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Can't afford to live in Thailand anymore


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To add another perspective: In Germany, you are considered poor if you have 900 EUR / month as a single household, but still 10 million Germans survive on that. That is roughly 35,000 THB. You wouldn't considered to be poor (well, there are always people who need to look down on others) in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase but of course you can't take big steps.

And it is always what you make out of it, if you chill with your friends every day and just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty. If you however sit in your room and think about how to safe money on this and that I think you are in the wrong place.

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Interesting. I've been back in my home country(US) for a while and doing some comparisons. I think most consumer prices are similar. Maybe a hair bit cheaper in the US due to WalMart. Only thing that in cheap in Thailand is the LOW monthly rent for studio apartments and the cheap restaurants. In the US I can't find any apartment for less than about $300 a month(10,000 baht) anywhere. But I can find good studio apartments for less than $150 a month in Thai. You can even find rooms for $50 a month in Thai still. So for me, Thai is still a bargain in the accomodation department. It's actually much for affordable to live in Thai for me. I've been priced out of my own country.

You should count yourself lucky. In the UK, you will not get a one bedroom apartment for less that $750 a month. For Brits Thailand is very cheap.

And even if you find a cheap place you get rogered on the council tax.

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To add another perspective: In Germany, you are considered poor if you have 900 EUR / month as a single household, but still 10 million Germans survive on that. That is roughly 35,000 THB. You wouldn't considered to be poor (well, there are always people who need to look down on others) in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase but of course you can't take big steps.

And it is always what you make out of it, if you chill with your friends every day and just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty. If you however sit in your room and think about how to safe money on this and that I think you are in the wrong place.

in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase blink.png

I no think so..

meat dairy product in Germany cheaper Thai 1.5-3 times. if you take a set of fruits and vegetables as a whole that it is also cheaper. And if some like beer on this is ammount? its wery expensive in Thailand , compare with Germany.

after that the quality does not increase. Public transport is partially only in Bangkok
if something happened to my heart. Thailand can die
and of course not cover the costs hospital for 900 EURwink.png
So in Thailand as standart German be more low not any increase...wink.png
just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty
Live even on 10K in Thailand ( or anywhere) can be injoy..
no it does not say that it is cheaper (when compared to the same) than in Germany
And yes fake chines car with logo BMW be cheaper than original BMWbiggrin.png
Edited by ardokano
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I see it more in the way. In Thailand it is possible to live a similar live I have in my homecountry for 2'000€ where in my homecountry 2'000€ is not enough to survive.

The weather is always good (sometimes too hot). And I never had the problem with the electric shortcuts... In the last 2 years was 1 problem for about 3-4 minutes! But yes I know about some districts which have it almost daily... I think this depends in which area you are. In some areas the eletric company shuts down the electric (I heared this rumor) so other hi-so district have no problems. But not sure if this is true or not.

In Thailand it is possible to live a similar live I have in my homecountry for 2'000€ where in my homecountry 2'000€ is not enough to survive.

Please could you write the points of comparison?

But please compare simulare,,

as example alcohol drinks thai people call as beer its not beer as many Europe people used to drinking.

So if say beer in Thailand its mean EXPORT!!!!..

beef its same..

even pork faar away from many europe pork..

sigaret.. in Thailand? its just illigal..

What sell in 7/11 even cant say sigaret.. before i guess in Ukraine-Russian bad sigaret not as US/Europe.. but In Thailand.bah.gif .

Tuk Tuk its NOT taxi!!! and even bus or another public transport in Europe..

Only a few models of scooters, mopeds, motorcycles and pickup trucks in Thailand cheaper use.

And Taxi in Bangkok( another place as not have taxi, not go on meter and not easy get)


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Yes, I built a house - it was my wife's dream to have a house in her village... it was not my dream, but I have enjoyed and benefitted from having the house and being in the village...

We did not finance the house but i paid for it 100% - it was a gift to her. I built it with that understanding, that it would be a security for her for the rest of her life. I did not expect there to be resale value in a small village - and so, a gift.

I had expected it to be more a home base, but it has certainly become a home, w/dogs and raising kids and now it is a family compound.

Sure, I get lunch made for me every once in a while, but I make sure to leave a nice tip under the plate.. [just kidding before I get ridiculous responses]

when I give a gift, I do not expect anything in return.

Your money, your choice and if you want to give her the house upfront without waiting for divorce proceedings, great.

Might as well get it out of the way before the trouble starts, I suppose

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I see it more in the way. In Thailand it is possible to live a similar live I have in my homecountry for 2'000€ where in my homecountry 2'000€ is not enough to survive.

The weather is always good (sometimes too hot). And I never had the problem with the electric shortcuts... In the last 2 years was 1 problem for about 3-4 minutes! But yes I know about some districts which have it almost daily... I think this depends in which area you are. In some areas the eletric company shuts down the electric (I heared this rumor) so other hi-so district have no problems. But not sure if this is true or not.

In Thailand it is possible to live a similar live I have in my homecountry for 2'000€ where in my homecountry 2'000€ is not enough to survive.

Please could you write the points of comparison?

But please compare simulare,,

as example alcohol drinks thai people call as beer its not beer as many Europe people used to drinking.

So if say beer in Thailand its mean EXPORT!!!!..

beef its same..

even pork faar away from many europe pork..

sigaret.. in Thailand? its just illigal..

What sell in 7/11 even cant say sigaret.. before i guess in Ukraine-Russian bad sigaret not as US/Europe.. but In Thailand.bah.gif .

Tuk Tuk its NOT taxi!!! and even bus or another public transport in Europe..

Only a few models of scooters, mopeds, motorcycles and pickup trucks in Thailand cheaper use.

And Taxi in Bangkok( another place as not have taxi, not go on meter and not easy get)



I not drink and not smoke. Yes for most luxury articles you have to pay more than in Europe. Maybe I should not use Europe instead should switzerland, which is my homecountry.

I am coming from switzerland so I will comapre with swiss, (Bangkok with Zürich)

- Condo (2 Bedroom) Zürich not less than 2'000€, little it outside zurich you can find maybe for 1'500€. In Bangkok you can find it for less than 1'500€

- Taxi: In swiss i have to pay from Zurich to my home (about 30-40 Minutes) more than 100€, In Thailand I also need about 30 Minutes with a taxi from airport to my condo (400 baht Include Tollway fee) = 10€

- Normal Food (not good quality meat): Rice with some chicken or Chickensouop: Switzerland about 10-20€, In Bankok i can find it for 2-3€ in a small restaurant maybe have to pay 4-5€

Cars, Quality western food and western Items indeed are more expensive in Thailand. But I am not a person who need to have a BMW or want to eat Rump-steak every day. Yes I eat sometimes a nice meal (last time at Intercontinental Hotel in Bangkok) and it was about the same price I have to pay in a good hotel in Switzerland. So at the end, what is more expensive for me is to buy a Car... To go 3-4 times per week in a restaurant in a shopping mall (200-300 baht per meal) is cheaper as when i go eat in a cheap restaurant in switzerland.

About your TukTuk.. I never use a tuktuk... mostly it is more expensive than a taxi and not even have aircon. So no advantage. In Th

Health Insurance with a good international Insurance company I am also about the same price as I have in Switzerland.

About alcohol and cigarette i can't make any comparision because I have no knowledge about the prices....

But I am sure 100% that I use much less money in Bangkok than I use in switzerland (Area arround zurich). In Bangkok i have a skytrain in walking distance to my condo... In swiss I need a car or a train ride for about 40 minutes to arrive at zurich main-station.

I know this was only a few examples, but the examples which are most important for me.

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To add another perspective: In Germany, you are considered poor if you have 900 EUR / month as a single household, but still 10 million Germans survive on that. That is roughly 35,000 THB. You wouldn't considered to be poor (well, there are always people who need to look down on others) in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase but of course you can't take big steps.

And it is always what you make out of it, if you chill with your friends every day and just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty. If you however sit in your room and think about how to safe money on this and that I think you are in the wrong place.

in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase blink.png

I no think so..

meat dairy product in Germany cheaper Thai 1.5-3 times. if you take a set of fruits and vegetables as a whole that it is also cheaper. And if some like beer on this is ammount? its wery expensive in Thailand , compare with Germany.

after that the quality does not increase. Public transport is partially only in Bangkok
if something happened to my heart. Thailand can die
and of course not cover the costs hospital for 900 EURwink.png
So in Thailand as standart German be more low not any increase...wink.png
just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty
Live even on 10K in Thailand ( or anywhere) can be injoy..
no it does not say that it is cheaper (when compared to the same) than in Germany
And yes fake chines car with logo BMW be cheaper than original BMWbiggrin.png

Of course it will increase, if you want to live in Thailand and have 35,000 THB at disposal you automatically have a better life because you want to live in Thailand and not in Germany, it is a part of enjoyment of life.

You can compare all the foods etc. how expensive they are in Thailand (which expensive food exactly? beer expensive, what are you talking about? blink.png), but in the end, it comes down to what you spend your money on. If you go to Tesco and your local market and buy your stuff, it will be cheaper than everywhere in Europe. If you go to Villa market, it will be not. Some people just cannot imagine how easy the life can be with small budget.

And well, who wants to live in BKK if there isn't any job involvement? The pollution and traffic is just crazy coffee1.gif

The only thing I would agree is health insurance. You would need to take 5,000 THB of your budget for that but not many do and it is their choice anyway.

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- Condo (2 Bedroom) Zürich not less than 2'000€, little it outside zurich you can find maybe for 1'500€. In Bangkok you can find it for less than 1'500€

You should add that the Zurich apartment would be absolute ghetto style while 60,000 THB rents a very nice apartment in BKK. I rented one for 20,000 THB in BKK and it would be called "luxury aparment" in Germany.

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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.



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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.


attachicon.gif!!! ! 11.jpg

And from these people above we need to hear their knowledge about Thailand. 15,000 fkking thousand posts and you lived 1 year in Thailand and hate it. Damn, just WOW.

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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.


attachicon.gif!!! ! 11.jpg

So you're in Salem, Oregon. Well I don't know anything about Salem as I've never been. But a quick Google search:


After analyzing the largest cities here, we came up with this list as the most ghetto places to live in Oregon:

  1. Salem
  2. Lincoln City
  3. Portland
  4. Madras
  5. Astoria
  6. Florence
  7. Eugene
  8. Seaside
  9. Oregon City
  10. Newport


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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

Now we understand all the support for Panama tax dodgers.

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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

Now we understand all the support for Panama tax dodgers.

if the Panama tax dodgers lived in Thailand they wouldn't dodge taxes.

by the way, your comment "now we understand..." just proves that you did not understand anything what i wrote pertaining to offshore corporations and trusts.

reason: what i supported is obviously way beyond your grasp.

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Florida, USA. Now before all of you that are afraid of America because everyone has a gun, realize 500 people just got killed in Thailand in one week during Songkran. I can claim with a fact, there has never been one week in history that 500 people got killed in our town.



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To add another perspective: In Germany, you are considered poor if you have 900 EUR / month as a single household, but still 10 million Germans survive on that. That is roughly 35,000 THB. You wouldn't considered to be poor (well, there are always people who need to look down on others) in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase but of course you can't take big steps.

And it is always what you make out of it, if you chill with your friends every day and just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty. If you however sit in your room and think about how to safe money on this and that I think you are in the wrong place.

in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase blink.png

I no think so..

meat dairy product in Germany cheaper Thai 1.5-3 times. if you take a set of fruits and vegetables as a whole that it is also cheaper. And if some like beer on this is ammount? its wery expensive in Thailand , compare with Germany.

after that the quality does not increase. Public transport is partially only in Bangkok
if something happened to my heart. Thailand can die
and of course not cover the costs hospital for 900 EURwink.png
So in Thailand as standart German be more low not any increase...wink.png
just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty
Live even on 10K in Thailand ( or anywhere) can be injoy..
no it does not say that it is cheaper (when compared to the same) than in Germany
And yes fake chines car with logo BMW be cheaper than original BMWbiggrin.png

Of course it will increase, if you want to live in Thailand and have 35,000 THB at disposal you automatically have a better life because you want to live in Thailand and not in Germany, it is a part of enjoyment of life.

You can compare all the foods etc. how expensive they are in Thailand (which expensive food exactly? beer expensive, what are you talking about? blink.png), but in the end, it comes down to what you spend your money on. If you go to Tesco and your local market and buy your stuff, it will be cheaper than everywhere in Europe. If you go to Villa market, it will be not. Some people just cannot imagine how easy the life can be with small budget.

And well, who wants to live in BKK if there isn't any job involvement? The pollution and traffic is just crazy coffee1.gif

The only thing I would agree is health insurance. You would need to take 5,000 THB of your budget for that but not many do and it is their choice anyway.

If you go to Tesco and your local market and buy your stuff, it will be cheaper than everywhere in Europe.

cheaper than in Europe?
meat 2-4 times more expensive than in Europe.
dairy 2-4 times more expensive than in Europe.
if you are from Germany. where the normal buying bread? It exceeds sometimes I from Russia and Ukraine even from Hongkong.
Cereals? You're from Germany. Show me the cheapest cereals in Thailand.
yes can live even on 10k b and injoy life in Thailand.
but say simmular life be cheapest in Thailand it Total WRONG!!!
AND YES BEER in THAILAND @_# TIMES expensive than in Germany and choice beer 20 times less or more
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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.


attachicon.gif!!! ! 11.jpg

how many people have been shot dead by the police in the last month in your "civic pride" place?
In Oregon.. none!

isn't that off topic?

Hey guys, if beer is your mark of a place to live, remember, beer is sweet like sugar, yeah?

Especially crap beer, and they means your immune system takes a nap for a few hours when encountering sugar..according to bbc...so drinking water is better. .


Aloha, anyway

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Tesco (owned by Walmart) in the UK is way cheaper than Tesco in Thailand for almost everything.

Tesco in Thailand appears to me to be a premium store, rather than the discount store it is in the UK.

The biggest differences between some EU countries and Thailand is housing, eating out, tax and women.

England and Germany being very high priced countries for all 4.

Edited by BritManToo
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In Thailand it is possible to live a similar live I have in my homecountry for 2'000€ where in my homecountry 2'000€ is not enough to survive.

Please could you write the points of comparison?

But please compare simulare,,

as example alcohol drinks thai people call as beer its not beer as many Europe people used to drinking.

So if say beer in Thailand its mean EXPORT!!!!..

beef its same..

even pork faar away from many europe pork..

sigaret.. in Thailand? its just illigal..

What sell in 7/11 even cant say sigaret.. before i guess in Ukraine-Russian bad sigaret not as US/Europe.. but In Thailand.bah.gif .

Tuk Tuk its NOT taxi!!! and even bus or another public transport in Europe..

Only a few models of scooters, mopeds, motorcycles and pickup trucks in Thailand cheaper use.

And Taxi in Bangkok( another place as not have taxi, not go on meter and not easy get)



I not drink and not smoke. Yes for most luxury articles you have to pay more than in Europe. Maybe I should not use Europe instead should switzerland, which is my homecountry.

I am coming from switzerland so I will comapre with swiss, (Bangkok with Zürich)

- Condo (2 Bedroom) Zürich not less than 2'000€, little it outside zurich you can find maybe for 1'500€. In Bangkok you can find it for less than 1'500€

- Taxi: In swiss i have to pay from Zurich to my home (about 30-40 Minutes) more than 100€, In Thailand I also need about 30 Minutes with a taxi from airport to my condo (400 baht Include Tollway fee) = 10€

- Normal Food (not good quality meat): Rice with some chicken or Chickensouop: Switzerland about 10-20€, In Bankok i can find it for 2-3€ in a small restaurant maybe have to pay 4-5€

Cars, Quality western food and western Items indeed are more expensive in Thailand. But I am not a person who need to have a BMW or want to eat Rump-steak every day. Yes I eat sometimes a nice meal (last time at Intercontinental Hotel in Bangkok) and it was about the same price I have to pay in a good hotel in Switzerland. So at the end, what is more expensive for me is to buy a Car... To go 3-4 times per week in a restaurant in a shopping mall (200-300 baht per meal) is cheaper as when i go eat in a cheap restaurant in switzerland.

About your TukTuk.. I never use a tuktuk... mostly it is more expensive than a taxi and not even have aircon. So no advantage. In Th

Health Insurance with a good international Insurance company I am also about the same price as I have in Switzerland.

About alcohol and cigarette i can't make any comparision because I have no knowledge about the prices....

But I am sure 100% that I use much less money in Bangkok than I use in switzerland (Area arround zurich). In Bangkok i have a skytrain in walking distance to my condo... In swiss I need a car or a train ride for about 40 minutes to arrive at zurich main-station.

I know this was only a few examples, but the examples which are most important for me.

I will comapre with swiss, (Bangkok with Zürich)


Are you seriously? I'm asked for a comparison with the simular

I've never seen in Zurich, piles of garbage and stinking alleys, stinky oil stains from street vendors not more 500 m from appartment cost 120k B per month as in Bangkok.

Normal Food (not good quality meat)

From Where in Zürich come its meeat?

From Thailand?gigglem.gif

good beef( in Geneva i not see no good) in Geneva start near 18-20F

Great milk 1-1.5F per litr.

In Thailand how much?

Health Insurance with a good international Insurance company I am also about the same price as I have in Switzerland.


You compare the Swiss medicine (many people from other countries are willing to pay to be treated in Switzerland) withy Thailand?biggrin.png

Cars, Quality western food and western Items indeed are more expensive in Thailand..

So?? you say western ALLmast expensive in Thailand?

SO how its can it is possible to live a similar live

With out any western?

But I am sure 100% that I use much less money in Bangkok than I use in switzerland (Area arround zurich). In Bangkok i have a skytrain in walking distance to my condo... In swiss I need a car or a train ride for about 40 minutes to arrive at zurich main-station.


You are comparing a walk on the smelly streets of Bangkok , with a comfortable ride in a vehicle on great roads of Switzerland (by the way the air in Switzerland wonderful)?cheesy.gif

Ha hA

yes .. Buy chines bike its be less money than New Bentley..(your comparison is same)

But its not be simulargigglem.gif

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currently living in Portugal beats largely living in Thailand, you could live a very comfortable life for less than 900$ -30K Bht per month , great seafood and wine, sunny climate, splendid beaches, no income taxes and very friendly and welcoming government, you can open and run businesses as a foreigner without paying any taxes.

Edited by marcofunny
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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

Now we understand all the support for Panama tax dodgers.

if the Panama tax dodgers lived in Thailand they wouldn't dodge taxes.

by the way, your comment "now we understand..." just proves that you did not understand anything what i wrote pertaining to offshore corporations and trusts.

reason: what i supported is obviously way beyond your grasp.

To be honest I rarely read your posts.

Don't take it personally, but anything pertaining finances just flies over my head as I find the subject extremely boring and tedious.

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Tesco (owned by Walmart) in the UK is way cheaper than Tesco in Thailand for almost everything.

Tesco in Thailand appears to me to be a premium store, rather than the discount store it is in the UK.

The biggest differences between some EU countries and Thailand is housing, eating out, tax and women.

England and Germany being very high priced countries for all 4.

tax blink.png

How much you pay as Thailand resident ,on income derived in Thailand?


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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

In Thailand you have saving on income tax € or $100,000 ?cheesy.gif

I do not see any legal ways to save..

Ofcouse if compare simular( In thailand tax from income Thailand whit Tax US from Income US)


AND YES small crimes activity in Thailand can be doing easy/ cheaper).. But we not talking about crime..

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Tesco (owned by Walmart) in the UK is way cheaper than Tesco in Thailand for almost everything.

Tesco in Thailand appears to me to be a premium store, rather than the discount store it is in the UK.

The biggest differences between some EU countries and Thailand is housing, eating out, tax and women.

England and Germany being very high priced countries for all 4.

How much you pay as Thailand resident ,on income derived in Thailand?

I'm not a Thai resident, only here a couple of months a year now, and Thai's couldn't afford to employ me.

Edited by BritManToo
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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.


!!! ! 11.jpg

im familiar with places like salem and they are as you describe.

comfortable, clean, safe and a good place to raise families. the problem is they get boring real fast and lack excitement and you start going a little stir crazy.

people start focusing on dumb things like stupid pet tricks and kiddie outfits. when you come in as an outsider it feels a little weird and you dont 'get it' at first.

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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

Now we understand all the support for Panama tax dodgers.

if the Panama tax dodgers lived in Thailand they wouldn't dodge taxes.

by the way, your comment "now we understand..." just proves that you did not understand anything what i wrote pertaining to offshore corporations and trusts.

reason: what i supported is obviously way beyond your grasp.

I didn't understand you either, and I regard myself as reasonably intelligent!!

Are you saying you save 100,000 Euros in tax, in which case your gross salary or earnings from investments must be around 250,000 Euros a year, although without knowing the tax rates I'm just guessing.

Well you would do well to spend 250,000 Euros a year living in Thailand if that's the case.

Or maybe I'm not that clever after all.

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Tesco (owned by Walmart) in the UK is way cheaper than Tesco in Thailand for almost everything.

Tesco in Thailand appears to me to be a premium store, rather than the discount store it is in the UK.

The biggest differences between some EU countries and Thailand is housing, eating out, tax and women.

England and Germany being very high priced countries for all 4.

Why do you think Tesco Uk is owned by Walmart??

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Tesco (owned by Walmart) in the UK is way cheaper than Tesco in Thailand for almost everything.

Tesco in Thailand appears to me to be a premium store, rather than the discount store it is in the UK.

The biggest differences between some EU countries and Thailand is housing, eating out, tax and women.

England and Germany being very high priced countries for all 4.

Why do you think Tesco Uk is owned by Walmart??

Maybe it was Asda ....... one of them got bought out.

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Tesco (owned by Walmart) in the UK is way cheaper than Tesco in Thailand for almost everything.

Tesco in Thailand appears to me to be a premium store, rather than the discount store it is in the UK.

The biggest differences between some EU countries and Thailand is housing, eating out, tax and women.

England and Germany being very high priced countries for all 4.

Why do you think Tesco Uk is owned by Walmart??

Maybe it was Asda ....... one of them got bought out.

Asda IS owned by Walmart. Not TESCO. Who owns Tesco/Lotus? Well apparently Ek-Chai Distribution System Co., Ltd. It was started by CP who then sold their shareholding. You would need to be a 24 hour detective to work out the relationships between supermarkets. Tops sells Waitrose products. Bog C sells Casino products

Was a little fracas a while ago when the Chearavanont Family wanted to buy it. Think Tesco said No!

Tesco/Lotus Thailand sells, in my view, expensive rubbish. In the UK it sells cheap rubbish You can live more cheaply in the UK, USA, France etc than Thailand if you want anything other than street food.

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