

Lots of my friends and me currently have a cold that is sweeping through the place right now and I also have a chest infection, I have not taken anything for it and won't

Kids are to quick to race for antibiotics these days when there is probably no need and by the sounds of it she was ripped off where ever she bought them anyway, but not a killer

I myself went out last week and had a serious hangover next day and with the cold combined not pleasant so I can relate to that

I believe the mother is simply relaying what she has been told, natural causes..............................really

Tramadol - it is not a killer and she does not sound like a stupid girl that went mad on pills

The two men that had an argument over her in the bar - it doesn't indicate whether Thai or Falang (or maybe I missed it)

What was the so called natural cause of death ? asphyxiation ? no details given

Is there a predator on this Island preying on young female falang tourists

Sorry but my personal opinion is that I simply don't get any of this and treat it with extreme distrust


Just a bit of background reading:




I have said this before, the island has a serial killer. And he is just enjoying this!! Expecting another? WAKE UP THAILAND AND DO SOMETHING!!!

Oh yes....the old chest infection serial killer has struck again.....................Tourist Beware...............coffee1.gif


I really do wonder how they can release a Natural cause of death already?

There's no forensic labs on the Island.

It al takes time to do the required tests not overnight.


No profesional law enforcement organization would ever make such a comment prior to the ME/Coroner issuing findings.

Certainly not immediately post-mortem, prior to an autopsy, and processing of any evidence from the scene.

That the mother (allegedly) concurred is disturbing.

From what I've read in the reports so far its the mum who first stated it was a natural death in a facebook post, some of the media then picked that up then low and behold a very small group of the usual suspect posters began using that as a weapon to stifle any questions or criticisms of this death, even before there is an official statement on the likely cause.


If that is accurate, then it is even more disturbing. I've never heard of such a thing.

Agreed, bounding about this natural death cause is reckless and ill informed before an official examinations

Her mother Margaret Annesley gave her cause of death as 'natural causes' on Thursday. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/environment/tourism/11363011/Political-activist-23-dies-backpacking-on-Thai-island-of-Koh-Tao.html


A post containing content from CSILA has been removed as CSILA is not a credible source for news. Other insensitive trolling posts have been removed as well.

Thanks for the reference..


Rumour is that the victims body was found in an area of a resort which is owned by the same people as the now infamous AC Bar.

No idea if it's true but that's what I've heard.

Heard? FRom where or who? I might as well say the same thing,that will make two.Start to sound true now!!!!!!!!!


6 tourists under 40 years old all dead on 1 island in 5 months. Where else in the world does that happen?

London, over 100 murders every year?


im on ko tao right now. with all the drunks and shoe less motorbike riders who have ridden a bike once are stoned and think they own the road. im confused about all the ko tao deaths. as an American the police would be all over the scene relentlessly finding out info and the media would be exposing info. but why is it in Thailand that when a death occurs. we get a two sentence explaination. I still want to know about the lady who got chopped to death by the propeller blade last month!


Distasteful speculation from those with their own agendas. Why not just wait for the facts?

What facts? Too many deaths from accidents, bad health, and 2 murders in such a small area and short time. Might really be a serial killer on the island. I won't go there now and would advise any friends to stay away from there.


"So my night ended with two men I repeatedly told I wasn't interested in getting in a bar fight over me. Broken ribs and noses. Intense." Twitter post 15th Jan.

Do you have a link to that.

It's on the CSILA site, apparently an unreliable source, per moderators view, you may need to wait for the update.

Lifted from her Twitter account (before it was closed) an unreliable source?


do the thais know that slowly they are losing tourists due to the tourists being treated not so well. ? ps. mangos are 120 baht per kg.. on ko tao. that is silly and yesterday lomprayah charged me 800 baht extra for luggage they said was 60 kg over weight, and it really was more like 45......(lomprayah makes alot of money).......do the tourists know that on average I am guessing that 3 farang die each year on motorbikes in ko tao........? yet the farang contine to ride motorbikes here with no helmet. eye protection. shoes and many just wear swimsuits. on roads that are filled with drunks and poorly lighted roads etc. its insane


Lots of wild speculation here, based on what? Koh Tao is a wonderful place and maybe if tourists lose interest, it will be even more relaxing to vacation there. I've noticed that people die everywhere in Thailand, every day, from various causes and some are very nasty deaths. In a nation of 63 million, with millions of foreign tourists, the statistics are pointing to 'not much chance of being killed in Thailand' - as say opposed to Mexico or Brazil. From what I see first hand, from the general behavior of a percentage of foreign tourists, there is a larger amount of 'risky' behavior. Risky can mean lots of different things but personally, I don't expect to be able to behave as if there are no 'limits', while on 'vacation'.

We don't need more apologists for Tao. It is a dark, rank place, disguised as paradise. Sure, it is a pretty place. But, beneath the surface, it is a horrible place, ruled by a few vicious overlords, who are stuck in the 13th century. And the lack of law and order makes them incredibly dangerous people to deal with. All tourists are walking on glass the entire time they are on Tao. The slightest provocation can lead to immediate death. There are a few punk gangsters, who have been allowed to commit serial murder, and who come from super rich, piglet families who are totally above the law. All law. Government law, army law, all law. So, what results with a situation like that? Super rich punk ass murderers who have impunity. Not a place I need to spend time. I have been there over 10 times over the years, and I will never go back. Ever. And I am trying to convince every living soul to not go within 10 km. of that crime infested sewer of an island. Stay away. Forever. The risks on Tao are high. Unless you keep yourself locked up in your room. And if you do go, steer clear of every Thai man you can. Many are involved in some pretty dark stuff.


6 tourists under 40 years old all dead on 1 island in 5 months. Where else in the world does that happen?

London, over 100 murders every year?

But the population of London is much larger plus it is one of the top visited cities in the world with millions of visitors. Koh Tao is a small island with too many unexplained/suspicous deaths for the amount of tourists it receives.



Please stop all the conspiracy theories now , and let the facts speak for it self his time.

Koh Tao is still an island that attracts backpackers that want to party and use drugs . Unfortunately the murders in September were not enough to keep young vulnerable people away from Koh Tao .

Drugs are illegal in Thailand. And its thanks to people like you who defend murderous bastards that people still go to that island.

One day you might understand,, but I very much doubt it.

This is a personal attack and will be reported , I do not defend murderers !

It's people like you that make any death a mystery thanks to pure speculation., you are one of 7 here on TV that carry on with your conspiracies

Next time, if we have a normal drowning accident on Koh Tao I am sure you will look at it as a cold blooded murder !


I really do wonder how they can release a Natural cause of death already?

There's no forensic labs on the Island.

It al takes time to do the required tests not overnight.


No profesional law enforcement organization would ever make such a comment prior to the ME/Coroner issuing findings.

Certainly not immediately post-mortem, prior to an autopsy, and processing of any evidence from the scene.

That the mother (allegedly) concurred is disturbing.

Agree wholeheartedly that no Professional law enforcement agency would issue such a statement,. The usual terminology is " At this time,there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death." or if there is then it would be usual for police to state "There are suspicious circumstances surrounding the death/incident." As you state, the cause is for the coroner to advise, not Police.


"So my night ended with two men I repeatedly told I wasn't interested in getting in a bar fight over me. Broken ribs and noses. Intense." Twitter post 15th Jan.

Do you have a link to that.

It's on the CSILA site, apparently an unreliable source, per moderators view, you may need to wait for the update.

Lifted from her Twitter account (before it was closed) an unreliable source?

It is not closed. Just a different spelling.....https://twitter.com/chrstinadarling


Rumour is that the victims body was found in an area of a resort which is owned by the same people as the now infamous AC Bar.

No idea if it's true but that's what I've heard.

A report was published on-line here " http://www.streetwisejournal.com/thailand-backpacker-death-christina-annesley-mystery-death-koh-tao/5109/#.VMEaMYJ6z2c.facebook "

" The officer added that the bungalow is owned by Montriwat Toowichian, the same man who managed the bar where Miller and Witheridge were last seen on the night of 14 September, hours before their deaths."


Rumour is that the victims body was found in an area of a resort which is owned by the same people as the now infamous AC Bar.

No idea if it's true but that's what I've heard.

There is an on-line report here. " http://www.streetwisejournal.com/thailand-backpacker-death-christina-annesley-mystery-death-koh-tao/5109/#.VMEaMYJ6z2c.facebook "

" The officer added that the bungalow is owned by Montriwat Toowichian, the same man who managed the bar where Miller and Witheridge were last seen on the night of 14 September, hours before their deaths."


I really do wonder how they can release a Natural cause of death already?

There's no forensic labs on the Island.

It al takes time to do the required tests not overnight.


No profesional law enforcement organization would ever make such a comment prior to the ME/Coroner issuing findings.

Certainly not immediately post-mortem, prior to an autopsy, and processing of any evidence from the scene.

That the mother (allegedly) concurred is disturbing.

From what I've read in the reports so far its the mum who first stated it was a natural death in a facebook post, some of the media then picked that up then low and behold a very small group of the usual suspect posters began using that as a weapon to stifle any questions or criticisms of this death, even before there is an official statement on the likely cause.

Do I read this correctly?

So as long as there isn't an official statement it is not allowed to consider the death to be of natural causes, even after the mother of the victim has made that announcement, but it is supported that at the same time the conspiracy brigade get on their soap box and even makes insinuations about who murdered the victim and accusses him to be a serial killer.

Yeah I'm sure, I read that correctly.


6 tourists under 40 years old all dead on 1 island in 5 months. Where else in the world does that happen?

London, over 100 murders every year?

London covers an area 75 times larger than koh tao Island. Which means if all 7 of the victims were murdered on the Island within 4 months that would equate in percentages to 525 murders on the Island in 4 months or 1575 murders per year if it were the same size as London. Think I have this right?

Does that not send alarm bells ringing that something extraordinary is happening here?


6 tourists under 40 years old all dead on 1 island in 5 months. Where else in the world does that happen?

London, over 100 murders every year?

London covers an area 75 times larger than koh tao Island. Which means if all 7 of the victims were murdered on the Island within 4 months that would equate in percentages to 525 murders on the Island in 4 months or 7500 murders per year if it were the same size as London. Think I have this right?

Does that not send alarm bells ringing that something extraordinary is happening here?

Wow, now already 7 murders in 4 months, the numbers rising fast. Why not make it 15 right away, saves you some posts.


6 tourists under 40 years old all dead on 1 island in 5 months. Where else in the world does that happen?

London, over 100 murders every year?

Do you know how many of those murders involved tourists?

Also London's population is considerably larger.

London population = 8.3 million

Koh Tao population = 1,300

Tourists visiting London 2014 18.4 million

Koh Tao tourists per year = 100,000

London average population including tourists per year = 26.7 million

Koh Tao average population including tourists per year = 101,300


"Murder Island"...oh for petes sake (rolls eyes). On the bright side, maybe all this negative news will make that place pleasant to visit again....before it was overrun by backpackers.

Those "negative news" include people dying!

I hope you will be happy on your backpacker- free paradise!

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